Chapter 311 Plum Blossoms are Easy to Count
All the grenades are in his hands, can he not show face? ?

No matter how angry the statue girl was, she could only endure it honestly, and successfully integrated a new title card for Gao Zhuo.

Although it is not a complete set of titles, Gao Zhuo is delighted from ear to ear. Not only has he obtained a powerful title skill, but he has also freed up several item slots. Based on this alone, Gao Zhuo feels that Yang Zixuan's It is said that the value of 3000 script points has been earned back.

"How about we sell a ticket too!"

Gao Zhuo said to Xu Tong with bright eyes that after he synthesized a new title, he began to think about selling this good place, typically putting on his pants and denying anyone.

In fact, if only Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo knew about this place, Gao Zhuo would never think about it, it would be too short-sighted.

But right now, Yang Zixuan has sold the news to many people in order to cope with the script certification task in the next fifteen days. If they don't sell it now, can you guarantee that others won't sell it? ?
Xu Tong looked back at the statue, thinking for a second that Gao Zhuo was right, this statue was very thief, if Yang Zixuan hadn't entrusted his sister's fate to him, he would have doubted whether Yang Zixuan made it on purpose trap.

"Sell as early as possible, and..." Xu Tong hesitated at this point and said, "Don't sell acquaintances."


Seeing Xu Tong nodding his head, Gao Zhuo was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he walked in front of him thinking about how to sell it for a good price, but the two of them had just walked away when suddenly there was an explosion sound behind them.

Xu Tong paused, and looked back at Gao Zhuo with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Come on, there's no need to sell it now."

Obviously, those two dogs in the back jumped over the wall and destroyed the statue. You can't blame them for being too irrational. Imagine that I threw all my titles into it, but I didn't get any fart. The other party stood in front of you and asked you to show face. You actually gave it, you gave them face, have you ever thought about my face? ?
Since I have a bad life, I will let others have a bad life together, and simply ruin it. Once it is over, no one can think about it.

I also blame this stone statue for being too greedy, otherwise why would I be angry at him like this.

Fortunately, the two behind couldn't know what Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo's title cards looked like, otherwise, if they saw Xu Tong's title card, they would be so angry that they would tear up the statue and throw it into the latrine.

"Hey, why bother?"

Gao Zhuo was very sorry, he felt that these two people were too radical, they were unlucky, and it was not like this, they could make a fortune by selling the news, and maybe the next script world would be able to make up for the loss.


Xu Tong stood aside, seeing how he was still sighing, he couldn't help explaining the situation just now clearly in a low voice, and Gao Zhuo's expression suddenly became unnatural: "Ah, so that's what happened."

If it wasn't for Xu Tong, he would probably be so angry that he would tear the statue into pieces.

So if things don’t happen to me, it’s always a story.

After the two walked out of the garden one after the other, Xu Tong received a message from the Haitao area. The stall owner who sold [Five Birds Capture Hand] came back and saw his message and contacted him. over him.

Xu Tong brought Gao Zhuo to the Haitao area, and the transaction went smoothly. After buying this [Five Birds Capture Hand] at 160 script points, he was basically able to eliminate close combat skills.

After getting the item card, the two of them had no intention of staying any longer.

But Gao Zhuo doesn't want to leave yet, strictly speaking, he doesn't want to go home yet.

The reason is very simple, when he thinks of going home, there is another Fengxia girl waiting for him, Gao Zhuo's stomach hurts.

"How about, you can make me a paper mask, and make the mask look like that of Zhang Min. Qiu Shuzhen's is also fine."

Gao Zhuo suddenly remembered Xu Tong's craftsmanship, asking him to make a paper mask would not be difficult.

Xu Tong kicked this guy's ass angrily: "Fuck you, I'll make you a flower, which is almost the same, what are you hypocritical, I think he is very good, your father makes sense, can we live together?" Passing the next script is a problem, you should always give your father hope, besides, it doesn’t make the same difference when the lights are turned off, what are you talking about.”

On this matter, Xu Tong firmly stood on Gao Tianfang's point of view, and did not give Gao Zhuo a chance to talk nonsense, and pulled him away from the exhibition.

Time passes day by day.

After Xu Tong returned to reality, he focused all his energy on three things, the proficiency of the Qimen, and selling insurance by the way, the second thing was to figure out the mountain buckle, and the rest of the time was spent on On the study of "Plum Blossoms".

Since Sacrificial Garden came back, he felt more and more that the ability of Fate Eyes is extraordinary.

It is not too much to describe it as powerful.

With such a powerful ability, it is natural to cooperate with the ability of the divination system to exert the best effect.

However, he took a lot of shopping in the overseas shopping area, and found that real divination-type item cards were too rare, and the price was so expensive that he was speechless.

The so-called asking for help is better than asking for yourself. Since you can't buy item cards, you might as well read and study by yourself.

