Infinite script kill

Chapter 1061 Atlantis

"Boom rumble..."

Dazzling cracks were torn open from the void, and a warship drilled out of the cracks, braving billowing smoke and gradually falling from the midair, crashing onto the sea.


The waves surged and hit the hull of the ship. After everyone got up in embarrassment, their faces were very ugly.

"Old horse, is this what you said? Ugh..." Gao Zhuo lay on the deck and vomited.

"All success is based on failure, and we have not failed, which is already a very good result."

Master held onto the deck and walked over with his head covered.

Don't get me wrong, his head wasn't hit by someone, it was hit by himself on the deck. After all, Xu Tong and the others couldn't bear to hit such a precious head.

Xu Tong supported A-mei to stand up: "It's better to be safe. You can improve and improve. I can't bear the bumps every time."

Chang Wuzhi saw Xu Tong's hand still resting on A-Mei's chest, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and muttered, "But I think you seem to be enjoying it."

A-Mei blushed and glared at Xu Tong, but Xu Tong pretended not to hear.

In fact, the effect of the teleportation array arranged by Master is quite successful.

It's just that the process of forcibly breaking through the barriers like this is not comfortable, even the strengthened Sun Battleship can't stand this toss every time.

So it is still necessary for Master to take a good rest.

Afterwards, Xu Tong jumped into the air, activated the Fomu Tong, and swept his eyes around the surroundings, and then said happily: "It really is a good place!"

I saw that the surrounding wilderness is full of vitality, greenery is everywhere, the aura is so thick that it cannot be melted, and it is crystallized, and the mountains and plains are full of hundreds of years of elixir.

They came according to the boundary map left by Yan Xiaoqi, but they didn't expect that there was something different here.

The Holy Mother of Dou Ling left this boundary map to Yan Xiaoqi, and the route of this boundary map was designed early.

This is a path of cultivation.

Just like this world, there are no human races, and there are many monsters and beasts, and there are many unknown ancient creatures under the sea.

"This is a good place to practice. Just take a rest and check the wear and tear of the Sun Battleship."

Then Xu Tong plunged into the room and began to heal his wounds. Amei might be worried about him, so they entered the room together to help Xu Tong bandage the wound.

Only after everyone had been floating on the sea for a whole day and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the battleship, did they slowly raise the battleship and glide towards the land ahead.

In the quiet room, Xu Tong has a tripod of Nine Immortals on his head, and he is working hard on the inheritance of Nine Immortals.

The old magic stick last time had already made him feel a great threat, this time Niu Niu came directly to the door, showing that they have found their own way.

What shocked me even more was Niuniu's power, devouring the world, almost incomprehensible.

If it wasn't for his epiphany of Wuqi Transformation Divine Light, I'm afraid that none of them in this group would even try to run away.

Not every time I am so lucky.

Now the only way to improve yourself is the inheritance of the Nine Immortals in the Nine Immortals Cauldron.

It's just that the inheritance of the Nine Immortal Cauldron is more difficult than the next.

The second inheritance, I haven't comprehended it until now, because this is a set of movements, which is too incredible.

I saw that after his thoughts merged with the second immortal on the Nine Immortals Cauldron, he saw this immortal, dancing like a martial artist, with a dim figure and an antelope hanging horns. Time is the alternation of time and space, with infinite changes.

It's just that Xu Tong couldn't comprehend the mystery of it, and didn't even see what kind of movement technique it was.

I can't comprehend it by force.

Xu Tong immediately changed his mind. His mind opened and closed, and he had countless thoughts: "Since we can't comprehend it directly, we may as well understand it from actual combat."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong divided his thoughts into two, and the two thoughts of yin and yang turned into two people, one black and one white, and they fought in Xu Tong's mind.

This method is exactly how he imitated Yan Xiaoqi to record his experience of fighting with others and practice it continuously.

I saw that the black man used what Xu Tong had learned all his life, and the white man used the word-winning technique and swordsmanship inherited from the Nine Immortals.

In this comparison, the blacks have gained an overwhelming advantage.

But then Xu Tong began to signal for the white man to imitate the movement skills in the second set of inheritance and try to continue the duel with the black man.

One black and one white, the two figures alternate, and there are thousands of moves in just a few breaths.

It's just that Xu Tong gradually realized that something was wrong.

Bai Zhe was always at a disadvantage, but he became more and more courageous as he fought. Not only was his figure strange and changeable, but also an invisible force surrounded him.

"Could this be the peculiarity of this set of movements? No, if it's just that, it's impossible for this set of movements to stay on the Nine Immortals Cauldron."

How precious is the Nine Immortal Cauldron, and how important the position of the above nine inheritances is, if it is not for the magical magic of good fortune, it will definitely not stay on it.

Xu Tong's mind was like a third person, watching the battle between the two without the slightest emotion.

