Infinite script kill

Chapter 169 The Wonderful Realm Monk

Chapter 169 The Wonderful Realm Monk
Dharani Sutras are authentic scriptures passed down from ancient Indian Buddhism to China, belonging to Mahayana Buddhism.

It is rare for outsiders to hear the lectures of this scripture on weekdays, but today is an exception. Xu Tong swaggered behind Monk Miaozhen. Occasionally, along the way, monks saw him, but he did not dare to stop him. He even stood aside and clasped his hands together. Watching the two leave.

After passing through the small gate, you can see a Buddhist hall behind the bamboo forest in front of you. If you go a step further, you will enter the inner gate of Guanghua Temple.

But Monk Miaozhen kept walking, and took Xu Tong to walk inside, through the bamboo forest, and saw a two-story building that seemed to be in the style of the Qing Dynasty standing there, with a pond flowing in front of it, and a pavilion standing in front of it. The words "Luofengting" are written on it, indicating that the guests should stop here.

Miaozhen invited Xu Tong to sit down in the gazebo, and a young monk immediately offered tea and cakes.

Sitting in the pavilion, you can see a group of monks wearing cassocks sitting cross-legged in the yard. Right in front of you is an old monk holding a dust whisk. The old monk has a long beard, and his age cannot be seen. , looks like a fairy, quite a bit like the temperament of those monks in TV dramas.

"This is Brother Miaojing. He studied Buddhism with Master at the age of seven, and he has the most profound study of Dharani scriptures."

Although facing a teenager in his twenties as an equal made Miaozhen full of twists and turns, but since his master recognized Xu Tong's identity, Miaozhen would never be less in terms of the most basic etiquette.

Xu Tong heard the words and looked around, and saw Monk Miaojing sitting cross-legged, but his fingers were pinched into a very strange seal.

He raised his left palm first, bent his five fingers slightly, pressed his right little finger against his left big finger with his right hand, and chanted a mantra in a low voice: "Om Ayeva..."

Gradually as the chanting sound became louder, Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and he actually saw a layer of shining white light covering the monk's body.

In an instant, the monk's body was full of light, which actually made him feel a strong sense of repulsion.

Miaojing also seemed to have noticed something, and looked towards this side, and when she saw that Junior Brother Miaozhen was there, she gradually restrained the Buddha's light on her body.

He began to explain to the monks that this is exactly the body protection mantra of the Dharani Collection Sutra Vajra Chapter. If a person makes offerings to this seal mantra every day, once encountering evil spirits and villains who feel disgusted and do harm secretly, take it as this seal recitation mantra. , all evils cannot be disturbed.

Then Miaojing explained in detail the introductory tips and the explanation of the Buddhist mantras. All the monks nodded and seemed to have benefited a lot.

After the explanation, Miaojing stood up and came to the gazebo. She put her palms together and walked in. She nodded at Miaozhen, then looked at Xu Tong and bowed politely: "I wonder if this little benefactor is..."

Xu Tong felt uncomfortable being looked at by this monk, perhaps because of his dark physique, he seemed to have a natural sense of repulsion towards this kind of monk.

It's like putting ice skates and red-hot briquettes together in winter. The two are naturally incompatible, and you feel uncomfortable when you get close to each other.

Therefore, without waiting for Miaozhen's introduction, Xu Tong introduced himself first: "This senior brother is too polite. The next craftsman, I don't dare to disturb the senior brother's lecture, so let's take my leave."

Seeing this, Miaozhen hurriedly introduced a few words about Xu Tong's background to Miaojing in a low voice.

When Miao Jing heard that it was the old man Song's disciple, his complexion immediately became a little ugly. He thought that something was wrong with Xu Tong, let alone the old man Song's disciple.

Immediately, the look in Xu Tong's eyes became cold, and even a murderous look flashed across his eyes. Although he was quickly hidden, how could he hide it from Xu Tong.

Even Miaojing glanced sideways and found Xu Tong standing aside and giggling at him.

Seeing this, Miaojing's heart moved, she stepped forward to stop Xu Tong, clasped her hands together and said, "Amitabha, it turned out to be the closed disciple of Song Lao, the future leader of the Seven Schools, the young monk doesn't know Mount Tai, I hope Junior Brother Xu will forgive me."

Miaojing suddenly saw that he was so enthusiastic. Xu Tong had no expression on his face, but his heart immediately became vigilant. When his heart moved, his face immediately changed into a flattered smile: "What are you talking about, brother, I really can't afford it. !"

