Infinite script kill

Chapter 1123 Waiting for you to brag on Huangquan Road

Chapter 1123 Waiting for you to brag on Huangquan Road
The world in front of him is already covered by a vast expanse of white snow.

Standing on the deck of the battleship, Xu Tong looked down at the world, and once again felt the laughter of fate in his heart.

It seems to say that changing one's life against the sky is just a way of deceiving oneself and others.

No one can change what is predestined, just as he can only watch his sister disappear, but he can't do anything.

It seems that from the day Amei was born, she was destined to exist for this moment.

Everyone could sense Xu Tong's inner emotions, even Gao Zhuo, who had the best relationship with Xu Tong, did not dare to rush forward at this moment.

Only the eldest princess could walk to Xu Tong's side and said, "The teleportation array is ready."

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't respond, the eldest princess continued: "The next one may be me, maybe he, do you have to mourn like this every time?"


Xu Tong took a deep breath, he knew that what the princess said was right, his goal could only go forward, and he would not allow himself to stay for a moment.

Otherwise, all sacrifices will be in vain.

After adjusting his thoughts, Xu Tong nodded: "Get ready to go!!"

One after another corpses were thrown into the vitality furnace, including players, Buddhas, and demons, and their corpses were the best materials.

In particular, the corpses of those demons were filled with a lot of evil energy. Xu Tong specially extracted this energy from the vitality furnace, and used hagana to make talismans and distribute them to everyone.

As long as you activate the talisman, you can quickly gain the power of the hell demon.

This kind of power may have very strong sequelae, but no one cares about whether they can survive the next second.

As a large amount of energy in the vitality furnace began to pour into the teleportation array, the battleship jumped again.


The cracks in the space gradually began to become clear. Before the battleship broke through the cracks, the roaring killing sounds were about to shatter the eardrums.

A big sword pierced through time and space, and slashed straight towards the battleship.

The big sword has a simple shape, but it has a gorgeous golden texture, which can cut time and space and obliterate everything.

There is no doubt that this is a rare magic weapon.

And the holy light shining on the sword is obviously a method of the Holy See, wanting to wipe out the battleship together with this piece of time and space before Xu Tong and the others break out of time and space.

Xu Tong's anger had nowhere to vent, but when he saw the sword light coming, he no longer suppressed it and broke out completely.

The power of the years was shot out, causing the turbulent flow of time and space, causing the holy light on the sword to burst suddenly, and then launched the word grabbing technique to seize the holy sword in the holy light in his hand.


The holy sword trembled and was still struggling to strike Xu Tong.

Xu Tong was even annoyed when he saw this, because he had seen this holy sword in Gao Zhuo's thread of fate, it was the sword of the archangel Gabriel.

In Gao Zhuo's thread of fate, it was this guy who pierced Gao Zhuo with his sword and burned his body into ashes.

Thinking of this, a bright starlight appeared behind Xu Tong, and as the thoughts in the nebula turned, a ray of spiritless divine light directly shone on the holy sword.

Suddenly, the holy sword that had fiercely resisted Xu Tong was silent, and the holy power on it was gone, revealing the sword's body, which was a stone sword.

It's just that I don't know what material it is, but when the stone is hit, there is the sound of diamonds colliding.

Xu Tong backhandedly threw it directly into the divine furnace of vitality. Without the blessing of the holy light, even the holy sword would still be decomposed into pure vitality by the divine furnace of vitality.

"Traitor, destroy my holy sword!!"

An extremely angry roar sounded in the void, and the moment the battleship rushed out of the space tunnel, it charged towards the battleship with a holy light that could destroy a world.

Facing the figure culling towards him, Xu Tong only had a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Thousands of nebulae flickered behind him, and wisps of spiritless divine light were like thousands of beams of light, shining on the holy light in front of him.

Immediately, the dazzling holy light disappeared in an instant, even Gabriel, who swooped in front, was taken aback. It was too late to escape, and countless rays of light directly shone on her body.

