Chapter 132 Not a Big Problem
There is no elevator (no electricity) in a building with more than 50 floors, so you can only walk up from the fire escape.

Fortunately, there is a fat man who can lead the way, so it is not hard to say.

After only about ten minutes, Fatty took him to the top of the building.

Xu Tong took a closer look, and saw a middle-aged man sitting on the roof waiting for him, and even set up tables, chairs, food and drinks.

Only when he crawled out of the big fat mouth did the middle-aged man look Xu Tong up and down again, arched his hands towards Xu Tong again and said, "Please!"

The two sat down, and the man introduced himself: "In this world, my name is Gao Zhuo, but in reality my surname is Wu, and the single name is Kou."

Surprisingly, as soon as Gao Zhuo opened his mouth, he not only announced his family name, but even said his name in reality, which made him stunned for a moment, but he reacted very quickly, and immediately said: I'll do as long as I can, and I'm a disciple of the Xue family in L City."

He didn't say his real name in these words, and he didn't tell lies. More importantly, he further tested the other party's background to see if the other party knew the name of his master.

After all, according to Song Lao's words, his master Xue Gui was also a famous figure back then.


Gao Zhuo trembled his fingers when he heard the words, he looked a little surprised and said: "Xue Gui is your master?"


Xu Tong nodded heavily, seeing Gao Zhuo's face became even more strange and asked: "Then your master's surname is Song?"

"There is a word after the teacher's name." Xu Tong did not dare to say the full name, but only reported the word after Song Lao's name.

As a result, Gao Zhuo's face was full of embarrassment, he didn't know where to put his hands and could only rub his hands on his thighs a few times: "That's right, I still want to call you Uncle Yu."

No wonder he was so embarrassed, he wanted to recruit a brother from the eight sects to be his helper, but in the end he recruited an uncle for himself.

Things in this world are sometimes so unreasonable.

It is said that the world is very big, some people turn around and spend their whole life, and even if they try to find it, they will never find it.

It is said that the world is small, you just ran to Paris to urinate, but with a shake of your hand, you might be able to urinate on your relative's shoes.

Although they are not from the same sect, the relationship between the eight sects is inseparable. In the words of the elders, you look down on him, he looks down on you, and no one recognizes the other.

So in terms of seniority, Xu Tong is really his uncle, there is no way, who let Song Lao's age and seniority be here.

Xu Tong grinned, seeing his awkward appearance, said with a smile: "You are Gao Zhuo, and I am Yu Ni, and it's not like I'm a brother or uncle in reality. Let's talk about it according to the identity of the script."

Xu Tong always likes taking advantage of others, but it's time-sharing, so it's pointless to show off to take advantage of others at this time.

When he said this, Gao Zhuo felt a lot more at ease.

But with this relationship, the two of them are no longer restrained when speaking, don't underestimate the relationship of the same eight.

This is a label, one's own label.

Even if everyone's trust is not enough, with this layer of labels, many things are easier to discuss.

The two chatted for a while, during which Xu Tong did not forget to ask You Xia questions.

Gao Zhuo grinned and said: "I'm lucky, some prop cards happen to have something in common with the exorcising technique I learned, so I developed the awakening technique [Corpse Collector]

As long as there is a player's corpse, after my suturing and repairing, I can resurrect his corpse for my use. The corpse retains some of its abilities. After the end of this script world, I will share an additional 20.00% of the task rewards he completed. "

"Is that really a resurrection??"

Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he was shocked by Gao Zhuo's ability in his heart. This is simply magic. If anyone brings such a person into the team, it will be a bloody profit.

But Gao Zhuo's words dispelled his thoughts.

"No, it's not a real resurrection, it's just a collection of corpses, death is death, how can there be resurrection."

Gao Zhuo shook his head, but immediately changed his voice, took a bite of food with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, pointed to the ranger behind him and said:
"But this guy may not be dead. After I took over his body, I found that his body was not the same as other players' bodies, as if he lacked a soul. I guess this guy's body should have activated props, so he left long ago. This time the script world is over."

Although this kind of life-saving special item is expensive, it is not uncommon, but the punishment and price are often difficult to accept.

Xu Tong nodded, if that was the case, he could still accept You Xia's act of sacrificing for Zhang Qiang.

