Infinite script kill

Chapter 309 The Entrustment of Yang Zixuan

Chapter 309 Yang Zixuan's entrustment (the first update, the third update continues today.)
Gao Zhuo also inquired many times, and even found many old friends, and only then did he inquire about a lot of information about certified players.

Certified players, despite the literal meaning, they belong to real players.

Not only will it be highly valued by the script library, but it will also have very powerful privileges.

Just like Jing Shoucheng forcibly descending into a big script, although a certain price will be paid, it is basically a drizzle for these certified players.

There are also grades among certified players. The lowest level of certified players is the apostle, the next level is called the messenger, and the upper level is called the big official. As for what is above the big official, it is really beyond Gao Zhuo's ability to find out .

Gao Zhuo, like Jing Shoucheng, infers that his certification level should not be high, and he is probably an apostle if he dies, otherwise Xu Tong would have been a corpse by now.

To become a certified player, in addition to being strong enough, there are also some hard requirements. As long as you meet this hard requirement, you will be able to receive the certification task from the script space.

The reason why Gao Zhuo said that Xu Tong is about to reach the threshold of certification standards is because of this rigid requirement that players must have at least one ability that is completely their own, and this ability must reach a certain level.

"Didn't Master tell you the essence of Baishankou? If you work harder and raise Baishankou, you should be able to trigger the certification task."

After hearing Gao Zhuo's words, Xu Tong rolled his eyes: "Do you think I'm a peerless genius? Or the protagonist of destiny? It's not that easy."

The master gave him all the keys to worshiping the mountain without reservation, especially when dealing with Li Xi. In the end, both grandpa and grandson dropped the mountain worshiping button at the same time. It was so powerful that Li Xi couldn't even resist.

But the problem is that at that time, the master secretly passed on strength to himself, and abruptly raised himself to that level for a short time.

"Don't be discouraged. Normal people must practice for ten or eight years, but we are players. What is the most shameful thing about players? Item cards, we will find a way, and we will be able to improve quickly."

Gao Zhuo continued to encourage him, Xu Tong heard the truth, but is there any way to improve his strength quickly?
I now have [-] script points in my hand. If I find a suitable method, maybe with this script point, I can really improve myself quickly.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were silent at the same time, the door was opened a gap in a moment, and the staff from the Lion House poked half his head in: "Hello, Mr. Chen Shaoguo, your Telephone."

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong, and Xu Tong was taken aback for a moment, and he knew who the caller was, because only Yang Zixuan knew the name Chen Shaoguo, so he nodded to express his understanding.

After the guy left, he picked up the phone on the table behind him, and Yang Zixuan's voice came from the phone.

"Why are you still alive???"

Yang Zixuan's voice sounded very tired, as if he just got up from the bed, Xu Tong probably just came back from the script world.

"Hey, I miss you."

Xu Tong bared his teeth and smiled: "Do you want to come to the exhibition and I treat you to dinner?"

"Okay, tell me the place, I'll be there right away." Yang Zixuan was also unambiguous, and after asking for the address, he rushed over with two people within half an hour.

When the door of the box was pushed open, Yang Zixuan couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly, seeing that there were already four people waiting for him beside Xu Tong, he sneered unconsciously: "I didn't expect you to pull up the mountain so fast! quite fast."

Yang Zixuan obviously mistook Da Ya, Ji Xiang, and Fa Cai as Xu Tong's teammates, but of course Xu Tong would not explain this to Yang Zixuan.

It happened that Gao Zhuo hadn't eaten yet, and they weren't full, so they ordered another large table of food.

Xu Tong glanced away, looked at the two people beside Yang Zixuan, then focused his eyes on Yang Zixuan, and found that this guy had not been very lucky recently, the luck above his head showed a high mountain, but was shrouded in dark clouds.

There are four more words below, which is full of sorrow.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was overjoyed: "It seems that Brother Yang has been doing well recently, he must have made a lot of money."

"That's natural!"

Yang Zixuan felt uncomfortable when he heard Xu Tong's compliment.

He has also been very unlucky recently. For some reason, he always encounters some teams whose sense of justice explodes. After these guards find out that they are breeding teams, they chase after him like a mad dog and bite.

Last time in the script world, the main quest failed without accident, few side quests were completed, and two pigs died, so Yang Zixuan felt very depressed.

Today, I was thinking about whether I could bring Xu Tong into my team, but I saw that this guy has already risen from the top of the mountain.

Seeing this guy sitting there, looking more and more like a big brother, Yang Zixuan felt very uncomfortable in his heart, feeling that since meeting this guy, his good luck has been taken away, and he has been going downhill.

All the people buried their heads in eating, surprisingly quiet, and no one said a word of nonsense, just waiting for the table to finish the food.

