Chapter 300

The huge impact sound was deafening, and people felt their feet swayed. I saw that the van slammed straight into the utility pole beside it, emitting a puff of white smoke.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were stunned for a moment, they walked to the front of the car and saw that the front of the car had been smashed, Gao Zhuo pulled open the deformed door, pulled the driver out and found that the driver was dead.

At the same time, there was a strong smell of alcohol.

"Drunk driving??"

The two of them looked at each other, and it could be concluded that the driver was just an ordinary person, and he had drunk a lot of alcohol, but he didn't collide sooner or later, and it happened that he collided at this time, which is too coincidental.

At this time, people who were eating supper on the side of the road also gathered around. Seeing this, Xu Tong pulled Gao Zhuo, and the two of them squeezed out of the crowd and walked out.

"Do you think it's a coincidence??"

On the way, Gao Zhuo frowned and pondered, but Xu Tong didn't take this matter to heart, and just regarded it as an accident.

Of course, Xu Tong released Jixiang after he said that, and asked him to check around to see if there was anything unusual. After Jixiang walked around a lot and made sure that nothing unusual was found, the two of them didn't think about it any more.

After the two returned to Gao's house, they took a short rest for a few days.

But the strange thing is that they have not rested at all these days. Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo went to have breakfast in the morning, but a brat threw the mineral water in his hand into the oil pan, causing the oil pan to explode on the spot.

Fortunately, the two of them hid quickly, otherwise they would have been blown into pockmarked faces at least this time.

On the way home, a flower pot hanging on the balcony of a family suddenly fell. Xu Tong hurriedly dodged, but when he dodged back, he was almost hit by a motorcycle and flew out.

Fortunately, he was so powerful that he held down the motorcycle with one hand and pushed the motorcycle to the ground so that he didn't hit himself head-on.

Now Xu Tong certainly realized that something was wrong, but no matter how he checked, he didn't find any negative effects on his body, and the accident that happened was indeed an accident, not intentional.

Depressed, Xu Tong could only stay at Gao's house honestly, but in the end, there was an electric leakage after taking a bath.

Gao Zhuo also found that as long as he was a little farther away from Xu Tong, those accidents would not happen to him, so the two of them even talked on the phone now.

"I think we should stop exploring for now, let's talk about it when your condition is stable."

In the video, Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong and said that he planned to ask his father to find a master to ask what was going on. As for the original agreement to go to the Yinyang Cave to explore, this matter can only be temporarily dropped at this moment.

After all, Xu Tong is now like an unstable time bomb. Not only is he unlucky, but the people around him are also unlucky. If they go on an adventure, they might capsize in the gutter.


Xu Tong spread his hands helplessly, he now felt as if his whole body was isolated, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

"By the way, the exhibition is coming soon. I plan to go in and buy something, and then retreat. When I come out of retreat, how about we build a team together."


Xu Tong frowned. When he mentioned this matter, he couldn't help thinking of his good brother. He wanted to drag him into the team. Although this guy is a bit violent, in the script world, he is definitely a good team output .

It's a pity that since this guy escaped from the mental hospital, there has been no news at all. It is not easy to find him.

"Yeah, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Xu Tong in a daze, Gao Zhuo raised his voice and shouted.

"Eh, it's okay, I just remembered a good brother of mine."

After Xu Tong waved his hand and explained casually, he said, "I'll think about the team thing for a while, at least wait until I find out the reasons for me, otherwise we'll be in trouble all the way when we form a team."

"That's right, go to the exhibition and ask. By the way, don't you know the young lady at the front desk very well, or you should make a sacrifice."

When mentioning the front desk, Gao Zhuo narrowed his eyes, although he didn't say anything, but his cheap expression, a man can understand it.

"Fuck off!"

Xu Tong scolded Gao Zhuo with a smile, turned off the video casually, then lay on the bed, called out the item book, looked at the fairy treasure in the item book, and felt a little tangled in his heart.

Although [Source] tried his best to devour the fairy treasure, he didn't know what the result would be after devouring it.

If he devoured the fairy treasure, he lost a top item card, whether the price is worth it is still open to question.

If you don't let [Yuan] devour the fairy treasure for the time being, and carry the fairy treasure with you, with the blessing of the fairy treasure, the longer you carry it, the more your strength will improve.

The truth is this truth, but everyone, people are curious!
If everything is reasonable, then the world would have been at peace long ago.

It is said that curiosity killed the cat, and when this curiosity flares up, no one can stop it.

