Infinite script kill

Chapter 1058 Niu Niu

Chapter 1058 Niu Niu
On the wilderness, the ground has turned into white gravel, and it is as soft as stepping on cotton with one foot.

The vitality here has been completely cut off. Even in the past 100 years, it will only be a lifeless barren desert.

"Whirring whirring……"

The gasps of the two people were clearly visible. Xu Tong and Yan Xiaoqi were separated by a thousand meters, and their figures looked a little embarrassed.

Although neither of them used their real trump card, the two of them fought with all their strength, using frequent means, and both sides suffered injuries.

At this time, Yan Xiaoqi took out a pill and ate it, and Xu Tong called out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, and saw the flames rising from the furnace, and a large amount of life energy poured down like a waterfall, and Xu Tong's heart ached in an instant. The injuries on his body healed and he returned to his peak condition.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoqi's mouth twitched: "You are more difficult than I thought!"

The complexity of Xu Tong's methods made Yan Xiaoqi re-acquainted with his impression.

Buddhism, Taoism, different arts, talismans, swordsmanship, and the power of time.

These methods emerged one after another, making Yan Xiaoqi feel as if he was being beaten by the crowd, and now he can recover quickly, this method is really a headache.

"You're not bad, how's our tie!"

If the two continue to fight, they will have to fight to the death. At that time, both Xu Tong and Yan Xiaoqi will have to use all their trump cards.

No matter who wins or loses, the result is a tragic victory.

Yan Xiaoqi sighed: "That can't be done, I can't explain it like this, my task is to destroy the Qimen!"

Yan Xiaoqi's voice became heavier, as if she was expressing her determination, but there were hints inside and outside of this sentence, so she almost said directly, if you disband the team, my mission will be considered complete.

The three people in the distance, Hangu, didn't understand the meaning of these words, but they couldn't help becoming nervous. They knew that the next battle must be endless.


At this moment, the three of them were startled suddenly, and even Yan Xiaoqi looked back at them suspiciously.

Ke Dazui is dead?
Because it was a temporary team, they didn't have more information, but Ke Dazui was killed suddenly without knowing it, which inevitably made them feel puzzled.

Yan Xiaoqi looked at Xu Tong for a moment.

Seeing Yan Xiaoqi look at him like this, Xu Tong also felt baffled: "What is it?"

Seeing Xu Tong's expression, Yan Xiaoqi felt that he might not know what happened, so she asked, "Where are your teammates?"

Xu Tong pointed to the top of his head.

Following his soft call in the team channel, the cloud was torn apart, revealing the true body of the Sun Battleship.

Gao Zhuo, Gu Xibai, Chang Wuju, Li Bo, Master and Amei all stood on the deck and watched the battle quietly.

At this time, Rao Hangu, Death Bell, and Xie Jianfeng couldn't help but change their complexions, and they all took a breath of air from the bottom of their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong seemed to be alone, but in fact his teammates had long been hiding above his head, ready to go.

As long as the situation is a little unfavorable, they will be able to descend from the air to support immediately.

"So strong!"

Xie Jianfeng stared fixedly at Gu Xibai, the aura of this seemingly insignificant guy made him feel afraid.

Then he looked at them one by one, and the more he looked, the more frightened he was. These guys are not well-known, but each of them has a powerful aura that is not weaker than his own.

If you are trying to pick the bones from the eggs, then maybe the fat man on the far left seems to be relatively weak, but the strong breath of life on this fat man is almost catching up with Meng Changsheng, so it doesn't look like a good man. Lord of bullying.

What's even more creepy is that the gun bay of the Sun Battleship has been opened, and the sixteen huge muzzles are like ferocious fangs, ready to go at any time.

The black muzzle, together with the flickering talisman on the Sun Battleship, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an ordinary thing.

If they really fight together, I'm afraid that if the main force of the Sixth Regiment comes, they won't be able to please them.

Xu Tong's display of strength at this moment is not only an answer to Yan Xiaoqi, but also an invisible deterrent.

