Infinite script kill

Chapter 271 The Night View of Beimang

Chapter 271 The Night View of Beimang
"Master, your tan legs just now are so handsome, when will you teach me?"

Xu Tong closed the door and did not forget to raise his head and ask the master.

In fact, Tan Tu is not a martial arts masterpiece, and it is possible to take down a first-class master as easily as the master, and there are really few people in the world who can do it.

Xue Gui glanced at him angrily when he heard the words: "I haven't finished the rice in the bowl, and you still think about what's in the pot? Besides, what's the use of learning this?"

The meaning of the master is that this hard work cannot be practiced in one or two years, it is better to learn your own kung fu honestly.

"I plan to pass it on to the football team if I have the opportunity in the future. Isn't it easier to kick a ball than to kick someone?" Xu Tong joked again.

It's a pity that the master obviously didn't understand the stalk of the national football team, and just shook his head as if he was talking crazy again.

My disciple is good at everything, but two things are not good, one is that his thinking is too jumpy, and the other is that he does not follow the right path.

If you don't follow the right path, it's okay to say that even if you have a good Shura skill, as long as you keep your heart, you will not fall behind in the end. It's just that your thinking is too active, and there may be big troubles in the future.

"Go and make tea, the guests have been waiting for a long time."

The master looked at the roof: "I'm old, I'm going to exercise my muscles and bones, and I'm laughing in front of fellow Taoists."

There was a loud laugh on the roof, followed by a figure jumped down from the roof, landed in front of Xu Tong, glanced at Xu Tong and said with a smile: "Little friend, I don't think you will have to wait for a long time tonight. "


Xu Tong took a look, isn't this the same idiot I met today? ?
Such an edible master is of course not an ordinary person, but now that there are dragons and snakes in L City, it is normal to meet one or two strange people, so he didn't think much about it at the time, he just thought it was a good match, and the two even made an appointment tonight Let's go drink soup together.

I didn't expect to meet so soon without waiting until night.

That's right, the white-haired old man in front of him is Shu Yuqing from the Quanzhen Longmen lineage.

Shu Yuqing then cupped his hands towards Xue Guigong: "My brother can accept such a good disciple, I really envy Xiaodao."

"It's just a monkey hozen."

The two were polite to each other, as if they were no strangers to each other.

Xu Tong naturally didn't have the right to intervene when the elders spoke, but they did have the qualifications to listen in.

He obediently poured tea and water for the master and Shu Yuqing, and took out the snacks from the item book and served them on a plate.

Shu Yuqing was polite first, and talked about a past event back then.

At that time he was still young, he had just walked down the mountain gate, and had a hasty encounter with his teacher Xue Gui in the capital, it was in a small tea shed, the two happened to sit at the same table.

At that time, the two didn't speak to each other, they just looked at each other, and felt that the other party was not an ordinary person. They looked at each other and smiled and respected each other with a cup of tea, and they never saw each other again.

But at that time, neither of the two thought that after such a hasty farewell, so many years had passed in a flash, the two would meet again.

The master took a sip, and couldn't help sighing a little: "In the morning and evening, the water flows eastward, and everything floats like a bird."

After finishing the gossip, it was time to get to the point. Shu Yuqing put down the teacup in his hand, and glanced at the top of the master's head. With his strength, even if he couldn't see it with the naked eye, he could still feel the great luck in the master's body. .

"Three years ago, the destiny came into the world. Originally, I wanted to take over the destiny, but I didn't want my brother to be one step ahead of me."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Master Xue Gui: "The destiny cannot be violated, but there is also a saying that people can overcome the sky. Brother, you have to think clearly, if you go further down, you will be on the road of no return."

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat when he heard it from the side. Although he didn't understand, it didn't prevent him from hearing that Shu Yuqing's words seemed to imply that the master was dangerous.

The master nodded, and didn't deny Shu Yuqing's words, but he didn't answer him directly, but only half-jokingly said: "It turns out that my brother thinks that I have robbed you of your position, so he came here to settle accounts with me today."

Shu Yuqing shook his head: "I don't have to worry about seeing you today, it's just..."

"Everything depends on man's effort. If people don't do it, they can't do things. Some things always have to be done by someone. You do it, and I do it. In the end, it's just a result. The destiny is mine, so I am the destiny. As for the cause and effect, I will bear it alone. "

Seeing that the master had spoken to this point, Shu Yuqing had no intention of entanglement any longer. She glanced at Xu Tong from the corner of her eye, and finally set her eyes on the hall behind Xu Tong, which ordinary people could not observe.

I saw a young girl in Tsing Yi standing there tremblingly in front of the hall, trembling all over, not daring to move.

The girl was about to curse in her heart.

How could she fail to recognize that the person in front of her was Shu Yuqing who beheaded her brother Ma with a sword today.

In other words, they are also used to running amok in the Northeast, and the three provinces in the Northeast are also large in size. Even if they don't leave Shanhaiguan, they still have a feeling that the world is free.

