Infinite script kill

Chapter 1097 Produced by the underworld, it must be a boutique

Chapter 1097 Produced by the underworld, it must be a boutique

Cold, that is a kind of coldness that even the body of a celestial being can't bear.

It is enough to freeze time and space, whether it is time or space at this moment, it has no meaning.

Even thinking will be frozen at this moment.

All thoughts, all spells and supernatural powers are completely unable to be used.

This is the power of [Se], his rules, an alternative extreme.

Looking at Xu Tong who was frozen in front of him, Se's eyes were silent, and he just stretched out his slender, clean fingers and flicked them forward.


There was a crisp sound in the air, followed by the frozen time and space in front of him, like a burst of tempered glass, and began to shatter into powder inch by inch.

Seeing that Xu Tong's figure was about to turn into dust in the exploding time and space, Xu Tong, who was supposed to be turned into dust, suddenly slashed at Se's head with his sword.

This made Se startled and annoyed. At the same time, he was even more curious, wanting to understand why this kid was able to survive from his hands again and again.

You must know that when Xu Tong left the exhibition, he still had a large number of script points in his hands. In addition, when he was besieged by the six groups, he frantically plundered those players' script points, which added up to millions.

Not long after, hundreds of blue spheres were thrown into the alchemy formation.

Duration: Based on the gourd energy.

Then, if the temperature to freeze everything needs to be minus 100, and precisely because of the existence of this breath, when this value falls on Xu Tong, it can only reach minus 98-99.

This time Xu Tong couldn't stand it anymore, even with the [Cold Iron Gourd] body protection to prevent him from being frozen inside, the frightening low temperature has reached the point where the body of a celestial being is about to be frozen to pieces.

"No, the other party didn't contribute at all. I'm about to freeze to death. I can't play like this!"

Se's idea is very good, but obviously he underestimated the horror of the Nine Immortals Refining God Formation.

【Cold Iron Gourd】+13
Energy: 7000
To the south of the Underworld, there is a mountain that is so high that it cannot be seen. The mountain is [-] li long. On the top of the mountain, there are frost winds and ghosts that cannot enter, and the cold iron produced by it is not suitable for ghosts and gods.

After all, this item is different from other item cards. It is a gourd given to him by Xie Qifan Ba, which has commemorative significance.

Xu Tong threw the object into the props book, and after looking at it, a relaxed expression appeared on his face.

The more cold it absorbs, the higher the energy of the gourd.

This is a formation specially aimed at the gods. If it can be broken so easily, then it is a god of shit.

But to Se's surprise, after throwing these frost sources into it, there was no response like a stone sinking into the ocean.

As we all know, the freezing temperature of the water surface is 0°.

Ice Shield: Immunity to ice damage, the higher the shield layer, the stronger the immunity to physical damage, up to 70.00%.

I saw Xu Tong jumping into the formation, using this formation to isolate the cold outside.

Even if Xu Tong held a magical weapon like Mo Ran, he had no choice but to back away from the terrifying force that gathered the power of the world in front of him.

Passive Skill 1: Cold Heart and Warm Body

Xu Tong called this gourd against the sky, and now he was afraid of what the birdman outside would do.

Seeing this, Xu Tong thought about it for a while, and suddenly came up with a poisonous plan in his heart. He flipped through the item cards, and then his eyes stayed on an item card named "Tianhe".

Continuously pouring the magic oil on it, the originally silver-black gourd in the Rubik's Cube began to turn golden at this moment.

Seeing that Xu Tong sealed himself in a void, Se's face showed a bit of teasing, and he simply waved his hand to control the dark blue spheres around him to smash into the alchemy formation.

Se didn't take Xu Tong seriously at all. The gap between the two was not at the same level at all.

She was shivering from the cold at first, but now she didn't feel cold at all, instead she felt warm.

Instead, he looked at Xu Tong with interest.

Se Leng snorted, and kept throwing a large amount of frost source into the formation in front of him. This frost source contained the power of law to freeze everything.

Se lightly turned to the side, dodging the sword easily, with a look of confusion in his eyes, and with his backhand, he threw a sea wave towards Xu Tong.

This was completely unexpected to Xu Tong. When he was frozen for the first time, Xu Tong didn't understand what was going on. Until the moment he was frozen just now, the warmth flowing from the cold iron gourd made Xu Tong Tong immediately regained his senses.

Even those so-called gods can only turn into ice scum in front of him.

Consumes 10 energy per minute.

When the reminder sounded that it had been strengthened to +13, Xu Tong quickly took out [Cold Iron Gourd] and put it in his hand.

I saw that the gourd was as golden in color, and there were mysterious textures on it that undulated like waves in the sea of ​​clouds, infinitely mysterious and unpredictable.

