Infinite script kill

Chapter 1072 Leaving Atlantis

Chapter 1072 Leaving Atlantis

The absolute chill, coupled with the blessing of martial arts will, freezes the time and space in front of him. The Wu hook draws a mysterious trajectory, and the void it passes through collapses, and then it is like a black hole covering the light ball in front of it.

He wants to cut off the connection between the ball of light and Atlantis. Even if it is the god of death, what he recovers is just a thought, which belongs to the rootless source. As long as he and Atlantis are cut off The connection between them, this thread of thought will naturally dissipate.

However, although Gu Xibai had a good idea, when the palm in the ball of light was lightly slapped down, wisps of cyan divine light could be seen spilling from the fingertips.

The divine light hit the sky like a flood, like a raging ocean, and the power of thousands of rules turned into countless divine swords to kill.


There was a riot between heaven and earth, with divine power like the sea, shattering all the forces that prevented it from recovering. Although it was only a palm stretched out at the moment, it was already forming a tendency to crush Xu Tong and Gu Xibai.

"Go together!"

Xu Tong came to Gu Xibai's side, the two looked at each other, and then shot at the same time.

The void trembled, and Gu Xibai's figure was like a dragon, his whole body was wrapped in the will of martial arts, and his body shone with golden light, like a human-shaped divine soldier. Countless divine lights fell on him, unable to move him at all.

Wu Hook waved the afterimage of Dao Dao, turning into a blossoming white lotus, surrounded by extreme martial arts luck, and with a shock, all the incoming water and light were defeated.

At the same time, Xu Tong had already killed him with Mo Ran in his hand. He had a solemn expression, standing in the future time, surrounded by the aura of destiny and killing, and his figure was ethereal, as if he was dancing. He held a sword in his right hand and a sword in his left hand. But when he opened and closed his big hands, he actually snatched all the divine light in his hands.

The two inheritance methods of the Nine Immortal Cauldron were integrated into his actual combat by Xu Tong, and an unprecedented feeling hit him. As his pace became faster and faster, and his figure became more and more erratic, the forces floating around him began to Gather towards yourself.

"Sea God, destroy these two heretical evil gods."

Seeing that the two cooperated with each other and unexpectedly rushed towards the direction of the light ball abruptly, the hearts of Ao Gu and the other seven people were also raised in their throats.

In their impression, the power of the Seagod is unparalleled, as long as the Seagod is awakened, any terrifying enemy can be easily wiped out.

No one has ever lasted until this point.


Gu Xibai entered the dragon and became a fairy in the flesh, possessing inconceivable power. At this moment, he is one with heaven and man, holding the Wushuang hook to draw the path of the Tao, which is endless and will never be exhausted.

Suddenly, the endless divine light in front of his eyes was split open a huge hole.

Also in this gap, Xu Tongren has already rushed up, if Gu Xibai represents the will of heaven and earth, incarnated as Tao.

Then Xu Tong is walking against the sky, holding the ink dye in his hand, with the destiny in his body, and under the blessing of the two secret methods of the Nine Immortal Cauldron, his combat effectiveness has directly reached its peak.

The Poseidon's mind, which had been revived in the ball of light, seemed to have sensed the crisis, and the eyes that were slightly closed gradually opened, and the colorful light in the eyes was brilliant, and they could see the power of all things in the world.

When the eyes were fixed on Xu Tong, the pupils flashed and sent out frightening fluctuations, shooting out like a rainbow.

In an instant, most of the lights and energy in Atlantis were evacuated.

Seeing the divine light strike, the time around Xu Tong quickly began to slow down, and the [Touch of Time] [Hourglass of Time] time-based prop card was activated, making Xu Tong the master of this piece of time.

While the figure fluttered away from the strong light that was shooting at him, the power of time was also blessed in indifference.


The tiger roared to the sky, blessed by the destiny.

Xu Tong's eyes were full of cold light: "Don't say you are just a thought, even if you really come back to life, I will have a way to kill you!"

Accompanied by Xu Tong's long roar, the power of the two inheritances of the Nine Immortal Cauldron was blessed, and the power that was several times stronger than before erupted in an instant.

Mo Ran struck out with a sword in his hand, dividing the world into two, black on the left and white on the right, both are the past and the future.

At the moment when black and white alternate, time, space, and all things are turned into dust, only the sword in Xu Tong's hand is eternal, as if it is the only one.

This is exactly the third sword that Xu Tong comprehended, and also his strongest sword, Ji Zhou!


In an instant, the sword glow pierced through the figure in the ball of light, splitting the figure into two.


Painful roars echoed in the sky above Atlantis, Ao Gu and the others turned pale, and couldn't believe that the invincible Sea God was cut open with a single sword.

The thought roared in pain, and it was finally revived. He was unwilling to be wiped out like this. Even if it was just a thought, he still had a strong desire to survive.

In an instant, he actually absorbed all the energy of Atlantis, trying to forcibly reunite himself.

