Chapter 1056
"It's finally here!"

Under the huge sacred monument, Yan Xiaoqi's eyelids opened, his black and white eyes pierced through the figure hundreds of miles away.

On the crimson ground, there was no life as far as the eye could see, only death-like silence.

The sacred stele penetrated into the ground at least a thousand meters deep, continuously absorbing the vitality of this world, so that it was thousands of miles away, and it was already a desperation that no stranger should enter.

Even the creatures that survived the impact of the sacrificial monument would frantically flee from this area.

Hearing Yan Xiaoqi's words, under the sacrificial stele, the four of them tensed up, and immediately became impatient.

These four people are Ke Dazui and Xie Jianfeng among the Eight Great Villains, and Hangu and Deathstroke, one of the Three Independents. They are all specially invited helpers of the Gunners.

Together with the battle god Yan Xiaoqi, the fighting power of the five of them has long surpassed that of the core members of the Sixth Regiment.

They already know what's going on with other teams through special contacts.

Stripped off his clothes, took away all the script points, and did not forget to cast two terrible curses on everyone before leaving.

Although he didn't kill anyone, such an act is really insulting.

Following Yan Xiaoqi's gaze, they saw a figure in the distance running towards them at an extremely fast speed.

However, if you look carefully, this figure's pace is not fast, but every time he takes a step, the surrounding scenes have already flashed by quickly.

With one simple step, people have traveled ten thousand meters away.

Suddenly, the figure gradually slowed down, his eyes met Yan Xiaoqi's, and when their eyes met, there was a thunderclap in the air.

"I am coming!"

Xu Tong took a deep breath, the simple three words contained excitement and anticipation, as well as a strong fighting spirit.

He looked at Yan Xiaoqi, but Xu Tong ignored the four people behind him.

Yan Xiaoqi has been waiting for her to come, not only to give an explanation to the gods, but also to truly verify Xu Tong's strength.

Although Xu Tong does not have the title of Conferred God, he has the body of an immortal, and his power of disaster fighting, swordsmanship, and magic skills have already been among the players, ranking above the top.

Even Bu Luan said that if he played against him, the outcome would be four or six points.

It can be seen that Xu Tong's strength is already qualified for Yan Xiaoqi to take it seriously.

Yan Xiaoqi stood up, walking like a dragon and a tiger, his eyes were like knives, and the aura surging from his body was as intimidating as a demon god.

There was a blatant white light under his feet, and in the white light, thousands of almost transparent figures emerged. These figures actually performed countless fighting methods. They were Yan Xiaoqi's way of fighting, and they were also marks of battles he had experienced all his life. .

There are many martial arts masters, super masters, alien giants, all kinds of top players, and even the figure of the spear god Buluan.

The experience and process of these fights are completely recorded, and they are rehearsed and analyzed all the time.

This scene made the four people around Yan Xiaoqi startled.

"No wonder Bu Luan said that the guy is a lunatic who fights all the time!"

Xie Jianfeng, one of the eight villains, saw his eyelids twitching.

Yan Xiaoqi's method is to recruit the power of the world's masters, and he sharpens himself all the time.

This is the determination to regard the heroes of the world as tools and oneself as invincible, which is so shocking.

The cold and cold face beside him was also moved, and he looked at Yan Xiaoqi with a complicated expression.

Hangu, Death Bell, and Yan Xiaoqi, the three are called the Three Duties, and they have been equally famous for a long time.

But suddenly one day Yan Xiaoqi made a high-profile apotheosis, and threw the two of them away in a single leap, which inevitably made the proud Hangu feel uneasy.

It wasn't until now that Han Gu discovered that it was no accident that Yan Xiaoqi was able to become a god, as the saying goes, if you are not crazy, you will not survive.

Yan Xiaoqi really carved the battle into his bones, compared to him, he was too far behind.

"It's him!"

Unlike Han Gu, Death Knell, his gaze was always locked on Xu Tong.

The two met once in real life, when they broke through the Tianmen in Mount Qingcheng, and later found out that this person is the heir of the plum blossom lineage.

"So, I should have thought about it earlier, Qimen, Plum Blossom Village, I never thought that he would grow so fast after the first parting!"

The death knell had a clear understanding in his heart, but he didn't expect that the guy who was on par with him at the beginning is now far superior to him in strength, and his progress is so fast that it is unmatched: "Unfortunately, Zhang Hai died too early, otherwise , this is going to be a lot of fun.”


At this moment, Yan Xiaoqi took a step forward, the heaven and the earth resonated, all roads trembled, and eighteen weapons of swords, guns, swords and halberds appeared around his body,
Yan Xiaoqi's eyes were deep, and she had an air of supremacy, like a fighter, going straight to Xu Tong.

"Let me try and see how much you have improved!"

The two had fought once in the arena, and Xu Tong had suffered a terrible defeat at that time. Now that they fought again, Yan Xiaoqi wanted to see how much the boy who was named by the gods to be strangled had changed.

While Yan Xiaoqi was speaking, the person had already rushed in front of Xu Tong, opening and closing his big hands, making a deafening sonic boom.

