Infinite script kill

Chapter 1121 Open the door to send warmth

Chapter 1121 Open the door to send warmth (two chapters in one)


When Xu Tong rushed out of the encirclement with the army behind him, even Xu Tong couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body when he saw the scene in front of him.

The huge Guixu Mountain is just ahead.

The difference from the middle and lower battlefields is that the mountain has been dug up at this moment, and it is no longer like a mound.

Eighty thousand miles in height, the mountain is so huge that it is difficult for only one world to carry it. Just one mountain range is like an ancient dragon crossing several worlds.

I once saw the complete mountain of Guixu Mountain from my fate, but at that time the world was already nothingness, without a backdrop, so there would not be much visual impact.

Now it is against the background of today's mountains that the vastness of this mountain can be seen.

Compared to the shock of Guixu Mountain, what makes one's scalp tingle even more is the endless army before them.

Heaven, Heaven, Buddhism, Hell, Western Gods, Asian Gods Legion, the legions of all forces are entangled together, looking around, densely packed with no end in sight.

A full meal before death is not only a respect for life, but also a psychological comfort.

Du Ziren made it very clear that there are only three hours, and one more minute will not work. If the time is missed, the main force will inevitably be defeated, and it is simply a dream to return to Xushan by then.


For a moment, everyone felt cold all over their bodies, like a clear spring flowing away from them, and the pain on their bodies was not so unbearable.

Each large crack is several miles long, and the scene is terrifying. This scorching land seems to sink and completely cease to exist, a sign of doom.

For a moment, everyone looked at Xu Tong, as if they were waiting for Xu Tong's answer.

Whether it sounds good or not is secondary, the key is neatness.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing buzzing sound, a large amount of vitality poured out of the vitality furnace and poured it into the teleportation array.

At this point, there is no longer any talk of compassion, and to win the key is to seize the opportunity.

After all, his accomplishments in cooking are simply appalling.

How long did it take to rush into the battlefield? ? It took less than 1 minute, not even 30 seconds, but all the players on the battleship had already released all the skills of all the props.

At this time, one person walked up to the crowd and broke the silence: "I think you guys are thinking too much. After we come in, is there any way out?? It's just a matter of dying sooner or later, no, no, there will be no real people Imagine that we can go back alive??"

Just this moment of collision caused dozens of players to be smashed to pieces on the spot.

"I come!!"

After rushing to the foot of Guixu Mountain in six hours, it was for them to die.

Behind him, countless underworld soldiers rushed up in a dense mass, and they were killed hundreds of miles away in an instant.

This answer made everyone happy.

"Head! I can't hold it anymore!!"

It seems that there are many victories, but it is at the cost of thoughts. Just this one will almost consume half of Xu Tong's thoughts.

Seeing this, Hagrid could only bite the bullet and explain, because every time he teleported, all the energy in the vitality furnace would be emptied, and the battleship would lose almost all of its energy, so it could only rely on the remaining energy to maintain its suspension, and wanted to maintain the previous speed Not at all possible.

Just as Xu Tong and others were sitting on the ground to rest.

This is war, the gods are fighting. Look at those Buddhist guardians who are covered in blood and have killing intent in their eyes. It doesn't look like they came to ask for alms.

Ultra-long-distance teleportation, even if there is no bump when penetrating the barrier, the huge pressure hits, causing everyone to suffer pain like tearing.

These nine magic treasures are all Buddhist treasures, and any one taken out has the power to change the world. Once it falls, it is enough to turn the mountains, rivers and land into ashes.

Master screamed, and then he took out his calculator and tapped on it quickly.

I don't know how long this process will take, but as the light in front spreads, everyone suddenly feels light in their bodies, but the dizziness that followed makes many people unable to help but lie on the ground and vomit.

"How could this be? What are you??"

After a while, Master came up with the formula he wanted, and to make sure there were no mistakes, he specially called High Priest Hagrid who was hiding in the cabin and had already pissed in terror.

"Boom boom boom..."