Even if all the members of your Sixth Regiment come, the big deal is that you will be killed and the net will be broken, and no one of you will be able to ask for cheap.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoqi frowned, but soon his brows relaxed, and he lowered his fists: "Let's stop here today, Ke Dazui is dead, it's very strange, we need to go check it out."

Ke Dazui is one of the eight villains, Yan Xiaoqi is well aware of this guy's strength, don't look at this guy as fat as a pig.

But he can quickly improve his combat power by burning fat. As long as he has fat, he can recover from all injuries almost instantly, and even cut off his head.This is almost equal to being undead.

Even if it is Yan Xiaoqi, it is not difficult to kill Ke Dazui, but to kill Ke Dazui silently without even having a chance to ask for help, just one move, this kind of thing is not so difficult .

So Yan Xiaoqi vaguely sensed that something was wrong, so she didn't plan to continue entanglement with Xu Tong, and planned to check what happened.

"Be careful yourself. The Sixth Regiment has already sealed off several script worlds around you. In other words, it is not easy for you to escape now."

After all, Yan Xiaoqi gradually withdrew his own strength, turned around and came to Han Gu and the others.

Han Gu and the others didn't have any opinion on this at the moment, and they even wished that Yan Xiaoqi would take them away as soon as possible.

If the two sides really fight for their lives, Xu Tong's teammates are not vegetarians, and they will inevitably be involved in this fierce battle.

It's not that they are greedy for life and afraid of death, but that such a meaningless battle will only consume their fighting power, without any benefit.

If there are really top masters hiding in the dark and finally being followed by others, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"Are they leaving now??"

Gao Zhuo looked at the figures of Yan Xiaoqi and the others leaving, with a look of unfinished thought.

They just watched the battle from above, and they saw it clearly. The way Xu Tong and Yan Xiaoqi fought and fought, also inspired them a lot.

Xu Tong also felt strange in his heart. In fact, the battle between him and Yan Xiaoqi was not only a mutual verification of strength, but also a tacit script.

After all, Yan Xiaoqi came here on order, if the water was released too much, he would not be able to do the job, but now he left in a hurry, it seems that it is not the same as the original plan.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong decided to follow up to see what made Yan Xiaoqi give up their tacit plan.

"Ask Bishop Steve, how long will it take for the reinforcements from the sanctuary to arrive?"

Xu Tong didn't leave immediately, but asked them to ask Bishop Steve who was brought aboard the Sun Battleship through the team channel.

The current situation of their team is not optimistic. The Sixth Regiment is watching outside. Without Yan Xiaoqi, there will be stronger people coming. If Bu Luan comes in person, that’s all. The most troublesome thing is that Xu Tong doesn’t want to be trapped here forever , it is difficult to guarantee that no god will come forcibly to deal with him.

Therefore, it is very necessary to rely on the power of the Holy See.

"Boss, this foreign monk is not clear about the current situation, but he said with certainty that the Pope cut off contact with the Holy See after sending a message to the Holy Land, and the Holy See should take action soon."

After getting the team's reply, Xu Tong remembered what Yan Xiaoqi said just now, that the Sixth Regiment had sealed off several script worlds around them.

I'm afraid the Holy See wants to break through the blockade, and it won't be something that can be done in a short while, but with the Holy See as a restraint, maybe this is the opportunity for him to break through.

When Xu Tong was thinking about how to break through, a loud explosion suddenly sounded in the distance, interrupting Xu Tong's thoughts.

I saw the dazzling purple light soaring into the sky, distorting the void in the distance.

"problem occurs!"

Xu Tong's expression changed slightly: "Yan Xiaoqi is fighting someone? Who is worthy of his all-out attack? Could it be someone from the Holy See?"

"You guys hide first, follow behind, I'll go and have a look!"

Saying that, Xu Tong ran forward.

In terms of Xu Tong's speed, this distance is just a short distance away, but he just felt dangerous as soon as he came in.

The wind was squeezed out of shape in the air, directly tearing the earth apart.

