Infinite script kill

Chapter 1045 Underground Palace

When the figures of Xu Tong and Ni reappeared, there was a black world of scorched earth in front of them.

Xu Tong looked at the black soil under his feet, stretched out his hand to squeeze it, and saw that the soil here was like rabbit droppings.

Looking around, the world in front of me is pitch black, lifeless.

There is a huge mountain in the distance, like a black spar, reflecting a rainbow-like luster.

"What is this place?? Why is it like this??"

Xu Tong looked around curiously.

As far as the eye can see, apart from the mountain in the distance, there is no other life to speak of.

Ni ignored Xu Tong's question, but put his palm lightly on the dirt in front of him, grabbed a handful of dirt and put it to his mouth, took a deep breath greedily, and his eyes gradually became a little darker.

Then Ni looked at the mountain in the distance, and walked towards the mountain.

This mountain is very tall, and it is not inferior to Youshan.

It's just that the mountain has been completely crystallized at this moment, and when Xu Tong stepped on it, there would be a clicking sound.

Xu Tong tried to throw a stone into the item book.

In the end, the item book gave him only two words: "gray crystal"

Apart from these two words, there is no other introduction.

It seems that the things here, apart from a name, have no value at all.

Xu Tong glanced at Ni. This guy seemed to be in a particularly bad mood after he came here. Facing such a grumpy guy, Xu Tong wisely chose to shut up.

The two walked all the way to the top of the mountain by stepping on the spar that was about to shatter at any time. At this time, Xu Tong looked around and found that far, far away, there was still lifeless ashes.

It seems that there is no other color in this world, only endless despair.

At this time, Ni stopped, lowered his body, gently pushed away the black mud on the ground, and a stone tablet appeared in front of Ni.

There were golden veins left on the stele, and Ni's breathing gradually became rapid. His fingers gently stroked the stele, as if stroking his former lover.

The moment his fingers touched the stele, Xu Tong discovered that the marks on his body resonated with the handwriting on the stele.

In an instant, Xu Tong's eyes flickered, and a vibrant world appeared in front of him.

There are countless ethnic elves in this world, full of vitality, like a paradise.

Xu Tong also saw many people who looked like Ni, but most of them only had four arms.

Their way of communicating is to resonate with golden wrinkles on their bodies.

"Is this Ni's hometown??"

Seeing this, Xu Tong probably guessed in his heart that this might be Ni's home, but after Ni was suppressed, it was destroyed by the gods and turned into scorched earth.


Just as Xu Tong was guessing in his mind, a loud explosion shattered the illusion in front of him, and he saw Ni Hei face, punching the stone tablet in front of him to pieces.

Then one foot slammed on the ground.


Immediately, a crack pierced through the mountain directly, and the huge gap even began to penetrate towards the ground until it penetrated into the abyss tens of thousands of feet below the mountain and finally stopped.

At this time, Ni ignored Xu Tong, and jumped directly.

Watching Ni's figure gradually disappear into the dark abyss, Xu Tong glanced at the cooldown time of [Sky Prisoner].

Just thinking about it, Xu Tong had no choice but to give up that unrealistic idea, gritted his teeth, and jumped into the abyss following Ni's figure after thinking that Ni's imprint was still left on his shoulder.

Xu Tong didn't know how deep this abyss was, but he fell directly into it like this, and didn't reach the bottom until more than ten minutes.

However, as the depth of the fall continued to increase, the original black soil had gradually disappeared.

Xu Tong even smelled a smell of earth. Using his clairvoyance, he found that there was still a faint vitality in the soil under the abyss.

It's some weird reptiles.

This is good news. It shows that this world has not been completely destroyed. At least under the abyss, there is still life left. Maybe it only needs to wait for tens of thousands of years, and it is not certain that new life will be born here.

As the body continued to fall, Xu Tong found that the surrounding soil layer began to show a dark red stone wall. What surprised him even more was that there seemed to be traces of artificial carving on the stone wall, but it was too long. The traces have become blurred.

Immediately, Xu Tong let go of his thoughts and explored his consciousness towards the surroundings, only to find that there was an underground palace hidden in the deepest place.

"Could it be that the reason for the reversal is precisely because of this underground palace!"

With curiosity, Xu Tong accelerated his fall, and finally after more than ten minutes, Xu Tong turned over and landed lightly on the ground.

In front of him, it turned out to be a huge underground palace. On the surrounding walls, there were carved statues that looked exactly like Ni.

There are also many light golden textures on the side.

Seeing these textures, Xu Tong couldn't help but move his heart, and tried to put his arm on it.

Immediately, these textures resonated subtly with the marks on his shoulders.

Strands of strange information appeared in Xu Tong's mind.

"The Rakshasa Demon Transformation!"

