Infinite script kill

Chapter 1128 Backlash

Chapter 1128 Backlash (two chapters in one)

The youngest's palm was placed on his shoulder, without any doubt, just a little force could knock his soul out of him.

But at the same time, it also released the restraint on Xu Tong, allowing him to use his own abilities.

He pointed to the twelve steps in front of him: "Take us up, use the power of the prisoner!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids and sneered, "It turns out that even you can only go here."

The youngest didn't speak, but held the hand on Xu Tong's shoulder with a little force, and Xu Tong's face suddenly turned pale.

The muscles all over his body were trembling, and the severe pain was unbearable even for him.

After a while, his forehead was already covered with sweat.

"Good boy, be obedient!"

The youngest looked down at Xu Tong, with the same expression and eyes as usual, kind and caring, without the slightest irritation.

After all, the current [Qian Kun Sui Yue Cudgel] no longer has the imprint of the idea of ​​the old god's stick, so he can't exert all his strength.

The youngest raised his brows slightly, as if he expected Xu Tong to make trouble at this moment, but instead he let go of Xu Tong's shoulder at this moment, and while flying back to dodge, he raised his hand and slapped Xu Tong on the forehead.

But gradually, Ni's gaze became unwilling, and his eyes began to rotate. Looking at his headless body, the fist of the other arm had been raised above Xu Tong's head, but he could only limp weakly. There were bursts of angry roars, calling the prisoner's name.

Xu Tong was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that the pipe given to him by the youngest was actually a hidden murderous intention.

In addition, there are two prop cards [Touch of Time] and [Sands of Time] among them.

In particular, Ni's eyes became even more frenzied. The moment Xu Tong cut [Tai], he seemed to find the shadow of a prisoner from Xu Tong.


That's when Chang Wuzhi took the opportunity.

"Son, I am surprised that you can do this."

When Chang Wuzhi felt bad, he had already been slapped by the universe, and he couldn't move at the given frame.

The youngest on the side was still very relaxed, and even praised Xu Tong extraordinarily.

Wisps of blood-red streamer splashed down along the gap.

Withdrawing the sword, swinging it, the next moment the world in front of him was divided into two and turned into black and white.

It was precisely because his father gave him this item card that the youngest and the others did not kill them all.

Seeing that under the strange light, his divine power was actually dispelled and invisible, Tai's face finally revealed a bit of strangeness.

The world is collapsing, and it is going to perish. The big black cracks spread rapidly, and the dazzling energy beams swim like silver dragons. There is a devastating explosion here, and all kinds of orders are extremely dazzling, like lightning bolts, densely packed, Emerging from the great crack in the void, destroying everything.

Immediately, he was lifted directly into the sky, allowing him to devour the terrifying power of the priest outside.

Tai's figure quietly appeared behind Xu Tong, his face was cold and numb, but as soon as he raised his hand, the power of destructive power came towards Xu Tong.

Chang Wuzhi ate with great relish, but suddenly a stick flew from behind and hit Chang Wuzhi on the head.

The youngest looked at Xu Tong with a questioning tone, but kicked the question back instead.


Seeing Ni who was completely insane, Xu Tong's eyes froze, and he turned the hilt of the sword in his hand violently.

Xu Tong raised his hand and slashed at Tai with a sword light, and immediately the divine blood spattered. A deep wound with bone visible was cut on Tai's chest, and he was chopped off the altar by a sword.

The skinny palm clapped it, as if breaking the ancient tranquility, reappearing the true meaning of the creation of the world, like a revived god and demon, awakened from the chaos, domineering and unrivaled.

When the Nine Immortals Destroyer Formation dissipated, the true face of the altar in front of him finally appeared. On the huge altar, there was an ancient stone tablet.

Even if Xu Tong had been prepared for a long time, his eyes were blackened by this blow, and he almost passed out.

Such a pipe Xu Tong looked familiar to him, and he was startled for a while, isn't this the pipe that the youngest gave him before.


The youngest's words were extremely harsh, but she still acted like I was thinking of you, which was disgusting.

