Chapter 269
The fox felt so wronged in his heart, he just planned to stay in this hall to recuperate and recuperate, and then go back when he finds a chance, who knows that now he has settled in, and the difference is huge.

There are mostly two kinds of xian'er in the hall, one is suspended, and the other is settled.

There is no need to say more when you settle in. Generally speaking, if you pay homage to the head teacher and offer you fragrant tea, as long as the head teacher doesn't drive you away, you will be the only person in the hall from now on, and you will only obey the head teacher's words.

Suspending is the same as the monks who put up orders in temples, come here to hang up your name, you don’t have to worry about the things on the hall, and you also have a monthly incense with a higher degree of freedom.

Often in some newly opened halls, it is difficult for the great immortals invited to hold the place, so it is necessary to invite the old immortals at the hall entrance to visit.

For example, if you set up a hall in the northeast, in addition to the fairy family in charge, you have to be affiliated with four or five old immortals at the hall. The more you are affiliated with, the more people are behind you.

These old fairies come to you to hang on to you to give you face, you not only have to accept it obediently, but also give a filial piety every month.

To put it bluntly, it is to pay someone a protection fee.

What? ?You don't pay protection fees? ?

Hehe, if this is in the Northeast, if you don't rely on three or five old immortals at the entrance of your house, you will be destroyed the next day.

This has become an unspoken rule of the industry, and not anyone can drive it if they want to.

The five Northeast Five Families, Hu, Huang, Bai, Liu, and Hui, are known as the five Gods of Wealth. It is precisely because these five families govern the halls of the world, and there are old immortals they rely on at the halls of the world. His contribution is an astronomical sum.

Isn't this the capitalist from the fairy family? ?

wrong!People don't care about playing capitalists' secretive word games. You only need to listen to the overlord clauses they set up to know that capitalists will shed tears in front of them.

Generally speaking, in her capacity, if she wanted to be affiliated with a new hall, she would be treated like a living ancestor.

In the morning, Brother Ma's three sticks of incense must be offered on her incense table first, then the head teacher of your family, and lastly the immortals in your hall.

Now she has become settled in a daze, how can she be reconciled in her heart, but just when she straightened up, there was an extra bowl of fragrant tea in her hand, and she was so angry that she wanted to throw the teacup on the ground.

As a result, the master standing on the incense altar waved the vermilion pen in his hand, and an invisible force forced her hand down, pushing her kneeling and walking in front of Xu Tong.

Seeing the resentment on the fox's face, Xu Tong softened and asked, "Are you unwilling?"

When the fox heard the words, hopeful eyes flashed in his eyes, although she didn't know how the living person in front of him dared to stand up for himself, and had such great ability to force himself to settle in.

At this moment, seeing that the other party seemed to be softening her heart, she immediately nodded her head like a headache.

It's a pity that she hasn't been granted a title at this moment, and she can't speak out yet, so she can only plead with the other party through those big watery eyes.

Not to mention, those green jade-like eyes are so charming and charming at a glance, they are more alluring than human eyes.

No wonder people often call mistress a vixen.

Seeing this, Xu Tong sighed, and immediately frowned: "Oh, it's a pity, the twisted melon is not sweet."

Hearing this sentence, the fox's heart moved, knowing that the matter was about to be done, as long as the other party knocked over the bowl of tea in his hand, he would be free.

Just when she was secretly happy, Xu Tong suddenly changed his voice, and the expression on his face became evil, he took the fragrant tea in her hand and said: "Unfortunately, the melons that are for nothing are not sweet to me. I also love to eat!"

Hearing that the whole person was not well, the fox stared blankly at Xu Tong taking up the teacup and drank it in one gulp, then pointed at him, "I will make you a welcome lady!"

In an instant, the fox cried. I am the Hu family of the Five Great Immortals, and I am like an ancestor everywhere. You actually asked me to be the welcoming lady? ? ?

Then he looked at the white mouse beside him, how could he be worse than him? ?
It's a pity that the fragrant tea has already been drunk, it's not her turn to pick and choose, and when she rolls on the ground, she turns into a girl in Tsing Yi, with black hair like a waterfall, a pair of lovely white ears on her head, and a pair of blue eyes. His eyes were full of tears, and he bowed towards Xu Tong with a choked voice: "Respect the teaching decree!"

After finishing speaking, he stood obediently at the door beside him, with an aggrieved expression on his face, like a sister-in-law who was kicked out of bed.

"Haha, as expected, whoring for nothing is delicious!"

Xu Tong was grinning happily, when the master's voice came, reminding him that it was time to pay attention to Huang Xiang, and Xu Tong hurried down along Xiangyun after hearing this.

After a while, Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he felt that someone behind him pushed him, and immediately stepped on the ground, and subconsciously lifted his leg, and woke up from the ground.

After waking up, Xu Tong opened his eyes and found that the master was looking at him with a smile.

Looking back again, somehow, the entrance of the hall was already standing behind him. Xu Tong took a closer look, and suddenly felt a little bit moved in his heart.

There is another level of understanding of truth and falsehood. This plea is just a tangible support, a layer of contract, something tangible and intangible, and a place for spiritual sustenance. This is why the white mice and the others can transform into adults in it. The reason for uttering human words.

Thinking of this, his thoughts moved, and he saw the white mouse flying out of the hall in a black wind and landed in front of him.

Although the hall is empty, it can host living things, and there is reality in the empty, just like the master's worship button, it is really wonderful.

