Infinite script kill

Chapter 1054 Think too much!

Chapter 1054 Think too much!
This script world was originally full of vitality, with lush greenery everywhere, and something like Diquanbaoye could be bred, so one can imagine how powerful the breath of life here is.

Coupled with the strong support of Estia and the Holy See, the agriculture here has developed rapidly, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the folk customs are simple, and everything is full of vitality.

But at this moment, the prosperity is gone, the vegetation is withered, the land is desolate, and the six-faced stone tablet has fallen, piercing deeply into the depths of the earth, crazily absorbing the life force of the earth, and the terrifying impact when it falls, even more. All living beings were wiped out, and looking around, I saw that the earth was washed out of red soil, reddish-brown rocks, and it was desolate.

Amidst the dust, the blood shark group of six came out of the ruins, only to see layer after layer of divine rings rippling on their bodies.

Luck, fortune, lifespan, recovery, damage reduction, strong attack, each layer of aura, under the blessing of the seals of the gods, each of them descended into this world like a god.

The six people are headed by Lei Gong, followed by Shan Dun, Catwoman, Yu Shen, Sand Ou, and Kuai Dao.

They are the newly promoted masters of the Blood Shark Group, each of them is first-class in strength, and they are the forwards sent by the Blood Shark Group.

"The Seven Gates are here. It seems that they haven't had time to do the task of the gods. Such a large population is really cheap for us."

Catwoman couldn't help giggling as she looked at the broken walls and the corpses under the rubble in the ruins under her feet.

This time the alliance is aggressively attacking, just the blood shark group, there are three groups and six classes below, it can be said that there are too many monks and too few porridge.

Although they have already been promoted to the core members of the first line, there are not many opportunities to make a move. Often before they make a move, other teams have slaughtered them all.

Now it's a great bargain.

"Perhaps it's because people don't like this script point."

Yu Shen wears a mask and makes a hoarse, knife-like voice, making one wonder if this guy is human.

But this is true, Catwoman nodded after thinking about it: "That's right, Qimen relies on Laojunfang to make a lot of money. Hey, our Blood Shark Group sells information, assassinates, and fame." The next four industries are said to be making a lot of money every day, but compared with other people's Laojunfang, they are not even a star."

"Stop talking nonsense and do more. No matter how poor the team is, we won't lose any points. No matter how rich Laojunfang is, we won't lose any points. Don't forget our mission!"

Lei Gong interrupted everyone chatting with a dark face. Their mission this time was only to monitor Qimen.

As long as the position of the seven doors is locked, the task is relatively easy to say.

When the Qimen are wiped out this time, they can also get a large reward from it.

"Sea Gull!"

Lei Gong looked at Sha Ou, who was in charge of the investigation, and saw Sha Ou nodded. Just as he was about to do the reconnaissance, his pupils suddenly tightened: "Look over there!"

Accompanied by Sha Ou's words, the six of them looked to the left in unison.

Not far away, Xu Tong's figure strolled over.

On this boundless blood-colored land, it is extraordinarily chilling and cold. At a glance, there is almost nothing, empty and dead.

The only scenery is probably some standing ruins and wreckage, but Xu Tong's figure is particularly conspicuous here.

Xu Tong didn't walk fast, but his steps were firm, one step at a time, with Mo Ran on his back, flashing black and white light, which was particularly conspicuous here.

At this moment, he stopped and stood here quietly, staring at the end of the earth, his gaze was on the blood shark group of six, but there was a look of disappointment between his brows.

"Could it be that you are the only ones sent by the Sixth Regiment?"

He will start the first battle with the Sixth Regiment. This time, he is determined to fight a battle, but the six people in front of him obviously make him feel a little disappointed.

Although Xu Tong was far away, his voice was like thunder, which made Lei Gong and the others' complexions suddenly sink to the bottom of the valley.

But everyone is as good as facing a big enemy. They have seen Xu Tong make a move at the exhibition, and with just one look, he frightened Zhang Tyrant back.

It is even more troublesome to provoke Bu Luan and despise their leader.

After Xu Tong glanced at Lei Gong, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "After so long, your Lei Fa has not improved? In the name of Lei Gong, you should give up as soon as possible."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Lei Gong's face darkened a lot in an instant. He stepped forward and stared at Xu Tong, and said suspiciously: "It's you?"

The person who talked to me like this last time was the guy who defeated him with Lei Fa in the arena, and even almost took away his title of Lei Gong.

It was also he who made himself the laughing stock of the players. Everyone knew that his title of Lei Gong was nothing more than picking up people's teeth and picking up unwanted titles.

"Who else could it be but me!" Xu Tong said casually, and then glanced at Shan Dun again: "Why, your shield is not brittle anymore? Are you coming to get beaten again?"

