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Chapter 1030 God Comes Out

Chapter 1030 God Comes Out
Since ancient times, only after death, the soul will be sent to the underworld under the guidance of ghost messengers.

But if it is said, I want to go to the underground to visit in advance, okay?

Hey, this definitely won't work.

As the saying goes, yin and yang are different, living people cannot go to the underworld, and even when they reach the underworld, they cannot adapt to the environment of the underworld, which will cause great harm to themselves.

However, this is the case under normal circumstances, and things are not absolute.

There are not a few ways to reach the nether world through some strange techniques.

Taoism has the technique of the primordial spirit coming out of the body and opening up yin and yang by force.

There are countless folk magic arts, such as ghost walkers, witches, fairy families, etc., all have ways to sneak into the netherworld.

And the master escaped into the nether world again and again in order to find the ingredients of Biquandan.

It is even more convenient for Xu Tong, who can directly enter the underworld through the gap between reality and reality.

Speaking of it, it seems that when the master created the Baishan button, it was more convenient to get in and out of the underworld.

It was only when Xu Tong made preparations and used the mountain bow to go home, he found that the master, master, and wife were not at home.

Not even the goddess is there.

Xu Tong hurriedly found Mr. Mei and asked him to find out. Not long after, the master received Du Ziren's edict, asking him to go there as soon as possible.

So we set off early.


The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, he was really afraid of something, so he hurriedly said: "Where are the mistress and the heavenly girl? Why didn't they stop them??"

Others don't know that the underworld is dangerous, but the mistress and the goddess must know that it is precisely because of the presence of the mistress that I have been concentrating on running Laojunfang during this period of time.

"Stop it, I can't stop it, Du Ziren's imperial edict has been sent, your master has to go no matter what, your wife is not good to come forward, let the heavenly girl and your master talk, but it still didn't stop, the two simply followed Let's go together."

Mrs. Mei said with a smile; "It is estimated that Mrs. Ni is secretly happy in her heart. She will not have many opportunities to enter the Hades in an open manner."

When Xu Tong heard this, he also lost his temper. He co-authored that this was to let his grandson see the Peach Garden, and give it away for nothing.

Xu Tong nodded, but another thing came to his mind: "By the way, Mr. Mei, one thing, is there any cause and effect between Taoist Plum Blossom and me, or in other words, is there any cause and effect between Plum Blossom's lineage and me? "


Even Mr. Mei was confused by this sentence.

Xu Tong could only tell Mr. Mei about seeing Taoist Plum Blossom and the painting left by Taoist Plum Blossom.

Among them are the words of Taoist Plum Blossom.

After hearing this, Old Mei's expression gradually became serious, as if he was recalling something carefully.

After a while, Mr. Mei glanced at Xu Tong sideways, and shook his head: "I don't know, it's just that Taoist Plum Blossom is unusual. Since he said so, there must be such a reason. Although I am the root of the Plum Blossom lineage , but I don’t know as much as Taoist Plum Blossom.”

What Mr. Mei said is true, he is a plum tree blessed by nature, and it is his job to inherit haganism, but other than that, most of what he knows and hears is what the Taoist plum blossom said, or through his own The observation of Plum Blossom Village is known.

So if Taoist Plum Blossom hadn't talked to Xu Tongming, then it would be useless to ask him.

Seeing that he didn't ask the reason, Xu Tong could only sigh, and was about to leave for the underworld. Maybe he would have an answer to this matter in the underworld.

"You're going to hell!"

When Mr. Mei saw that Xu Tong was planning to go to Yincao, he immediately felt something was wrong, but knowing that he couldn't stop him, after thinking twice, he took out a piece of wood and handed it to Xu Tong.

This wood looks inconspicuous, but it is extremely strange and heavy. Xu Tong feels like holding a millstone in his hand.

"This is a piece of my tree core. Since you have already got the plum blossom hairpin, you must know the plum bone substitute method. If you are in danger, use this technique to destroy it. At least you will be safe."

When Xu Tong heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he was about to return it in a hurry.

The tree core is too precious, it is the foundation of Mei Lao's practice, even though it is such a small piece, it is also a vital lifeblood for Mei Lao.

