Infinite script kill

Chapter 1125 Offerings

Chapter 1125 Offerings
After Xie Qifan Ba ​​left, Li Bo and Gao Zhuo stepped forward to ask Cai Cai what Xie Qifan Ba ​​meant.

"The meaning is very simple. There are some things in this place that the gods cannot change."

Xu Tong answered very simply, but he already had a bad premonition in his heart.

Riding on the battleship all the way forward, the road in front of him became narrower and narrower, and the bare mountain wall presented a texture like obsidian. Gao Zhuo and the others tried to knock it off to have a look, but no matter how hard they knocked, they couldn't leave a trace on it. Little traces.

"Damn, what is this thing made of, so hard??"

Gao Zhuo looked at the shovel in his hand that was about to break off, and swung his numb hand while cursing.

"This is Guixu Mountain, even if the Three Realms collapse, it won't be hurt at all, not to mention you, even I can't hurt it at all."

Xu Tong signaled Gao Zhuo and the others not to bother. He had once seen Guixu Mountain standing in the silent chaos through fate. The Three Realms collapsed, and everything would be reduced to ashes. .

"Look, there's something ahead."

The eldest princess pointed to the stone wall in front of her and said, when everyone rushed over to take a look, they saw huge relief sculptures carved on the stone wall.

The reliefs are exquisite in shape, and even the faces and facial features of the characters have been finely carved and polished.

Looking around, there is at least a distance of 8000 meters.

"Hiss! Who can leave such a relief here??"

Everyone was horrified, Gao Zhuo and the others had tried it just now, no matter what kind of supernatural powers they used, they couldn't leave a single trace on Guixu Mountain.

But now in front of him is a huge relief sculpture stretching 8000 meters.

Xu Tong signaled the battleship to move back, and carefully inspected the reliefs on the stone wall. Each piece was like an exquisite work of art, but it would inevitably make people feel weird in this place.

"This is……"

The eldest princess looked carefully for a moment, and suddenly realized what these reliefs were: "This is history, and it is history recorded by someone!"


Li Bo's eyes widened and he took a closer look, but he was dizzy and didn't know where to start.

Fortunately, the eldest princess translated to everyone: "This is the origin of the gods!"

She pointed to the wave-like relief at the forefront of the mural, on which stood [-] figures.

These figures are the beginning of the first generation of gods.

In the middle of the [-] gods, there is also a huge god. This god is holding a giant axe in his hand and slashing towards the chaos.

"Oh, this is Pangu opening the sky!"

Gao Zhuo looked suddenly enlightened, even a three-year-old child knew the story of Pangu opening up the sky.

But at this moment the eldest princess gave another interpretation: "Yes, but it's not right either!"

She pointed to the figures of the gods around her: "Rather than saying that Pangu opened the sky, it is better to say that he is being besieged by three thousand gods."


Everyone took a closer look, and as expected, they found many small figures among them, and they were all holding knives and forks and treasures besieging the giant god in the middle.

Why is this happening? ?
The eldest princess was also very puzzled, and continued to look back along the reliefs on the stone wall.

As a result, the more he looked, the more dignified his expression became.

What is recorded on it is the history of the first generation of gods.

From the beginning when they besieged Pangu, to how they established a new dynasty, to the end they found that the world was constantly declining, and many powerful gods were losing their strength and lifespan rapidly because they could not adapt to such decline.

Eventually they did the first re-opening of the world.

It was a dim massacre, the weak gods would be beheaded as sacrifices, and only the most powerful gods were eligible to survive.

The first time they reopened the world, they successfully created an eternal world, a world that would never decay.

But that world is too small. Although it is already many times larger than the script world created by the gods of the heavens, it is far from enough for these generation of gods.

So they sealed up this eternal world, and after deliberation, they decided to support more gods.

They believe that there is nothing wrong with the method, but that there are too few sacrifices, so more and more sacrifices are needed.

So the second generation of gods headed by Queen Mother of the West rose rapidly with their support.

This is the reason for Queen Mother Xi and others.

When a large number of second-generation gods appeared, the rate of decline of the world became faster and faster. It seemed that the existence of these second-generation gods accelerated the decline of the world.

However, the first generation of gods is still very patient. They want more gods to ensure that this restart can make the world eternal.

However, what they didn't expect was that these second-generation gods took advantage of their weakness to launch a rebellion. In order to greatly damage the strength of these first-generation gods, they planned a plan to destroy Buzhou Mountain, which supports the pillar of heaven and earth. , Buzhou Mountain broke off, causing the imbalance of Yin and Yang in the world, causing huge chaos.

