Infinite script kill

Chapter 126 Encountering Humans

Chapter 126 Encountering Human Beings
There is a gentle breeze on the highway at night. Compared with the oven-like world in the daytime, the cool breeze at night is even more refreshing.

An infected person walking on the edge of the road exudes a strong rancid smell, and the flesh and blood in many places have long been baked into jerky.

Limping along the road and walking hard, it is not difficult to see that his left arm is missing an arm.

In the hollow eye sockets, the two pairs of eyeballs looked like dried salted fish eyes. After looking up and seeing the sign of WL City on the road sign, they finally let out a dry scream.

But at this moment, he suddenly turned his head, stared at the front of the road, and listened carefully...


The humming sound in the air was getting closer and closer. Somehow, the infected person had a frightened figure on his face, and he limped and twisted his body and walked quickly to the side of the road.

It wasn't until they reached the side of the road that they seemed to be relieved, but at this moment a light suddenly jumped down from the slope above, accompanied by a violent roar.

Before his eyes, he was run over again by a mass of black tires.


The black rubber wheel hit the ground heavily, compressing the anti-vibration spring of the wheel tightly to the extreme, leaving a frictional car mark on the ground, and then quickly drove to the distance.

Only the broken body on the ground wriggled a few times before finally ending his tragic life.

With the cool wind blowing, Xu Tong casually threw the head hanging from the handlebars into the grass beside him, and rode the bike towards the east.

Because of his dark physique, he actually felt extremely happy in the dark.

Riding on the wheels, I can't help but want to open my hands, dreaming that I am a bird flying freely in the sky, and I have never felt so comfortable.

I was able to kill No. [-] in one blow, in addition to the [Magic Power] awakening skill Dark Lord's power blessing, [Dark Physique] bonus is also a considerable part of the factor.

25% bonus to Dark skill damage, plus 40% Dark damage reduction.

I didn't even activate the title skill, and I was able to retreat from No. [-]'s full blow, which shows how strong the strength increase is after possessing the core prop card.

But now he must hurry up and find a more comfortable hiding place to rest before dawn as soon as possible.

The characteristics of the dark physique can make him as fast as the wind in the dark, but it will also make him realize what it means to be stuck in a quagmire during the day.

After all, everything has two sides. Under the basic principle of equivalent exchange, it is better to be an obedient person in the daytime.

From late night to sunrise.

The roar of motorcycles galloped on the high-speed lane, and occasionally some scattered infected people appeared, but these infected people did not pose any threat to him at all.

Even some evolved ones are often sent down by Xu Tong to meet Hades with a lightning strike.

When the car drove into the urban area, Xu Tong approached the gate of a shopping mall. The sunlight behind him was getting more and more dazzling. Seeing a ray of sunlight gradually extending from the corner, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and put his fingers in the sunlight from the shadow. Down.

You can see that your slender and slender fingers look paler in the sun, showing a sense of morbidity.

It's not like those vampires in the movie are smoking and smoking, but you can feel the tingling sensation that makes your finger joints feel sore and itchy when the sun directly touches the skin.

The Gorefiend always covered himself tightly. He reckoned that the Gorefiend should have raised his Dark Physique more than once, otherwise there was no need to do that.

After thinking about it for a moment, he felt that he would only improve his Dark Physique once more, and he would not continue to improve.

This is not to say that the core item card of Dark Constitution is not good enough.

But based on the principle of equivalent exchange, the difference in strength between day and night will continue to widen, which is not a pleasant thing for me.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the baby in his arms, wondering what was going on with Ranger and the others.

Walking into the shopping mall, Xu Tong went directly to the supermarket downstairs.

I saw him call out the big fat figure again.

Self-explosion has no effect on Big Fatty, but to him, it means a huge sum of money evaporated from the world.

The 300 script points are divided into costs to summon the fat man again.

And don't try to delay the time, once more than 24 hours, the price will increase.

If Dapang was just a temporary worker before, he would only consume 4 bottles of Coke a day.

Now Fatty is a full-time employee, and not only do I have to pay him five social insurances and one housing fund, but I also have to pay him a large bonus every time he blew himself up.

The gap between them is naturally... hey, there is no happiness for capitalists.

But the only good thing is that Fatty seems to be unable to taste delicious snacks and cola anymore, and his huge belly has become a temporary container.

In case of danger, if you drill inside, you can usually escape.

In the messy supermarket, there is no smell of life at all. Pull up a trolley, put the doll on the baby seat, and start a day of zero-dollar shopping.

Naturally, he stuffed all kinds of milk powder in the car basket, as well as diapers and wet wipes...

Tana's child was randomly named Xiaobudian by Xu Tong.