"Take it!"

Old Mei looked a little sad: "Before Taoist Plum Blossom made a big fuss, I also thought about giving this thing to him, but I hesitated for a while and didn't say it, which made him completely cut off his fairy relationship. Every time I think about it, I regret it. And, now you are going to play in the dark, this is fate, God gave me a chance, if you don't take it, I will be ashamed for the rest of my life."

There are three people in his life who taught the Dharma, one is Yu Ji, the other is Taoist Plum Blossom, and the other is Xu Tong.

But in terms of feelings, the relationship between Taoist Plum Blossom and Elder Mei is the deepest.

It is not an exaggeration for Mr. Mei to regard it as his own, but it is because of this incident that Mr. Mei has a knot in his heart.

Now Xu Tong is his last successor, in his opinion, this is the opportunity God gave him.

Of course, he also hoped from the bottom of his heart that Xu Tong could come back safely.

Seeing that Mr. Mei had reached this point, Xu Tong didn't dare to refuse any more, and bowed respectfully before getting up to leave.

It is a shortcut to lead to the nether world between the virtual and the real.

It's just that the route is not easy, Xu Tong still needs to call Mei Da to lead the way.

Passing through a dry forest in the back mountain, a rugged path appeared in front of Xu Tong. If Mei Da did not lead the way, Xu Tong might not be able to find this route if he just asked himself to find it.

"Going out along this road is Netherland Dry Leaf Mountain, and going east is the City of Death."

After Mei Da finished speaking, she looked at Xu Tong: "Do you really don't want me to go with you?"

"No, just take care of your home with peace of mind."

Then Xu Tong signaled to Mei Da that after he went in, he would find a way to hide this road. After all, if there was any turmoil in the underworld, and his home was connected to Yin and Yang, many people would definitely think of this road.

Mei Da said that Mr. Mei has already prepared for this point. After Xu Tong leaves, Mr. Mei will plant a row of plum trees on this road to seal the intersection, and then arrange a set of ecstasy formations to ensure that outsiders cannot enter. Come.

After bidding farewell to Mei Da, Xu Tong turned around and walked into the trail. His steps were fast, often thousands of meters away in one step.

But even so, Xu Tong walked this road for more than half an hour before going out.

After getting out of the woods, a decaying smell hits. Looking around the mountain full of skeletons, in the distance is a mountain top piled up with countless graves.

But from a distance, it looks more like a huge tomb.

"The land of the underworld is so big, should we first go to the City of Death to find fools, or go to Luofu Mountain to find Master and the others?"

After thinking for a while, Xu Tong planned to go to the City of Dead Death first, which is closer, and go there first to have a look. It would be best if he can meet a fool, and if the fool is not there, he might as well go to the Underworld to find out.

Now that he had made a decision, Xu Tong called out Xunlei, and no matter what the prohibition was, he rode on Xunlei and went straight to the City of Death.

It was at the same time that Xu Tong was leaving for the city of death in vain.

There was an abnormally heavy rainstorm in the weather in L City.

The sudden heavy rainfall instantly engulfed the roads of the entire city.

Many people have never seen such a heavy rainstorm in half their lives.

Outside the gate of the Fifth Hospital, security guards kept building a flood belt with sandbags, but water was still pouring into the hospital.

"Boom rumble..."

The thunder and lightning in the sky became more and more dense, making people feel as if a hole had collapsed in the sky, one after another, the rolling thunder sound hit, making people tremble with fear.


Suddenly, there was a piercing thunder, and several nurses were frightened and crouched on the ground.

Even the carefree female head nurse on weekdays was frightened and cried by the terrifying thunder.

But what makes people feel weird is that in the face of such terrible extreme weather, the mentally ill patients in the hospital are very quiet.

In particular, the three critically ill patients sat on chairs in the corridor, watching the heavy rain outside, so quiet that it made people feel scared.

"What are you doing sitting here??"

Seeing these three guys, the doctor stepped forward and asked curiously, then pointed to the lightning flashing above his head: "Aren't you afraid?"