"What is this??"

At first Gabriel thought it was some kind of terrifying supernatural power, but he found that the light shone on his body without causing any harm to himself.

She thought it was a feint from the other party, but Gabriel soon felt a great fear of the light beam. Her divine power quickly dissipated in the strong light, and the wings behind her, which symbolized strength and status, quickly rotted in the light. fade away.

I changed from a supreme god to an ordinary mortal in an instant, and the feeling of losing power like this was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Before Gabriel could recover from the fear of losing his strength, Xu Tong's figure had appeared beside him, pinching her slender throat with his fingers, and immediately pressed her body and smashed it hard to the ground.

"Boom!" The ground exploded, all the bones of Gabriel's body were smashed, and the original holy face was even more bloody.

Ordinary people would have died a long time ago, but not only did Gabriel not die, but his consciousness was exceptionally clear, screaming towards the sky: "Holy light, everywhere!!"

Just listening to the ethereal and light fairy music in the sky, countless angels are reciting hymns, and the majestic fire of faith like the ocean gathers into a beam of light and falls on Gabriel's body.

Gabriel, who was bathed in the flame of faith, once again had six pairs of golden wings appearing behind her. The huge power of the gods made the whole world tremble.

He stared fiercely at Xu Tong. For so many years, no one had ever made himself so embarrassed, let alone a player of mortal origin.

"Unconvinced? Then hit you until you are convinced!"

Xu Tong squinted his eyelids, treating friends, relatives, even players on the same front with him temporarily, he can be like a spring breeze, never caring about personal gains and losses.

But facing the enemy, Xu Tong is ruthless and will never give the opponent a chance to breathe.

Before Gabriel could make a move, streaks of spiritless divine light fell down. The divine light swept away to cut off the fire of faith, and then swept again, turning Gabriel into a mortal again.

Such means stunned the Heavenly Monarchs who were watching the battle from afar.

Gabriel was even more angry to the point of hysteria. She had never seen such a strange ability, and cursed Xu Tong angrily.

With a wave of Xu Tong's big hand, countless sword qi fell like a rainstorm, instantly cutting the archangel into a human stick on the spot.

Blood spattered on the ground, and the painful Gabriel screamed like a pig being slaughtered. Xu Tong grabbed her long golden hair and held it in his hands. He looked around, his eyes were bloodshot, and killed her coldly. It made all the spectators all around moved.

"Who else!!"

The angry roar made the originally chaotic battlefield suddenly quiet down, and countless gods felt terrified.

On the side of the heavenly court, three hundred righteous gods looked sideways, and they were even more frightened when they saw this scene.

Since ancient times, the strength of the lineage against the sky has been terrifying. Many gods among them have seen Xu Tong in Kunlun Mountain. At that time, the strength of this kid, they could pinch each other to death with one finger.

It's only been a while, and Xu Tong's growth has reached the point where they feel a deep threat.


On the halfway up Guixu Mountain, Nishen hugged his arms, as if he was coldly looking at Du Ziren's army in front of him. Although it was his hands, two arms were broken, but even if there were only two pairs of arms left, It still hasn't changed its former glory.

At this moment, he was attracted by this roar.

When he saw that it was Xu Tong, Nishen's eyes flashed brightly, and after noticing that this kid was holding Gabriel in his hand like a dead dog, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"As expected of the prisoner's son, this appearance is somewhat similar to his father's domineering back then!"

This can't help but make Nishen feel a little nostalgic in his heart, as if the kid in front of him is his old opponent prisoner.

Thinking of this, Ni's eyes gradually became sharper, and a sickly twisted feeling appeared on his face.

But after reading and watching, he finally shook his head and suppressed the desire in his heart: "Unfortunately, he is not a prisoner. Compared with the prisoner, he is a little younger."

"He is also worthy of being compared with the prisoner!"

A displeased cold snort appeared behind Ni Shen, and Ni Shen knew who it was without looking back.