This terrifying scene was several times more terrifying than when he confronted Yan Xiaoqi just now.

"what happened??"

Xu Tong opened his eyesight, trying to see clearly what happened, but the explosion in the central area was too terrifying, looking around, it was completely chaotic, even his eyesight couldn't tell what happened .

But the strange thing is that Xu Tong didn't feel the sacred aura unique to the Holy See. On the contrary, apart from Yan Xiaoqi's Zilong Dou Qi, Xu Tong sensed more of a terrifying, dark force.

"It's not the Holy See, who would it be, who can have such power??"

Xu Tong had a very bad premonition in his heart, and this premonition was particularly strong, as if urging him to leave as soon as possible.

The body of a fairy has an instinct to seek good fortune and avoid disaster, and it is tens of thousands of times more sensitive than animals. Since he sensed danger, as usual, Xu Tong must have left without looking back.

But at this moment, Xu Tong couldn't just let it go. After all, he and Yan Xiaoqi had a deep friendship. If Yan Xiaoqi hadn't given him the stone tablet with the words "sword" written on it, he might not be able to realize a single inch of time.

What's more, Yan Xiaoqi helped him in the open and in the dark. The two are friends of gentlemen, but they also have a feeling of support.


At this time, Xu Tong suddenly saw the figures of Hangu and Deathknell at the center of the battle. They were struggling to maintain the terrifying storm that destroyed everything in front of them.

Seeing this, Xu Tong called out Mo Ran, split the storm in front of him with a sword, and then the figure came to the two of them in an instant, the yin and yang flow between the brows swirled, thoughts flew up, the Dharma phase opened, Xu Tong's huge dharma body, Standing in front of the three of them, holding a huge sword, he plunged into the ground heavily, which made Han Gu and Death Bell heave a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the two of them had lost their strength, Xu Tong called out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, and used the earth spring treasure liquid in the Ruyi Furnace to restore their strength.

At the same time, he asked: "What happened, who is the one who fought with Yan Xiaoqi?"

With the continuous injection of life force from the Da Ri Ru Yi Furnace, the two gradually recovered from the state of exhaustion, but their mental state seemed to be greatly stimulated.

The death knell's face turned pale, staring blankly at the front, and muttered in his mouth: "Don't eat me... don't eat me..."

Seeing this, Han Gu slapped Death Knell on the face, causing his eyes to stare. This time he came to his senses, but he stuttered and couldn't explain what happened.

Fortunately, Han Gu was in a normal state of mind, and said to Xu Tong: "I don't know, we were looking for the trace of Ke Dazui's death, but we met a fat girl, she was very scary, Xie Jianfeng didn't even have time to react, and was killed With a slap, it turned into a meat paste."

When Han Gu said this, his already pale face suddenly became even paler.

When their strength has reached their stage, the script world is more like a kind of travel, a kind of experience. Even if they meet those people with terrible strength, they can retreat calmly if they can't beat them.

But it has been a long time since they have experienced this kind of stimulation that can determine life and death in an instant.

Xie Jianfeng was only a little closer to the fat girl when he was slapped into a pulp. When the blood splashed on their faces, their brains were buzzing.

Death was only a few steps away from them at that moment.

"Slap Xie Jianfeng to death?"

Xu Tong didn't know Xie Jianfeng, and he didn't know how strong he was. He might be called one of the eight villains, and Xie Jianfeng was a relatively well-known master.

Aside from his bad taste of making people inch by inch, this guy can definitely be regarded as a first-line master among players.

But to be slapped into meat paste by someone is too sensational, and I and Yan Xiaoqi definitely don't have such strength.

"What does the girl you mentioned just now look like?"

Han Gu's mind went blank, he didn't dare to look at the girl's appearance, he just had a general impression of her figure, after all everything happened so fast, he didn't even have time to remember those details.

"Very fat, yes, very fat, and she should be a gamer!"

Han Gu tried his best to recall the details that he had neglected.