The long sticks shining with Buddha's light in their hands were swung in unison, and the next moment, the Buddha's light was brilliant, turning into a scorching sun and a silver moon, and the brilliance was like a waterfall, shining so that the void was crystal clear, and they all hit the battleship, making a loud noise.

Everyone was in high spirits, sweeping away the fatigue just now.

On the right is a group of Dharma protectors holding long sticks and chanting the name of Buddha.

Master walked up to Xu Tong and nodded.

However, the power of the stars that Xu Tong summoned, with the rotation of his thoughts, blessed the Nine Treasures that hit him in front of him.

Facing the anger of the players, the soldier in charge of the summons had an ugly face. He didn't know how difficult it was.

Xu Tong glanced at him coldly: "Go and recite the scriptures while you recite, don't mutter in front of me, it's very annoying."

He knew exactly what that meant.

Including the Sun Battleship behind Xu Tong is no exception.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was moved, even Li Bo was infected by this heroic spirit: "Fuck, this brother is right, we are going to die, we will die together, and before we die, we have to fuck his mother hard !"

"A lot, a lot, how much is it?"

The rest of the people looked at each other face to face, they had already experienced that feeling of despair just now.

At this time, the star map behind Xu Tong unfolded, but the power emitted was completely different from what Cihangdao people thought.

At this time, a sound of the Buddha's name came, and a bright light fell in midair, resembling a man and a woman, holding a clean bottle with compassionate eyes.

When the food in the pot exudes an attractive aroma, everyone holds the bowls and chopsticks and stuffs them into their mouths indiscriminately.

Sure enough, as Li Bo said, these Buddhist guardians don't care about the life and death of the players in front of them, but feel that these people are in the way.

At this time, Xu Tong didn't dare to hold back any more, countless thoughts flew up between his brows, and instantly turned into countless figures, rushing towards the heavenly soldiers in front of him.

Li Bo's eyes widened.

If you can't bless yourself, you might as well bless your enemies.

"Xu Jun, do you want me to pass it on again?"

Seeing that Xu Tong received the military order, the soldiers who summoned him also breathed a sigh of relief, but what he didn't expect was that at this moment Xu Tong suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Say thank you to the main soldiers for me!"

They must continue to fight forward, only by allowing more Hades army to rush out, can they have a chance, if they are killed and retreat at this time, all previous efforts and casualties will be in vain.

Maybe this is the so-called obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"It is necessary to modify the core energy of the solar battleship, which will reduce the speed of the solar battleship a lot." After speaking, afraid that he was too vague, Master added: "A lot, a lot!"

If you can change yourself, can you change everyone?
This sense of powerlessness struck, causing Xu Tong to feel the pain of being torn apart.

A dragon fist was swung, and the punch hit the strong light in front of him, and hundreds of thousands of cracks were split in the ground immediately.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Tong took out Mrs. Meng's pot and various ingredients. He wanted to cook a meal for everyone, but when he thought that this might be the last meal for everyone, he didn't have the heart to cook for himself.


"That's right, the dead and the birds are up to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years, brothers, fight hard!!"

But the result was unsatisfactory. It was too chaotic here, full of countless unpredictable variables, and the picture that could be presented in the future was completely chaotic and had no reference value at all.

The Cihang Taoist turned pale with fright, his Nine Treasures had been nourished by Yuanshen for so many years, even a Buddhist sage couldn't resist, why did he suddenly lose control.

Indicating that the teleportation array has been set up, Xu Tong looked at Amei beside him, stretched out his hand to hold her in the palm of his hand, and then saw that the eldest princess was still staring at him, so he simply pulled her little hand into his arms .

The eldest princess snorted coldly and curled the corner of her lower lip, but the hand holding Xu Tong tightened even more.

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that everyone's fig leaf had been lifted.


That's not a joke, at least across several worlds, although there is no boundary barrier, no need to break the boundary to teleport, but every step forward, it is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

A messenger soldier holding a command flag rushed straight to Xu Tong.


But what can he do if he sees it? Rao is a heaven-defying person like him, how much fate can be changed.

"Everyone, we have nothing to lose, only this bad life is left, don't forget what we said before we came!"

Since there is enough time, I simply rest here for a while.

