Chapter 1130
Gao Zhuo rushed over like he was going crazy, the General Broken Blade in his hand was incomparably bright and frightening, the saber aura spread like a sea, even Chang Wuzhi didn't dare to ignore him now, so he could only stop, Turn around and deal with Gao Zhuo first.

Facing the idiot Gao Zhuo, Chang Wuzhi didn't really take him seriously: "If it was before, I would be jealous of you, but now, you are nothing but an ant in front of me!"

What he said was not that Chang Wuzhi was arrogant, but that he really had such a capital.

After gaining Niuniu's power, his own power is already comparable to the second-generation gods, not to mention that he ate Ni's head first, although half of it was vomited out by the beating, but the body of the old god stick was completely eaten by him .

Now that he has mastered part of the power of time and the powerful combat power against God, although Gao Zhuo's knife is threatening, it is not much for him.


Chang Wuzhang stepped forward, full of energy and blood, his hands sent out a strange time storm, which collided with the light of the knife in front of him, it was deafening!
This blow shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods, and Gao Zhuo flew up with blood all over his body. Although the broken blade in his hand was the treasured sword of the corpse ancestor general, but facing Chang Wushou, the gap was so big that it was not just this thing. to the extent that it can be filled.

"Since you delivered it to your door, I'll eat it first and then talk about it!"

The corner of Chang Wuzhi's mouth showed a sinister smile, if Lao Bai was here, he would be a little bit afraid, but the little dwarf had already died in battle, it is said that he was cut in half by Kong Xuan, and his soul was scattered.

Now apart from Xu Tong, no one can suppress him.

"Don't think about it!"

After a moment of trembling, the void was torn apart, and a huge ice fist fell through the air. It was Li Bo, who was incarnated as the High Priest of Nature.

"Get out of the way, stepping on dog shit!"

Chang Wuzhi didn't even look at it, he just raised his hand, the palm of his hand burst out with brilliant light, and the ice fist was smashed into pieces with one palm.

This is exactly Nishen's unique technique, Fragmented Starry Sky.

Li Bo retreated from this palm, and immediately summoned countless Gu worms to attack Chang Wuzhi.

It's a pity that before these Gu worms approached, they were swallowed by Chang Wuzhi's big mouth that was split open in his abdomen.

"Hahahaha, you idiot, the nature department itself is weak, without the advantage of location, you are not even as good as a pig."

Often unrestrained and ruthless teasing made Li Bo flushed with anger, but there was really nothing he could do about it. This is the altar, inside Guixu Mountain, an unreasonable place, without gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Li Bo, as a master of the natural department , if it is in the mountains, forests and grasslands, even in the sea and lakes, there is a way to keep Chang Wushou busy for a while.

But in this place, the strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

At this time, Chang Wuzhi turned his head and glanced at Xu Tong, then at the youngest, and at the bloody cloud of smoke pouring down into the altar like spring water above his head.

Immediately he stopped hesitating: "Forget it, I'm going to die anyway, it's the same no matter how I die, so I'll send you on the road together."

As he spoke, Chang Wuzhi's mouth opened, and the hollow abdomen was like a pitch-black hole.

Seeing the familiar scene reappeared, Gao Zhuo and Li Bo's expressions changed drastically.


Seeing the small black hole in Chang Wuzhi's abdomen getting bigger and bigger, Gao Zhuo got up slowly with Li Bo's support, glaring at Chang Wuzhi with a dark face.

"I didn't intend to use this trick, but now you forced me!"

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, pushed Li Bo away, and stepped forward facing Chang Wuzhi's black hole.

Seeing that Gao Zhuo seemed ready to fight himself desperately, Chang Wuzhi's face showed a touch of sarcasm: "Why, you are a few catties and a few taels, don't I understand? I want to call all your precious corpses Come out?? It’s time to replenish my energy!”

At the end, Chang Wuzhi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Damn it! Pooh!"

Gao Zhuo spat coldly, and immediately released the item book, and then pointed to the sky, holding three fingers high above his forehead, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger, two short and one long of the three fingers, a wisp of ghostly fire emerged on the fingertips.

"Instead of incense, you are not filial to your descendants, kowtow to your ancestors, here comes the coffin!!"

After Gao Zhuo finished speaking, he snapped off his three fingers with the other hand and stuck them hard on the ground. Immediately after that, coffins flew out of the item book one after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

The coffins fell vertically on the ground, making the altar hum with the impact. Although the coffins were simple in shape with vague scratches, they looked inconspicuous, but when all the coffins fell to the ground, an ominous aura gushed out from the coffins.

Chang Wuzhi was taken aback when he saw this, but he didn't take it to heart, even if Gao Zhuo dug out all those gods of death, he wouldn't care.

As the black hole in his abdomen opened, a huge gravitational force erupted impressively.

But to Chang Wuzhi's surprise, these coffins didn't move at all.

This can't help but make him feel very uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, he finds it ridiculous. Even if the zombies in these coffins are all corpse immortals, they are still worthless in the face of his own power that can devour the world. Mention.

