Chapter 1103
Tianzu and others left something for Xu Tong in Tianwu Temple.

It was a nearly shattered stone axe.

It was full of cracks, but this could not cover up the aura of prehistoricness and prosperity. Just standing in front of this stone axe, Xu Tong and the eldest princess felt that their aura was infinitely suppressed. They are big, but they are actually a kind of insignificant in the face of giants.

"Is this..."

The eldest princess looked surprised and clenched her fists excitedly: "The rumored sky-opening axe!"


Xu Tong's eyes widened: "Is there really such a thing??"

What is Skybreaker?The divine weapon held by Pangu Kaitian is a divine weapon capable of splitting chaos.

Xu Tong always thought this thing was just a fairy tale, but after the eldest princess said so, Xu Tong almost bit his tongue.

"It's not wrong! The myths are not fabricated out of thin air. The stories of the gods and gods may be exaggerated, but it must be because they existed. Otherwise, who would believe it?"

The eldest princess has traveled to the heavens and the world over the years, and has seen many prototypes in myths and stories, and also witnessed the protagonists of some eras becoming gods step by step.

Although no one told the origin of the ax in front of me, and there is no written record, but the ax is placed there, and the powerful aura of opening up the world is absolutely unmistakable.

This is like an old cadre standing there, even if he is dressed plainly and simply, anyone can feel the ultimate official temperament on his body.

"Since the Heaven Opening Artifact is here, why not use it?"

Xu Tong looked suspiciously at the other great witches.

The power of the Heaven Opening Artifact is definitely higher than that of the Nine Cauldrons. If the nine masters of the witch palace use this object, any gods will kneel when they come.

The few great witches laughed and said nothing when they heard the words, as if they didn't intend to explain the key point.

Seeing this, Xu Tong walked up to the ax and stretched out his hand to try to hold the ax. Unexpectedly, the palm of his hand had already touched the ax, and the power in his body was sucked into it like a flood that opened the gate.

Xu Tong's face changed, and he was about to let go, but the ax seemed to have a huge suction force, and he wanted to suck him dry.

Fortunately, the eldest princess pushed Xu Tong away at this time, so as to avoid the result of being sucked dry by the axe.

Seeing this, several great witches at the side began to explain; "This is exactly the Sky-opening Axe, but no one has used it so far. I believe the seniors already know the reason."

Xu Tong made a bitter face, and touched it himself, almost sucking it dry, let alone actually using it.

If it hadn't been for the eldest princess to push herself away in time, she might be in danger of her life.

No wonder the masters of the Nine Great Halls chose to use the Nine Cauldrons instead of using such an Open Heaven Supreme Treasure.

But when you think about it, it's so easy for people to use the Kaitian Supreme Treasure.

"Before Tianzu set off, he exhausted his lifespan to make up another hexagram for senior. He didn't know what the hexagram was like. He just said that senior had the answer, and this ax was the key to the answer. So he specially told us that if senior came back, he would take the Take this thing away."

Tian Wu is good at hexagrams, and is the witch closest to the way of heaven. Tian Zu spent his life to divination for Xu Tong. I don't know what he saw, so he left such words to Xu Tong.

"Answer again!!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong's heart suddenly burst into an unknown fire.

The fool threw himself into the Wangchuan River and forced himself to sleep at the bottom of the river for thousands of years, just to tell him the answer.

But Xu Tong still can't figure out the meaning of the mindless memory picture.

And those who know the answer seem to be telling themselves that the answer lies in themselves, even the Taoist priest on Mount Tai said the same.

But I know a fart answer.

Now even Tianzu is playing this game for himself, which makes Xu Tong wonder if they have negotiated to imprint themselves with ideological stamps? ?
Xu Tong kept silent with a dark face, cursing and cursing in his heart, until a moment later he suppressed the unknown anger.

He knew that this answer, maybe they wanted to tell themselves, but they couldn't say it.

It's not just the restriction of a certain rule, maybe if the answer is given, it may cause the answer to become invalid.

The truth is this truth, but you all know the answer, but you just don’t tell yourself, do you know how crazy this feeling is?
This is like lying in a hospital bed, your wife, parents, and children are all around you, asking you how you are, what you want to eat, what you want to buy, but when you ask about your condition, none of them will tell you.

Who would not murmur in my heart and not be mad.

Anyway, you let me die more clearly?
"This thing can't be touched, how can I take it away?"

Xu Tong pointed to the ax and asked a few great witches beside him.

Several great witches shook their heads and smiled wryly when they heard the words: "In order to move this axe, Li Zu lost all his mana and supernatural powers. After this ax was moved here by Li Zu, no one moved it again."

It was only then that Xu Tong's question suddenly became clear. It turned out that Li Zu didn't have magical powers because of this.

Thanks to Li Zu, although he lacked magical powers and supernatural powers, he had an extremely powerful physical body, and he forcibly lifted the ax up with a brute force.