"Player?? How do you know?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Tong's expression became even more weird. Among the players, how many people can slap Xie Jianfeng into a pulp? ?

"She is wearing a pink nurse's uniform. There is no such costume in this scripted world, so she is not a character in this scripted world at all."

Hearing Han Gu's words, Xu Tong was stunned immediately.

Very fat, pink nurse outfit...

For some reason, these two characteristics made him feel very familiar, and he couldn't help but think of Fat Girl in his mind.

"No way……"

Xu Tong shook his head, thinking that this idea was outrageous. He had been in the hospital for so many years, and the fat girl was only a few years older than him, and her mental state was extremely abnormal.

The relationship between the two can be considered very good, and it was because Chang Wuzhi molested the fat girl that Xu Tong attacked him.

How could it be her...

But after thinking about it, Xu Tong lost his mind. Didn't he think about the old magic stick in the same way at the beginning, but he was almost taught to be a man by that old pervert.

Thinking about it this way... hiss...

Xu Tong's expression became complicated.


Suddenly, there was a thundering dragon roar behind him, and Xu Tong was also shocked by the terrifying power.

Seeing the purple awns soaring into the sky, Xu Tong could vaguely see Yan Xiaoqi's figure. His body was distorted beyond shape, but it became even stronger. He almost turned into a real dragon.

A pair of big purple hands slapped, shaking the void, the ground was filled with smoke and dust, everything was unstable, and the purple mist surged.

Apparently Yan Xiaoqi had been forced to the point where he could arouse his killing skills.

However, in the purple light, there was a voice that Xu Tong was familiar with.

"Hungry, hungry, you don't look good! It's too mouth-watering!"

As the voice fell, the sky-covering purple light in front of him was suddenly suppressed by a terrifying dark force. He opened his huge mouth and sucked in all of the terrifying purple flames.

A huge slap swept across, and when it collided with Yan Xiaoqi's dragon claw, a dazzling glare erupted.


Yan Xiaoqi was like an unthreaded puppet, he was slapped flying by the big hand, and a string of purple blood sprayed down.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xu Tong intervened forcefully with his Dharma body, and took Yan Xiaoqi down.

At the same time, a large amount of life force gushed out from the Dayi Ruyi Furnace, and quickly poured it into Yan Xiaoqi's body.

Xu Tong took a closer look, and couldn't help frowning, seeing that Yan Xiaoqi's appearance at the moment was extremely tragic.

The left hand was a piece of blood and flesh, and the large piece of flesh and blood on the chest seemed to be cut off.

Blood was flowing, and it looked extremely permeable.

"Yan Xiaoqi actually lost?"

Xu Tong felt turbulent in his heart, squinting forward, and saw the figure in the nurse's uniform limping out in the darkness.

The chubby Dabing had an innocent and honest smile on his face: "It's really you, that's great, I finally found you, come back with me, patients can't run around."


Xu Tong put down Yan Xiaoqi and stood up, his expression gradually became serious. At this time, Yan Xiaoqi grabbed Xu Tong's arm, lowered his voice, and gasped for breath: "Be careful, her power is very strange, it can swallow everything Hurt, if you want to hurt her, you must squeeze your strength to the extreme!"

Although Yan Xiaoqi was seriously injured, Niuniu also had a hole in her limping foot.

If you look carefully, you will find that granulation sprouts like diced beans have grown on her wound, which seems to be healing quickly, but Yan Xiaoqi's strength is not scattered at the wound, so that the wound can never heal.

After Xu Tong gave Yan Xiaoqi a level 9 pill, he walked towards the fat girl in front of him.

Facing Niu Niu, Xu Tong slowed down and asked with a smile: "Niu Niu, are you hungry? I have delicious candy and delicious snacks here."

In the past, Xu Tong would use this method to ease Niuniu's emotions.

But today, Niu Niu's condition is extremely unstable, with an angry expression on her pockmarked face: "Liar, you ran out of the hospital by yourself and didn't go back to see me!"