"To be precise, it's an hour, with an interval of 10 minutes each time." Hagrid added the details in a low voice.


Immediately behind him, Faxiang swung the divine sword and killed them all.

Comparing his heart to his heart, Xu Tong has nothing to complain about. He is a person who wants to defy the sky. If he doesn't even understand such a simple truth, he should knelt down and shouted to his fate as soon as possible.

Seeing that Master was still vague at this time, Gao Zhuo was so angry that he wanted to punch the big nose.

As the battleship turned into light and shadow, everyone felt the soles of their feet tremble, and then a huge thrust hit, almost causing some players to fall out of the battleship.

Li Bo shouted towards Xu Tong.

I saw Xu Tong's thought arise, and countless dense thoughts appeared behind him in an instant.

Gao Zhuo even called out Duan Ren, the general, like an ancient fierce beast, emitting bursts of black light. Wherever the black light passed, pieces of meat flew across, and several demons were cut into pieces on the spot.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked: "Our relationship with Buddhism is pretty good."

Li Bo turned into a high priest, released tens of thousands of Gu worms, waved his hands, mobilized the power of the earth, mountains and rivers and smashed them forward.

But Master's next words made everyone's heart skip a beat.

With the entrance of the food, the panic and fear in my heart gradually faded away.

Xu Tong waved his hand, and stretched out his hand to take the command flag. This order seemed to be making things difficult for him, but he didn't know who was not difficult on the battlefield at the moment.

As the main force, Du Ziren received even more brutal blows. Countless Netherland warriors would be wiped out every second.

Everyone was also taken aback. The battleship originally had abundant reserves of energy spars, but now there are not even one out of ten.

This place is completely a meat grinder. Even the best of the three generations of gods in this kind of place, if they are not careful, they may become cannon fodder.

Hearing Li Bo's words, everyone immediately dispelled all worries in their hearts, and they didn't care about 21, just shot randomly.

The summoner held the command flag high above his head, and knelt down in front of Xu Tong: "Du Jun has an order, please Xu Jun rush to the north quickly, and must arrive at the valley entrance at the bottom of Guixu Mountain within three hours."

Xu Tong didn't answer, he tried to look into the future as much as possible, trying to find the answer.

The messenger was stunned, two balls of dark flames were beating in his empty pupils, he raised his head and looked at the newly appointed emperor in front of him, his cold chest seemed to be stuffed with a ball of charcoal, and his whole body warmed up .

Being able to last for three hours may not be Du Ziren's limit, but for those fighters who are still working hard to build the road ahead, it is not a nightmare.

There was a cold look between the brows of the Cihang Taoist, clasped his hands together, and chanted Buddhist scriptures, and the Dharma immediately penetrated the heaven and the earth.

This is obviously a battle between Buddhism and demons, and Xu Tong and the others just fall in the middle of the two.


Ordinarily, the power of the stars must be blessed on the caster.

"This life is enough." A-mei leaned on Xu Tong's shoulder. Although Xu Tong didn't say anything, the talent of the Snow Clan had already told her that death was approaching silently.

Seeing that the opponent is a lore as soon as he makes a move, Xu Tong is not hiding his secrets.

It seems to be a piece of victory, but in fact it is full of bones.

After hearing Hagrid's words, everyone has already started to think about it.

But with a smile, the smile of Taoist Cihang suddenly froze on his face.

After the two carefully compared the data, Master immediately said: "Three times, as long as three jumps, we can rush over, and it only takes two hours!"

The dragon chants came and went, his body turned into a human-shaped fire dragon, and his martial arts will penetrated the starry sky, as if mountains and mountains crossed the sky, with overwhelming momentum.

Xu Tong looked at this strange player. He didn't recognize who the opponent was, and his strength seemed average, but the opponent's eyes were clear. Although there was a strong sadness, the broadness in his expression It aroused the admiration of everyone present.

"That is to say, after we teleport there, we will stop at the spot and be a live target for 10 minutes?"

That is not the power of stars, but a mass of brilliant white light, the stars transformed from thousands of thoughts, like a mirror, illuminating the white light in the nebula.

