Infinite script kill

Chapter 1069 The God of Creation

Chapter 1069 The God of Creation
The mysterious blue light is like the color of the ocean. As soon as this thing comes out, the boiling water elements begin to gather here.

Everyone stared at the gemstone in the box with wide eyes, and they all let out shocking exclamations.

Even Xu Tong and the others did not expect that Aogu and the others would be so generous.

"Innate water spirit!"

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he saw a polished sapphire in the box, which contained infinite power of water element.

How much is this thing worth?Hmm... the broken gem on Hagrid's staff was that.

Therefore, wearing this gemstone almost has the power to mobilize the power of the sea, an innate treasure with inestimable value.

"Is this old guy crazy?? I don't know how powerful Lao Bai's slap is. Is this a treasure given to us by Bai?"

Gao Zhuo was drooling when he saw it, and felt that this thing was already in their pocket.

Aogu was very satisfied with the shock of Xu Tong and others.

At this time, the Sphinx who was sitting behind quietly stood up and walked out, and then five people got up and followed, including Hagrid.

Xu Tong and the others naturally noticed this. Although they felt strange in their hearts, they couldn't keep staring at what they did when they went out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this will be a decisive battle that will make even the sea god pay attention."

At this moment, the host walked into the sand pool below, and the thick sand was as soft as if he was stepping on the beach.

It's just that under this piece of yellow sand, it's unknown how many people's lives were buried.

After the host gave a passionate speech, the opposite metal door slowly opened, and the three of Xu Tong looked intently.

It was a man with thick long hair, with a golden fluffy hairstyle, who looked like a lion.

The appearance of the man instantly made the people in the audience excited, and even shouted the man's name: "Mutu! Mutu! Mutu!"

Deafening shouts rang through the sky.

The man's straight nose was raised, and he looked around with deep eyes. His handsome and masculine appearance instantly made the audience sway... The young women screamed in excitement.

There are even many women who tore off their clothes and showed him their graceful figures.

And Mutu's response was just a simple kiss, which fascinated the girls in the audience.

In this era where reading is a form of entertainment, a man who has maintained a wrestling record and has never been defeated has a star aura just like Jackson in reality.

"Mutu? Isn't it the Simon Mutu that Dyson said?"

Gu Xibai has a good memory, remembering what the boy Dyson said in the carriage.

Gao Zhuo got a little impressed: "Oh, that's the one whose strength is almost at the peak of enlightenment?"

"Forty-star werewolf warrior."

Xu Tong's memory is obviously better than Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai's, but his face is full of doubts and incomprehension.

As soon as he heard that the other party was only at the Dao Realm, Gao Zhuo immediately beamed with joy.

"Head, why don't you let me do it? You can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife."

Gao Zhuo was a bit over the top, and felt that Lao Bai didn't need to deal with this werewolf warrior, and he could kill him by himself.

But Xu Tong felt that something was wrong. No one knew how strong Lao Bai was, could Hagrid not understand?Letting such a werewolf come up, is this not a free gift, or a trap?

Xu Tong didn't think that Ao Gu, an old fox, would give them treasures for nothing.

"Don't mess around, you've been a player for so long, have you ever seen a pie fall from the sky?"

After Gao Zhuo thought about it, it seemed to be the reason, but he had actually seen it before: "Isn't Li Bo the same?"


As soon as these words came out, Xu Tong was speechless.

Li Bo?This guy is a cheat.

The luck is not good, the shit is lucky to fly, listen to his nicknames, [team red hand] [leakage king] [shit strong]

When he was out of the house, even if he raised his head and opened his mouth wide, he wouldn't be surprised if an elixir fell from the sky and hit him in his mouth.

"Who told you not to be Li Bo, stop talking nonsense, come on, Old Bai, don't be polite to them, just kill him!"

The more Xu Tong thought about it, the more weird he felt. Just in case, he decided to ask Lao Bai to send him on the road directly.

After Gu Xibai nodded to express his understanding, he turned around and walked towards the sand pool below.

For some reason, Xu Tong was always a little uneasy at this moment, especially after Hagrid and the others walked out just now, Xu Tong began to feel guilty.

This is not a good omen, he has a destiny and a body, and he has a premonition in his heart, and there must be a reason.

After scanning the surroundings, a thought came to him, that is, he wanted to use the power of time to peek into the future.

Doing so will inevitably consume an idea, but Xu Tong has to take precautions early in his heart.

When a thought is ignited and an inch of time is activated, Xu Tong's mind flashes a fragment of the future.

In a fierce melee, the ground was pierced, the sky turned into daylight, and the terrifying power made the whole Atlantis tremble.

"how so??"

