Infinite script kill

Chapter 1100 Desperately

"Boom boom boom..."

The three great tripods, with the power of the universe, the light of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the blood of the three of them, launched the most brilliant impact on Se's figure.

Every time there is an impact, the heaven and the earth seem to be crying. It is the fall of the witch master and the shattering of the nine tripods. This is a swan song performed with the power of the entire Great Xia.

The sound of the swan song is earth-shattering, but the howl of pain is also as loud as thunder.

Once three great tripods fell down, Rao Shise's real body was also smashed to pieces.

Numerous cracks on the huge body split open like a spider web, and huge bones fell from the flesh.

The arms that were already severely damaged both fell off at this moment.

"You group of ants!!"

Se was already trembling with anger, and the damage to his deity was also a great harm to him.

This kind of damage is invisible and will not be manifested immediately, but since then, the sequelae have continued, and it will even cut off the possibility of returning to the heyday.

At that time, the manic turbulence of time and space will cut and crush everything in this world to such an extent that there will be no ashes left.

" can go up all the time. If the nine great cauldrons fall down at once, I will definitely not be able to stop them, but they want to go up one by one... Hahaha, tell me, aren't they stupid!"

"If I can change it once, I can change it a second time!"

While speaking, I saw Se's white and flawless palm gently waving, and the Wanjun water element gathered above his head began to fall down.

And the nine cauldrons controlled by Tianzu and Dizu smashed directly in front of him.

Xu Tong's sword was only a hundred meters away from Se, and it was directly blocked by this golden wall.

At the same time, countless waves rolled over the sea, forming huge shields, and the power of the law of time permeated the surroundings, freezing the years and time and space.

It is invisible and shadowless, and when people talk about it, they only think it is illusory, but they don't know that it has already designed everything into a script.

In addition, this kid has a treasure to restrain himself, which is a huge threat to him.

This terrifying blow to destroy the world is enough to smash the world to pieces and make the earth sink.

"Just shoot, even if we are wiped out, there are still thousands of witches on this land to open the way for you!" Li Zu said to Xu Tong.


It is conceivable how angry Xu Tong was in his heart.


Se's pupils trembled, and he saw four figures approaching carrying a tripod.

Ordinarily at this moment, I should have been frozen here, even my consciousness would be frozen.

But after all, the Jiuding is an artifact that even the old god sticks are afraid of. In addition, Tianzu and the others use themselves as sacrifices, burn their souls, and maximize the power of the Jiuding. Even Se has no choice but to watch the four big tripods. smashed down.

He thought that the chess players were the gods, but he tried his best to stand up and looked behind the gods, only to find that there was another player named Fate standing behind the gods.

Xu Tong got up from the ground and stared at Se's figure coldly: "You are not stupid, you are so smart that you can turn into a corpse, waiting for others to salvage you!"

The sword's edge fell, and the world was divided into black and white. The sword of Jiri, time dislocation, seemed to be going all out to give it a go.

" lunatics, idiots, and despicable things!"

In time, this person will definitely become his biggest nemesis, and even make him dare not compete with him.


In other words, if he wanted to leave at this moment, he could still open the Invincible Hearthstone, but he had to be quick, the time left for him could only be counted in seconds.

There is no spiritual light.

In this way, all your efforts will be negated, and then tell you that this is your destiny, you can only accept it obediently, and you are not allowed to resist.

But now, he doesn't have the ability.

Ser staggered to his feet, laughing ironically.

I am just a small character drifting with the tide in the script, no matter how I struggle, I can't change the ending set by fate.

Di Zu and You Zu bowed to bid farewell to Xu Tong, and then the four of them smiled at each other, picked up the big tripod in their hands, and headed straight for Se.

There were bursts of sneer in the distance.

He was clutching his lower abdomen, laughing so hard that he could hardly straighten up, pointed to Xu Tong and then to the broken bronze tripods on the ground.

Instead of splitting the golden wall in front of him, he was blasted by the huge force above, and his arm was directly broken. His body was thrown out like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ice heavily.

In the short-term horror, Se grabbed Xu Tong's wrist and refused to let go! !

The smile on Se's face froze instantly.

I saw that Se's hands were covered with golden blood, and the moment a knot was formed in his hand, he flicked it casually, and the golden blood splashed, forming a golden wall around Se.

Seeing that Se had been seriously injured, Xu Tong's eyes flashed with brilliance. He wanted to change his fate against the sky, and now was the best time.

"Xu Tong, respectful farewell to fellow Taoists!"

"Extreme day!!"

The golden blood burst open on Se's chest like a blooming peony.


The four people ignited their bodies, turning into four strange lights, wrapping the cauldron in their hands, and bumping towards Se's body.

It represents Xu Tong's current strongest sword slashing on it, without leaving even a trace.