Yang Zixuan slowly took out a cigar, took a deep puff, and only waited for the smoke to dissipate before slowly opening his mouth and saying: "I have already received the certification task, the next script world will be in about 15 days, if 15 days later If I can take the initiative to contact you, I will give you a surprise, if I don't contact you, can you do me a favor."


Xu Tong was a little surprised when he heard this, and without asking Yang Zixuan what the matter was, he nodded his head as a sign of agreement.

Yang Zixuan was no longer polite, and took off the mask on his face, revealing his original appearance. It was a very cold face, with bushy beard, a pair of straight eyebrows, phoenix eyes, and a high nose bridge.

Maybe it's because Yang Zixuan's face is very sinister as a big brother in the underworld.

He took out a file bag from his pocket and threw it to Xu Tong: "We are not friends. If we meet in the script world, I may try to win you over immediately. If the win over is unsuccessful, I will find a way to kill you first." , but it's a little ridiculous that at this point, I actually entrust you to help me with my funeral, isn't it ironic."

"No surprise, who made our character good."

Xu Tong said with a narcissistic face, then picked up the file bag, and after opening the file bag, there were some documents inside.

"All the property is in your hands. If you like it, you can take it over. If you don't like it, you can burn it down. I just ask you one thing. I have a sister who just lost her husband not long ago. She took care of her child alone. You know that I have many enemies, if I die suddenly..."

Speaking of this, Yang Zixuan couldn't help but feel a little worried. He has collected debts and lent loans all these years, and he also runs a small casino behind his back. The chicken heads in the entire county are his subordinates.

The police have issued several arrest warrants to catch him. If he wasn't a player, he would have been caught eating bullets long ago.

It is precisely because he is strong enough that he suppresses so many subordinates and dare not have second thoughts, but if he fails in the mission, in reality he may end up in a sudden death.

At that time, with so many enemies, they will inevitably retaliate crazily. It doesn't matter that he is dead, but his family is what he is most worried about.

Xu Tong looked at the haze covering Yang Zixuan's head, and asked, "Why me?"

"Because you have principles, you are willing to give others a way out."

Yang Zixuan shared his impression of Xu Tong. Although he is not a good person, this guy has never violated the bottom line in certain things. This is why Yang Zixuan has always been willing to chat with Xu Tong and provide him with information. reason.

"Hey, yes, but if you succeed, I want to know what kind of surprise you have prepared for me."

Xu Tong put down the documents in his hand, and he officially agreed.

Immediately, Xu Tong saw that most of the cloud of sorrow over Yang Zixuan's head dissipated at once.

On the top of the mountain, one could faintly see thunder and lightning flashing continuously, as if a thunderstorm was approaching in an instant.

"If I become a certified player, I will definitely return this favor to you. To show your sincerity, you go to the north of the exhibition and find a place called Sacrificial Garden. There is a map in the file I gave you. You follow the map. You can find an altar, and that altar can fuse titles, this secret is rarely known, and I discovered it by accident."

After finishing speaking, Yang Zixuan took another puff of his cigar: "This news is worth at least 3000 script points!"

Hearing the words, Gao Zhuo looked at the file in Xu Tong's hand with bright eyes, and said to Xu Tong in a low voice: "If it is true, this is a good place. I have heard that there are several places in the exhibition that can combine titles. , but those places have been deliberately hidden by others, this favor is worthwhile."

Title cards are something that people love and hate. If you encounter a title skill with a strong skill, it will definitely be one step ahead of you. But if you encounter a title skill that is rubbish, it will make you want to cry.

Because even if it is garbage, you can't discard it, and it will occupy one of your props.

So as more and more scripts have been experienced, this thing has become like a burden, the kind that cannot be discarded.

Xu Tong was actually thinking about how to deal with those titles of his own, and he had no idea for a while, so he could only ignore him for the time being.

After listening to Yang Zixuan's explanation, I realized that there are many secret places in the exhibition, places where titles can be dissolved or synthesized, but most of these places are deliberately hidden, and even tried their best to form a special monopoly to prevent outsiders from approaching.

"It's a deal. After 15 days, I'll wait for your call. If your call doesn't come, I'll take someone to pick up your sister's family as soon as possible."

This matter is not difficult for Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, they only need to take the person safely to a place that no one knows. I believe Yang Zixuan must have provided logistical support for his sister, enough for his sister's family After escaping danger, live a prosperous life.

"Then please!"

As soon as Yang Zixuan cupped his hands, he stood up and left in a hurry. For Yang Zixuan, 15 days was obviously a bit rushed. He still had a lot of things to deal with, so he couldn't continue to delay with Xu Tong.

After Yang Zixuan left, Xu Tong couldn't help sighing, took a look at the file at hand, waved his hand to wipe out the Huang Xiang beside him, and took Da Ya and the others to the entrance of the hall: "Let's go! Go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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