She curled her lips: "Even if it's not as good as the prisoner, I don't think it's difficult for him to kill you."


The man behind him gave a strange cry, stepped forward quickly, and stared at Xu Tong viciously.

I saw a man with a strange appearance, eagle eyes, pig nose, tiger mouth and wolf teeth. This man is called Liao, and he is one of the ancient death gods who revived from the underworld together with Ni Shen and others.

His strength is far inferior to Tai, Nishen and others, but still no one dares to deny his combat effectiveness.

Hearing the words against God, Liao's eyes were particularly ferocious, and he looked Xu Tong up and down: "Is it just him?"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it, but don't blame me for not reminding you, the Kong Qiankun Years Stick is in his hands."

Liao, who was still about to move, immediately turned bitter when he heard that the Qiankun Suiyue stick was in Xu Tong's hand, turned around and left cursing.

Liao is not afraid of Xu Tong's strange divine light, but he is only afraid of the Qiankun Years Stick. This game should be too heaven-defying, and it is like a nemesis to him. God knows how this idiot Kong lost this thing.

"Let's go, Tianyu is about to leave the customs, and whoever he is, it's just a sacrifice on the altar."

"It's a pity, if he can be with us in the eternal world, maybe he can regain his majestic appearance."

Ni's feelings for Xu Tong are very complicated, not because he simply likes this kid, but because he wants to find the shadow of a prisoner in Xu Tong.

For him, not being able to kill the prisoner with his own hands is his eternal regret in this life, and this regret will bring him endless torture in the years of eternal life in the future.

But he saw hope in Xu Tong. The stronger Xu Tong was, the closer he was to the prisoner's power, the more he couldn't help but want to kill him and fill him with regret.

"Kill it!!"

Xu Tong stood on the deck of the battleship, pointing his finger forward.

Under the huge mountain, two mountains like giant dragons lie on both sides, exposing a huge valley and plain in the middle.

Looking from a distance, one could see the figures of the underworld army and Du Ziren's handsome flag.

Now that the teleportation array is no longer needed, the energy of the vitality furnace is quickly injected into the sun battleship, which makes the battleship start, and forcibly rushes across the battlefield to join the underworld army.

Facing the warriors of all races rushing towards the battleship, Xu Tong swept the energy-free divine light towards them, and with one sweep of the divine light, he cut them all into mortals.

Immediately after the full firepower of the battleship, the Yuan Qi Cannon fired wildly at the surroundings. With the blessing of Xu Tong's Time Law, the cooldown time of the Yuan Bubble was extremely short. From the perspective of the outside world, it took only five or six seconds for a cannon to hit.

Warriors of all races who have lost their divine power are no different from ordinary people. One shot will cause blood and flesh to splatter and bones to separate.

"You betrayed Heaven, what can you get? It's just a vain position. The gods have reached an agreement, including Netherland, you chose the wrong team, and you are doomed to die!"

Gabriel, who was held by Xu Tong, glared at Xu Tong and kept provoking him.

Xu Tong knew what she was planning, it was nothing more than to get his attention and take the opportunity to negotiate terms with him.

It's just that Gabriel underestimated Xu Tong's methods, only to see his fingers gently evoking the fate lines on Gabriel's body.

Gabriel's fate was clearly seen in a flash of thought.

As the seven archangels, Gabriel is definitely the highest level in heaven. Although his status cannot be compared with that of Michael, he is also the existence closest to the Western God.

Through her fate, Xu Tong saw the gods of the heavens and Du Ziren as expected.

This was a meeting from a long, long time ago, before Reaper's resurrection.

And the people who participated in this meeting were all bigwigs representing one side of the world.

Gabriel and the other seven archangels can only stand at the outermost edge.

Barely able to see through the crystal partition, the figures of those big bosses can be vaguely seen.

Xu Tong watched through her perspective, but couldn't see the figures of these big shots clearly.

