"Head, I'm back!"

Gao Zhuo walked into the room, and after drinking a glass of water, he said to Xu Tong, "You didn't go, you were so bored that I just dozed off!"

It turned out that since Xu Tong received the invitation letter from the Spear God Group last time, he gave the invitation letter to Gao Zhuo, asking him to represent Laojunfang to participate in the alliance meeting.

No way, who made this guy more free.

After Gu Xibai received the inheritance from Xu Tong, he spends almost every day practicing in the arena. Because of his relationship with Yan Xiaoqi, even if Yan Xiaoqi is not around, he can still enjoy special treatment in the arena.

Chang Wuzhi has been concentrating on cultivating the transformation of gods and demons recently. Relying on Yeluqi's identity, this guy suddenly felt the feeling of a father's love from Xiao Leshan. torso.

Now coupled with the transformation of the gods and demons, coupled with his proficiency in assassination techniques, there are faint signs of a breakthrough in his strength.

So during this time, Chang Wuzhi soaked himself in the training ground.

The training ground is different from the arena. The training ground is more suitable for making cars behind closed doors, while the arena is constantly fighting with other masters.

It's hard to say which of the two is better.

As for Li Bo, this guy is very busy right now, and Xu Tong will go to see how this guy's delivery is going.

"Let's talk about the key points."

Xu Tong signaled Gao Zhuo to pick up the important information, and Gao Zhuo took out a small conical object and placed it in front of Xu Tong.

Xu Tong picked it up and took a look, only to feel that this thing was made extremely exquisitely, but he couldn't see what it was for for a while.

"Head, this is the boundary map. The gods really did bloodletting this time. In order to facilitate the alliance's attack, even everyone who attended the meeting will have a boundary map in their hands."

As Gao Zhuo said, he opened the so-called boundary map in front of Xu Tong.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the top of the cone, appearing in front of Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

The function of this boundary map is similar to that of a map, the only difference is that a map is a plane drawing, while a boundary map is a three-dimensional figure.

A huge conical beam of light extended from Xu Tong's hand to the roof.

Looking at it, it looks like a beam of light.

But if you look carefully, there is a golden signal on the beam of light. If you click on it at will, it will unfold quickly, and at the same time, the time point and background of this layer will emerge.

This is the boundary map. Every signal mark on it is a point in time. What happens at this point in time can be controlled by the gods to form a separate world.

And this is called the scripted world.

The so-called door is a crack at the intersection of time. As long as you enter it smoothly, you can travel through any script world along the time tunnel in the middle.

This world map itself is an absolutely confidential thing, not to mention Gao Zhuo, even Bu Luan can't get it easily.

But this time the gods actually sent out the boundary map directly, although this is not a complete boundary map, because it only has vertical marks and no horizontal marks.

The complete boundary map has a horizontal axis, and at the same time, you can check the script world generated in other directions in the world at this time node.

Theoretically speaking, it only needs to make some slight changes before and after the time node, and several different script worlds can be created at the same time node.

After Gao Zhuo clicked on it a few times, several time nodes marked in red appeared.

"These time points are script worlds occupied by players from the western camp. This time, the alliance will descend from these script worlds and clean up all the players from the western camp in these script worlds."

With a pull of Gao Zhuo's hands, this period of time is completely unfolded. Although it is a time period, there are a total of twelve script worlds accumulated on it.

Most of the script worlds have turned red, and only a small part is light blue, representing the original script world.

"This is what they planned
In the area given to us, players from other teams will not come here to compete with us. Of course, if some scattered players enter, it will be another story. At least we will not encounter other teams in the six regiments here. "

It turned out that the so-called alliance meeting was more like a spoils sharing meeting.

Discussing how to carve up the script world occupied by the Western camp.

You must know that after these script worlds are occupied by players, they will inevitably undergo large-scale changes, such as large-scale planting of a certain kind of magic medicine, or transforming the entire world, integrating the resources of the entire world, and so on.

Anyway, as long as it is occupied, it will definitely be a lucrative business for players.

Of course, if you don't participate in this alliance, your team and even the player will be severely punished.

Even if there is an industry at the exhibition, the industry will even be shut down.

So even if Xu Tong doesn't want to participate, he still can't do without Laojunfang, a money-making machine.


Xu Tong nodded, saying that this can be played for fun, even if it is a formality, after all, no one would think that there are too few things like resources.

But what Xu Tong wants to know more is what the purpose of the gods is.

He has always believed in the principle of equivalent exchange.

The gods are so generous to the player this time, maybe they have to use other methods to collect it from the player.

This operation will be launched in twelve days. This period of time is just enough for Xu Tong and the others to seize the time to improve their strength as much as possible.

"Let's go and see what's going on with Li Bo!"

