Infinite script kill

Chapter 1091 Child, do you miss me!

Chapter 1091 Child, do you miss me!
Niuniu was taken aback, but saw that Chang Wuzhi's originally stupid body suddenly became more flexible than imagined, and Niuniu's palm was grabbing towards his head, the speed was so fast that it exceeded the limit of human reaction.

But Chang Wuzhi just turned sideways and avoided Niu Niu's palm. At the same time, his figure was like a ghost, forming an afterimage in front of Niu Niu.

"Puff puff puff..."

In an instant, the black water dragon's tooth rolled up a terrifying storm of sharp blades in Chang Wuzhi's hands, cutting crazily on Niu Niu's body.

Although these cuts did not cause any substantial harm to Niu Niu, the bursts of stinging pain made Niu Niu's face distorted in pain.

Chang Wuzhi's speed is too fast, so fast that Niuniu's eyes can't keep up. Although the item card is in a silent state, the passive effect has not been cancelled. In addition, Chang Wuzhi himself has the body of an earth fairy, and The speed of the Nishen Clan's special body skills burst out in a short period of time, even Gu Xibai would have a headache.

Seeing the afterimages in front of her, but she couldn't catch Chang Wuzhi, Niuniu went crazy.

A piercing scream came out of the mouth, and the abdominal cavity burst open, about to turn into a black hole and swallow everything around it.

However, at this moment, the stormy attack in front of him suddenly stopped, Niuniu took a closer look and found that Chang Wuzhi had already jumped a thousand meters away.

The body is as light as a cat, and with a touch of the toes, it can jump a thousand meters away again.

At this time, a shout came from a distance, and Fat Girl raised her head, and saw a group of people standing on the mound in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, all the elemental storms that filled the plain were swallowed up. At this moment, Niuniu's abdominal cavity was completely ruptured, and a huge black hole began to be slowly exposed.

As the storm rolled, the huge gravitational force was quickly swallowing these elements.

The soil around Li Bo split open, and Chang Wuzhi was wrapped in dense vines and emerged from the soil.

A skinny hand was slowly protruding from Niu Niu's shoulder at this moment...

Chang Wuzhi spit out a ball of black blood, and there was no trace of blood on that face, and he gave Gao Zhuo a hard look: "You bastard, you did it on purpose!"

"Silly girl!! Don't be so greedy in your next life!"

"Hey fat girl, this way!"

The ten miles of mountains and rivers trembled, countless birds and beasts fled, and the forest where Chang Wuzhu was was directly dented.

And in this fragment of time, a figure is recovering rapidly.

Even Niuniu couldn't be immune, at this moment under Gao Zhuo's control, the corpse poison gathered into strands of poisonous snakes, crazily burrowing towards Niuniu's heart.

Seeing that Niu Niu has been continuously injured, Chang Wuju's eyes showed a ferocious evil light, and he saw his figure tearing apart an afterimage in the void, his hands clenched tightly on the black water dragon tooth, and in an instant, a lethal wound that could penetrate time and space erupted force.

Seeing the figure disappearing under her palm, Niuniu showed a ferocious smile on her huge face.

These energy crystals are the energy crystals that overflowed from the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace when Xu Tong broke through to the Celestial Immortal. Because the energy is too thick, the moment it overflows, it quickly solidifies into a crystal shape.

The two chased and fled, the mountains and rivers they passed shattered, and Niu Niu's body began to swell continuously, the place she passed was like a super bulldozer, no matter what mountains and rivers you are, the moment Niu Niu rushed past, all of them were condensed into flat ground.

【Swallowing Heaven and Earth】Activate.

The moment Niu Niu rushed into the plain in front of her, a bright light suddenly fell from the cloudy sky, tearing apart the thick clouds.

It's just unexpected that, facing Niu Niu who started to devour the world, instead of leaving immediately, the three of Gao Zhuo rushed towards Niu Niu.

When Niu Niu was about to die on the spot, a blinding glare burst out from Niu Niu's shoulder, and a crystal fragment of time appeared on her shoulder.

Niuniu chased and killed Chang Wuju all the way, tearing flesh from his body and eating it from time to time, but she didn't know that Chang Wuju had already been poisoned with corpses.


I saw Gu Xibai swinging his fist like a fierce dragon out of the gate, staring at everyone, and roaring like a real dragon erupted from his fist.

The strong light irradiated this void, and it actually stopped all the surrounding time.

Niuniu's obese body began to tremble violently, and a piercing pain hit her chest, causing Niuniu to scream in pain.


In the eyes of others, this is tantamount to courting death, but it was accompanied by the moment when Gao Zhuo formed seals with his hands.

Gao Zhuo on the side smiled badly and said: "You also have a car overturned, if we hadn't noticed something wrong in advance, you would really have to die bravely."


This corpse poison is completely different from ordinary toxins, it is a wisp of poison brewed by Gao Zhuo's promotion to Corpse Immortal.

"No, no, this is really an accident."

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a terrible storm suddenly rolled up among those manic elements.

Li Bo pulled Chang Wuju out with a look of lingering fear.

