Infinite script kill

Chapter 130 It's Him

Chapter 130 It's Him
The sky gradually became dark, and the car was filled with all kinds of inexplicable liquid mixture smells.

It was not only the salty smell of sweat, but also the dirty smell from the clothes and pants.

The search party is used to this.

After all, even if the environment of the camp is not bad, it can be said that it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the water resources are still very sufficient, but not everyone has the time and energy to take a bath.

Especially for those who often participate in search missions, a little smell is a kind of natural protection.

Some infected people have very good noses, and they are extremely sensitive to the fragrant smell of humans after staying in a rancid environment for a long time.

So the smell on the body is a little bit bad, but it also has a good layer of protection for myself.

Even if it is self-comfort, it is also a good choice.

"Boom blah blah..."

I don’t know if it’s because the road is too bad or the car has been shoddyly refitted. Many people were knocked drowsy along the way, and their bodies were almost weak. After smelling the sour smell in the car, they would often lie on the car Throwing up all kinds of meat and vegetables by the window.

Fortunately, Xu Tong didn't sit in the carriage, but chose to sit on the roof with the soldiers of the search team, for which he naturally had to pay a pack of cigarettes.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages, because lying on the roof of the car caused him to bask in the sun all day, and he felt that his whole body was not good.

"Brother, do you still have cigarettes?"

At this time, Xu Tong heard someone asking about it, and gently lifted the corner of his hat with his fingers to see that it was Captain Jia, the captain of this operation.

He looks to be in his thirties, but his face is full of signs of vicissitudes. Some people believe that he is in his forties.


Xu Tong remembered that when he got into the car, he secretly stuffed a whole pack of cigarettes for him.


Captain Jia nodded embarrassedly: "It's not for nothing, this gun is for your self-defense."

As he spoke, he took out a pistol and handed it over quietly.

Seeing the gun, Xu Tong frowned slightly. This thing belonged to the control of the camp. Captain Jia actually gave it to him so generously. Unexpectedly, after thinking for a while, he took the gun over.

He casually took out a pack of soft Chinese from his bosom and handed it over, quietly asked: "What happened?"

Captain Jia took the cigarette, opened his mouth but swallowed the words: "Anyway, be careful."

As he spoke, he turned around, unpacked the cigarettes and distributed them to the brothers.

In fact, before the departure of this mission, they received an additional mission. The previous search team consisted of 50 people, but suddenly there was no news, and they could not be contacted.

That's why they had to rush over day and night this time, on the one hand to search for supplies, and on the other hand to find out the situation of this search team.

This made Captain Jia suddenly have a bad feeling in his heart, but the order had been issued, so he couldn't help but not go.


A soldier bent down, lay on the roof of the car and knocked hard on the window a few times to wake up the drowsy people in the car in time.

"Be careful in this search mission. Don't run into corners by yourself. Make sure that the three of you act together every time. Once you find something is wrong, don't worry about the supplies and run as soon as possible..."

Captain Jia repeatedly emphasized the rules of the search team to everyone in the car through the walkie-talkie.

Someone poked his head out cautiously, looking at the city with tall buildings in the distance, like a giant beast dormant on the plain in the dark night, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

"It's getting dark today, why don't we take a rest and go in during the day?" Someone suggested.

But this proposal was quickly rejected by Captain Jia. He might consider it some other time, but not now. They need to find the missing team as soon as possible.

Moreover, this city has been cleaned up once, and there is no possibility of large-scale infected people. The problem at night is not a big problem. If there are really infected people or evolved ones, with their heavy firepower and special characteristics Infection bullets, no evolutionary can escape death.

Speaking of which, the car is gradually entering the city.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some shops selling birthday materials on the street, and his heart moved: "Captain, let me get out of the car first, I am looking for something here, and I will chase after you when I find it."

Captain Jia frowned when he heard the words, and was about to refuse, but Xu Tong, a walker, had already jumped out of the car, and disappeared into the shadows in three or two steps.