At this moment, Xu Tong discovered that the Nine Immortals Alchemy Formation was about to stagnate at this moment, and huge blue light balls were continuously thrown in by Se, and the terrifying cold continued to superimpose, even the Nine Immortals Cauldron could not stand it anymore .

There was something strange in Se's eyes. Once was a fluke, but what about twice?

You must know that this item card was originally thrown by Xu Tong in the Laojunfang as a decoration. If it wasn’t for this time that they were going to run away in Laojunfang and everything was taken away, this gourd was also thrown in by Xu Tong. The item book was not packaged and thrown into the Sun Battleship together with other item cards.

Now after strengthening, this is no longer the nemesis of the ice system, it is simply the nemesis of the players of the ice system.

Xu Tong let out a breath of cold air, feeling extremely comfortable. He put the cold iron gourd in his hand and played with it carefully.

Xu Tong knew that Se in front of him didn't even exert one-tenth of his strength against him.

Active Skill 1: The World Has No Frost


The holder can absorb ice damage and convert it into energy. After the energy overflows, it will be temporarily transformed into ice shield.

Seeing Xu Tong's injuries gradually recovering, Se's face suddenly turned ugly. In his eyes, Xu Tong was just a weak little fairy, and he could crush him to death with one finger.

This item card, which is not even a high-level item card, and even Xu Tong has not strengthened it, is so important at this moment, which really surprised Xu Tong. Never expected it? ?


Don't underestimate this breath, it is precisely this breath that has allowed Xu Tong to live until now.

But now it is not important, what is important is that this thing seems to be the nemesis of this guy in front of him.

Up to now, Xu Tong can only give it a go. He then took out the Dream Rubik's Cube and blessing oil, found a corner, sat down and began to strengthen it.

But he didn't die, even at the moment of being frozen, there was always a force that helped him breathe a sigh of relief.

Xu Tong's complexion changed, seeing that it was too late to dodge, he simply held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, exerted the Wuzijue to the extreme, and slashed towards the top of Se's head in front of him.

One can imagine how low the temperature is.

Passive Skill 1: Cold Heart and Hot Furnace

Then he slapped Xu Tong's body with a slap, trying to crush Xu Tong directly.

Se's figure blurred for a moment, and appeared next to Xu Tong in the next moment. He opened his palm, and saw dense dark blue spheres on his palm.

After activation, the energy in the gourd will be consumed to make the self immune to all ice attacks.

The bone-piercing frost spread, and the entire surface of the sea was covered in cold fog. The coast of the East China Sea was instantly covered with a layer of ice that was as hard as ice that had been frozen for thousands of years.

"hurry up!!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong called out the item book, and looked at the [Cold Iron Gourd] in the item book.

As soon as the cold iron gourd was in his hand, Xu Tong instantly felt like a spring breeze.

The other party just blew lightly, and almost froze to death.

Since he wanted to delay time, Xu Tong didn't intend to fight any more, and stood there arrogantly, as if I didn't move and let you do it.

"Anti-freeze? Then I also want to see how anti-freeze you are!"


This is clearly to play turtle shell tactics.

There is no way, the temperature outside, even his physical body can't bear it, and he will not be hurt by the cold air outside if he escapes into the Nine Immortals Refining God Formation.

This is the truly frightening part of the Nine Immortals God Formation, which can refine the power of the gods and continuously strengthen the power of the formation.

The other party has been teasing him. If he continues to do this, let alone delaying time, he may not last long, and he will activate the invincible Hearthstone and run away in despair.

"With this gourd, you are an extra-large power bank!"

Is this luck?
Is it?


At this moment, with the strengthening of [Cold Iron Gourd], these script points are rapidly evaporating, and in a blink of an eye, more than half of the millions of script points will be consumed.

Cooldown time: 5 minutes
(The higher the energy of the gourd, the stronger the power of the spit blade.)
(Note: Produced by the prefecture, it must be a boutique!)
Seeing the entry in front of him, Xu Tong suddenly felt relieved. He remembered that when he got this gourd, it seemed that the pharmacist once said: "This gourd can be called the nemesis of ice-type gods."

Immediately after countless densely packed blue spheres rose from the sea surface, and after the cold air emitted by these icy blue spheres superimposed on each other, the temperature of the whole world dropped rapidly.

There was an ear-piercing cracking sound, and countless shattered ice shattered in mid-air, but Xu Tong did not directly shatter into countless pieces of ice slag as Se thought, but passed from Se's side at a very fast speed. Escaped a kilometer away.

[Cold Iron Gourd] (Energy Value: 60/60)


People who are frozen by themselves, even gods, will disappear in smoke, right?