Xu Tong stood up and took Gao Zhuo to the third floor, only to see that the third floor had been emptied, and on the ground were eighteen teleportation beacons forming a large-scale teleportation array.

This is the teleportation array newly researched by Master, the boundary-breaking teleportation beacon.

Of course, the teleportation success rate of this thing is not high, only 100% success rate, and now these teleportation beacons have to be strengthened to the level of plus [-], in order to guarantee [-]% completion of the teleportation.

Fortunately, the strengthening cost of these teleportation beacons is not high, and Master's dividends and research funds are completely sufficient.

When Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo stood on it and activated the teleportation, they felt a tremor in front of them, and were immediately dragged into the new space by a strong pulling feeling.

Looking around, I saw the endless rice fields in front of me, and the golden ears of rice were big and full, just like a golden ocean, rippling with the breeze, making mesmerizing ripples.

I saw a few children playing in the field on the edge of the field, and an old man holding a cigarette pipe to enjoy the shade under the heap.

This is Li Bo's world. Strictly speaking, it is the script world occupied by Qimen.

It turned out that since the last time, Xu Tong handed over the super seeds from the last auction to Li Bo.

Let Chang Wuzhi use the privilege of LV5 certified players to help Li Bo select a script world as the resource rear of Qimen.

Here I would like to mention that the world chosen by Chang Wuzhi is exactly the world of Li Bo's certified script.

The reason why they chose to be in this world is because both of them have entered this script world.

Moreover, Li Bo's script world is the most developed. He is familiar with the characters in this script world and has a huge reputation in people's hearts.

So here, Li Bo felt like returning to his hometown.

With this script world as the rear, Xu Tong sent the Sun God Ship and the soldiers who followed him there.

On the one hand, it helps Li Bo stabilize his foundation, and on the other hand, it facilitates their activities.

Li Bo's painstaking efforts during this period have begun to plant super seeds on a large scale in this script world.

With the cultivation of super seeds and Li Bo's natural ability, during the time when Xu Tong disappeared, Li Bo has already pushed his reputation in the script world to a peak level.

Even he is a god in this world, wherever he goes, the people live and work in peace and contentment, do not pick up lost items on the road, and do not close their doors at night.

Every household has food to eat, and the world begins to move towards unprecedented prosperity.

And Li Bo, who did all this, was regarded as a god. Every household set up longevity plaques for him, and the emperor even proclaimed him a saint and built temples for him.

The fire of faith received every day is as terrifying as the vast ocean.

With the blessing of the fire of faith, Li Bo originally inherited the power of Xiao Leshan and Xu Lai, but Li Bo digested it cleanly.

Now this guy's combat power may not be strong enough, but his potential is astonishing. Coupled with this guy's luck against the sky, Xu Tong feels that it is possible for this guy's achievements to surpass himself in the future.


Li Bo ran over smiling, and saw Ge Zhuo and other soldiers behind him.

It can be seen that everyone is living a solid life here. Ge Zhuo and others are super-seeds every day, with blood on their bodies, each of them has the realm of a great master, and even the talented masters among them have already stepped into the The realm of entering the Tao.

Such an army may not be as powerful as a player alone, but once they form a battle formation, even the earth immortals will go around.

Xu Tong came this time, besides visiting them, there were two other things.

Xu Tong distributed a thought to Ge Zhuo, which contained a set of battle formations called [Ten Directions Cracking the Sky Formation]

This formation was also discovered under the underground palace in Nishen's hometown, and Xu Tong passed this formation to Ge Zhuo.

"This formation, you practice it as soon as possible, it will be of great use later."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Ge Zhuo and the others stood up one after another, shouting in unison, they were too idle here, and when they learned that Xu Tong would use them, they all straightened their backs, and everyone exuded eager fighting spirit.

Xu Tong indicated to them that after a lot of practice during this period, they came to the Sun Battleship. This battleship is a good thing.

The main purpose of Xu Tong's visit this time is to take this warship back for strengthening and transformation.

Once the upgrade is completed, the combat effectiveness of the entire Seven Gates will be greatly improved.

Hearing Xu Tong's thoughts, Li Bo couldn't help but wondered: "Boss, how do you strengthen such a big warship?"

Although the Dream Rubik's Cube can strengthen everything, it is limited to item cards. If it cannot be converted into an item card, the Dream Rubik's Cube cannot eat such a large battleship.

"Hey, I can't make the Magic Cube bigger, but I can make this battleship smaller!"

Xu Tong slowly raised his palm, and suddenly a dazzling golden light appeared in his palm, the Buddhist supernatural power Xumiyin was activated, and the space in front of him suddenly began to distort, gradually wrapping the battleship and being caught in his palm.