The two of them changed their polite manners, but Miaozhen got tired of it. At first glance, the old and the young were both grandparents and grandchildren, but they could still call each other brothers and sisters together. The parents were short-tempered, which really made Miaozhen feel funny.

However, it is strange in my heart. Brother Miaojing is the most dissatisfied with Mr. Song. Every time Master and Mr. Song argue, he will always be the first to jump out and scold Mr. Song, but the strange thing is that every time after scolding, Master will He was punished to copy scriptures.

Why is Senior Brother Miaojing so enthusiastic towards Xu...Senior Brother Xu today? ?

Thinking of this, Miaozhen raised her eyebrows slightly, the so-called abnormality must have a demon, although he is honest, it doesn't mean that he has lived like a dog all his age.

Sensing that Senior Brother Miaojing's expression was wrong, Miaozhen immediately urged Xu Tong: "Junior Brother Xu, let's walk around again, I think it's time for Elder Song to go back later, we happened to go to the bottom of the mountain and wait how is he."

Miaojing's expression immediately became a little ugly when she heard the words, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only walk forward with Xu Tong smiling, testing Xu Tong's depth while walking.

For example, when did you worship as a teacher, whether you are getting started now, and so on.

Xu Tong realized that Miaojing didn't hold back any good farts, and his expression became more exaggerated, and he even boasted about his own mysterious methods and so on.

Miaojing and Miaozhen looked at each other after hearing the words, and after a few words, they got to know Xu Tong's bottom line, and the attitude of the two of them immediately met Xu Tong with a bit of contempt.

Especially Miaojing, who stared at Xu Tong with cold eyes several times.

Just when the three of them were chatting lively, Elder Song and the old abbot finally walked out of the hall side by side.

Two old people who have lived to a certain age, add up to almost two centuries, but their mental state is many times better than that of the sickly young man.

When the two walked to the door, Elder Song bowed his hands to the old abbot. The two of them were not polite. They were all good friends they met when they were young and crazy. Even if there was a big misunderstanding between them, at this point, it should disappear.

It's just that the old abbot is not as broad-minded as Song Lao. He frowned bitterly and stepped forward, then held Song Lao's sign language and said in a low voice: "Friend, I know the difficulties in your heart, but the number of days is like this, you can change it against the sky. How can there be good results in life, don't bring disaster to the world to be ashamed of Mr. Xue."

Elder Song's expression darkened for a moment, and he took Xu Tong away in silence.

On the way, it seemed that Mr. Song was in a bad mood, so Xu Tong didn't say anything. When he got home, it was already noon, and he made a random meal of noodles. The master and apprentice went back to their room to take a nap after eating their stomachs full.

In fact, Xu Tong was not asleep, neither was Song Lao, and they were both lying on the bed with their own concerns.

Xu Tong thought about how Monk Miaojing looked at him unkindly today, and along the way, intentionally or unintentionally, asked him when he started to get started, and what topics such as practice are there now.

Didn't this make it clear that he was coming to make trouble for himself?

But I was also very curious, from the time I got to know Gao Zhuo, I finally realized that there are actually some extraterrestrial masters in reality, but I don't know who these extraterrestrial masters are more powerful than players?
One has practiced in the summer and winter, and the ability has been cultivated for more than ten years, and the other is that with the help of item cards, he can easily obtain the hard work of these seniors for decades.

When the two collided, he was also looking forward to knowing how big the difference really was.

Therefore, facing Miaojing's temptation, I answered all my questions and didn't hide it at all, so I just added a WeChat, and sent a message to Miaojing at night: [There is no one at home, come quickly! ] news.

Here Xu Tong was thinking about Miaojing, when his ears moved suddenly, he opened his eyes and saw that Elder Song had changed into a suit of clothes and went out with his hands behind his back.


It's as hot as a stove outside during the dog days, Mr. Song shouldn't be taking a nap with his wife at this time, why is he still going outside?
In doubt, Xu Tong wanted to follow, but just sitting up from the bed, his cell phone rang suddenly.

This mobile phone was given to him by Gao Zhuo, so that the two of them could contact each other conveniently, and there was only Gao Zhuo's phone number in it.

After pressing the answer button, Gao Zhuo's voice came from the other end of the phone: "The world time of the next script is set in three days, no problem."

It turned out that as the temporary captain, after Xu Tong shared his mission of "Progress in the Age of Confusion" with Gao Zhuo, Gao Zhuo needed to confirm with the script library in advance when he would enter the mission script world next time.