On the other hand, Chang Wuzhi's physical condition is getting worse and worse. Even though he is taking medicine constantly, the body spots on his body are getting worse and worse.


That kind of terrifying aura that overwhelms mountains and seas, even though the three of them have already made up their minds, their scalps feel numb for a while.

Ordinary toxins are impossible for Niuniu to have any effect, her body has already been immune to all poisons in the world.

Gao Zhuo stretched out his finger with a smirk on his face, and cut a cut in Chang Wuzhi's arm, then poked his finger in, and strands of black liquid flowed out of Chang Wuzhi's wound.

While Niuniu's heart was throbbing and there was no time to be distracted, the mound behind Niuniu suddenly exploded, and a figure appeared behind Niuniu, with dazzling golden light blooming all over her body.

Above the clouds, Amei directed Ge Zhuo and others to throw a large amount of energy crystals into the vitality furnace.

"No, run!!"

It's just that no one knew, the moment Chang Wuzhi turned his head proudly, a mouthful of black blood spit out from his mouth.

Every punch distorted Niuniu's expression, excruciating pain.

For a moment, the mountains and rivers were in turmoil, and the plain in front of them was instantly smashed into a terrifying sea of ​​flames. Horrible elemental forces raged on this plain. Anyone who rushed in would be torn to pieces by these elemental forces.

This made Niuniu so angry that she screamed and chased after Chang Wuzhi frantically.

But now, with the opening of the devouring world, the black hole gradually expanded in Niuniu's abdominal cavity, and the terrifying gravitational force began to tear the surrounding earth apart.

However, when she opened her palms, the smile froze on her cheeks.

Although when approaching Niu Niu, all the prop card skills will fall into a silent state, but there is no threat to Gu Xibai at all.

The huge body began to rush towards the three of them.

Under the severe pain, Niu Niu let out a tragic scream, and the Devouring World was forced to stop, but Gu Xibai's fist had already come down like a cannonball.

Immediately afterwards, a storm-like bombardment exploded on the fat body.

Martial arts are extremely extreme, smashing the starry sky.

Corpse poison!

Suddenly, a strong throbbing pain hit Chang Wuzhi's feet, and his steps suddenly sank, and the sunlight behind him was covered by a huge shadow the next moment.

It can be seen how rich energy is contained in these spars. At this moment, these spars are continuously thrown into the vitality furnace and transformed into the purest vitality energy. Aim at Niu Niu's body for bombardment.

At the end, he didn't forget to turn his head and raise a middle finger towards Niu Niu.

This is the scariest thing about Niu Niu.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Xu Tong asked Chang Wuzhi to seduce Niuniu at the beginning, just to delay her from launching the devouring world.


"Boom boom boom..."

It turns out that Gu Xibai has been hiding in the mound behind Niu Niu. Niu Niu launched the black hole, but before the black hole evolved to swallow the world, her back was a vacuum.

The moment Niuniu sensed the danger and was about to turn around, Li Bo had already transformed into the High Priest of the Elements, slapping the ground with both hands, only to see endless apricot-yellow Earth Sha surge up and slam into Niuniu's body.

And Gao Zhuo also stimulated the corpse poison to the extreme immediately.

After the black liquid was absorbed by Gao Zhuo, Chang Wuzhi's complexion improved a lot, and after taking a few +9 pills, the injuries on his body also eased.

But Gao Zhuo's corpse poison is different, like Gao Zhuo's corpse, it belongs to jumping out of the Three Realms, not within the scope of the Five Elements.

It has even begun to invade his internal organs.

In an instant, Gu Xibai's fist hit Niu Niu's back, and everyone could hear the sound of Niu Niu's flesh being pierced and her bones shattered.

According to Yan Xiaoqi's reminder back then, when Gu Xibai attacked, he focused all his attack power on one point, directly piercing through Niu Niu's hard-to-destroy body.

Hastily took out the elixir that Gao Zhuo gave him in advance from the item book and ate it, but even so, his lips became darker and darker, and strange corpse spots appeared on his face.

A mountain-like palm swat down directly from the top of Chang Wuzhi's head like a fly swatter.

"It's so dangerous, if there is not a forest just over there, I don't know how to save you!"

Once she starts devouring the world, as time goes by, the whole world will be swallowed by her.

At this moment, when Niuniu saw the figures of Gao Zhuo, Chang Wuju, and Li Bo in the distance, bloodthirsty anger began to show on her chubby face.

Gu Xibai's whole body burst into starlight, shattering the frozen time around him, grabbing Gao Zhuo and Li Bo who were frozen in place and rushing into the distance.

The black water dragon tooth in Gu Xibai's hand cut the time in front of him immediately, and then he jumped back, tearing open the void and jumping into it.

However, at this moment, that skinny palm stretched out, grasping the crack in the void directly, and with a big hand grabbing, it actually brought out Chang Wuzhi who had already escaped into the void.

When Chang Wuzhi turned his head, he realized that the body of the old god stick had completely come out from the time fragments on Niuniu's shoulders, and that thin face was staring at him with a smile that was not a smile: "Child, do you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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