Chapter 1050

The battleship that appeared out of nowhere surprised everyone.

Even the people of the gun god group in the distance were amazed by this battleship.

Everyone looked at this battleship curiously, guessing which team could have such a big budget.

"Head, are we being too high-profile!"

Standing on the deck, Li Bo looked at the crowd of players below, and couldn't help turning his head and whispering.

"What I want is this high profile!"

Xu Tong walked onto the deck, stood at the highest point, and took the initiative to remove the disguise on his body, revealing his true face.

At this time, I feel sorry for myself for not being high-profile.

Seeing that Xu Tong dissipated his disguise, the rest of the team also dissipated their disguise.

Let go of the camouflage, not only a high profile, but also confidence in one's own strength.

Xu Tong's high profile naturally attracted the attention of many people, but most of them did not know Xu Tong and others, so they inevitably talked about it.

At this moment, a black shadow stepped on a flying sword and came through the air. Before the black shadow approached the Sun Battleship, Ge Zhuo and the others had already raised their spears in unison.

"Wait, this person is my friend!"

But Xu Tong waved his hand at this moment, signaling to Ge Zhuo and others not to do anything, and only waited for the black shadow to land on the deck of the battleship before he saw that the other party took off the disguise on his body and revealed his true face. It's Yang Zixuan.

"long time no see!"

Xu Tong stepped forward and took a look at this guy. At the peak of enlightenment, he was already infinitely close to the strength of an earth immortal.

"You bastard, you are really flamboyant!"

Yang Zixuan stepped forward only to realize that he couldn't see the depth of Xu Tong at all, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed in his heart. He didn't expect Xu Tong's progress to be so rapid.

I remember when I saw this kid for the first time, his strength was only at the middle level among ordinary players.

But up to now, this guy's strength has bottomless.

It wasn't just him, Yang Zixuan looked around and noticed that the people around Xu Tong were all incredibly strong.

Especially Gu Xibai who was standing by the side, his whole body was like the sun, his blood energy soaring to the sky and covering the sun. This kind of terrifying aura was enough to become an elite core member of those super teams.

"How about it, my team is not bad!"

Xu Tong hung his elbow on Yang Zixuan's shoulder carelessly, and said with a smirk, "It's a pity you didn't become my team member, otherwise you might be better than them all."

Yang Zixuan rolled his eyes: "Come on, I believe you are a ghost!"

Yang Zixuan said in a low voice, "Can you let me see the area you are attacking this time?"

Xu Tong was also unambiguous, and directly showed the boundary map to Yang Zixuan. After reading it, Yang Zixuan shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity that we are too far apart, otherwise we could fight together."

But after Yang Zixuan looked carefully, he frowned: "It's strange, why are you in this place?"

"Is something wrong?"

Xu Tong frowned slightly, and immediately sensed something amiss from Yang Zixuan's words.

Yang Zixuan pointed to the other time points above: "The Spear God Group is here, Dimen, Momen, Shark, Fanmishan, and Beidou are here, and you are almost caught in the middle."

When he said this, Yang Zixuan looked at Xu Tong with a strange face: "Don't you think that you are caught in the middle of the Six Regiments?"

It's okay if Yang Zixuan didn't say it, Xu Tong was taken aback when he mentioned it, after confirming with Yang Zixuan again and again, Xu Tong turned to look at Gao Zhuo.

Immediately Gao Zhuo's face turned red.

After all, he was the representative of Qimen to participate in the last meeting. When everyone divided the direction of attack, Gao Zhuo didn't see such an important thing.

This is definitely a huge mistake.

But Xu Tong calmed down quickly, and said casually: "Oh, it's a coincidence, hehe, it happens that we have a good relationship with Liutuan, so we can take care of each other."

Yang Zixuan didn't say anything after hearing the words, and after a few words with Xu Tong, the two said goodbye.

Before leaving, Xu Tong did not forget to hand some strengthened pills to Yang Zixuan, and secretly told him that as long as he killed the players, he would be fine. As for the other missions of the gods, don't participate if you can.

Although Yang Zixuan didn't know the reason, he still nodded his head to mark it down.

"Boss, I'm to blame for this incident. When we were divided, I only remembered a few teams around, and they seemed to be ordinary teams..."

After Yang Zixuan left, Gao Zhuo blushed and walked to Xu Tong's side.

Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder: "It's not your fault, it's the same result even if I go."

If the Sixth Regiment wants to hide themselves, they only need to assign their subordinate teams here to occupy the positions when dividing, and no one can see the tricks in it.

It's just that the more the six regiments are like this, the more vigilant Xu Tong is naturally in his heart, thinking: "Could it be because I killed Fairy Lingbo?"

Just as Xu Tong was thinking, another person boarded the Sun Battleship.

Xu Tong saw that it was Kang blind.

"Oh my, you are really rich and powerful, you even have such things, I am so envious!"

Blind Kang all went to the deck, watching the battleship in front of him, and couldn't help being amazed.

"It's a pity, I was assigned to help out in the Gunslinger Squad, otherwise I would enjoy happiness with you kid."

Blind Kang said with a sigh.

Xu Tong knew that the blind man Kang must not have come to visit his solar battleship, so he said with a smile: "Bu Luan is so strong, and I still need your help? So Yan Xiaoqi is also among them?"

"Hey, the ones assigned by the higher-ups can't help it."

