Infinite script kill

Chapter 124 Closing

Chapter 124 Closing

After the voice fell, a stone flew from the darkness and hit this guy's head impartially.

Everyone turned around in horror, only to see that No. [-] had already stood there at some point, an invisible majesty shocked the audience, Lianghong, who was still full of arrogance and domineering just now, opened his mouth a few times in surprise, he just felt that Heartbeat and breathing seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force!
This feeling is just like the first time I saw No. [-], the feeling of being dominated by terror came again!
"What's going on... haven't you been seriously injured??"

When the outline in the darkness gradually became clear, Mustache couldn't help screaming in horror.

I saw No. [-] in the shadows with sharp eyes, with a demeanor that was not angry but prestige.It was as if as long as he was alive, he would endlessly burn the enemies in front of him to ashes!Walking step by step, although one arm is missing, every step under the foot will cause black flames to burn on the ground.

Like a belated king, his cold eyes exude the dominance of the world.

Under this huge aura, whether it was Yan Niang, Xiao Huzi, or even Lianghong himself, all felt an uncontrollable sense of fear welling up in their hearts.

"We were fishing, and he was also fishing. He was injured on purpose. Otherwise, why would Wang Jiaming and the others obediently seek their own death?"

On the ground, Xu Tong resisted the discomfort in his body, struggled to sit up, and squinted at No. [-].

If he was using a conspiracy, then No. [-] was using a conspiracy. From the time he chased and killed Yan Niang, he probably had already designed a way for him to be seriously injured.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he intervened and turned the fake injury he originally designed into a real injury.

But even if it is really injured, this degree is within the controllable range of No. [-].


No. [-]'s eyes were searching for Xu Tong, but at this time they locked on Liang Hong instead.

When he saw the child in Lianghong's arms, the expression on No. [-]'s face suddenly became even weirder.

It seems that he didn't expect that Lianghong not only betrayed himself, but also appeared here with the child in his arms. Does he still want to compete with himself for the position of empress? ?
When No. [-] thought of this, he was really angry and funny. He laughed so hard that Lianghong was beyond his control. He was so angry that Lianghong, a fool, dared to betray him. If it was a blood demon, he could understand it. approved.

But what kind of thing is Lianghong? In No. [-]'s eyes, Lianghong is just a tool man.

It's like you are arguing with your wife, only to turn around and find that your Pekingese dared to yell at you.

Seeming to be a little hairy from No. [-]'s gaze, Lianghong swallowed hard, opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know what to say.

But No. [-] was not interested in listening to his nonsense any more, and looked at Xu Tong, whose face turned blue and white, "I'll give you a chance to kill them, and I'll spare you."

He raised his forehead high, even though there were many wounds on his body, he still couldn't change his proud and strong self-esteem. Killing Xu Tong would not satisfy him. On the contrary, he would trample this smart human being under his feet, Let him kneel and sing conquest to himself.

Xu Tong shook his head, pointed at Lianghong and said, "Even your subordinates will betray you, so you can imagine how bad your character is."

After Lianghong stood aside with a dazed expression for a moment, he became anxious immediately, and frantically blinked at Xu Tong, implying that he should not get involved with him again.

"Don't make eye contact with me. After you attacked the blood demon and killed him, you lied about the military. Now it is the source of the virus, and you are standing here with the child in your arms. Isn't it just for this last step? Why do you want to become the empress? Even this Don't you have any courage?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lianghong became even more anxious. He didn't want to leave or stay at this moment. He wished he could be an invisible person so that No. [-] wouldn't notice him.

However, Xu Tong's words were all directed towards him, which made Lianghong feel guilty, and couldn't help cursing Xu Tong as a traitor in his heart, his eyes were shining brightly, as if he was thinking about how to get out of his body.

No. [-] has already attacked him, the reason is very simple, he has already felt that Xu Tong, a human being, is accumulating strength and forbearance for the final fight.

He doesn't care, as a strong man, he will never escape from any battle.

But what he couldn't stand the most was when both sides were injured, a jackal hiding in the grass jumped out to take advantage.

With a claw, it was like a pool of black water whistling and rushing towards him. Wherever he passed, the ground continued to ignite black flames, and his prestige was indistinguishable for a while.

At the critical moment, Lianghong's figure flickered, and he moved sideways to avoid No. [-]'s hand. At the same time, he jumped out quickly and threw the baby in his hand to the side.

At this time, the baby has no restraint effect on No. [-], and he doesn't need to take any care when he strikes, instead it becomes his drag.

In the face of life and death, he doesn't even care about throwing away so many, and doesn't care whether the baby is dead or alive.

Fortunately, Yan Niang made a timely move, ignoring the injuries on her body, she flew up and hugged the child into her arms the moment the child landed on the ground.