"Hey, you're lucky, you took advantage of others for nothing, but if you go to the Northeast in the future, be careful, you snatched other people's fairy out of thin air, this is a matter of cause and effect."

The master's eyes were shining with fluorescence, as if he could see through reality, and he could see the hall behind him at a glance.

There is an essential difference between letting a living person be the leader and letting Xian'er be the leader. The hall is established by a living person, and the door of the hall is on the living person. If a person does not die, the hall will not be destroyed.

If Xian'er is allowed to set up a hall, the entrance of the hall is a dead thing and can only be enshrined in the family temple. Once the family temple is destroyed, the entrance of the hall will be disbanded in a short time.

Of course, this has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that Xian'er's lifespan is extremely long, and the position of head teacher can be passed on among the Xian family.

It's no wonder that living people are not allowed to set up halls in the Northeast. I'm afraid that someone broke the rules, so that everyone followed suit, shaking the foundation of the five great families.

"It's a pity, I don't have the time now, otherwise I'll take you to the Northeast for a walk to see what this horse boy is capable of."

The master said something casually, but it made the vixen standing at the entrance of the hall tremble in fright, and it was only at this time that she stood at the entrance of the hall that she could clearly see Xue Gui's existence.

She is a fairy who has practiced for many years and has eaten fireworks since she was a child. She can see things more clearly than that mouse spirit.

At a glance, my good fellow, a brilliant light shrouded the master like a spotlight, those blue eyes shrank, and there was a huge wave in my heart: "Destiny is added to me!!"

What is the destiny, the will of the heavens, the destiny is added to the body, and it is equivalent to the protagonists in the world. These so-called fairy families are just a bunch of goblins who have acquired a little spirituality. If this old man went to the northeast, it is estimated that he can take the northeast. All the entrances to the five halls are given to Huo Huo.


At this time, Xu Tong suddenly remembered something, and asked the master with a frown: "But I stand on my own, it seems to be against my fate!"

When I first started, I had three disadvantages and five shortcomings, and I was destined to have no rights and no companions. Now I stand on my own, which is equivalent to having mastered the authority. This is not a good sign for self-inflicted fate.

The master just smiled when he heard the words: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I have my own way, that child Cimin is not here, go and make a pot of tea, all the distinguished guests are coming."

"Xue Gui come out!"

As soon as the master finished speaking, he heard an angry shout from a distance outside.

Xu Tong frowned, and the other party called his master's name directly. It was obvious that the visitor was not kind, but seeing the master's calm demeanor, he didn't think about it anymore, turned around and went to boil the water.


The door of the Shangqing Palace was slowly opened, and everyone watched with wide eyes.

I saw Xue Gui in a plain robe and gown slowly walking out of the door, looking at the Shangqing Palace, the smile on his face gradually became stronger: "Hey, my disciple and grandson are opening the hall today, if you all come to my disciple, grandson Daoxi, please , if not, please go back."

As soon as Xue Gui said this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, even Qian Shou was quite surprised.

I don't know why this guy has a disciple?

When he was puzzled, Xu Tong stood calmly behind his master, and in line with the master's performance, he bowed his hands to everyone: "Today, the younger generation opened the hall, but I don't think it attracted so many seniors to watch the ceremony. The younger generation is here first. Thank you."

"He is your grandson!!"

Qian Shou's voice became hurried when he heard the words, not to mention him, even the other people around were all taken aback.

In terms of seniority, these four words have been passed down from China for thousands of years. Even strangers in the world attach great importance to these two words of seniority. Since Xue Gui said that Zhao Jian is a disciple, then naturally there will be no falsehood, otherwise there will be a difference in seniority in the future In one generation, many problems will be added in vain.

But if this Zhao Jian is Xue Gui's disciple, what about Xue Gui's direct disciple? ?

Everyone inevitably started to think wildly.

"Xue Gui!!"

The five-inch monk frowned, he didn't care about his disciples or grandsons, and snapped, "I don't know how many strangers you have slaughtered, and your disciple, Zhao Kuangsheng, is the culprit in killing strangers. Shout out, let him openly open the court in the Central Plains with the fairy magic, you are going to go against the sky after all!"

Xue Gui couldn't help laughing when he said this, and looked up at the five-inch monk: "Oh, it turned out to be the palm manure monk at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain. I remember that I passed by Shaoshi Mountain six years ago. The abbot of Shaoshi Mountain, Zen Master Ci En, asked I drank tea and discussed, at that time you seemed to be still picking manure, why is there not enough manure in Shaoshi Mountain, do you want to come here to grab a piece of the pie?"

When Xue Gui said this, Monk Wucun's face turned black. He didn't scold others when he scolded others, and he didn't reveal his shortcomings when fighting. Xue Gui's words just uncovered the scars of Monk Wucun. In a broken vegetable garden at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, picking dung is naturally a daily compulsory course, but Xue Gui said it in public today, so he couldn't bear it.

But before he could make trouble, Xue Gui cast a cold glance at Qianshou who was hiding in the crowd, his eyes flickered coldly, making Qianshou feel hairy all over his body, he understood and became alert in his heart, for fear that Xue Gui would suddenly attack him at this time.

"I won't stay with those who came today. Please feel free to leave if you want to, but if you feel uneasy and want to find a place to scatter wildly, Xue Mou is willing to send you off...see Hades!!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Xue Gui's figure shifted in front of him, and appeared in front of everyone in the next second. As soon as he raised his hand, he grabbed Qianshou's head.

(End of this chapter)

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