Once these frost sources were thrown into the Nine Immortals Alchemy Formation, they were immediately torn apart by the power of the formation, and the power inside that could freeze time and space was slowly transformed into a part of the Nine Immortals Alchemy Formation.

Xu Tong noticed the doubts in Se's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Hey, I'm naturally antifreeze, why don't you try again?"

But he didn't care, his eyes were fixed on the Rubik's Cube. doesn't matter.

These frost sources were thrown in one after another, and the number increased, and even gradually began to exceed the refining speed of the Nine Immortals Alchemy Formation, and instead began to freeze the operation of the formation.

Even with [Cold Iron Gourd], the biting cold temperature can still cause him to suffer from severe frostbite. If he is not treated in time, even the body of a celestial being can't bear it for long.

Xu Tong looked at the item book, the item card that he had almost forgotten [Cold Iron Gourd]

I saw him walking lightly, bringing the Wuzi Jue to the extreme, and at the same time launching the Duozi Jue, waving one hand and grabbing forward, suddenly there seemed to be a strange power blessing in the palm of his hand, just a light grab, it was smashing. He changed direction towards his own sea water, and instead hit the figure of 【Se】.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can last!"

The holder can continuously absorb cold air, and convert the absorbed cold air into a constant temperature furnace, so that the holder can always maintain a constant temperature state.

However, in the face of Xu Tong's provocation, the corners of Se's mouth turned up, but he was not annoyed at all, as if he had found some ridiculous toy. The moment he lifted his finger, the sea under his feet suddenly boiled.

"That's all!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xu Tong immediately called out the Nine Immortals Cauldron, and the Nine Immortals Refining God Formation was activated, but the target was not Se in front of him, but himself.

Even the Dayi Ruyi Furnace was frozen, so Xu Tong had to take it back quickly, otherwise the Ruyi Furnace would be frozen and blown up after a long time.

Seeing the ever-strengthening Cold Iron Gourd, Xu Tong took another look at the script points in his item book that were evaporating crazily.

If it goes on like this, this formation might not be able to last for too long.

Se's strength can completely crush Xu Tong, but now he wants to enjoy the process of torturing this little guy even more.

No big formation is useless, it won't be long before this formation can be frozen and exploded together.

He seemed to be thinking why Xu Tong didn't die.

To the south of the Underworld, there is a mountain that is so high that it cannot be seen. The mountain is [-] li long. On the top of the mountain, there are frost winds and ghosts that cannot enter, and the cold iron produced by it is not suitable for ghosts and gods.

But Xu Tong was not nervous, instead he focused on the dream Rubik's Cube in front of him.

It's just that the sea water scattered away before it got close, and it didn't pose any threat to Se.

Active Skill 2: Tianhan Spit Blade
Open the gourd plug and aim at the target, all the energy can be consumed at one time, and the Tianhan Spitblade can be summoned to attack the target.

Immediately, Xu Tong called out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, the fire in the furnace boiled, and a large amount of life energy splashed down, like a galaxy waterfall falling on Xu Tong's body, healing his wounds.

Xu Tong looked at the eight words [produced by the underworld, must be a boutique] on the bottom of this item card, and it was hard to say for a while.

This prop card is one of the rewards for using the super double in the previous script world.

Cooling time: 3 hours.

You know, he is a celestial being, with the body of a celestial being, he can live the same life as the sky.

It's just that this speed is still too slow for Se. He just blew lightly, and the terrifying cold current froze Xu Tong's figure again.

But even so, Xu Tong was also uncomfortable, holding his body tightly with his hands, even wearing the Chilong armor, but he was still shivering from the cold.

A mouthful of cold frost spit out from Xu Tong's mouth, his eyebrows were covered with a layer of hoarfrost, his limbs were already numb, and there were even traces of frostbite in several places.

But this kid broke free from his own ice again and again.

And where did this tone come from?


(Note: Produced by the prefecture, it must be a boutique!)
That's right, it was this prop card. When the biting cold hit, the gourd would quickly absorb part of the temperature, and convert it into heat and send it to itself.


It's like a cat catching a mouse, always pushing the mouse into a desperate situation step by step, and slowly torturing him to death is fun.

But he didn't think that it was just this thought that brought unexpected results to himself.

Active Skill 1: Blowing Spit Blade
Consume 10 script points, pull out the gourd plug and aim at the target, you can perform a wind blade breath.

It can forcibly fuse the abilities of two prop cards.

Xu Tong looked at this item card, and a smirk suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Sea God, right? Playing with ice, right? I'm going to make you a salty fish today!"

As he said that, Xu Tong put together the two prop cards, the Cold Iron Gourd and the Nine Immortal Cauldron, and then said, "Fusion!"

 Sorry, there is only one update today. My eyes are uncomfortable and I can't hold it anymore. I will take a break and make up for it tomorrow at three o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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