Xu Tong couldn't help being taken aback by the picture that emerged in his mind. The other party was obviously just an enlightened guy facing a human immortal, and even a finger could easily poke him to death.

But in the picture I saw at this moment, the two of them were actually fighting to such an extreme degree.

Even if those high priests came in person, there was absolutely no chance of winning against Lao Bai.

Xu Tong was shocked for a while.

Then he wanted to see what other pictures were in the future, but it turned out to be a mess.

The entire arena, and even the entire sky of Atlantis were covered by thunder, and the whole world seemed to be in some kind of doomsday.


A ray of purple light tore through the void, which is the divine power of the Thunder Talisman of the Purple Cloud God.

"Have I even made a move?"

Xu Tong's heart sank, and he quickly wanted to find his figure, but as his gaze shifted, the picture was constantly changing.

What he saw just now disappeared the next moment, and instead it was the picture of Gu Xibai easily killing the opponent.

The future is not believable, that's why, because there are too many pictures, you can't tell the real from the fake.

Even if you saw the ending of the matter in the last second, maybe the ending in the next second will be different.

The time to peek into the future is very short, and Xu Tong can only see so much, but it is obvious that this guy will not be a good person right now.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little heavy. He looked at Aogu who was sitting beside him, thinking that if something happened, he would sacrifice the Nine Immortal Cauldron immediately, and kill this old guy first.

At the same time, Chang Wuzhi was wandering the inner corridors of the arena boredly, but at this moment his appearance has completely changed.

She has long dark brown hair, a high bulging anti-collision air cushion on her chest, and is dressed in a maid's attire, walking freely in the inner passage of the arena.

"Is there such a detour in this ghost place? My transformation can only last for an hour. If I can't find the exit, I can only tear open the space and leave."

Chang Wuzhi was cursing in his heart, Yan Xiaoqi's arena was much simpler than here, God knows why the design here is so complicated.


At this moment, a Mediterranean suddenly poked his head out from the door, and when he saw Chang Wuzhi, his face suddenly showed displeasure: "What are you doing here!"

Chang Wuzhi was stunned, and before he could speak, Hai Hai impatiently stuffed the plate of wine in his hand into his arms, and squeezed Chang Wuzhi's chest.

This greasy appearance made Chang Wuzhi retch for a while, but Hai Di said nonchalantly: "Don't be dazed, come with me, His Highness Hagrid and the others are still waiting."

Upon hearing Hagrid's name, Chang Wushou moved his head and calmly put away the dagger under the plate.

The two walked along the corridor to another room.

Chang Wushu glanced at him, and found that not only Hagrid was there, but also five other figures in sacrificial robes were standing there.

There is a huge crystal in the room in front of him, and the handsome figure of Simon Mutu is reflected on the crystal.

"Later, the five of us will inject power into Simon's body at the same time, enough to make him become a god in a short time. Even if the opponent's strength is very strong, he will definitely not be Simon's opponent!"

"But if you do this, Simon may not survive."

"Almost, if you don't die, you will be disabled, but it's worthwhile to experience the feeling of a god while you're alive."

The six people talked one after another in the room, Chang Wuzhi stood aside and listened for a while, and he probably knew what was going on.

"You can't play head-on, are you playing negatively?"

Chang Wuzhi lowered his head, looked at the wine bottle in his hand, his eyes showed a hint of ferocity, so he put the wine bottle on the table beside him, took out a vermilion pill from the item book, and stretched out his hand to uncover the wine bottle cover……

"What are you doing?"

But before Chang Wuzhi threw the poison in, the Sphinx suddenly turned his head and asked Chang Wuzhi in a cold voice.

Chang Wuju's heart skipped a beat, his face suddenly changed, his hands were behind his back, and the black water dragon tooth was already held in his palm.

The Sphinx walked over step by step, frowning, and pinched Chang Wuzhi's chin with his hand: "Stupid thing, the smell of the wine is gone when the bottle cap is opened!"

Sphinx said, looking up and down Chang Wuzhi sneered, "Come to my room tonight, and I'll teach you how to pour wine!"

As the Sphinx said, he turned around, picked up the wine jug, walked in front of Hagrid and the others, and gave the drink to everyone.

Chang Wuzhi heaved a sigh of relief, counting that the time for his transformation is almost up, he was about to apply oil on the soles of his feet, and when he left first and then tried to find a solution, Sphinx turned around and pulled him into his arms .

"Why are you running, stay here with me, and let you see what it means to be a god!" As he said, he pressed Chang Wuzhang against his wall, and one hand began to move restlessly around him.

Seeing this, Hagrid and the others looked at each other, only showing the eyes that men understand, smiled knowingly, and raised the wine glasses in their hands to drink...

(End of this chapter)

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