But he obviously underestimated the horror of Xu Tong's sword.

Black on the left, white on the right.

When the split thoughts fall into it, they no longer belong to the same time and space, but in two different time and space, the past and the future.

This is the scary part of Jiri, the past and the future are destined not to appear together at the same time, no matter how this thread of thought struggles, but the moment Xu Tong put away Mo Ran, time and space shattered, black and white turned into nothingness, and disappeared together Lost, and the idea of ​​the god of death.

"It's a pity that such a good alchemy material!"

Looking at the shattered God of Death idea, Xu Tong was satisfied with the effect of the Nine Immortal Cauldron Inheritance method, but also a little bit regretful. After all, the idea of ​​God of Death is a good treasure for alchemy.

The moment the thought disappeared, Ao Gu and the others were struck by lightning. They couldn't believe that Sea God would be defeated by the two together.

And Atlantis' energy has also been consumed by more than half, at this moment the enchantment has begun to collapse.

Now Aogu and the others looked ugly, but they could only bite the bullet and prepare to fight Xu Tong and the others desperately.

What they didn't expect was that Xu Tong led Gu Xibai through the teleportation beacon at this moment and disappeared in front of them.

"They left??" Seeing Xu Tong's disappearing figure, Ao Gu and the others looked at each other, feeling a little confused for a while.

When Xu Tong and others returned to the Sun Battleship through the teleportation beacon, the Sun Battleship had already left Atlantis.

When everyone saw the two came back, Xu Tong and Gu Xibai said in unison before they had time to ask, "Go!"

They beheaded the idea of ​​a god of death. Although it was a big victory, the two of them also sensed that something seemed to be recovering under Atlantis, and the strong sense of peeping hit them, making them Both powerful immortals felt hairy all over.

Otherwise, with Xu Tong's character, it would be strange not to dismantle Atlantis.

But the battle wasn't all fruitless.

This kind of high-level battle has benefited both of them a lot, especially Xu Tong has a deeper understanding of the inheritance power of the Nine Immortal Cauldron.

The inheritance and blessing of the Nine Immortal Cauldron made him slash ten times more lethal, but the consumption also showed ten times the loss, so that his own thoughts were burned by one-third.

The Duanzi Jue allows him to face the attacks of the gods with ease, and he can easily use his strength to fight, and the movement technique inherited from the second part makes him explode ten times more lethal than himself.

If I can comprehend the third inheritance, I won't run for my life in embarrassment next time I encounter this situation.

The two of them rested for a while, and after relaxing their mentality from the state of fighting just now, Chang Wuzhi came over with a half-dead guy on his hands.

Xu Tong saw that it was Hagrid.

Only then did Chang Wuzhi have the opportunity to tell the whole story about what he had seen.

In fact, his original plan was to poison the wine, but the sphinx snatched the bottle before the poison could be cast.

What everyone didn't expect was that the Sphinx who took the bottle also poisoned the wine.

This guy calculated the timing of the poison in his mind, and deliberately let Hagrid and the others act first by pretending to be flirting with him.

Such a delay, until the time when the poison broke out, the Sphinx took the Saraste gem that gathered the power of the five high priests and left with satisfaction.

As for Chang Wuzhi, Sphinx didn't notice his life or death at all, and Chang Wuzhi only realized at this moment that they had been tricked and used as a gun, so he hurriedly notified Xu Tong and the others to leave.

It may be because Hagrid's physical body has been specially modified, and he didn't die for a while after the poison broke out.

Chang Wuzhi simply took a elixir and brought him back, believing that he would be brought back to life, then everything would be clear about what was going on.

Of course, Chang Wushou brought back the bodies of the other four high priests. These four were not so lucky, and all of them were dead on the spot. However, it is a good material to hand over their bodies to Gao Zhuo.

Xu Tong stepped forward, checked Hagrid's pulse, and found that Hagrid was no longer breathing, but his heart was still beating weakly, and his body was still fighting against the poison, but if no external force intervened , I'm afraid it won't last too long.

But as long as it is not completely dead, then the rest is simple.

Xu Tong called out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, and used a lot of life force to wash it over and over again.

Hagrid's original body was shattered by Gu Xibai a long time ago. This new body was painstakingly cultivated by Hagrid. It not only has amazing potential, but also has strong resistance. After the life force poured into the physical body, the physical body was supplemented, and slowly the person began to relax.

Hagrid's face gradually turned reddish, and gradually his skin became redder, and his body began to scratch his throat involuntarily.

Seeing this, Xu Tong helped Hagrid up and patted the guy on the back, and immediately spit out a mouthful of black blood from the guy's mouth.


The moment he spat out the black blood, Hagrid took a deep breath almost with all his strength, his eyes widened, and he lay on the ground trembling.

After waiting for a while, after Hagrid came back to his senses, he raised his head and roared hoarsely in the direction of Atlantis: "Ao Gu, you bastard!!"

(End of this chapter)

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