Such a tone of dialogue, how familiar it is, kicking back the difficult problem and throwing it to others to make a choice is Xu Tong's usual method, but it is used on himself today.

He has already recognized the origin of this object. When he led the first reopening of the world, the altar emitted this light, dispelling all his opponents and companions into mortals. In the end, he could only watch in despair as he completely destroyed the original world .

"Dingzhen Qiankun!"

For a while, even Xu Tong was stumped by this question, but he still insisted on his opinion: "Then let them wait under the altar!"

Chang Wuzhi shook his head, got up from the side, and glared fiercely at the old god stick, his eyes became more and more hostile.


No matter whether it was the old god stick or the youngest who was starting the altar, they were caught off guard by this turn of events.

Neikou let out a scream, and was smashed down by the big tripod.

This can't help but make the youngest feel vigilant in his heart. This vigilance is not aimed at Xu Tong, but at all the variables that may exist in the dark.

Thinking of this, the youngest couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, in the eternal world, these two wastes are not needed, and they are better as sacrifices."

"No, I'll take you there."

Before he had time to respond, a breath that suffocated him had already struck, it was Tai.

Thinking of this, the youngest said to Xu Tong: "Time is running out, I have no intention of continuing to quarrel with you."

This stick didn't use much force, and it didn't hit the killer, but it made Gao Zhuo's mouth crooked and his eyes slanted, and two of his teeth were knocked out.

The blade pierced through his arm without hindrance, but followed by the other two palms to firmly grasp the blade.

Xu Tong summoned the prisoner, the crimson item card, which is a special color inherited from the bloodline, which is destined to be impossible for the youngest to take it forcibly.

"Hahaha, brat, you should absorb it outside. When you absorb all the sacrificial power, you will be our greatest tribute."

Xu Tong had no choice but to pinch his own weakness to death by the youngest.

In an instant, the dark divine power evolved by Nishen disappeared, and even he himself was under the holy light, and his strength was greatly damaged.


The formation enveloped all the people on the altar, trapping everyone in it.

The fist burning with the power of the law of time hit Chang Wuzhi's face directly, but what the old god stick never expected was that this punch directly pierced Chang Wuzhi's face.

"I can let them go, but they can only die if they leave here!"

The youngest seemed to analyze it from Xu Tong's point of view: "If you take them to the altar together, maybe they have a chance to enter the new world with you."

But even so, it was difficult to conceal the joy in Nishen's eyes. The red eyes showed the brilliance that only existed in life and death fights, and he punched Xu Tong's sword light.

At the same time, the strong light swept across the surroundings, and Xu Tong's figure was at the same time as the light, completely integrated into the divine light of Wuqihua.


Just when the old god stick was full of complacency, he suddenly saw something flickering on and off in the small hole on the ground out of the corner of his eye.

He formed a strange divine seal with six hands, and then slapped it towards Xu Tong at the same time, all the runes merged, and a fairy light bloomed!


The runes appeared one after another, mobilizing the ancient and modern dark forces, as if penetrating through time and space, and smashed towards Xu Tong with the power enough to destroy a world.

Xu Tong has become the Dao of Transformation, and his body, primordial spirit, and Wuqi Huashen Light behind him are completely integrated. At this moment, it seems that he is the light that can dispel all gods.

But at the moment of teleportation, Xu Tong's mind moved, but Gao Zhuo and Li Bo were ignored, and he took the youngest and waited for others to teleport directly to the top of the altar.

"court death!!"

【Traveler's Seal】

On the steps, the abandoned gods of death saw this, and they were terrified. They knew that the altar had started.

"Let me come, let me come!!"


Then he walked to the side of the altar, put his hands flat on the stone tablet, and injected a strange light into the stone tablet, only to see ancient curse patterns flashing on it.

At this moment, Xu Tong activated the item card, and the blood-red light radiated on Xu Tong's body, and then the light flashed, taking them to the top of the altar in an instant.

Xu Tong kept a cold face and said nothing, seeing the youngest child sneered coldly: "But as the father of all living beings, I don't want to abandon any child, it's better for them to stay by our side, or I will kill them now, To save you from distraction and trouble, let me bear the notoriety, who made you my favorite child."