Xu Tong realized carefully that it was actually a unique method of cultivation. Practitioners can make their own thoughts go through a special arrangement to evolve into the magical appearance of Rakshasa gods.

"It turns out that these golden words are the inheritance left by Ni's ethnic group. Fortunately, I have the imprint of Ni on my body, otherwise I would definitely not be able to understand the above information through resonance."

Xu Tong secretly rejoiced, this is not what he lacks the most now, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

But after he felt it carefully for a moment, he frowned and chose to give up this practice method.

It's not that this set of gods and demons is not strong enough, but that it is not suitable for me, but although it is not suitable, the way of practice has inspired me a lot.

Immediately, Xu Tong continued to walk deep.

As long as you see the golden lines, you will stop and try to comprehend the content.

Some of these are the inheritance of exercises, and some are records about the Ni group.

When Xu Tong's hand touched a rock wall, his eyes were suddenly covered by golden rays of light.

Two figures appeared in the sky. When the picture gradually became clear, Xu Tong's eyes widened suddenly. One of them was Ni, and the other was his father, Prisoner.

The prisoner in a white robe held a long crystal-like stick in his hand to fight against the enemy.

At this time, the prisoner was completely different from the blurred face I saw in my memory, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the world of heaven.

The figures of the two, either the eagle rushing and the pendant spinning, or the tiger leaping at the dragon, were entangled together and collided one after another. This was simply unimaginable, a pure life-and-death confrontation.

Brilliant light erupted from the central area, like ten suns exploding at the same time!
I saw that my father was waving a crystal stick in his hand, and every time he waved it, the world around him was changed along with it.

There are scorching deserts, seas full of storms, and vast starry sky. Every time the world changes, my father can always use the power of this world to create an absolute advantage for himself.

In contrast, Ni's method is simple and straightforward. He holds the battle ax in his hand, and the dazzling ripples drawn by the ax and the long stick in his father's hand touch together, and an unparalleled impact erupts between the two, like To penetrate the world of the ten directions.


The sky collapsed, the sky in ten directions collapsed, and in the end it was my father who smashed Ni down into the sky with a stick.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tong's heart beat faster.

Just as he was engrossed in watching it, he suddenly felt a hand behind him pat on his shoulder, and his spirit flickered, waking up from the record.

Looking back, my heart skipped a beat, I saw Ni staring at him unkindly, and then glanced at the wall behind him.

"You saw it all!"

Inverse asked with a cold face.

Xu Tong swallowed and nodded, "My father is very strong, but he won you by playing dirty tricks. If it happens again, the outcome may be unpredictable."

Xu Tong is full of desire to survive. Although Ni has said that he will not take his father's blame on himself, but after all, he has been beaten by his father. place to cry.


When Ni heard this, he immediately sneered, and unceremoniously pierced Xu Tong's careful thinking; "Forget it, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. It's useless to say that."

After speaking, he gave Xu Tong a squinting look: "You are not like him at all, you are a ruffian who changes the direction of the wind."

"Uh... a nephew looks like an uncle."

Xu Tong never forgot to wear the old magic stick, then turned his eyes and found that there was an extra black battle ax in Ni's hand.

This tomahawk was the same weapon he had used when fighting his father.

"You came back just to take this?"

Xu Tong looked at this battle axe. The black axe looked a bit rough and uneven in workmanship, but looking carefully at the cracks of the axe, there was a faint golden light flowing.

Shaking the ax backwards, he nodded: "There is nothing worthy of my nostalgia in this place, but there are still some inheritances left by the tribe. If you like it, you can take a look here yourself."

After Ni finished speaking, he looked at Xu Tong meaningfully: "I saved you this time because I still owed your father a favor not to kill, and now I will pay him back. Catching you, a pure blood descendant like you, is the best sacrifice for him!"

The gods are good at offering sacrifices, whether they are the gods born before the creation of the world, or the second generation, or even the third generation of gods, [sacrifice] is the core that they cannot bypass.

The more valuable the sacrifice, the stronger the power that can be exchanged for.

So next time if Xu Tong falls into Kong's hands, nine out of ten he will be chopped up and put on the altar.

"Then... what are you going to do??"

Seeing that Ni was about to leave, Xu Tong took this opportunity to ask more questions.

If these old fellows wanted to avenge Xiangxi Queen Mother and the others, Xu Tong would be more than happy to stand by their side, but Xu Tong always had a hunch that their purpose was not as simple as that.

Ni didn't stop, but said as he walked: "This world has already decayed, what we want is eternity!"

Until Ni's figure disappeared, Xu Tong didn't understand what they wanted for eternity, but since he couldn't figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it, turned around and looked at the golden mark on the wall in front of him, hesitated, and continued. Explore the depths of the hall...

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