After the two chatted for a few words, Gao Zhuo finally started to bring the topic back to the main topic: "Just now at the Shoucai shop, I felt you. You heard the conversation between Medicine Master and I and Yang Yanwang, right?"

Xu Tong raised his glass and took a sip, neither denying nor admitting.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand, and tentatively asked: "I killed the medicine master and Li assassin for you, and the spoils belong to you, but you have to give me the source virus, and I will hand it over in exchange for two enhanced Medicine, how about giving you one."

The so-called brotherly settlement is not cheap, but looking at the current situation, it is actually very fair.

At least in Gao Zhuo's eyes, Xu Tong's current situation is not optimistic. Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

A precious source virus, he didn't hand it in in time, but held it in the palm of his hand, and of course he would become a common man in the eyes of everyone.

However, Gao Zhuo's proposal was directly rejected by Xu Tong.

He glanced at the direction of the white mist in the center of the city, and he couldn't help showing a sinister smile: "I like to do it myself!"

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he was taken aback by Xu Tong's understatement, as if Medicine Master and the others were not worth mentioning in Xu Tong's eyes.

This unhurried feeling made Gao Zhuo unable to understand Xu Tong's background for a while.

At this time Xu Tong suddenly said: "I will give you a booster potion, but the premise is that I have to go back alive. After all, that woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At least we will work together to ensure that we will not suffer losses!"

Gao Zhuo was overjoyed when he heard the words, but then he immediately recalled, isn't it the same?How did it turn out that I owe you a favor after going full circle? ?
Thinking through the joints, Gao Zhuo couldn't help scolding the old fox in his heart, it seems that his uncle is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The two exchanged glasses and sat on the tall building until the sun was about to set. During this period, Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuo from the sidelines about Xue Gui.

Gao Zhuo didn't hide it either, he was different from Xu Tong, Xu Tong became a monk halfway, and then entered the script space.

Gao Zhuo and his family really belonged to the lineage of exorcising corpses, but most of their unique skills have been lost in his generation.

It wasn't until entering the script world and becoming a player that I was able to develop my skills.

So the older generation knows a lot about things.

Speaking of Xue Gui, Gao Zhuo gave a thumbs up and said, "Your master was really like this back then!"

"I'm not so clear about the specifics. I just heard my dad say once when he was drunk, saying that he went to Mount Beimang alone for an appointment and killed the traitor Daoist in Sanmao Zhenjun's residence with one move. The old Taoist of the Shangqing Sect was killed by him He was so angry that he vomited blood, but he earned a lot of face for Bamen, but it was a pity that he was plotted against later on."

Talking about the past events in the mouth of the older generation, Gao Zhuo's temper is on the top.

In his opinion, these players are blessed with item cards, but in reality, there are some people who don't need item cards and have extraordinary powers.

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, thinking of his master leaving in a hurry, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Then do you know what happened to Beiman Mountain back then?"

"I don't know, I asked about this, but my dad gave me a slap in the mouth, and almost knocked my molars out."

Thinking of that mouth, Gao Zhuo subconsciously rubbed his face with his hands.

I thought to myself, thanks to my mother stopping me, otherwise I would be beaten severely, so how dare I ask about it again.

"That's it."

Xu Tong was a little disappointed. In fact, he also thought about asking Mr. Song, but he couldn't find a reason to talk about it. Asking about it out of nowhere would only make the old man suspicious.

Don't look at the old man Song, but his heart is the same as Ming Jing's. It seems that if he wants to understand the things in it, he still needs to spend some more thought.

The two of them went down with a few bottles of Wuliangye, but they didn't see anyone blushing from drinking it. After all, they were players, and their physical fitness was boosted by item cards. When they came here, they ate a few brain crystals. Don't get them drunk.

Looking at the setting sun in the distance, Xu Tong took out a wet towel and wiped the oil stains on the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay, I'm leaving. Let's go back and talk slowly about the source virus."

"Are you really sure to kill Medicine Master and Li Clan??"

Seeing that Xu Tong was about to make a move, Gao Zhuo asked a little worriedly, not because of the deep relationship between the two, but the source virus that Xu Tong said was what he valued.

He flicked the cigarette ash in his hand a few times, and spit out a puff of blue smoke from his mouth and nose. Xu Tong stared at the faintly visible Ferris wheel in the center of the city with his deep eyes, and said with a contemptuous smile, "It's not a big problem..."

(End of this chapter)

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