Fortunately, Xu Tong has learned Buddhist supernatural powers, otherwise he really doesn't know how to stuff this battleship into the fantasy Rubik's Cube.

After Xu Tong told Gao Zhuo and the others to wait here, he went back to Laojunfang first, and began to try to upgrade the Sun Battleship.

Of course, before upgrading, Xu Tong had to carve enough talismans on the Sun Battleship to strengthen it.

All kinds of talismans were directly branded on the battleship by Xu Tong using Yanshu. Of course, these talismans were not added by Xu Tong at will.

After he branded all these talismans on the battleship, he saw that there was already a hazy layer of strong light on the battleship, as if shrouded in a cloud of mist.

Then Xu Tong threw it into the Dream Rubik's Cube.

"Ding! Did you pay 3000 script points to enhance this item to level 1!"

After receiving the reminder from the Magic Cube, Xu Tong was somewhat relieved.

Compared with Jiuxian Ding, the figure of 3000 script points is not too expensive.

You must know that the initial enhancement cost of the Nine Immortal Cauldron requires a full 40000 script points, which is why Xu Tong has not strengthened the Nine Immortal Cauldron for a long time.


After Xu Tong took a deep breath, he decisively began to strengthen the Sun Battleship.

When Xu Tong strengthened the Sun Battleship to 6 in one breath, he saw that the Sun Battleship was already shining brightly, and the whole body was like gold, exuding dazzling light.

Xu Tong took a look at the cost, and it has reached a total consumption of 18, but the time to really burn the money is next.

Xu Tong took a deep breath and continued to strengthen.

"Ding! Did you pay 192000 script points to enhance this item to level 7!"

"Ding! Did you pay 384000 script points to enhance this item to level 8!"

"Ding! Are you..."

As the level of strengthening increased, Xu Tong had already begun to pour a large amount of blessing oil on the battleship to bless it.

When it was enhanced to level 13, half of Xu Tong's original 6000 million script points had been evaporated, especially the No. 13 enhancement cost, which had reached an astonishing 220 million.

And the strengthened Sun Battleship has been reborn, bursting out with dazzling glare, held by Xu Tong, as if dazzling like a small sun.

It's a pity that the Sun Battleship cannot be included in the item book, otherwise Xu Tong would really like to see how amazing the entry of the Sun Battleship is.

It took 2000 million script points to strengthen this battleship to such a terrifying and astonishing level. Thinking about it, Xu Tong couldn't help but have the urge to release the battleship to show off.

After carefully putting away the battleship.

Xu Tong continued to take out some other prop cards for strengthening and upgrading.

For example [Time Walker], [Phaseless Force], [Touch of Time], etc., until Xu Tong exhausted all the scripts in Xu Tong's hand, he walked out of the reinforcement room satisfied.

Swish and swish to the side of Amei, who was settling accounts at the counter, and was about to invite Amei to go upstairs to listen to him reciting a poem, when a person hurried in from outside the door.

Xu Tong saw that it was Mr. Tai.

"Great, you're back!"

As soon as Mr. Tai came in and saw Xu Tong, he immediately rushed forward and grabbed Xu Tong's arm and said.

"I've been back for quite a while now, I've been looking for you several times, you're busy, why do you have time now?"

When Xu Tong said this, he still hadn't forgotten to scoop the oil back and forth on Amei's water snake waist, but he withdrew his hand resentfully after being glared at by Amei.

"I have a fart time, come on, come upstairs with me and talk!"

Mr. Tai could naturally sense the look of these two men and women flirting with each other, but he couldn't care less now, and dragged Xu Tong upstairs.

To make Mr. Tai so anxious, Xu Tong thought with his toes that something must have happened.

So I took Mr. Tai to the room on the second floor, and then motioned for Mr. Tai to sit down and speak slowly.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Tai couldn't sit on his buttocks at all, so he stood on the spot and walked around a few times, as if he was deliberating on how to start.

Xu Tong looked at him anxiously but didn't know what to say, so he cleared his throat and made an excuse: "Is this about the player alliance?"

Tai opened his mouth, thought for a moment, nodded, and shook his head again.

"That's why the gods are in trouble!"

Xu Tong continued to say tentatively.

This time it finally came to the point, Tai grabbed Xu Tong and said in a low voice, "How do you know?"

Xu Tong saw the anxious look on the stage, so he lowered his voice and roughly narrated what he saw and heard in Kunlun Mountain.

Of course, Xu Tong selectively concealed the fact that he killed Fairy Lingbo and rescued him. After all, he doesn't know what Taiwan's position is now.

"Hiss, as expected!"

After hearing Xu Tong's words, Tai let out a long breath: "The gods suffered a great loss this time, and my old boss was among them. Kunlun Mountain, it seems that the Queen Mother of the West made an attack and repelled it."