It's just that this light should have dissipated and disappeared after Pangu opened up the world. Why did it fall into Xu Tong's hands, and it can still be controlled by him.

"not good!"

But at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, grabbing Ni's head.

The youngest threw Xu Tong on the ground unceremoniously, looked at the dying Xu Tong, and patted the boy's face: "Don't die so early, you are still useful, just watch here, a new world is coming , you are an indispensable part!"

Seeing Gao Zhuo being beaten, Li Bo immediately became cowardly, opened his mouth, and turned his complaints into three words: "Kao Nen Mom!"

"Don't try to run!"

Xu Tong looked at Gao Zhuo and Li Bo in Chang Wuzhi's hands, and signaled to let them go first.

In fact, Xu Tong was not feeling well at the moment, Nishen hit him with several punches, and every punch made him almost die.

Although they shouted Tian Yu's name desperately, they didn't get any response.

"Boy, you are courting death!!"

At this moment, even if I look at the future again, I can only see a blur, because the Queen Mother of the West and the others have launched a large sacrifice formation outside, and the heavens and worlds are sinking and collapsing, so there is no future to see there.

And the Nine Immortals Extinguishing God Formation still made him feel very novel. He never expected that someone in the world would create such a powerful formation in a different way.

"Go, child, absorb these red clouds, your strength can be improved to another level, and you will be the new Lord of the Gods in the future!"

Xu Tong's heart turned cold, and a ray of white light appeared behind him, dispelling this terrifying power invisible.


At the same time, he stared at Xu Tong with a cold face.

At least before the birth of the new world, the world of the heavens has come to the end of the end.

At this time, the voice of the youngest came, which made Chang Wuju refreshed, nodded immediately, stepped on the ground hard with one foot, left a small hole in the ground, and immediately jumped up.

The surrounding mountain walls began to crack slowly at this moment, and a huge force dragged the altar upward.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Chang Wuzhi was able to get rid of the influence of [Qian Kun Years Stick], and these two prop cards contributed a lot.

The blood burst out, his arms were like two giant dragons, and his body was about to burn for a moment, turning into a torch, allowing him to recover his strength to its former peak state in a short period of time.

"Let my friend go first!"


Wisps of fairy light hung down, with the power to suppress the heavens. The cauldron was suspended in the sky. Every time it fell a foot, Ni would cough up a mouthful of blood.

But at this moment, it was too late for him to understand, and his thoughts were gradually lost in this burst of magical sounds, which made him break away from the state of transformation.

He used this to detach himself, and his boxing skills were sublimated to the utmost, even though the price of doing so was irreversible for him, but in order to complete his inner perfection, Ni didn't care at all.

The future they saw in the past is not the final result. Every change is silent, and it is difficult to guarantee that the ending they can see is real.

Two different voices sounded, and Ni's eyes were still full of bloodthirsty excitement. His fist had already hit Xu Tong's body hard, and the huge force smashed his shoulder into a piece of rotten flesh. All he needed was a punch. can kill him completely.


As the altar was gradually raised, the top of Guixu Mountain began to crack, revealing a huge gap.

The fusion of Xu Tong's human sword is like a strong light piercing through the terrifying power of darkness in front of him, breaking everything, and no one in the world can stop it.

Everything happened so suddenly that the old god stick was caught off guard, and Chang Wuzhi's abdomen was opened, and the absorbed red blood was sprayed out towards the old god stick.

Chang Wuzhi showed a mouthful of white teeth, and opened his mouth to swallow Ni's head directly.

Seeing this, the old magic stick swung the Qiankun Years Stick, stirring the power of time around it, turning it into a heaven-reaching pillar, and pushing it towards the sky.

Just when Xu Tong was surprised, the youngest blew lightly, the pipe buzzed, and Xu Tong's prop book also made a strange sound at the same time.

They thought that the biggest change must be Xu Tong, but they never expected that Chang Wuzhi would betray him at this time.

