Infinite script kill

Chapter 303 Good place

Chapter 303 Good place

At night, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo came to a building.

This is a long-abandoned building. I don’t know the specific reason why it was abandoned. The two pushed open the old door, and when they walked in, they saw the neon lights flickering in front of them, giving people a visual sense of the 80s.

But this is not the script killing experience hall, but the extremely mysterious good place that Gao Zhuo said.

"Are you sure about this place??"

Xu Tong looked around, and didn't think this was a good place, but more like Yutong Street in L City.

"Hey, you don't understand, this place is really a good place, don't worry, come with me!"

Gao Zhuo pursed his lips and led Xu Tong forward, through an inconspicuous dark corner, Xu Tong occasionally saw some young men and women standing at the door talking about these things.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but doubt his guess even more.

But when Gao Zhuo paid the 20 yuan ticket at the door and led him up the stairs, Xu Tong couldn't help being surprised by the dance hall in front of him.

Who would have thought that there is such a big dance hall hidden in such a dilapidated building outside.

The light inside was very dim, and there were a few men sitting sparsely on the booths in the lobby, including young people, middle-aged people, and even elderly people.

Under the light on the other side, a row of fat and thin girls sat on a row of chairs, as if they were quietly waiting for something.

This is completely different from those noisy bars in Xu Tong's impression.

"Hey, I haven't seen it before, but don't be too surprised. You are a northerner and it's not popular there. We have it everywhere here."

Seeing Xu Tong's bewildered expression, Gao Zhuo introduced him in a low voice.

It turns out that this is the popular local sand dance.

Strictly speaking, it is a good place for cultivating sentiment and leisure arts. Even a strong man with five big and three thick will obediently join the dancing team when he comes here.

"It hasn't started yet, let's sit down first, and I will tell you the rules!"

Gao Zhuo pulled Xu Tong to sit in the corner, and briefly introduced the rules. In fact, you can take the girl you like on the dance floor, but don't stand in the middle and dance, but squeeze in the dark corner on the left go.

The price is very close to the people. Calculated by songs, a song costs five yuan.

"How about it, isn't it exciting!"

Xu Tong nodded curiously, before he came to ask a few more questions, Gao Zhuo had already stood up, ran to the other side under the spotlight and began to act as a hunter, and this guy shamelessly dragged two of them into the dance floor.

It is estimated that this is to use the stimulation of Sand Dance to temporarily get rid of the shadow of Fengxia.

"Hey! Why are you doing this? It's not the same when you turn off the lights." Seeing Gao Zhuo dragging the two beauties into the shadow of the dance floor, Xu Tong couldn't help shaking his head.

After a while, the music started, and more and more people began to squeeze into the dance floor as the music played.

Under the dark and psychedelic light, I saw men and women huddling together spontaneously in the dark. Xu Tong could see clearly because of his dark vision. The salty pig's hand reached out to other people's female companions.

"Little brother, are you alone?"

Without waiting for Xu Tong to look at it for a while, a girl suddenly sat down beside him and warmly put his arm in her arms. Suddenly, the pungent smell of cheap perfume made Xu Tong frowned unconsciously.

"First time here? Why don't we go in and play together, it's fun."

The girl was about the same age as Xu Tong, and her looks were not too bad, but Xu Tong couldn't bear the pungent smell on her body, so he pulled out his hand casually: "No need!"

I thought the girl would pester her for a while, but it turned out that Xu Tong was thinking too much. Seeing Xu Tong's refusal, the woman immediately got up and left, not wasting a second here, turned around and fell into the arms of another middle-aged man.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

In front of the hall behind, Da Ya and Ji Xiang laughed while clutching their stomachs, while Fa Cai turned into a stool with a depressed face and asked the two guys to sit down.

It turned out that these three guys were betting on whether Xu Tong would follow the girl to the dance floor, and the result was self-evident, how could the stupid and rich head be the opponent of Ji Xiang and Da Ya, so he could only obediently become a chair Give both a sit down.

"Headmaster, would you like to light a stick of incense, and I will come out to dance with you?"

The big girl put her finger on her pink lips, bit her lightly, and tilted her body to look at Xu Tong. With that charming and contrived posture, coupled with the innocence in her watery blue eyes, Xu Tong couldn't stop looking at her. Goosebumps.

If he didn't know that this little girl is a vixen, Xu Tong would have almost moved.

"I think you are itchy, have you been given too much incense recently??"

Cursing angrily, after finishing speaking, Xu Tong glanced at Da Ya's chest again, and curled his lips: "No one can stop my dream of becoming a pilot."