Fortunately, Plum Blossom Yishu is very friendly to beginners.

It is easy to learn, and the method is very clear. It belongs to the kind that is not difficult to learn, but not easy to master. The plum blossoms are divided into three groups.

The original hexagram, mutual hexagram, and change hexagram can also be simply understood as the initial, process, and result.

The most interesting thing is that other divination requires the help of tools, such as copper coins, yarrow, oracle bones, compass, etc. In contrast, Plum Blossom Yishu is much simpler.

You can divination by looking at trees, divination by looking at mountains, and divination by looking at time. In short, everything can be divined.

As the saying goes, sincerity leads to spirit, this is a bit similar to learning from the heart, so Plum Blossom Yishu also has a name, Plum Blossom Heart Yi.

Xu Tong has been studying hard with his books these days, and he is still in the state of a primary school student, but he already has a part of his own experience about the hexagram of time. (I will not write about the formula for starting the hexagram of time, and post it on the easter egg chapter.)
Looking at the time in the office, Xu Tong picked up the mirror and looked at the dark clouds above his head. Recently, his bad luck has almost disappeared. At this time, Director Wang opened the door and came in.

Seeing that Xu Tong was still sitting in the office at this hour, his heart sank, for fear that the child would become disorganized after making money. He had seen many examples of this.

Just about to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with Xu Tong, Xu Tong glanced at the briefcase in his hand, and frowned at the luck on Director Wang's head. The black pool, and the water level seems to be over the pool at any time.

"Are you planning to go out to meet clients?"

It has been two weeks since he came to the insurance company, and he has basically figured out the personnel situation in the office.

Director Wang is almost forty-two years old this year, but his extremely smart head is destined to make him look a little anxious.

No one would doubt that he was in his fifties when he went out. At this age, he should be able to run the team with peace of mind and live a more relaxed life with the team allowance.

But Director Wang also has a precious son. His son is only 20 years old, and he is still attending an art school in other places. Anyone who has attended an art school knows that the place is a money-burning hole, and he can't get ten thousand yuan a month. Life is going to be difficult.

Besides, his son has not yet married, bought a house, or bought a car, so how dare he rest.

There is often a saying in his mouth, a few more years of hard work, a few more years of hard work, and it will pass after a few years of hard work, but after so many years, he has not seen him fight to the end.

Hearing Xu Tong's question, Director Wang nodded: "Well, there is a big client who made an appointment to visit today, and I just happened to send some things there."

As he said that, Director Wang walked to his closet and found a silver thermos cup.

Generally speaking, when an insurance company visits a client, they will not have empty hands. Especially for some big clients, they have to buy gifts in advance. Of course, this gift needs to be paid out of their own pockets, and the insurance company will not reimburse the money.

Hearing this, Xu Tong glanced at the time, pinched his fingers, and began to count.

The upper and lower ridges of the Water Ze Festival.

After he calculated the hexagrams, he flipped through the next few pages of the hexagrams analysis table, and when he raised his head again, he asked, "That's it, you have to take care of the meal when you go to the customer."

"Hey, of course, we still have to drink together, why don't we go together?"

Director Wang seems a bit sloppy, and often even gives other supervisors an image of old age and frailty, but he is sincerely kind to his subordinates, especially this kind of self-motivated subordinate, and never hides it.

If it were someone else who went to meet his big client, he wouldn't bring an outsider there.

"Drink! It can't be a female client." Xu Tong continued to tease.

Director Wang grinned: "Old acquaintance, old acquaintance, you young people, what are you thinking, don't think about it." He did not forget to tidy up his clothes.

Xu Tong's eyes are so thieves. Seeing this, he knew in his heart that this Supervisor Wang might be doomed today, so he explained it according to his hexagrams.

This hexagram is the Jie hexagram, implying that the pond is a pond, and the water is above the ridge, which means to store and restrain the water to prevent it from being lost, but if the water level is too high, it will cause flooding.

Simply put, if you know how to be moderate, you will be lucky, otherwise you will be bad, and you should avoid drinking and sex.

"Go together, I'll take you by bike and have a good meal together."

Seeing that Xu Tong lowered his head and did not speak, Director Wang invited him. He sincerely invited, and it was really not polite. He obviously did not regard Xu Tong as an outsider.

Xu Tong stood up, walked in front of Director Wang, looked at his big belly, and helped him straighten his tie: "No, I'm going to be a light bulb. Forget it this time. I'll treat you to a drink some other day."

Director Wang smiled as brightly as Zhu Bajie saw Chang'e, so he took his things and went out without explaining anything.

Xu Tong watched him walk out of the office door, the smile on his face suddenly subsided, he put away his things, changed into a suit of clothes, and walked out to follow him to have a look.

To verify whether the hexagram is accurate or not, it depends on Director Wang's performance today.

(End of this chapter)

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