Niuniu clasped her hands together, twisting her fat body, with a look of refusing to forgive Xu Tong, looking... a little funny.

But at this time, instead of showing the slightest smile on Xu Tong's face, he expressed his apology to Niuniu very sincerely: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you when I went back last time, look, you must be very tired recently , are all thin, let's go eat first, okay, I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you."

Xu Tong tried his best to appease Niuniu.

At the same time, an invitation to join the team was quickly sent to Yan Xiaoqi and the other three.

This is a formal invitation to join the team, and the authority is much higher than that of the three temporary teams. As long as they agree, they can be merged into their own team immediately.

I am not familiar with Hangu and Deathknell, but since I want to save them, I will save them together. Who will make me kinder?

Seeing this, the three looked at each other and decisively agreed to join the team.

At this time, they knew that the life of a dog was very important, and the girl in front of them was too scary, so they had to find a way to tide over the difficulties first.

As for the decree of the gods, in the face of his own life, this matter can be temporarily delayed.

After the three joined the team, Xu Tong quickly said in the team channel: "Don't move, this girl is in a bad mood, I will try my best to comfort her."

"You know her?"

Yan Xiaoqi asked.

"It's a long story, let's talk about it after it's safe."

Xu Tong couldn't explain too much to Yan Xiaoqi and the others at this time, while he comforted Niuniu with soft words, he walked in Niuniu's direction step by step, continuously taking out all kinds of food from the item book come out.

Sure enough, seeing these foods, Niu Niu's expression gradually eased down.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hurriedly unpacked a bag of snacks and brought them to Niuniu, who immediately stuffed them into her mouth.

Soon a bag of snacks was eaten by her, and Xu Tong immediately delivered another bag seamlessly.

Then carefully probed: "Did the youngest ask you to come to me?"

"Well, he said you're not safe outside, let me pick you up."

After Niuniu finished speaking, she paused for a moment, looked up at Xu Tong, and added, "I have to live."

"It really is the youngest."

After Xu Tong confirmed his answer, he pulled Niu Niu to sit down, and then sat beside Niu Niu, giving her snacks while continuing to talk.

Watching this process, Yan Xiaoqi and the others were sweating coldly on their foreheads.

Especially when Xu Tong took out Niu Niu's favorite chocolate, Niu Niu even hugged Xu Tong in her arms.

This move almost made Yan Xiaoqi jump up.

They have all seen the terrifying power of this fat girl. She slapped Xie Jianfeng into a meat paste with one slap. If they want to kill Xu Tong, this hug is enough to crush him into a meat paste.

Fortunately, Xu Tong hurriedly signaled them not to be nervous.

Since the youngest said that if she wants to live, Niuniu will never kill herself. This is a relatively crucial piece of information.

Although Niuniu's thinking is not normal, she never disobeys the youngest's words.

"Then I'll go back with you later, okay?"

Xu Tong followed Niuniu's wishes and said that he would go back with her later, but his voice changed: "But I'm stuck here now, how did you get in?"

"There was a fight outside, so I came in."

What Niuniu said probably refers to other script worlds, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly: "It should be someone from the Holy See."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong wanted to continue to get some useful information out of Niuniu's mouth, but Niuniu suddenly threw the snacks on the ground, and that big face slowly approached Xu Tong; "Brother Xu, I'm hungry !"

"Oh, then I'll take you to a big meal, okay?"

As Xu Tong said, he was about to stand up, but when he moved, he found that his body was firmly pressed on the ground by Niuniu's hands, and he couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried.

But Niu Niu's fat fingers gradually began to shrink, and the huge force made Xu Tong's shoulders start to make artificial noises.

Xu Tong endured the huge pain in his shoulder and said with a smile, "Let's go, I have prepared a big meal for you."

However, instead of letting go, Niu Niu's hand became tighter and tighter. Her small mung bean-like eyes gradually began to reveal a fierce beast-like light, and her mouth opened to reveal shark-like teeth: "But I I think... the smell on you, brother, is even more delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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