However, it can be vaguely guessed from the vague outlines, among them is the figure of the Lord Fu, the Queen Mother of the West, the Lord of Heaven, Shiva of ancient India, etc. They are all ancient second-generation gods, one of the myths. source.

Gathering together at this moment seems to be discussing how to deal with the resurrection of the Death God in the future.

They have long been aware of the resurrection of the dead god, and this meeting seems to have reached a consensus in some aspects.

Xu Tong really wanted to hear what they were talking about, but the crystal screen in front of them completely blocked their conversation, and even their figures were blurred. It was completely impossible to see their mouth shape and read their lips.

Therefore, although Gabriel and other three generations of gods surrounded the surrounding airtightly, no one could know what they were talking about.

"What are they talking about??"

Xu Tong withdrew his thoughts, and his heart was suddenly clouded. Although Gabriel's words were not confirmed, each of these bigwigs is the master of the world.

They once overthrew the rule of the Death God era. Although there are factors of the times, it is undeniable that they are the winners who have the last laugh.

If you really want to describe them, you can only say that these big shots are the champions of the previous Gods Contest.

"Hahaha, you and I are just pawns, do you really think that everything you know, think, and see is what you think??

Do you think that your life is in your own hands?Don't be silly, each of us is their chosen pawn, don't you think that the six reincarnations in Netherland are just a kind of mercy?You... what are you going to do? ?stop! ! "

When Gabriel was talking, he suddenly found that Xu Tong was carrying him in the direction of the vitality furnace.

Looking at the blazing mouth of the vitality stove, Gabriel suddenly panicked. She just wanted to negotiate terms with Xu Tong, and she just wanted this guy to let her go.

Even as a pawn, he is also the queen of Western chess and the chariot and cannon of Eastern chess.

She still wants to live, she hasn't lived enough.

"Stop it, I still have a lot of secrets to exchange. The gods don't care about reality and the mirror world at all. They are all selfish devils. We are now sacrifices under a feast."

Seeing Gabriel desperately twisting his body begging for mercy, Xu Tong couldn't show any kindness.

Throwing it forward casually, immediately threw Gabriel's body into the vitality stove.

He didn't know how deep the water was, but he didn't need someone like Gabriel to remind himself.

The divine furnace of vitality tore Gabriel's body, even if the divine power was temporarily cut off by the energy-free divine light, Gabriel's soul and thoughts did not really disappear, but were only temporarily suppressed.

As these divine powers were torn apart and transformed by the vitality furnace, the huge power suddenly penetrated the entire vitality battleship, causing the speed and firepower of the battleship to undergo earth-shaking changes in an instant.

Coupled with Xu Tong's spiritless divine light constantly sweeping around, the warship almost went on a rampage all the way, killing a bloody path in the army of various tribes.

Netherland's army has already started rushing forward one after another to meet Xu Tong.

Even Du Ziren had already done it himself, but if he moved, someone would stop him.

You must know that there are too many eyes staring at Du Ziren.

It was all because of the change of Fu Jun. The Queen Mother of the West had summoned him again and again, but he simply threw Du Ziren out, and then hid directly.

This guy made the gods restless. Among the second generation of gods, he was the most tolerant. At the beginning, in order to compete for the Netherland, various forces fought bloody battles, but in the end they couldn't really control the Netherland.

The natives of Netherland fought back wildly, and coupled with the particularity of that place, the second-generation gods were unwilling to set foot in it easily.

It was only then that he seized the opportunity to make a strong move, and when the gods hadn't recovered from their senses, he wiped out the entire Netherland.

Even afterward, many people suspected that this was the bureau that the Fujun had set up early. The Beiyin Emperor seemed to have colluded with the Fujun early in the morning, and would surrender immediately after the Fujun entered the underworld.

When the gods wanted to intervene in the underworld, this guy played a game of vertical and horizontal, pulling the Buddha and the Taoist family into it, creating the palace of the underworld, guarding reincarnation, and living in a secluded mountain. Balance, mastery of power, firmly hold power in your hands.