Taiwan is not clear about the specific matters. The news is already within his reach.
Hearing the limit.

"This time you are in the big league, right? Where are you going to attack?"

Taiwan tentatively asked.

Xu Tong nodded, took out the boundary map, and pointed to the script world they were in charge of.

After taking a closer look, Tai couldn't help frowning: "The world of these scripts may not be a good place."

After finishing speaking, he turned the boundary map, as if he was looking for something, until he pointed at the intersection of several script worlds: "Here!"

Xu Tong looked there, and there was a very inconspicuous black spot.

Tai didn't explain what this place was, but looked back at Xu Tong, and after a moment of silence, he tentatively said to Xu Tong.

"The gods are probably going to have a big battle with the god of death this time. They need enough sacrifices, but how much power can the lives of ordinary creatures contain? No matter how many ants there are, they can't fill the stomach of an elephant. "

Xu Tong frowned slightly, his expression gradually became serious: "You mean..."

Tai hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal Xu Tong not to speak, and continued: "I'm just talking about a guess, without any real evidence."

Immediately he continued: "In the past, when there was a flood, the ants would get the news in advance, and then they would move to a higher and safer place. Although they are ants, they will have a chance of survival."

After all, he delivered a teleportation beacon to Xu Tong's hand calmly: "I remember that when the ants move, they will take the food from the old nest with them."

After saying this, Tai stretched out his arms and looked tired: "I won't chat with you anymore, I still have several teams waiting to enter the script world, goodbye!"

After saying that, Tai got up and was about to leave. When he walked outside, he seemed to remember something and glanced at Xu Tong: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to congratulate you."

Xu Tong smiled: "I'll treat you to a wedding candy another day!"

It was only after Tai left that Xu Tong began to think about Tai's words.

The words of Taiwan have actually been very clear.

Obviously, the gods need more and more powerful sacrifices, but these sacrifices are not easy to find, so players have become the only choice.

It's just that without players, managers like Taiwan might end up being sacrificed. After all, the gods don't kindly keep idlers in captivity.

At this time, the station told itself the news, obviously it was ready to run away.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong glanced at the teleportation beacon that Taiwan gave him, and probably understood the meaning of Taiwan in his heart.

It seems that this guy should have some way to make everyone hide.

The black spot just now might be an important clue.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong felt a lot more at ease. With their current strength, it was completely wishful thinking to participate in the struggle between the gods and the god of death.

Not a level at all.

So hiding is also a good choice.

That being the case, you have to prepare yourself in advance.

While Xu Tong is preparing for the future.

In reality, the figure of the old magic stick has returned to the Fifth Courtyard in L City.

Passing through the surrounding pedestrians, I walked all the way to the demolished building in the backyard. This old building has been demolished, and it is full of ruins and bricks as far as I can see.

I don't know if the workers were lazy, the iron gate that used to enter and exit the building was still standing on the ruins at this moment.

At this time, the old magic stick slowly stretched out his hand and pushed the iron door open. The moment he stepped into the iron door with one foot, his figure disappeared without a trace.

"Da da da da..."

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. It was not until the last door on the fourth floor that the old god stick tidied up his clothes and slowly pushed the door open.


There was a dim light in the room.

The youngest had a pipe in his mouth and a book [Approaching Science] in his hand, reading it with gusto

Seeing the old magic stick come back, he said without raising his head, "How about Tai's injury?"

"I can't die."

The old magic stick said casually, then put his arms around his arms and pressed his body against the door: "That brat ran away!"

The youngest was not surprised by this: "His luck is not exhausted, his life should not die, and it is not time to move him yet."

"When you killed the prisoner and Ze, wasn't their luck too!"

The old god stick pursed his lips.

The youngest heard the words and gradually closed the book in his hand: "Don't worry, they can't escape, he is the third key to open the secret realm!"

Said the youngest sat up, shook the pipe in his hand, narrowed his eyes into a slit, and spit out a puff of green smoke from his mouth: "But this child is lucky, we can't let him continue to grow."

"You're going out!"

Seeing this, the old god stick was refreshed and his eyes widened.

But to his disappointment, the youngest had no intention of going out, but instead knocked on the table with his pipe.

Accompanied by the knocking sound, the old magic stick heard a burst of sharp laughter coming from behind him. Looking back, he saw that fat female nurse appeared in the corridor at some point.

"Go, bring him back, he wants to live!" The youngest's voice came from the room, making the expression on the fat nurse's face even more strange, and his limbs twitched like a stiff marionette:

"I want to live, I want to live... Hehehe, but my little brother's meat is delicious, what should I do, I'm afraid I can't help it... Then eat half, it's good to keep half, hahaha..."

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