Chang Wuzhu let out an inhuman scream, and while the old magic stick was seriously injured, he had already held the black water dragon tooth in his hand.

But at the same time, a black afterimage turned into a stream of light and stabbed two daggers at the back of the old god stick. Hit the shadow behind him.

He was really surprised, he never thought that one day this child would be able to reach such a powerful level step by step by his own efforts.

Hearing Gao Zhuo's scolding, the old magic stick beside him raised his hand and hit the [Qian Kun Years Stick] on Gao Zhuo's face.

It was too late to hide, and seeing the strong light radiating on half of Tai's body, it immediately made Tai feel that more than half of his strength was consumed in an instant.

This was originally Xu Tong's life-saving prop card, but when Chang Wuzhi was caught by the old magic stick, Xu Tong passed this prop card to Chang Wuzhi through the team warehouse.

"Prisoner, go die!!"

"Shenguang without energy!"

Being fatally wounded again and again, Ni's eyes became more and more crazy, and Xu Tong's figure in front of him gradually merged with the prisoner's face in his memory.

"Hey, don't waste waste."

In a world stained red with blood, a huge light beam began to tear the earth apart, and all creatures were vaporized at this moment.

Even if the divine power is dispelled, he can be regarded as a god of disobedience. What he relies on is by no means the so-called supernatural power, but the strength of the physical body.

This voice poured out from the item book, like a dragon's chant, or a phoenix's cry, rolling up all kinds of avenues and thousands of rules, instantly slowing down Xu Tong's thoughts.


"Little bastard, you can eat the fuck, I'm not afraid to overwhelm you!"

The stick hit Chang Wuzhi on the ground so hard that he spat out all the pieces of meat in his mouth.

With the sharp stabbing pain in the back of his chest, blood flowed from a huge hole in Chang Wuzhi's chest. He had aged for decades, and even his hair had turned pale.

The old magic stick swung the [Qiankun Years Stick] and his figure pierced through time and space. It was time to avoid Xu Tong's invincible time, and he slammed into the future, hitting Xu Tong's back hard.

Before he landed, the youngest raised his hand and held it in the palm of his hand. There was no such kind face on his indifferent face, and he punched the void, piercing through the Nine Immortals Formation.

Xu Tong shouted loudly, and at the same time bumped into the youngest sideways.

What made them even more unexpected was that Chang Wuzhi, who had been set in mid-air by the Qiankun Suiyue Stick, had the ability to break free from the Qiankun Suiyue Stick.

For a moment, flesh and blood splattered, and Xu Tong flew out like a kite with a broken string.

The old god stick walked forward with a dark face, and when he saw Nishen's head that had been gnawed off by Chang Wuzhi, his face turned black immediately, and he kicked Chang Wuju in the face, sending him flying.

The youngest's words disgusted Xu Tong enough. At this moment, he finally realized what it was like for those people who were once disgusted by him.

Not long after, a strong energy began to be awakened from the bottom of the altar, causing the entire altar to tremble.

Even though he was suppressed in the underworld and suffered endless torture, the gods still couldn't kill him, which was enough to show the strength of his physical body.

It was this vigilance that made the youngest not want to procrastinate any longer. He was afraid that there would be a change, even if there was a little change, there might be a situation that he didn't expect.

It surprised him, but... not much.



The youngest heard that the palm of his hand touched the void, the space in front of him was distorted, and the outside world at this moment appeared.

The faces of Li Bo and Gao Zhuo changed slightly, but they still couldn't forget to curse the youngest:

This is the eighth inheritance of the Nine Immortal Cauldron, the Dao of Transformation.

At this moment, he summoned the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, and a large amount of life energy began to melt into his body, repairing his wounds.

But the sacrificial power emanating from Chang Wuzhi's abdomen still mercilessly tore up time and bombarded the old god stick's chest heavily.


Xu Tong supported the cauldron with one hand and injected the power of the Nine Immortals into the cauldron. Immediately, the divine light exploded on the cauldron, and the figures of the nine immortals appeared behind Xu Tong.

This is a powerful body that has been innate since his birth, can move forward in chaos, and can easily withstand the passing of time.