A soldier was about to shout when he saw this, but was stopped by Captain Jia: "Forget it, this man is not ordinary, let him go."

After all, if you smoke someone else's cigarettes, it should be considered as a favor.

The convoy moved on and soon disappeared into the night.

After Xu Tong got out of the car, he quietly found the longevity material store. The store was dark and the door was locked, but he couldn't help himself.

After smashing the door glass with one kick, he walked in sideways.

In the dark room, there are all kinds of longevity paper figurines, especially on one wall, where the paper figurines stand neatly in two rows.

Pale faces were smeared with bright red putty, and their smiling expressions stared blankly ahead.

Even if I entered this scene in broad daylight, I would still feel horrified, not to mention the middle of the night, if I hadn’t been born in the paper-making school, I would probably feel distorted after watching it for a long time.

Xu Tong inspected the quality of these paper figurines, and with his confirmed eyes, they were definitely garbage.

At first glance, it looks like a unified wholesale Sanwu product, and a thin layer of paper may make a hole if you spit it out.

Fortunately, although paper figurines are not worth using at all, he still found what he needed. After searching, he found that it was almost dawn outside, so he didn't plan to leave at all. He planned to take a rest here. Make some paper money and see if the money model the master gave me works well.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Around noon, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the urban area. The sound was particularly intense. It was obvious that he was caught in a big battle. He went to the window and knocked, but he didn't see why. After hesitating for a while, he continued to stay. it's here.

On the one hand, my own script points are really not enough, so there is no need to waste it.

On the other hand, the hundred-day battle has a great impact on me, and it will be uncomfortable if I am messed up.

The so-called favorable time, place and people, if I don’t touch anything, it’s useless to go there, so it’s better to stay here and wait.

At this time, when he moved his ears, he heard the sound of wheels coming from a distance, and quickly hid his brows.


This time it happened to stop outside the door, and there were quite a few people who heard the sound.

Could it be the reinforcements sent by the people in the camp? ?
But after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. If it was really camp reinforcements, why did they stop here? ?
In confusion, I saw that the people in the car started to search the surrounding shops. Soldiers rushed into each shop and searched every corner carefully.

An infected person hiding in the cabinet was exposed and was shot to pieces on the spot.

Seeing these soldiers walking towards this side, Xu Tong suddenly seemed to remember something after rolling his eyes. He squinted at the pile of paper figurines on the side, his eyes lit up, and he stepped into the pile of paper figurines.


The door of the room was pushed open, and several soldiers came in to have a look, and when they found out that this place was actually a birthday material shop, they immediately cursed bad luck.

After a quick search, he turned and left.

But before he had taken two steps, he saw a soldier turn back. He seemed very worried about the pair of paper figurines in front of him. He raised the muzzle of his gun and fired.

In an instant, large pieces of paper figurines were smashed to pieces on the spot.

After confirming that there was no problem at all, he turned and left.

Little did they know that at this moment Xu Tong was hiding in the big fat belly, watching them silently.

I don't know what the hell these soldiers are doing, so I just have to see for myself.

After about half an hour, he saw a group of people rushing into the longevity material store. He took a closer look and couldn't help being surprised.

I thought that the ones chasing after me must be Yaoshi or Li Ci.

It turned out that it was not Li Ci, but another group of people, among them was Yang Yan Wang who spoke out for him in the cafeteria yesterday.

To explain in Zhang Hua's words, this Yan Wang belongs to the master of the camp inspectorate team, and can be regarded as the last layer of protection for the camp.

Not only can you supervise the employees in all positions in the entire camp, but even the guards of the troops in the camp can be transferred at will.

His appearance surprised him, but it was just an accident.

But what happened next greatly exceeded his expectations. I never expected that this person would appear here...

A black cloak was slowly put down, revealing a lazy dog-like hairstyle, as if it had been chewed by a dog.

However, when the other party took off the mask on his face, an unexpected picture appeared, and the person who was with this Yang Yan Wang was actually a dead ranger...

(End of this chapter)

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