The three shook their heads, and the elderly man among them glanced at the doctor: "This is the sky cleaning the world. There are too many ghosts on the ground. When a few thunders fell, the ghosts were scared away."

"No, no, this is God crying, the world is about to fall into chaos, and God is warning you!"

Another patient spoke up.

"It's not right, God has come out, and we have to wait for God here."

The three people had different accents, but the doctor was amused by them instead, thinking that this might be an opportunity to observe them up close, which might be helpful for his thesis, so he simply sat down and watched the rain with them.

"The three of you said that there is a god, but what is the god like?? If he really appeared, would you make a wish to him?"

The doctor tried to chat with the three.

But when the three of them heard the words, they turned their heads in unison and looked at the doctor with eyes like looking at an idiot.

But this did not make the doctor feel angry, but felt that this was the reaction that a normal person should have.

It's just that the words of the next patient began to become weird; "It's very simple to understand God, and there is only one way."


The doctor pushed his glasses frame and asked curiously.

I saw a patient pointing to the open space in the heavy rain.

"Do you remember that building?"


The doctor turned his head, there is no building in the empty space.

"Isn't that demolished?"

"It's the future building that's being demolished. The old building is still there. If you don't believe me, go ahead and see if it's still there."

The doctor shook his head and thought it was ridiculous, but he stood up: "Okay, I'll go over and have a look, do you want to go together?"

The three of them shook their heads in unison.

Seeing this, the doctor looked at the open space, but he didn't know what was going on. A strong sense of strangeness came over him, as if a call was calling him to walk over.

"Is there really a building??"

When this thought came up, the doctor was also taken aback. He patted his forehead, thinking that he was too tired recently, so he started thinking wildly.

He simply ignored the three of them, and when he was about to go back to his office, the sound of the rainstorm suddenly disappeared.


The sound of an iron door being pushed open reached the doctor's ears, and the sound of metal rubbing against each other made the doctor's hairs stand up uncontrollably.

A cool wind with a pungent bloody smell hit him, making all the muscles in his body tremble uncontrollably.

The doctor suddenly raised his head, only to see the three mental patients in the distance prostrate on the ground like devout believers.


In a trance, a melodious trumpet sounded in his ears, which made the doctor feel unprecedented panic. His consciousness seemed to travel back thousands of years in an instant, and he saw his past life and present life.

It's just that at that time, I was tied up on the altar with five flowers, and was thrown into the Yangtze River under the worship of the people.

The predestined sacrifice, past and present, had already been predestined to end thousands of years ago.

"what is this???"

Seeing himself being thrown into the Yangtze River, the doctor finally couldn't help but take a step back, only to realize that he didn't know when he was standing outside an iron gate.

The iron door in front of him slowly opened, and one foot slowly walked out of the iron door. The moment the skinny sole of the foot stepped out of the iron door, the muscles on the instep gradually became full.

Before the foot hit the ground, the black boots had already covered the foot.

"If you want to see the gods, first of all, you have to offer sacrifices to the gods. This is a basic courtesy!"

The hoarse voice echoed in the empty corridor.

The doctor's pupils tightened, and he turned around and wanted to escape, but as soon as he turned around, his body fell weakly to the ground.

"My hands... my feet..."

The doctor who fell to the ground realized that not only was he naked all over his body, but even his body was aging rapidly.

"Be grateful to time, your time will merge with God's time and become a part of God, that is eternity!!"

Behind the iron gate, a black robe fell on the ground, and a figure slowly stepped out of the iron gate. Wherever it passed, the surrounding time began to distort.

The doctor stared wide-eyed, watching his body quickly turn into gravel, perhaps until the moment of death, he finally realized in his heart that he was the so-called sacrifice.

"Old man, it's time to find our children!"

A hand under the robe was slowly raised, and time gradually solidified into crystal clear fragments on his fingertips.

As the number of fragments increased, a mirror appeared in front of the robe. Looking at the thin face in the mirror, the man's deep eyes gradually reflected a figure riding on the giant eagle: "I found you..."

 Headache, nausea, I want to go to bed early tonight, no more, sorry everyone, good night, oh, sitting up in shock in the dying illness, I still have to shout: "Please ask for a ticket! Ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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