As soon as these words came out, Shan Dun's face was almost distorted with anger, and now they were sure that Xu Tong in front of him was the guy who defeated Lei Gong and Shan Dun in the arena.

Suddenly, my heart was full of shock and anger.

What was surprising was that the other party had killed Zhang Zhenghao forcefully at the exhibition, not only ignoring the leader Blood Shark, but also provoking Bu Luan, the gun master, whose strength was bottomless.

But when the arena had just been established and Yan Xiaoqi hadn't become a god, they had fought against Xu Tong in the arena.

At that time, Xu Tong's strength was only stronger than them. How long has this guy's strength been so terrifying? ?

But at the same time, they couldn't help but feel angry in their hearts. Even if they were once defeated, now the six of them joined forces, they are still a force that cannot be underestimated. How could they be so underestimated.

It's just that at this moment Xu Tong found a rock and sat down, completely unprepared to fight with them, playing with a cigarette with his fingertips, as if sitting here waiting for someone, completely ignoring them.

Seeing this, Shan Dun wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Catwoman: "Our task is to monitor him, and don't cause trouble."

But Shan Dun is obviously a violent person, he can't bear the feeling of being contemptuous: "Even if you can't beat him, you can't let him be so arrogant. If you are afraid of him now, don't think about taking another step up in the future!"

Shan Dun has the determination to step towards the strong, even if he is going to lose, he must lose clearly. If he is so confused and dare not move forward, he is afraid that his determination will be dusted, and he will stop at this level from now on.

I saw Shandun rushing towards Xu Tong with strides. Every time he took a step, an elemental shield flashed on his body. In a blink of an eye, there were as many as 38 shields, and the densely packed shields formed a rush towards Xu Tong like a mountain.

His [Thousand Mountain Shield] has been upgraded and has been strengthened to level 9.

Each shield not only has a strong defense, but also awakens the power of elements, which is far more powerful than before.

In addition, his physical strength has also been greatly increased, and it is no longer what it used to be. Now he only needs to stand there, and the aura on his body is like a mountain that ordinary people cannot climb.

Seeing that Shan Dun had already made a move, Lei Gong and the others naturally would not sit still and followed closely behind.

"I said earlier, your shield is too fragile!"

Facing Lei Gong who rushed forward, Xu Tong looked very indifferent. This indifference is not only a manifestation of self-confidence, but also a manifestation of invincibility.

Now he suddenly has an epiphany, the invincible mentality is the key for players to break through themselves and break the shackles.

Perhaps Yan Xiaoqi was able to leap forward and become a Conferred God level player just because of this.

"Crispy or not, you'll know if you try it!"

Blue veins popped up on Shandun's forehead, and the 38 elemental light shields instantly fused into a huge black shield. After gathering the power of all the elements, the black shield fell into a state of nothingness, like a huge black hole.

This is Shanshield's strongest ultimate move: "Dark Gate!"

However, Xu Tong didn't move at all, but with the flick of a finger, a sword glow rose, and the void in front of him was directly pierced by a black and white sword glow.


In the next second, a bright red wound sprayed out on Shandun's chest, blood gushed out, and he fell heavily to the ground.

The strongest shield he was proud of was actually split in two without any barriers.

This scene made the hairs of Lei Gong and the others stand upside down, and a chill swept over the whole body. It was as if they had been cast with a body-holding technique, and they stood behind the mountain shield and did not dare to move.

Shan Dun, as the MT of the team, was actually chopped and flew out at this moment like someone cutting tofu. This terrifying lethality completely refreshed their cognition. That's it.

Xu Tong didn't kill Shan Dun, but watched him standing up staggeringly, with a look of unwillingness and loss on his face, but said calmly, "Since there is a sword that cuts through everything in the world, there must be a shield that can block everything. If your shield is broken, it means that you are not strong enough."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Shan Dun was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded, looking at Xu Tong, he nodded and said, "Thank you, I will definitely become stronger!"

Lei Gong and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that Xu Tong didn't have any murderous intentions.

Xu Tong grinned, showing a sunny smile, stood up and walked in front of Shan Dun: "I believe you will have that day!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to Shan Dun, looking at the palm stretched out to him, Shan Dun's nose was a little sour, obviously he was overwhelmed by Xu Tong's kindness.

Even Lei Gong and the others beside him couldn't help being moved, feeling a little regretful in their hearts, thinking that the other party was a character.

At least this kind of mind, among all the players, I am afraid that only a few of them can have it. However, when Shan Dun stretched out his palm to Xu Tong boldly.


Xu Tong frowned, but he slapped Shan Dun's palm away, narrowing his eyes into a slit: "Think too much, robbery!! Both men and women, take off your clothes for me, and hand over all the script points!!"

(End of this chapter)

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