"Thank you Bodhisattva for sending us treasures!"

Facing everyone's eyes and looking at him, Xu Tong felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders for the first time.

This time, the Ci Hang Taoist was also a little dazed, and couldn't help laughing: "Your Majesty's method is really extraordinary. He actually blessed my Buddha treasure, which opened my eyes."

Three hours, that is, six hours, sounds like a lot, but if you look carefully at the distance between them and Guixu Mountain.

"Please forgive the poor monk for being rude."

Gu Xibai jumped up and fought hard.

But before they could spit out the contents of their mouths on the deck, a hot glare had already hit their heads.

"Even if you borrow the power of the stars from the heavens today, you can never stand up!"

Jiang Nian asked in a low voice.

At this time, the eldest princess suddenly said: "Don't you have a teleportation array? On the basis of the teleportation array, I can increase the distance by twenty times!"

It was too domineering, and I didn't know how to control it before, until I realized the star pinching technique in the inheritance of the Nine Immortals and got inspiration from it.

"If I don't give it!" Xu Tong asked with a cold face.

It is the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, Avalokitesvara, the Merciful Waterway Man.

Even 1 minute is a torment for them, let alone 10 minutes.

Hagrid thought the idea was crazy, and he was completely alone.

Casualties are acceptable. After all, on the battleship, the players suffer the least attacks. In addition, there is Xu Tong protecting the front, and there are top masters like the eldest princess and Lao Bai on the battleship. There are only a few unlucky ones, and the rest are casualties. not big.

After all, people subconsciously feel that it is no problem for the Buddhist sect to eliminate demons and defend the way, and it should be no problem for me to help the Buddhist sect now.


"Head, three hours, can we really make it there?" Even Gao Zhuo felt that this was an impossible task, and everyone on the battleship looked at Xu Tong.

"Not only that, because our teleportation distance is very far, we will be far away from these Netherland troops covering us. Oh, God of the Sea, I think this is a wrong idea."

The other party turned around and walked quickly to the deck, glaring at the distant sky with bloodshot eyes, and raised his middle finger towards the supreme gods: "Fuck it!"


"Twenty times!!"

But Xu Tong's nightmare cavalry had lost two-thirds, and Jiang Nian who followed Xu Tong was also seriously injured.

Take stock of the losses.

Seeing this, Xu Tong only felt the bridge of his nose sore, but his heart was more complicated than anyone else. He looked around and saw the lines of fate on Gao Zhuo and others rapidly turning gray.

He nodded heavily, and immediately turned around and jumped on his horse to rush to the front line.

After drinking and eating, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their mental state returned to its peak in an instant.

With a sound of "Boom!", both gods and monsters were instantly reduced to ashes in this huge explosion.

"Hey, who wants to wait for your next life!"

The time and space in front of him suddenly turned into thousands of shattered streamers.

The short period of 1 minute before and after was like a long day for everyone on the battleship.

Seeing this, Ci Hangdao immediately sneered, what kind of person he is, he must have seen methods against the sky.

Following the thought of Ci Hangdao, the nine magic weapons went straight towards Xu Tong.

But Li Bo shattered everyone's illusions with one sentence: "Don't be dazed, what kind of Buddhism, even if the Tathagata Buddha came here today, it has nothing to do with us, come and kill one, don't hold back!!"

Hearing this, the Cihang Taoist was not angry, but said, "The Buddha's Dharma is boundless, if you turn your head, you will be right. If your lord is willing, you only need to hand over the key, and you can escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

These thoughts shone with divine brilliance, and turned into densely packed stars that enveloped this piece of heaven and earth.

Xu Tong spared no effort to attack like this, and the army advanced several hundred li again.

Xu Tong also made a move at this moment, thousands of thoughts gave birth to a radiant brilliance, the Dharma, the heaven and the earth were activated, and the sword leveled thousands of miles.

Xu Tong's scalp felt numb, but he didn't dare to hesitate for a second. He waved the [Qian Kun Suiyue Stick] in his hand to freeze all the figures rushing towards him in time.