It was this kind of self-improvement spirit that made them dare and Shu Yuqing to have the idea of ​​doing it.

But they didn't know that the water in the Central Plains is very deep, and now the water in L City is even more unfathomable.

There were dark tides in the open and in the dark, not to mention that Shu Yuqing raised his hand and cut them with a sword. From the beginning to the end, even she didn't understand where the sword came from.

At this time, Shu Yuqing glanced at her, his eyes were like sharp swords, giving her the illusion that as long as she stepped out of this opening, she would be cut into countless pieces in an instant.

I thought to myself what kind of evil obstacles I have created, what about the Dharma-ending era as promised? ?Didn't it be agreed that the masters of the Three Teachings would not come out of the mountains? ?
Why do I meet all those terrible old monsters.

"Hey, so she is here! It's really a coincidence."

Shu Yuqing smiled, pointed to the girl behind Xu Tong, and said to Xu Tong: "Little friend, I didn't prepare anything for the class today, but since I saw her fall into your hands, I counted as much as me." It’s just that you have to bear this karma in the end, and I’m sorry, I’m giving this to you, if people from the Hu family come to you in the future, I can use this to help you.”

As he spoke, Shu Yuqing took out a kit from his pocket and handed it to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong took the brocade bag with both hands, feeling that the brocade bag fell lightly in his hands as if it was empty, but he hurriedly thanked him: "The gift from the elders is irresistible, thank you senior for the gift."

A simple and clear sentence made Shu Yuqing smile and narrow his eyes.

It's not the first time Zhao Kuangsheng heard of Shu Yuqing's name. He thought he was a madman, but he turned out to be a shrewd hozen in his bones. Whoever said this would feel uncomfortable.

Shu Yuqing was not in a hurry to leave, so he sat down and chatted with the master, and Xu Tong tactfully chose to retreat silently to boil water.

It wasn't that he wasn't curious, but that the two of them chatted too deeply, casually uttering a technical term, and didn't know which book they were quoting from, making the two of them talk more and more like two monks were chanting scriptures. He also talked so happily that he felt like dozing off after listening to two or three sentences.

He stood by the stove, resting his chin on his hands and looking at the flames in the stove, then turned his eyes to the kit that Shu Yuqing had just given him.

Anyone who holds this thing in their hands will feel that it is empty, so Xu Tong directly threw it into the item book.

I wanted to see if the item book would give him any entries, but after looking at it, the good guy didn't even give him a question mark.

If he didn't know from the master's conversation, this old man is not an ordinary person. Xu Tong would have suspected that this old man was lying to himself. Anyway, he came here for nothing, so he might as well throw it in the item book and eat ashes. .

This discussion didn't finally come to an end until sunset.

After all, in this era of extremely inconvenient transportation, there are too few opportunities for everyone to meet each other. It takes half a year for a letter, and a discussion is often more than ten years apart, and the memory is still fresh, not because the memory is too good , but every farewell may be a farewell.

Sunlight radiates on the earth.

Standing in front of the stone steps of the Shangqing Palace, the northern awning is not high, but you can still see the twilight in the urban area of ​​L City in front of you.

Shi Ye and Shu Yuqing stood side by side, looking at the flickering lights in the distance, and seeing the clouds and mist being emitted from the chimney of the factory at the other end.

"That's great!" Shu Yuqing exclaimed.

Master Xue Gui nodded his head: "Yes, the future will definitely be better."

After finishing talking, the two looked at each other, but there were completely different emotions in their eyes, the former was looking into the distance, while the latter was looking forward to it.

In the end, Shu Yuqing didn't go to drink soup with Xu Tong, and walked down the mountain with great strides when the sun was setting.

Just when he was about to walk down the mountain, he turned his head and bowed deeply in the direction of the master with both hands respectfully. He knew that this bow was a farewell.

Therefore, he sang while walking, with a loud and thick voice, and every word was like pearls.

"The bright moon pearl cannot be worn as a jacket, and even the city wall cannot be fed. Everything in the world is nothingness..."

A drunken song, echoing far away in the crevices of the ravines and forests.

Singing all the techniques of rise and fall, it is not only a farewell farewell for this friend, but also a bad-mouthing for this era that is about to come to an end.

"A hundred years has passed by, fame and wealth will be as short as they are. If you don't see Beimang Mountain, there are stone sheep and stone tigers with no buildings. In the old days, there were many emperors' tombs. Today, there are many stung foxes and rabbits. The broken steles are the road..."

It is said that 30 years after the Beiman Conference, an old Taoist walked in the Beiman Forest Park and walked up to the stone steps of the Shangqing Palace. His eyes looked at the scenery in front of him, but his cloudy eyes seemed to penetrate Shi Kong, looking at the non-existent figure beside him, said to himself: "It's really good..."

 Thanks to the lord of [Xuedang Xianchen Prison], three more tonight

(End of this chapter)

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