I thought that by jumping out of the chessboard as a player, I would be able to gain a wider world, but I didn't realize until I jumped out that there was a bigger and more terrifying chessboard outside.

Tianzu looked at Xu Tong, and cupped his hands with a smile: "Let's get together for a while, let's say goodbye, we old people will pave the way for you, and the rest will be left to you!"

"Little friend!"

Xu Tong's eyes were red, he took a deep breath, and poured the wine in his hand on the ground to see the four of them off.

But because of the cold iron gourd, he was not affected in the slightest.

"Hahaha, stupid!! They are all a bunch of idiots!!"

How bad is this feeling, just as you are ruthlessly pressed to the ground, watching your family, friends, brothers, being slaughtered one by one, and all your efforts will be ruthlessly trampled on the ground, being Step on the smash.

Se's pupils were rounded, and he stared at the sword piercing his chest in disbelief. He wanted to use his divine power, but at this moment, his divine power faded away without a trace, and he seemed to be beaten into a mortal in an instant. .


The Heavenly Witch, Earth Witch, You Witch, Li Witch, and the Four Hall Witch Lords descended at the same time.

Xu Tong tearing open his scars like this, obviously brought back the memories that Se didn't want to think of the most, and his face became cold: "You talk too much, keep it, go and see the world and you Sink together!"

At this moment, the figures of the two were almost instantly engulfed by the violent water element above their heads.

The two big tripods exploded in front of him, and the huge impact caused Se to spit out golden blood, and retreated step by step in embarrassment.

The void collapsed, the world was violently turbulent, Se's face was pale, the deity was directly pierced, and his waist broke and collapsed.

But... he is not reconciled!
Xu Tong's eyes were like two ignited flames, because he felt the ubiquitous fate again.


Seeing the terrifying water element falling from the sky, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to drop crazily.

Then lightly say the last sentence to you: "That's it?"

The power of destroying the world, with the rumbling sound of crushing the void, wants to sink and crack this world, and finally turn this world into nothingness.

It was supposed to be a life-saving hole card, but at this moment Xu Tong opened it ahead of time, and Mo Ran waved it in Se's horrified eyes, and slashed down fiercely.

Xu Tong looked up to the sky and screamed, and suddenly stood up and rushed towards Se, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed on his body, and [the name of the sage] showed his holiness!
A brilliant golden glow appeared on Xu Tong's body, his palm opened, a dazzling glare appeared in his palm, and a magical talisman appeared in his palm.

It seemed that there was such a kind of coincidence invisibly, to give himself a chance, but to let himself watch that unchangeable fate happen to him.

Despair, anger, and negative emotions filled Xu Tong's mind. At this moment, his opponent was not Se in front of him, nor the gods, but the invisible hands behind him.

Se Xiao's wound was about to open, but he was still smiling, squinting at Xu Tong: "You tried your best, but they are too stupid!"


The expression on Se's face was also distorted at this time. She was as elegant as when she came back, but after tearing her face, she looked more like a crazy monkey, with red eyes and screaming.

Seeing Xu Tong's sword attack, Se's eyes suddenly showed a cold light. Even he had to admit that Xu Tong's sword had already hurt him.

Mo Ran splits the years, and Xu Tong's figure dances with ethereal steps. With the blessing of Wu Zijue, the strength of the sword's edge continues to increase until his figure approaches Se.

"Fuck your uncle's fate! I'm having a hard time, none of you want to play anymore!"

The deity, who was already severely damaged, could only use his huge body to stop him at this moment.

Dissolving ten thousand dharmas, immortals, Buddhas and demons, and the treasures of the heavens will also transform into mortals under this divine light. Under this strong light, the indestructible golden wall in front of them is like a thin piece of fragile paper being hit by Xu Tong's figure. To be shattered, under Se's strange eyes, he flew to Se's face.

The heavy water element like a thousand mountains fell down, and Se, who was not protected by divine power, was hit hard in an instant, and his perfect body was cracked inch by inch. He wanted to reach out and grab Xu Tong unwillingly.

"Ants!! How many of us ants can you bear!!"

But at the same time as the fingers stretched out, the palm of the hand was also torn apart and turned into powder.

Maybe Se never imagined that, as the oldest water god, he would die under his own power.

At the same time that Se died, the golden light on Xu Tong's body was also rapidly dimming. The time for manifesting the saint was very short, only three seconds, and it took at least two seconds to activate the sky prisoner. That is to say, from the time he decided to kill Se, I have also fallen into a desperate situation.

Even with the protection of [Cold Iron Gourd], I won't be able to turn my body into powder in an instant like Se, but this terrifying pressure is enough to smash his body into meat paste...

This chapter is to return the update that I owed you yesterday.

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