The youngest looked like an angry parent who was beginning to lose patience, and he took out a pipe from his sleeve.

The horrified old man hurriedly swung out the Time Storm.

The only thing that scares the youngest is Xu Tong's spiritless light.

Seeing that Xu Tong's clothes were soft, the youngest's face suddenly showed the expression it should have been.

Jiuxian Ding lost Xu Tong's control and was directly knocked off the altar by the youngest.

Seeing this, the old magic stick condensed out the blade of time with his fingers, stabbed out quickly, and stopped everything where time passed.


Seeing this, the old magic stick immediately cursed at Chang Wuzhi: "Idiot, are you still pretending to be dead? Go up there and swallow all the blood."

Seeing this, the old magic stick swung the [Qian Kun Sui Yue Cudgel] and threw it at Xu Tong. Xu Tong's condition was not good, and he was unable to dodge the old magic stick's killing move. He tried to dodge sideways, but Hit in the heart by this stick.

Until it penetrated Chang Wuzhi's chest, blood spattered, and Chang Wuzhi's body in front of him was rapidly aging, but his face was expressionless, as if all of this was false.

The old god stick was taken aback for a moment, but before he realized what it was, the time in front of his eyes suddenly appeared chaotic and quickly reversed.

"Old man, I told you earlier, if you offend me, I will kill you first!"

The last four inheritance methods of the Nine Immortal Cauldron are all evolved based on the previous one, and the art of transforming the Tao is to make Xu Tong's original spiritual thoughts merge with the stars behind him, and evolve his own rules of the road.

The holy light appeared around Xu Tong, creating a moment of invincibility, and at the same time he forcibly received the palm, he raised his hand to call out the Nine Immortals Extinguishing God Formation.

Three punches in a row hit Xu Tong's chest heavily. After the three punches, he could hear the sound of Xu Tong's bones breaking, and even the Dao he evolved was almost pierced.

The sacrificial power transformed by the souls of thousands of living beings was absolutely unbearable for the old god stick. He let out a muffled cold snort, and his chest was torn apart by this force.

This technique can surpass the laws of the heavens, and it has the ability to disinfect the gods with the help of Wuqi Transformation Divine Light.

"It doesn't matter, but as long as you open the altar, they will also become sacrifices."

"Just a stupid little trick!"

Ni let out howls of excitement as if he had taken an aphrodisiac, and his body suddenly exploded. Although two arms were cut off, the six arms at this moment did not affect his performance at all.

After finishing speaking, the youngest's voice suddenly changed: "Could it be that you don't want to be with them?"

The next moment he actually tore open the void and appeared in front of the old magic stick.

There was a crazy smile on the face of the old god stick, what kind of Lord of the gods, it is more appropriate to replace this position with a more obedient dog, Chang Wuzhi?He deserves it too?
"Hey, Queen Mother of the West, you are so clever that you were misled by your cleverness. Do you think that everything will be fine if you get ahead of us? Hey, the power of sacrifice that has been arranged so hard now has become our tribute by borrowing flowers to offer Buddha."

The next moment, Chang Wuzhi, who had already been sent to the sky by him, unexpectedly appeared in front of him.

Gao Zhuo scolded: "Hey, you bum, I should be crooked this year, but it's not up to you, an old thief, to provoke you, you can kill or cut as you like!"

His abdomen was torn apart, revealing a black hole like an abyss, countless red rays of light were swallowed up by this black hole before they fell on the altar.

You know, it would be difficult for even the gods of the heavens to make Tai suffer such serious injuries. Xu Tong's sword had to surprise everyone.

But he still tricked the old magic stick by relying on the skill [Double Arc Scene] of Heishuilongya.

[Double arc scene]: After activating the special passive, two mirror images can emerge, and each mirror image has 45% of its own lethality.

"Hey, do you still think that you are the master of time?"

Chang Wuzhang took a deep breath, with a cold light in his eyes, he swung the dagger in his hand, completely piercing the old god stick's chest, and at the same time, opened his abdomen's bloody mouth, biting the old god stick's back...

(End of this chapter)

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