But Lianghong obviously didn't have such good luck. He barely avoided No. [-]'s attack. When he was about to fight back, No. [-] suddenly pulled his body back and clasped one hand to the top of his head.

Immediately, a ball of black fire exploded in the palm of his hand, producing a violent and terrifying suction force, and at the same time, bursts of black flames burst out and hit Lianghong.

This is exactly the lore technique that No. [-] used to deal with Yan Niang in the first place.

No dodge, no parry, facing the black flames coming down in front of him, Lianghong's expression changed suddenly, knowing that he couldn't hide, he just bit the bullet and went forward, planning to fight to the death.

Seeing him rushing up, No. [-]'s eyes finally showed a touch of relief, at least this former follower can still retain a bit of blood, otherwise he would have really disappointed himself.

"I'll do my best! I'll help you this time!" He roared and rushed towards No. [-].

Without the slightest reservation, the abilities of various item cards were activated by him without reservation.

Although Lianghong's character is a little cowardly and a bit of a villain, it doesn't mean he is stupid, otherwise how could he have survived five times in the script world, even to this day.

Naturally, he knew Xu Tong's purpose in bringing disaster to the east, but it happened that this was also his way of life.

It's a pity, what Lianghong probably didn't expect is that even if he becomes the source virus, his strength cannot be compared with No. [-] or even other source virus hosts.

Even with the blessing of the item card ability, it only made No. [-] frowned slightly, but the contempt in his eyes never changed.

I saw No. [-] slapped it with one hand, and the black flame that exploded in the palm twisted, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, and hit Lianghong's shoulder hard.

Immediately, Lianghong let out a muffled snort, and his left shoulder immediately swelled up, directly tearing the sleeves and neckline.

And it can be seen that the shoulder muscles are rapidly cracked and carbonized, and then a large amount of blood is sprayed out, and the blood is in the form of jelly, and it burned up before landing, showing a mixed color of fiery red and light black .

Lianghong flew upside down, and after falling to the ground, his body twitched uncontrollably, and even a stench came from under his trouser legs, and the pain caused by the black flame penetrating into his body actually made him incontinent.

But the blood flowing from the quarrel on No. [-] also vividly expressed his serious injury. After all, he was missing an arm. Lianghong seized the opportunity to tear a mass of flesh and blood from under his ribs, and took a third of his lower abdomen. All smashed into pieces.

Looking down at his wound, No. [-] squinted at Xu Tong: "Isn't healed yet? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The hoarse questioning voice showed a little impatience, and the unruly figure stood upright. Even though he was seriously injured, he still did not change his aura of contempt for everything in the world.

He really wanted to see what other means this human being had.

Xu Tong raised his head, looked at Liang Hong who was vomiting blood on the ground, and nodded thoughtfully: "Sure enough, the gap is still too big, right?"

A Liang Hong is definitely not the opponent of No. [-], but facing the seriously injured No. [-], he didn't even survive a round. It can be seen that No. [-]'s powerful strength is worthy of him daring to use the strongest posture to fight for the empress. Emboldened.

He stood up slowly, the bulging veins on his face had subsided, and even his pupils had turned dark green.

This is the characteristic of being a source virus.

But at this time, Xu Tong actually activated the [Heart of the Abyss]

"Reminder, are you sure you want to devour your source virus through the heart of the abyss, doing so will make you lose the qualification to own the source virus, and your body will develop resistance to the source virus, and you will no longer be able to obtain the source virus through vassalization. "


Not at all, he decisively chose to devour the source virus.

Blood Demon spent a lot of time and energy, and even became a vassal of No. [-], all for the purpose of source virus.

Of course, Xu Tong will not let the blood demon's final regret fail.

With the activation of the skill, a ray of light flickered in his pupils, and soon he seemed to feel something waking up in his chest, quickly took something away from him, and disappeared without a trace trace.

"The source virus has been swallowed successfully, and the increase and reduction of your item card [Dark Physique] passive skill 1 Dark Body will be increased by 40%." ([-]% dark damage reduction)

"Passive skill 2 Night God's caress increases by 5.00%." ​​(25% skill damage + 20% cooldown)

With the disappearance of the source virus, Xu Tong's eyes shone brightly, his skin became paler, and the green light in the pupils of his eyes disappeared, replaced by reddish flashes.

Judging from the reminder, the increase I obtained is not high, but if all the items are added together, the effect will be particularly terrifying. No wonder the blood demon spends so much energy to improve [Dark Physique]

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Xu Tong stepped forward, slowly took out the big knife from the item book, took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, they were flickering with cold light, suddenly unstoppable.

It seems that he didn't really get serious until this moment. He knew that he had planned this big show, and it was finally coming to an end...

(End of this chapter)

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