After finishing speaking, blind Kang squinted around, and finally turned his gaze to Xu Tong: "Come on, I won't waste any time with you. I don't know if we can meet again when we go. I'll send you eight words."

As blind man Kang said, he took Xu Tong's palm, wrote eight characters on it, and then walked off the Sun Battleship without looking back.

Only after Kang Xiazi got off the boat, Xu Tong looked at his palm with confusion on his face.

Eight characters, there is no ladder on the dangerous road, and the door of life is to the left.

As the descendant of General Dianjin, Kang Xiazi, divination is his old profession. Obviously, these eight words are a prophecy he left for Xu Tong.

Xu Tong could still understand the first four words, and he never thought that his journey would be smooth, but what does it mean to be born to the left? ?

Just when Xu Tong was in doubt, a deep and long horn sounded, interrupting Xu Tong's thoughts.

"Look, the door is open!!"

Accompanied by the exclamation of everyone, the door in front of them slowly opened.

"Om... clack clack..."

The statues of countless gods were carved on the huge stone gate. The moment the gate opened, these gods seemed to be revived, and they were covered with a faint divine brilliance in the golden light.

The gate was opened little by little, and behind the gate, a huge space-time tunnel appeared.

Looking around, you can see many scenes of the script world through these space-time tunnels.

Among them, there are even script worlds that everyone is familiar with and even experienced.

However, the moment the door was opened, all the players were surprised to find that the camouflage on their bodies had also disappeared.

Without the camouflage, the players suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Without the camouflage, it felt like they had lost some kind of protection, just standing naked among the crowd.

"How is this going??"

The players below were watching each other, not knowing what happened.

"It's the reason for this portal!" A-mei walked to the deck and explained to Xu Tong: "The space-time tunnel itself has the ability to blur the power of the gods, so it needs the help of the script library. Now they have created With such a large portal, the power of time and space pouring out must blur the original rules and power of the exhibition."

Amei is worthy of being a person in the system, and she can see the reason for it at a glance.

"Headmaster, it's him!!"

At this time, Da Ya's mood suddenly became agitated.

He fixed his eyes on the crowd below, and couldn't help but have a strong killing intent in his eyes.

Xu Tong glanced, and saw a familiar-looking man in the crowd below, looking around.

Xu Tong didn't recognize this person, but he had seen a photo of him.

Zhang Zhenghao.

The name of this person appeared in Xu Tong's mind, and he felt relieved immediately. No wonder Da Ya was so excited, it turned out that he had met an enemy.

When he was in the Northeast Five Immortals Hall, the old fairy of the Hu family asked Xu Tong to help him kill a person, and this person was Zhang Zhenghao.

This guy betrayed his promise and plotted against his own old immortal. Not only did he forcibly detain the two old immortals of the Five Immortals Hall, but he also took away a very important thing from the Five Immortals Hall.

Xu Tong has never forgotten this person. After all, this is a karma between him and Wuxiantang, but he has never encountered any news about this person.

I didn't expect to encounter it here.

"Amei, you said just now that the rules in the exhibition have disappeared, right?"

A-mei knew what Xu Tong meant, and nodded, "Unless he runs outside, this area will not be protected by the exhibition!"

After hearing the answer confirmed by A-mei, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and naturally he would not wait any longer, revenge for revenge, and revenge for injustice.

Immediately, he jumped up, jumped off the battleship, and rushed straight to the top of Zhang Zhenghao's head.

Zhang Zhenghao had been feeling restless for a while, but suddenly he heard people's exclamation, and when he looked up, he saw Xu Tong who was rushing towards him, with vertical pupils like snakes appearing in those eyes. Seeing the hall behind Xu Tong, and the nine-tailed fox in the hall, he felt a thump in his heart: "Leader, save me!"

A great sense of crisis hit, making Zhang Zhenghao realize that this must be the master invited by Wuxiantang to kill him, he immediately screamed, but ran behind without looking back.

But how could Xu Tong let the guy run away? He stretched out his hand to call out Mo Ran, and with a slash of the sword, the surrounding time suddenly froze. Zhang Zhenghao, who was running wildly, suddenly felt the change of the surrounding time, his face changed drastically, and his hands formed seals. The body is about to turn into a big snake to break free from the change of time.

But he underestimated Xu Tong too much. The moment he formed the seal, Xu Tong had already come out of the future, and appeared next to him in the next moment. The Moran sword drew a black and white world in the air, and the next second was Chop Zhang Zhenghao out.


The moment the blood was torn from Zhang Zhenghao's chest, I saw that the big girl had already flown out of the hall, the nine tails shook, and the sharp claws directly grabbed Zhang Zhenghao's head, preparing to perform a craniotomy on him.


At this moment, there was a roar, and a big hand slapped down on Da Ya's back.

I saw a terrifying evil spirit surging from the person who did it, like a huge black rainbow. Wherever he went, the surrounding void was torn open, and he appeared behind Da Ya in the blink of an eye.

He is the deputy head of the Blood Shark Group and one of the Eight Evils, Zhang Tyrant.

But just as Zhang Tyrant's hand was about to touch Da Ya, Zhang Tyrant exclaimed in surprise: "Quick back!"

Hearing the shout of his regiment leader, Zhang Tyrant felt vigilant, turned his head and found that Xu Tongren had already appeared beside him, stepping on his head with one foot...

(End of this chapter)

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