But in a short while, as Bai Zhe further mastered the proficiency of body skills, the disadvantages began to feel gradually equalized.

Sudden!The white figure danced, facing the black man's strong pressure, suddenly the palm moves changed, and the seemingly ordinary sword directly shook most of the black man's thoughts away.

"How is this going?"

Xu Tong was dazed for a few seconds, and quickly re-watched the action just now in his mind.

Anyway, this is my own idea, and I am free to watch their fighting process at will.

After watching it several times, Xu Tong didn't find out the mystery at first, until he poured his own consciousness into the white man's thoughts, and finally discovered the mystery.

With the dancing of his steps, Xu Tong immediately felt a special force gradually gathering with his posture.

Immediately after the black man used all kinds of unique skills to crush him down, this force suddenly condensed together with the change of thought and posture, and the seemingly ordinary and inconspicuous sword burst out ten times as much as before. strength.

Directly defeating the black man, if this is done in actual combat, I am afraid that this sword is enough to kill a strong man who is as strong as himself.

A body technique that can increase its own lethality by ten times in a short period of time?


Now it was Xu Tong's turn that his scalp was numb.

He knew that the inheritance recorded in Jiuding was extremely strong, but he didn't expect it to be so unimaginable.

Compared with Duozijue, it is even more weird and unpredictable.

"It's no wonder that these nine immortals dared to defy the sky and resist the gods. With these methods, it is possible that they have no chance."


At this time, there was a melodious horn sound outside.

"Head, there are a group of airships outside, come and take a look, but it seems that they have no plans to fight us."

Gao Zhuo's shout sounded in the team channel.

Seeing this, Xu Tong withdrew his thoughts from the Nine Immortal Cauldron, and then walked out of the room to the deck.

A group of people came straight to them in a black airship.

This airship looks a bit like the size of a cruiser motorcycle. There are dark blue lines flashing on the airship, which looks quite technological.

Each airship can take two warriors with weapons.

At first glance, Xu Tong almost thought he was delusional, but when he took a closer look, he found that the power of the other party's airship was more like some kind of gem crystal, which was completely different from the real fuel-burning airship.

"You have entered the range of Atlantis, please lower the hull immediately, Atlantis is forbidden to fly!"


Gao Zhuo couldn't help being stunned: "Isn't Atlantis in the water? It's all in the sky?"

"Sorry, the sky above Atlantis is a military domain and flying is prohibited."

The other party ignored Gao Zhuo's teasing, and reminded again with a cold voice.

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded to the sister beside him, indicating to lower the Sun Battleship first, and then asked: "We are travelers passing by, and we don't know the rules here. Let's descend now. May I ask where Atlantis is?" Where, can we enter as guests."

Xu Tong is very curious about this rumored Atlantis. After all, in reality, Atlantis is no less mysterious than Kunlun.

The other party didn't answer Xu Tong's question directly, but after looking up and down Xu Tong's eyes, he frowned: "Sorry, Atlantis, outsiders are not welcome."

Although these words sounded polite, the contemptuous gaze was more like looking at a group of monkeys.


Xu Tong nodded meaningfully, no need to talk nonsense, everyone immediately understood the meaning of Xu Tong's oh.

Seeing Gu Xibai with a dark face, he suddenly pulled out a spear from the item book: "Go to hell, I'll give you face!"

While speaking, the spear was thrown suddenly, piercing the air with dazzling flames and attacking the airship. The airship's protective cover was instantly activated, but this thin layer of energy shield was just as thin as paper in front of the spear.


The spear pierced through the shield without hindrance, directly penetrated into the airship, and directly pierced the two fighters on the airship.

"Damn, these savage monkeys!!"

Seeing that Xu Tong was the first to make a move, all the airships dispersed in an instant, and then, relying on the speed of the airship, quickly rushed to the bottom of the battleship, intending to destroy the battleship first.

But they underestimated this solar battleship, and even underestimated the reaction ability of soldiers like Ge Zhuo.

Before they could launch an attack, Ge Zhuo and the others had already opened the hatch in the belly of the Sun Battleship, revealing the neat arrow launchers behind it.

"Fire arrows!"

Following Ge Zhuo's order, countless densely packed arrows rained down on the surroundings in an instant.

Although it is not as terrifying as the Momen Wancai Meteor, each arrow is astonishingly powerful after being infused with the elemental power of the Sun God Furnace.

It may be that they didn't expect that something like this ship would have so many traps. The shields of these airships were instantly beaten into a hornet's nest at such a short distance.

"Catch someone alive and come back!"

"Hehe, that's easy!" Chang Wuzhi grinned, his figure disappeared into the void almost instantly, and when he reappeared the next moment, he had already appeared on an airship out of thin air.

There was no sound, not even the shield of the airship blocked his footsteps, and the two soldiers who were still in panic didn't even understand what was going on, so they were all beaten by Chang Wuzhi with a simple hand knife. fainted……

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