But what should I do?
In terms of brute force, I'm afraid Gu Xibai is better at it.

"It's not easy. If you can't take the axe, don't take it. Let's just take this space away!"

The eldest princess walked forward as she spoke, and saw a black water dagger condensed on her slender fingertips. She quickly swiped forward, and suddenly a hole was cut in the surrounding space.

Afterwards, the Eldest Princess pinched a formula with her fingers, using the power of space, trying to forcibly tear off the space around the axe and grab it in her hands.

But who would have known that at this moment there was a ripple on the axe, followed by the princess's face changing drastically, she hurriedly dodged back, only to see that the cracks in the space around the axe quickly returned to its original state, and even an invisible force almost Let the princess get hurt.

The eldest princess was also dumbfounded.

This ax is indeed the most hideous artifact in the sky and on earth, even if it has no energy, no master, the huge aura that comes with the ax cannot be shaken by one's own laws of space.

"Are you sure Tianzu said that this ax is for me??"

Seeing that the eldest princess had missed, Xu Tong looked at these great witches with a strange expression on his face.

"Yes, it is absolutely unmistakable. Tianzu personally said, and even said, no one can take this ax away, only you can take it away."

"That's right, we don't believe it either, but since Tianzu said so, it must be reasonable, why don't seniors...try again??"

A few big witches clearly wanted to watch the fun, so they kept urging Xu Tong to get an axe, and someone called a few big witches to watch.

Xu Tong doubted whether Huaxia's old habit of watching liveliness since ancient times was inherited by these guys.

Tianzu said that this thing can be taken away by himself.

But the problem is, neither I nor the eldest princess dare to touch this toy now.

Just when Xu Tong had a bitter face and didn't know how to take the ax away.

The big girl at the hall couldn't sit still anymore, and kicked Hei Jiezi who was lying on the soles of his feet like a ball: "Master, let them try."

I saw the furry Hei Jiezi being kicked out of the hall by the big girl, twisting his buttocks, raising his head and showing off to the other four companions proudly.

"Quack quack..."

Seeing this, the other four hairballs immediately became unhappy, and began to jump up and down around Da Ya.

It wasn't until Da Ya impatiently kicked them all out of the hall with a ball and kick that the five little guys looked satisfied.

It was the first time Xu Tong saw him licking the dog for this sake.

But Da Ya's words reminded me, yes, I still have these five little guys who haven't tried it yet?
Don't underestimate these five little guys. If you say that they are not good at fighting, Xu Tong has nothing to say, but if you want to say that they steal... ahem, picking up treasures, I'm afraid they can be on par with Li Bo.

"Go and try it out. If you can take this ax away with me, I'll let Da Ya hug you to sleep tonight!"

The big girl in the hall was stunned when she heard the words, she had never seen such a blatant use of beauty tricks.

"Gah (pan it!)..."


As soon as they heard that they could sleep with their arms in their arms, the five little guys suddenly became more energetic, and even their eyes became extraordinarily sharp.

What is the purpose of licking a dog? ?Is it licking all the time? ?

Of course, licking is licking on the bed.

Xu Tong was in place in one step, and they naturally became energetic in one go.

Xu Tong actually didn't hold much hope in his heart, after all, he had personally experienced the weirdness of this axe.

Not to mention Xu Tong, even the big witches who watched the excitement couldn't help laughing for a moment when they saw these five chubby little guys lined up and rushing forward aggressively.

Just these five small players are not as big as your own fist, so asking them to carry the sky axe, isn't it a joke?
One must know that when Lizu held the axe, the mountains and rivers trembled one step at a time, and its terrifying weight directly shook the city of Anyi to the point of collapsing.

However, when the five little guys rolled under the sky-opening axe, they all jumped up together...

"Crack!" There was a sound, and the whole hall fell silent in an instant.

The eyeballs of the big witches were eager to stare out of their sockets, and their mouths were opened so wide that they could stuff goose eggs into them.

The Sky Opener, which had been stored for many years and had not been moved, actually made a sound, followed by the fact that the ax was actually picked up by these five chubby little guys.

What's weird is that Sky Opener didn't overreact to these little guys, allowing these five little guys to carry it.

It seems... still very relaxed.

Now Xu Tong's mouth was happy to the back of his head.

The big witches rubbed their eyes and gave themselves two big mouths. After making sure that they were not dreaming, they almost knelt down to the five little guys.

Now Xu Tong let go of the entrance, and the five little fellows leaped inside with the ax on their shoulders, sending the sky-opening ax directly into the entrance.

Seeing the ax falling slowly, Xu Tong felt his shoulders sink slightly, squinting his eyes and saw the ax quietly falling in his mouth, just like a decoration.

And the five little guys jumped at Da Ya with joy, and Da Ya ran away in fright...

(End of this chapter)

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