"Remember to bring some broken silver, this thing is not ostentatious, it is hard currency, and don't bring particularly eye-catching food, I have seen a big idiot, in the background of the Warring States, he cooked a bucket of Master Kong instant noodles by himself, and the result was It caused a lot of trouble."

I can understand the reason for this. In the final analysis, it is the reason for the repulsion effect.

Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuoduo to prepare to light the tobacco leaves, and the tobacco leaves on his side were almost exhausted, which made him listless recently.

The two then chatted about the purchase list in detail. Gao Zhuo planned to take advantage of this time to go abroad to see if he could buy two guns.

After all, from the mission point of view, the script this time must be in modern times, so it would be best to be able to take a gun for self-defense.

Gao Zhuo went to buy weapons, while Xu Tong purchased logistics.

In this way, the grids in the item book of the two can be maximized.

After the discussion, Xu Tong immediately walked out of the room and went straight to the mall for a new round of big purchases.

In addition to some warm clothes, food and drink, the most important thing is to buy a lot of medicines, such as amoxicillin gel, penicillin, Ganmaoling and so on.

In the past, these medicines were no worse than those elixir medicines, and they might play a big role at critical moments.

After purchasing, when Xu Tong returned home by car and was about to get out of the car, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the hand that was about to pull the door stopped immediately.

Through the car window, I saw a bald head standing out from the crowd at the intersection.

"Did you take the bait in such a hurry?"

I thought that this bald man would have to wait for a few days, but he didn't want to come back this morning, and this old guy couldn't wait this afternoon?

Among the crowd, Monk Miaojing was whisking the dust with one hand and dressed in casual clothes. He looked nondescript, and those who didn’t know thought he was shooting Douyin for a live broadcast.

In fact, what Xu Tong didn't know was that Miaojing and Miaozhen started arguing not long after they left.

Although Monk Miaozhen doesn't want to see Xu Tong's master and apprentice, but Miaozhen has no bad intentions, Miaojing is different, I can't beat the old ones, I can't beat the young ones?
Obviously, Monk Miaojing suffered a lot from Song Lao's hands at the beginning, and he kept all these accounts clearly in his heart.

After learning that Xu Tong was Song Lao's closed disciple, he immediately thought of making this kid suffer a big loss.

In the end, Miaozhen saw through and stopped him directly.

Just watching Xu Tong and Mr. Song leave like this, the more Miaojing went back, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and her heart was as dry as a ball of fire.

I thought about coming back to Xu Tong again in a few days, but then I was worried that Miaozhen would be a hindrance, so I just didn't do it, and chased after him after finding a reason.

Patting the things in the backpack, Miaojing raised the corner of her mouth, and said in her heart: "It's just right, I personally do what Master is unwilling to do, and it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

Miaojing has already made up her mind, no matter what, she will vent her anger today, and then she will get up and go to Japan to hide, and when she comes back in a few months, everything will be settled long ago.

Thinking of this, Miaojing immediately felt much more comfortable. When he was engrossed in his thoughts, someone patted his shoulder suddenly, and Miaojing suddenly became vigilant. When he turned around, he realized that it was someone else who was the one he was looking for. Song Lao's closed disciple.

"Isn't this Senior Brother Miaojing?? You... this... Could it be...?"

Because there happened to be a Hui nationality market nearby, and most of them were mutton and beef, Xu Tong pointed around with his hand and asked with a smile: "Greedy?"

Miaojing was taken aback when she heard the words, and followed Xu Tong's hand, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, Xu Tong finally pointed to the public toilet again.

Miaojing squinted her eyes and pretended not to see it, and picked up the backpack to Xu Tong with a smile: "The master thought that Mr. Song left too hurriedly and asked me to bring these things here. I wonder if Mr. Song is at home?"

"Unfortunately, my master went out in the afternoon, and I don't know where he went. Looking at the lock on the door, he probably hasn't come back. Why don't you come back another day?"

Xu Tong purposely held Miaojing's appetite, and said tentatively.

Miaojing was worried, how could she come back another day, only such a disciple was at home, and old man Song was not, isn't this a godsend opportunity? ?If he left, wouldn't he regret it for the rest of his life? ?
Ever since, Miaojing made a decision that he regretted for the rest of his life on the spot: "No, since that's the case, I'll just give this thing to Junior Brother Xu, but this thing is wonderful, please ask Junior Brother to open the door to lead the way, and we will explain to Junior Brother Xu after entering the door." Understand the mystery!"

(End of this chapter)

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