Seeing Yan Xiaoqi coming to kill him, Xu Tong's suppressed fighting spirit was completely released.

With a kick of his legs, the figure disappeared in place, and at the same time a huge Buddha's light burst out from him.

[Honor] Title skill, Dragon Elephant Sutra activated.

Title skill 1; Dragon Elephant Sutra.

Consume 40 script points, after activation, you can get the power of the Buddhist dragon elephant.

Just listening to him silently recite the Buddhist Dragon and Elephant Sutra, the light and shadow blessing of a dragon and an elephant appeared behind him.

Faced with Yan Xiaoqi who was rushing up, he gave up his sword skills and used the Buddhist Vajra Subduing Demon Hand to meet him.

I saw that his arm was glittering and translucent, and crystal clear dragon scales emerged.


With a palm strike, it was as if an earthquake had occurred, the ground under his feet was shaking violently, his arms were like dragons and dragons, fierce and powerful.


Yan Xiaoqi waved his golden fist and went up to meet him, and when he touched his golden palm, there was a loud noise, like thunder falling.

The first time the two fought against each other, neither of them used their full strength, but tested each other, fighting for techniques and moves.

Yan Xiaoqi's figure turned into three, and three turned into nine, his eyes were full of his in an instant, Xu Tong didn't panic when he saw it, the center of his brows was filled with golden hairs, his whole body was like gold, his left hand was the devil's hand, and his right hand was pinching the Vajra Seal, A six-foot-long golden body emerges behind him, responding to all changes with the same.

"Bang bang bang..."

Just hearing the fists and palms of the two people collide, there was an explosion of wind, thunder and lightning, and the terrifying power penetrated the ground, turning the rocks under their feet into dust.

This scene made the four people watching the battle in the distance terrified. Of course, they could see that neither of them was exerting their full strength at the moment.

But it was just a test, and the terrifying power that erupted made the four of them terrified.

They even couldn't help but brought them in, only to find that their strength was far from that of Xu Tong and Yan Xiaoqi.

Once they are involved in a battle of this level, they probably won't even have the chance to use their means, and they will be instantly killed by the two of them.

Even if the four of them joined forces, they might not be a single enemy.

"It's no wonder that the other five teams lose so much that they don't even have any pants left." Han Gu said with a bitter face, if Yan Xiaoqi wasn't here, they might not have escaped the fate of being stripped naked.

"Damn it, this kid is monkey grandson, can't he steal Laojun's elixir? The increase in strength is so terrifying?"

Deathstroke stomped and cursed while gasping for air.

You must know that Xu Tong and him were no different on Qingcheng Mountain back then, but now there is a huge gap between Xu Tong and him in strength, and this gap can no longer be caught up by hard work.

Realizing this, Death Knell felt like his heart was shaken.

As for the other three people around him, it was even more so, after all both Yan Xiaoqi and Xu Tong were rising stars.

This feeling of being surpassed, or even severely left behind, is really heartbreaking.

Suddenly, Yan Xiaoqi's figure sped up suddenly, turned into an afterimage and charged towards him, full of dangerous aura, his physical body was extremely tyrannical, flowing with explosive power.


The moment he charged, countless shadows of fists fell down like a torrential rain, and collided with Xu Tong's golden body continuously, making clanging sounds. The two fists clanged like iron sledgehammers.

"Okay, okay, your strength has exceeded my expectations, and I will be serious next time!"

Yan Xiaoqi's voice was full of excitement and joy, his heart was full of fighting thoughts all the time, he was not planning to hold back, but was ready to take it seriously.

After all, such opponents are really rare.

I saw Yan Xiaoqi forming seals with both hands, a purple dragon-shaped imprint appeared between his brows, and the moment the imprint was activated,
The aura from Yan Xiaoqi's body became stronger, his whole body was covered by deep purple light, and pieces of crystal-like dragon scales emerged from under his skin.

He almost turned into a purple dragon, his body seemed to be burning with purple flames, and his combat power increased several times at once.

A pair of dragon horns protruded from the forehead, and it looked no different from a real dragon. The scales around the body were thicker, and the purple awns were dazzling.

His hands almost turned into dragon claws, and his nails became hooks, half a foot long, shining coldly.

This is Yan Xiaoqi's fighting form. He can break the seal and fight Xu Tong in this form, which shows how strong his inner desire to win is.

"Fast back!!"

This suffocating aura changed the expressions of Han Gu and the other four people. Yan Xiaoqi fully released his combat power. First-class masters, they dare not watch the battle at such a close distance.

Immediately, the four retreated one after another, for fear that they would be involved.

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, feeling that Yan Xiaoqi's physical body and combat power had increased several times at the same time, which made him feel extremely dangerous.

"Besides Buluan, you are the second person who let me unlock the Yuanlong form. Just because of this, you are qualified to be equal to us!"

After Yan Xiaoqi turned into a purple dragon, she lost her former elegance, and instead made her whole person more wild.

Facing Yan Xiaoqi who was about to attack with all his strength, Xu Tong was not afraid, and calmly called out Mo Ran, with Mo Ran in his hand, Xu Tong's aura instantly became extremely sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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