At this moment, Xu Tong was thinking hard in his heart, in a dilemma, sometimes having too many treasures is not a good thing.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong thought about it and slapped his thigh: "Hey, forget it, let's see what changes you can make after you devour this thing today. If it's not worth it, if you have this kind of thing again in the future, you can say nothing." I won’t give you food, I’ll be full every meal, I hope you can tell the difference.”

Xu Tong pointed at [Source] and passed a few times, then gently put the fairy treasure on [Source], and suddenly there were bright lights in front of his eyes, thousands of colors, and auspicious light.

You have to ask what it looks like, uh, the revolving lights in a dance hall have similar effects.

It's a pity that there is no music, and there is no hot young lady.

"You have collected quest items, and the item card [source] unlocks a new ability."

Accompanied by the prompt, Xu Tong quickly took a look, and saw that there was indeed a new ability in the entry of [Source], but it was not the ability of Xianbao, but it was called [The Eye of Life]

"What kind of ability is this???"

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he always felt a blood loss, so he hurriedly took a closer look at the entry above.

【The Eye of Fate】

Fate is illusory, but it seems to be written down long ago in the dark. Those who are not powerful cannot ignore it. Very people can know that those who understand the destiny will seek good luck and avoid evil, and those who do not understand the destiny will live and die impermanently.

Passive Skill 1: Eye of Life

The bearer's eyes can see the life number, please figure out the details.

Passive Skill 2: Qimen LV1 (Proficiency 0/100)

The carrier has a certain probability of changing the number of lives of others, depending on the target's own luck.

(Note: What is changed is fate, but what cannot be changed is fixed number, so I can do it myself.)

Xu Tong carefully examined the two lines of entries, and rested his chin on his palm to ponder. It seemed that it was not a loss, so he went to the mirror to have a look.

Suddenly I was startled by myself in the mirror, I saw in the mirror, on the top of my head, there was actually a small dark cloud, and there were five words on the black cloud [little bad luck] followed by a long time, long time 60 days.

Now it's all right, Xu Tong immediately understood why he was so unlucky recently.

Fate is very strange, it is not a negative effect, but it has really affected you. No wonder I checked it myself for a long time and didn't figure out what was going on.

Just when Xu Tong wanted to take a closer look, he suddenly had a strong feeling in his heart, and subconsciously took a step back. During this step, he vaguely saw that the dark cloud above his head in the mirror had shrunk significantly. More than half, even the following time was shortened by two days.

Before he could understand what was going on, the wall next to him suddenly exploded, and a large truck rammed into the room sideways in front of Xu Tong, knocking half of the entire house down.

A large piece of bricks and tiles fell, and Xu Tong stood in place, looking at the pieces of bricks and tiles that kept falling at his feet, but none of them hit him.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the item book came from the ear, and the proficiency of Qimen +1
Now Xu Tong suddenly understood in his heart, and suddenly realized: "Oh, so it is like this!"

Qimen's so-called method of changing fate cannot directly change something, but it may be able to make oneself lucky to a certain extent, and change one's unlucky results in a lucky way.

After all, if you say you were hit by a car, you must be unlucky, but the amazing thing is that the house collapsed, and not even a single tile fell on you. For you, you have to say that you are lucky.

This is only LV1 level. If this skill can be upgraded, then the effect will probably be even stronger.

This made him think of the child with double pupils. If he could upgrade his skills to the top level, would he have the same ability as double pupils? ?

Thinking of the corners of Xu Tong's mouth gradually raised, his eyes gleaming brightly, like a boy who discovered a treasure, he suddenly felt that the fairy treasure was worth a bloody profit in exchange for this ability.

"what happened??"

The Gao family was naturally disturbed by such a big commotion. Gao Zhuo ran over immediately and saw Xu Tong standing in the ruins with a big truck crashing into the house. He hurried forward, but he remembered Xu Tong Tong, who has the plague god physique, could only stand back with embarrassment on his face, and asked loudly, "Are you okay?"

"No, of course it's fine."

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth was smiling brightly, and he looked unaffected at all, and said to Gao Zhuo, "Not only am I fine, I also want to find a job."


Gao Zhuo once wondered if Xu Tong's head was hit by a brick. People like them still need work? ?

Just rob a batch of gold in a certain script world and return, and you can live a life of drunkenness. Where do you need work? ?

Just when Gao Zhuo wanted to ask Xu Tong if he was short of money, he still had a lot of cash here for him to use first.

Xu Tong looked at Gao Zhuo carefully, then raised his eyebrows slightly: "Brother, I think you have a bad omen recently!"

Gao Zhuo: "????"

(End of this chapter)

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