Big Ya:? ? ?
"Teacher, over there!!"

At this time, Jixiang who was sitting on the side suddenly pointed forward with his hand and said to Xu Tong.

What is Xu Tongxin thinking?You, a mouse spirit, want to come out and jump around? ?It's not filming the sloppy king, so there's no role for you.

But wait for him to follow Ji Xiang's hand and look forward: "Huh??"

I saw a 30-year-old young woman standing there under the spotlight. If a woman is compared to a flower, then the age of 30 is just the time when the flower has just bloomed, and it is [-] years old when it really blooms up the age.

Just like at this moment, under the spotlight, this one is dressed in a dark green cheongsam, with a graceful figure, the slit of the cheongsam reveals black stockings, paired with a pair of wine red high heels.

She is simply a peony among flowers, people will notice her at a glance.

As the saying goes, when an old woman flirts with a young man, even if the young woman can only be regarded as handsome, the unique temperament on her body is simply a youth killer.

It's a pity that most of the young people stared at her directly, but they stopped timidly because of the invisible aura on her body.


Xu Tong looked at the young woman with his eyes, and walked up. Just as a young man in front of him was summoning up his courage and was about to step forward to hold her hand, he saw Xu Tong's hand blocking the young woman's body first. At the waist, he hugged the young woman in his arms domineeringly.

"I'm sorry, there's someone for a famous flower, let's be next."

Xu Tong raised his head and smiled at the astonished boy, and strode into the dance floor with his arms around the young woman's waist.

"You are so bad!"

The young woman didn't resist either, instead she snuggled into Xu Tong's arms like a human being. Not to mention, if an ordinary young man was snuggled into the arms of a young woman like this, he would probably be so happy that he would explode with desire for protection. He really hugged the beauty in his arms and cared for her carefully, so he dared not touch her.

It's a pity that Xu Tong didn't accept this at all, imitating Gao Zhuo to pull the young woman into the crowd, and started to walk down the young woman's waist with his fingers.

"Men are not bad and women don't love, right?"

As he spoke, he grabbed her buttocks with his palm, hey, it felt surprisingly good.

The young woman shook her body and took a step back subconsciously, but Xu Tong didn't give her a chance at all, instead hugging her even tighter, sniffing lightly in front of the young woman's hair, a faint fragrance of jasmine came over her.

"I look at you strangely, you are not a local, are you?"

Seeing that she couldn't break free, the young woman simply didn't break free anymore, allowing Xu Tong to take advantage of her at will, and raised her head to ask curiously.

"Oh, come to travel, this is the first time, have you been here for a long time?"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes, and glanced at Gao Zhuo's direction, good guy, this kid is so good at playing, his head is almost stuck in the arms of the two beauties.

Sensing that Xu Tong was looking at him, Gao Zhuo raised his eyebrows, looked at the young woman in his arms, and gave a thumbs up calmly.


The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he scorned him severely.


The young woman froze for a moment, Xu Tong hurriedly changed the subject, turned his gaze, and suddenly noticed an old man and an old lady dancing in the center of the dance floor.

Uh, don't get me wrong, the steps of the two elderly people are more like real dancing than they are squeezed together in the dark.

"Do you think it's very interesting?"

Seeing Xu Tong looking at the old couple in the center of the dance floor, the young woman asked Xu Tong.

"Well, kind of!"

Xu Tong nodded his head undeniably, this place is like a gathering of people, but in this atmosphere, there is a pair of old people dancing in a serious manner.

On one side is the animal nature that exudes the smell of youth hormones, and on the other side is the etiquette of a gentleman in the civilized age. Two contradictory things converge on a small dance floor at the same time. This strong sense of contrast makes Xu Tong feel magical for a while. like feeling.

"In fact, they have known each other for a long time. From being the same as us now when they were young, to the change of the years, the passion receded. After having their own families, they are more like a pair of friends who are more familiar than lovers."

The woman looked at the old couple on the dance floor, bending over each other like gentlemen to take the curtain call, her eyes gradually dimmed, as if she was remembering something.

The young woman said and put her head on Xu Tong's shoulder: "I envy them so much, I really envy them. When I grow old, I can also have such the most simple relationship with me, that would be great."

After speaking, he raised his head again, staring at Xu Tong with those black and white eyes: "Tell me, will I also meet such a man?"

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, stroked the top of the woman's head with his palm, and slid his fingers down her black hair, and put the woman's head back on his chest, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more cruel: "I don't know if it will be , but I can be sure that there will be no good results between humans and ghosts!"

(End of this chapter)

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