Ordinarily, it is common for babies who are not yet full moon to cry, but the little one is very quiet, with dark green fluorescence flashing in the depths of the pupils from time to time in the clear black and white eyes.

He opened a pack of pacifiers casually and stuffed them directly into the little guy's mouth, which made him very happy.

Throwing the little guy in the care of Big Fatty, he found a place to close his eyes and rest, and began to rest.

I wanted to rest until late at night before continuing my journey.

As a result, in the middle of the afternoon, Xu Tong frowned and opened his eyelids from sleep.

There was a vibrating sound from overhead, and the sound of the tracks grinding against the marble tiles outside the mall could be clearly heard.


He hurriedly stood up, found the big fat and the little one in the toy area, and recalled the big fat first, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings due to his exaggerated physique.

Then he picked up the little one, held him in his arms again, squinted his eyes and looked towards the escalator.

It didn't take long before I saw streaks of red laser light shining down on the escalator, followed by several figures walking down cautiously.

Although the supermarket was dark, Xu Tong recognized the leader of the soldier at a glance with his dark vision. No matter how he looked, he looked familiar.

Thinking about it carefully, isn't this the group of people who want to steal brain crystals from me? Although he is just a soldier, he has a photographic memory, and he immediately remembered it after thinking about it for a while.

I remember that this guy was just one of the small soldiers at the time, but now he looks like he has become the leader of this team, and his progress is not unpleasant.

He looked at the baby in his arms, and remembered his purpose, so he coughed lightly twice: "Ahem! Don't be so nervous, this supermarket is very clean, there are no infected or evolved people, and you have to move things as soon as possible Moved."

The sudden sound startled Ma Long and the others, but they soon calmed down.

"who is it!"

Everyone's eyes focused on the direction of the sound source, but suddenly they only heard the voice coming from behind them again: "Hey, it seems that Professor Li has found the antibody, otherwise you would be so bold and dare to appear here? .”

Ma Long's face changed, and he turned around suddenly, but a palm on his shoulder was pressed down, and the weak electric current suddenly made half of his body numb, and he couldn't lift it up at all.

When he turned his gaze to the back, he saw a thin face in the darkness gradually becoming clear, with black and white eyes staring at his face, Ma Long froze for a moment, and then his whole body trembled.

That tyrannical and terrifying knife flashed involuntarily in his mind.

Surprised: "It's you!!"

As Ma Long was talking, he didn’t know whether to say joy or worry for a moment, so he hurriedly asked the second captain to take over the task, took Xu Tong out of the supermarket by himself, came to the lobby on the first floor, and sat down in a cosmetic sofa area at random. .

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't have any malicious intentions, Ma Long gradually let go of his guard, and carefully took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

Xu Tong waved his hand and took out the cigar. After getting used to the smell of cigars, the cigarettes really didn't smell good.

"That's right, Professor Li was quite sorry to see you leave last time. We did find the antibody later, but the antibody is not the original child. The blood compatibility in his body is actually the source of the virus..."

Ma Long said about it with a heavy expression.

It turned out that the source virus had already been released after they rushed to the survivor camp.

At that time, the entire survivor base was instantly covered by the source virus.

With an explosion, they also found Xiao Chengzhi, who was the center of the source virus release. He had just awakened and was seriously lacking in strength, and was seriously injured. He was then shot to death by Li Shi with an arrow in the head.

It can be regarded as obliterating the source, plus various drills have been designed in the camp, and the special forces were dispatched in time. Although the casualties were heavy, they still persisted.

And they found another surviving child, Zhang Qiang, on that bus.

What is deeply surprising is that Zhang Qiang's body actually has virus antibodies.

This discovery made Professor Li and the others ecstatic. After taking people to settle in the camp, they quickly developed a new type of anti-sports vaccine with Zhang Qiang's blood.

It is precisely because of the vigorous research and development of antibody vaccines that they dared to bring a team to this city to find resources.

After listening to Ma Long's words, he was deeply surprised, but at the same time, he was unhappy with the malicious manipulation of space.

He didn't believe that Ranger would choose to die with the source virus for a person in the script world. After all, for players, they are just passers-by in this world.

Interest is the most fundamental pursuit.

Even if he is himself, he will resolutely give up the special mission on the premise of ensuring that he has already gained enough.

But it doesn't make sense to think about it now.

"We still have to keep trying to move forward and find enough resources to go back as much as possible, so we won't be able to go with you. These two things are given to you to ensure that you can enter the camp smoothly."

Ma Long has a good impression of Xu Tong, and the camp also needs such a strong person to join.

He stretched out his hand and stuffed two things into his hand.

Xu Tong saw that these two things were actually a box of bullets and a syringe...

(End of this chapter)

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