Thinking of this, Chang Wuzhi simply urged the black hole in his abdomen with all his strength, intending to swallow Xu Tong and the youngest together, and then he only needed to hide in Guixu Mountain, wait for Queen Mother Xi and the others to complete the sacrifice, and after restarting the world, he He is the lord of the gods who created the world.


Gao Zhuo cursed inwardly, but he saw that he was sitting cross-legged in an unhurried manner, with one hand forming mudras, his fingertips lightly stroked his arm, and a drop of corpse fairy's blood coagulated on the fingertips.

"The ancestors of my Gao family have studied corpse art in the past dynasties. They are all earth-shattering geniuses, but they are trapped by the times and cannot practice in life, but they continue to accumulate earth energy after death, and finally create magical art. Let me let you see it today. Experience, what is the corpse dissolving immortal technique!"

Following Gao Zhuo's flick of a finger, the drop of corpse blood on his arm flew into the air, and suddenly turned into a wisp of black fire that exploded in mid-air and sprinkled on these coffins.


The black fire turned the coffin into a black torch. Although there was no temperature, the black flame distorted the surrounding void.

Now even the youngest who was concentrating on mobilizing the altar couldn't help but look back.

Looking at the coffins that turned into black flames, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "I didn't expect that this thaumaturgy was actually created."

"It's a pity, if I could find this thaumaturgy a few years ago...hehe..."

After the youngest finished speaking, he continued to concentrate on activating the altar. It seemed that apart from the altar, no one, whether Chang Wuzhi or Xu Tong, could pose any threat to him.

"Kick, Kick, Kick..."

The black flames burned bigger and bigger, only to hear the crackling sound of the coffin inside, only then did Chang Wuzhi realize that his own black hole began to deform, distort, and be suppressed under the burning of these strange black flames .


He couldn't believe it was true. He was an existence that could compete with the second generation of gods. Even a generation of gods like the old god stick died in his own hands. Suppressed? ?
"Nothing is impossible. All things in the world are born and restrained by each other, and my family's dead body is separated from the Three Realms, and it is the holy fire that even the demons outside the territory are afraid of!"

Gao Zhuo looked sad, looked at the coffins in front of him, and silently apologized to the ancestors in his heart: "It is the grandson who was unfilial and broke the path of your ancestors to become immortals. Please stand up and win a line for the common people of this world. vitality."



The coffin burning with black flames exploded suddenly, and the corpse in the coffin was torn apart together, and a blue light gushed out from the corpse, converging into a ball.

The blue light turned into a distorted human figure, and slapped Chang Wuzhi.

"You ghost, you are worthy of coming to me to seek death for such a joke!"

Chang Wuzhi thought it was a big deal at first, but when he saw the result, it turned out to be just a cloud of blue light, he suddenly became furious, feeling that he had been played by Gao Zhuo, raised his palm, and used the God-defying technique to break the starry sky, welcoming Shoot it forward.

However, the moment the two touched each other, Chang Wuzhi's face changed drastically. His arm pierced through the blue light, but his muscles, bones, and flesh were still completely separated. Wherever the blue light touched, it immediately became dark and dark. bones.

"What the hell is this!!"

Chang Wuzhi smashed his arm with a punch, a chill of fear emerged from the bottom of his heart, he turned around and tore apart the void, leaped into it, trying to hide like nothingness.

But the blue light ignored the space, and the arm directly inserted into nothingness, holding Chang Wu in the palm of his hand.

No matter how crazy he struggled and screamed, he couldn't prevent the end of his death. He could only watch helplessly as his flesh and blood were imprisoned like dried leaves, torn apart by the breeze,

The living can be dissected into immortals, so can the dead be dissected?What happens after the autopsy? ?

This is what the ancestors of the Gao family have studied. What they want to become is not a fairy, but a demon, an extraterrestrial demon.

That is a strange existence beyond the corpse fairy.

But they are as vast as a sea of ​​smoke or as few as morning stars. Although they have form and shadow, they have no substance.

It is both a demon and a Tao. It can be understood as the incarnation of the evil thoughts of the Heavenly Dao. It cannot be eliminated or suppressed. It can only be exiled by the Heavenly Dao outside the Three Realms and Five Elements.

Following Chang Wuzhi's death, Gao Zhuo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it's really cheap for him to die like this!"

Seeing this, Li Bo was so excited that he danced and danced, but he still felt that Chang Wuzhi's death was too cheap, and it was hard to get rid of his hatred for not cutting this kid into pieces.

"Old Li!"

Gao Zhuo called him softly, the voice was light and ethereal, just like when Li Bo had just invited Xu Tong to eat stewed noodles, Li Bo was quick to step forward, and was about to help Gao Zhuo get up, but his palm slammed Touched, but saw that Gao Zhuo's body also turned into light spots and scattered.

Now Li Bo was dumbfounded, his hands froze in the air, and he raised his head to look at Gao Zhuo.

Gao Zhuo opened his mouth, and just this weak movement caused his body to split apart. This is the price and backlash for performing the forbidden technique. There will be no good results.

"Lao Li, I leave the rest to you. You must...survive."

Gao Zhuo exhausted all his strength and pinned all his hopes on Li Bo. After all... this is a man who can create miracles!

(End of this chapter)

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