Just like the tradition of the Chinese people, the happiest thing is nothing more than being a full ghost on Huangquan Road.

A radius of ten miles was directly swept away by the vast divine light.

Hugging the two of them, he kissed them hard: "I have no chance in this life, and I will pay back what I owe you in the next life."

Xu Tong pinched the formula with his fingers, and quickly replenished the thoughts that were consumed immediately, and returned to perfection in an instant.

Suppressing the tears in his eyes, Xu Tong nodded towards Master, asking him to quickly modify the teleportation beacon.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was furious.


When the strong light dissipated, a deafening roar sounded in my ears, and I saw a black army of demons on the left, marching towards this side in a mighty way.

At the same time, the eldest princess raised her palm, and at the moment the teleportation array was activated, the power of awakening space and the burst of light from the teleportation array overlapped each other.

I saw that under the blessing of starlight, Jiubao lost Baoguang instantly, and even the connection with her was cut off by an invisible force.

Every second, gods will fall, and blood, thoughts, and blood will be sprinkled all over the earth.

Then Xu Tong took out the heavy sand and distributed the wine to everyone, saying that the wine that had been stored in Meizhuang for a hundred years seemed to be prepared for this moment.

At this time, the army of the underworld was completely spread out, and a large number of underworld troops began to rush forward one after another. Only then did Xu Tong have a short respite, returned to the battleship, and led everyone back.

Baishankou, Chunyang swordsmanship, Yanshu, Zixiao Shenlei, time storm, an inch of time, in an instant, all the abilities that Xu Tong has cultivated and learned, in an instant with the release of thousands of thoughts, will transform the world in front of him It penetrates directly and becomes a chaos.


Beside him, nine magic weapons emerged, white jade knife, vajra sword, green wood spear, sky treasure umbrella, jade bell, copper gong... nine magic weapons, each less than three inches long, warm and crystal clear, exuding a A breathtaking breath.

"Almost at a standstill."

From time to time, a ray of divine light would fall from the sky, and I don't know who gave it the magical power, so it just fell down indiscriminately.

Xu Tong would not explain to this bodhisattva that his energy-free divine light is the nemesis of the gods.

Rao even Gao Zhuo, Li Bo, Lao Bai, A-Mei, the Great Princess and other masters on the battleship were sitting in command to face the heavenly soldiers rushing towards the battleship, and they also began to show fatigue for a while.

This is the inheritance of the Nine Immortals Cauldron, the mind-making technique. Although he learned the original name of the Nine Immortals Cauldron inheritance from the mouth of Ziyang Zhenjun, Xu Tong changed the name to "Zhaozi Jue."

This is still the result of Xu Tong driving the Dharma image and standing in front of it. If Xu Tong didn't spend his thoughts at any cost and forcibly smashed out a piece of heaven and earth, I'm afraid they wouldn't even last for a stick of incense, and they might die in front of them. here.

Sitting on the deck, Xu Tong looked at the exhausted faces of the crowd, and called out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, and the billowing energy of life gushed out of the furnace, like billowing waves, splashing on everyone. .

Stepping on the [Wu Zijue], Mo Ranjian was held in the palm of his hand, facing the attacking Nine Treasures, Xu Tong just sighed in his heart: "I thought it was reserved for the old god stick, but you are in such a hurry, so I will send it to you first." Here you go."

Taking advantage of this moment of breathing, everyone ignored the stains on the deck and threw themselves into battle one after another.

Seeing that the number of celestial soldiers coming up to besiege is increasing, it seems endless, but Xu Tong can't retreat for a moment.

"Hey, what are you thinking about!"

This trick, Xu Tong has already thought of the name, it is called [Open the door to send warmth]

With a big wave of Xu Tong's hand, he took all the nine treasures in his hands. These nine treasures are all treasures of Buddhism, and now they fall into his hands, but unfortunately he has no time to comprehend their mysteries.

"The road ahead is so difficult, Bodhisattva, stay behind!"

Xu Tong squinted at the Taoist Cihang, and immediately manipulated the star chart behind him to kill the Taoist Cihang.

(End of this chapter)

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