The first generation of gods was the first to bear the brunt, and many powerful beings felt uncomfortable instantly, and then were assassinated by the second generation of gods they supported.

When the first generation of gods realized it, the general situation was over. Some of them were suppressed, some were killed and made into some kind of magic weapon, and some sealed themselves into special coffins and buried themselves in the underworld. middle.

From then on, the Queen Mother of the West entered Yaochi, and the chapter of the second generation of gods began.

The eldest princess looked at the content on the relief in front of her, as if she had read an epic poem in a short time, and she was too shocked to speak.

But that doesn't seem to be the end of it.

There is also a relief at the back, which is very short and is a huge stone tablet. Gao Zhuo and the others recognized it at a glance.

"Isn't this the sacrificial monument made by the gods??"

Everyone looked at it, it was true, just looking at it, everyone's face began to become ugly.

There is no need for the eldest princess to explain the next relief, everyone can see it clearly.

A sacrificial stele, the gods of the heavens, thousands of players, struggled endlessly among the reliefs, until the last relief, the Queen Mother of the West and the others escaped into the eternal world on Yaochi with several second-generation gods. The sacrificial monument bloomed with light, but it turned into a huge new altar.

Now everyone's hairs stood on end.


A player knelt on the ground, his face pale: "Wrong, wrong, all wrong, so we are also sacrifices, all sacrifices..."

At this moment, including all the gods on the battlefield, they are sacrifices, or bait.

Just wait for the gods of death to reappear and the altar is activated, and everyone will become sacrifices there to reopen the world, but the Queen Mother of the West and the others can hide behind the bronze gate and wait for the new world to open.

"Damn it, we've all been tricked by this old woman's vicious tricks."

Li Bo pointed at the West and cursed loudly, but he couldn't stop cursing. He just felt disheartened for a while, and his mood was extremely complicated.

After paying so much, Amei died, Lao Bai also died in battle, so many players died on the way, and Fairy Bailu and others blew themselves up. Everything they paid seemed like a joke.


At this time, Xu Tong suddenly said, "Don't be fooled by the appearance of these statues!"

After hearing Xu Tong's words, everyone looked sideways at him.

"Xie Qi and Fan Ba ​​have already said that there are many things in the mirror world that the gods cannot change, not even the Queen Mother of the West. The only person who can change this rule is the player."

Speaking of this, Xu Tong looked at them: "That is to say, even at this moment, we have not lost, otherwise those gods of death are not fools, how could they foolishly slip into the trap."

"what do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Xu Tong, and Xu Tong looked at the mountain: "Since the altar can restart the world, why can't it be used to change the ending of the world?"

Xu Tong took a deep breath, until this moment, he suddenly realized the purpose of his coming here, maybe that's why he came here.

The decree given by the Fujun, to destroy, is to tell himself that he can destroy everything, and he can also choose what he wants to destroy.

This is a hint, a hint that he has the ability and opportunity to change the ending.

After he finished speaking, there was a sudden burst of applause from the corner.

"Clap clap clap..."

The crisp applause made everyone vigilant. Xu Tong and the others looked in this direction, but saw another pedestrian slowly coming out of the corner.


Looking at the figures of Bu Luan and others, Xu Tong couldn't help being surprised.

"Ha, don't look at us like that, we are also forced."

Yan Xiaoqi and Kang Xiazi also came out with some surviving players.

Blind Kang waved his hand at Xu Tong: "We are here by order of the gods, to help you one last time."

Hearing this, Xu Tong and the others were immediately puzzled.

"Old blind man, are you having a convulsion? By the order of the gods? Come help us?? Damn, are you really blind? Don't you know how we got here?"

Everyone on the battleship was extremely angry.

They had a narrow escape on this journey, fighting all the way, how many people died, isn't this all done by the gods.

Now he suddenly changed his voice and changed his words to help them, only ghosts would believe such words.

Blind Kang was not surprised to see the resentment of the crowd, he just said: "Man divides good from evil, so is it not the case with gods? It's just that the situation is not as clear as you see. There will always be some people among the gods who maintain their sense and Sober, but they can't rashly stand on the opposite side of the gods."

After Kang Xiazi finished speaking, Yan Xiaoqi smiled at Xu Tong: "The star map I gave you seems to have improved your strength a lot."

Xu Tong immediately understood what Yan Xiaoqi meant when he heard the words. Yes, if it wasn't for Yan Xiaoqi's star map, he would have no way to go to that original world, let alone get the complete [source] fragment, and it would be impossible to see own destiny.

Obviously, there is a god who is secretly helping Xu Tong and the others. Combined with the god behind Yan Xiaoqi, this person should be the rumored Doumu Yuanjun.

(End of this chapter)

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