Now that Du Ziren was brought up with one kick, and he hid himself again, it was difficult for even the gods to figure out what this guy was thinking.

This is also the reason why Du Ziren wanted Xu Tong to come in from the side instead of following the main force.

The two of them are together, the risk is too great, but it will further stimulate the nerves of the gods.

As soon as Du Ziren moved, the nine heavens were suddenly torn apart by a beam of Buddha's light, and the mighty power of faith rumbled like a river flowing.

Immediately after a strong aura erupted, a barefoot big foot descended from the sky, stepping on Du Ziren head-on.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The foot of Buddha's light stepped down with Lang Lang's laughter, causing the sky to shatter.

Du Ziren took a closer look and said with a sneer, "Maitreya, don't say that you are just a future Buddha, even if the Tathagata comes here in person, I can poke a hole in you today!"

Du Ziren had a murderous look on his face, and he held a Ten Thousand Gods Sail in his left hand. When the long sail was waved, the names of thousands of gods appeared on it.

He has been collecting the thoughts of the gods, not for the purpose of making figures for collection. In fact, besides the master, there are many people who are collecting the thoughts of the gods for him.

Many Taoist priests related to Hades in the past dynasties have an inseparable relationship with him, especially Taoist Plum Blossom.

It's a pity that Taoist Plum Blossom is too shrewd to find that the water here is too deep. In addition, he is proficient in Yanshu, and after realizing the horror of cause and effect, he forcibly made a disturbance in Hades, and finally got the chance to jump out of the chessboard.

At this moment, the thoughts of the gods were entwined on the divine sail, and with Du Ziren's wave, thousands of divine lights immediately hit Maitreya's thigh.

The big foot in the sky exploded directly, and the fire of faith suddenly shattered.

Then I saw Du Ziren holding a long sword, manifesting his dharma, and killing Maitreya...

Du Ziren was fighting against Maitreya of Buddhism, Xu Tong's side was also fighting fiercely, a divine light descended from the sky, not afraid of Xu Tong's spiritless divine light, and directly killed him.

Sweeping away with the divine light of Wuqihua, it was swept away directly by the five-colored strange lights flickering all over the opponent's body.

The body of the comer is like gold reflecting fire, with a bright armor, holding a jasper sword, and a red horse on his crotch.

Even Xu Tong was shocked by the strong attack.

This person is the myth and legend, the top combat power of Buddhism, No. 1 of the three generations of gods, King Kong Xuan of Ming Dynasty.

Compared with Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, the energy-free divine light is not at all advantageous. It is even far inferior to Kong Xuan's five-color divine light in terms of convenience and function.

Just when Xu Tong was about to rush up to fight him, Gu Xibai had already jumped over him: "If you are entangled by him, we will all die, lead everyone forward, and leave Kong Xuan to me! "

Speaking of which, Gu Xibai jumped up and went straight to Kong Xuan, knowing that there was a huge gap between the two, but at this time, Gu Xibai was already ready to die.

Xu Tong's face changed suddenly, and it was too late to stop him. He gritted his teeth, and could only speed up the battleship to rush forward.

Looking at Gu Xibai's spine, the keel protruded, and the huge blood energy was like a golden flame, which shot straight into the sky.

At this moment, Gu Xibai actually burned all the blood in his body in exchange for the qualification to fight Kong Xuan.

The corners of Xu Tong's eyes glistened with tears, and he was almost unable to hold back. His friends and lovers were rushing to death one by one, but he could do nothing but watch. There was no one to tell the torment in his heart.

"Old Bai, kill him!!!"

Gao Zhuo yelled at Gu Xibai heart-piercingly, shouting for Gu Xibai: "See you on Huangquan Road!!"

Gu Xibai was stunned for a moment, turned his head and gave everyone a thumbs up, and immediately exerted the power of the immortal to the extreme, and punched Kong Xuan's figure...

(End of this chapter)

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