Infinite script kill

Chapter 341 Wu Xindan

Chapter 341 Wu Xindan

"Cai Boying, a low-ranking official, pay my respects to the superior!"

The county magistrate of Lianshan was unexpectedly young, looking fair and clean, probably in his early twenties.

As soon as Yang Gongjing entered the door, she blackened her face, without showing any sympathy, and scolded her as soon as she opened her mouth.

"It's useless for you to read the books of sages and sages, how can you believe in the evil ways of the world, but you don't know that you don't talk about strange powers..."

Yang Gongjing sat on the chair of the county government lord, and began to reprimand him righteously. Regardless of his age, he is very timid, and he looks very tired after traveling all night, but he is old-fashioned if he wants to swear.

Yang Gongjing was a sixth-rank official in the current dynasty, even a Beijing official, and a small county magistrate was only a seventh-rank official.

The young magistrate below was also stunned by the scolding. He stared blankly at Yang Gongjing. He scolded him from the beginning to the end, from his ancestors to his descendants. G.

There are only three questions in my mind, who am I, where am I, and why didn't I hack him to death?
The yamen servants standing on the side stared dumbfoundedly at the young man's hands tightly clenched into fists, and their hearts were filled with cold sweat.

Fearing that the hall master couldn't bear it, he directly drew his knife and chopped off the old thing.

Xu Tong stood silently beside Yang Gongjing, gloated at the county magistrate standing below with a dull face, and secretly laughed in his heart.

Yang Gongjing scolded for almost an hour before finally letting out all the sullenness along the way, took a sip of tea from the cup of tea: "Tell me about the situation in Lianshan Temple."

Maybe it was because he was a little stupid by being scolded, but Cai Boying was still in a daze, and was taken aback when he heard this.

Seeing Yang Gongjing's stare, he hurriedly said: "My lord, every night in Lianshan Temple, ghosts cry and wolves howl, and the nearby villagers saw the scene of Yin soldiers clearing the way more than once, and they all said it was... yes..."

"What is it! Say it quickly."

"It's the reincarnation of the third prince Zhu, who has returned with the imperial guards of the Ming Dynasty."

Cai Boying said in a low voice.

"Nonsense, the Third Prince Zhu was wiped out when Emperor Xi was in power, and all the remnants of the White Lotus Sect fled to death. How could there be a Holy Son of the White Lotus? Can you send someone in to investigate?"

Yang Gongjing put down the teacup in her hand, feeling more and more displeased with this little boy in her heart.

But I also know in my heart that there are so many magistrates in the world, and most of them are fake people. A small remote county town is bigger than a sesame seed on the territory of Datong. Most of the magistrates in this kind of place are It was bought with money, and if it doesn't harm the village, it's God's eyes open. It's just a dream to expect him to do something.

Fortunately, Cai Boying also noticed Yang Gongjing's dissatisfied eyes, and hurriedly said: "I went in to check, and there are three waves of people in."

"Oh, what result?"

Yang Gongjing raised her head and asked.

"All dead!"

Yang Gongjing slapped the table when she heard the words: "Idiot! You are such a big idiot. What do the imperial court support you to eat? Go prepare meals and hot water in the room. If you can't do this well, get out of here."

The corner of Cai Boying's mouth twitched a few times, resisting the urge to take out the machete and chop the old thing, and walked out of the gate with a dark face.

After dismissing Cai Boying, Yang Gongjing called Xu Tong and the others to her side, and said in a low voice, "Be careful, something is wrong here."

Everyone: "..."

There was something wrong with this place, anyone who wasn't blind could tell.

Even the brothers of the Zhu family noticed something, not to mention Xu Mao and monk Huiyuan, so I need you to remind them.

Fortunately, Yang Gongjing was not a fool, so he took out a few talismans for Xu Tong and the others to share, and Xu Tong threw them into the item book for a look, unexpectedly it was a good one.

【Taishan Prayer Charm】(1/1)
When the carrier encounters an attack of evil attributes, it will activate the shield spontaneously to counteract the enemy's attack.

Obviously this is a one-off prop, but the effect doesn't seem to be bad.

Yang Gongjing arranged for everyone to rest in shifts, and went to Lianshan Temple early tomorrow morning to investigate what happened, and then let everyone disperse.

In the kitchen on the other side, several loud applause were heard.

Cai Boying, no, it should be said that he is Bailian, the patron of Bailian Church.At this time, his handsome face was twisted into a ball.

"This old man, I chopped off his head to make a chamber pot sooner or later, and you, what kind of bad idea did you come up with, which caused me to be scolded bloody by this old man."

An old man in front of Gu Zibai was so scolded that he couldn't lift his head, and when he finished scolding, he whispered: "Master, the overall situation is the most important thing, the chief rudder has already figured it out, the Holy Son will be born, there will be disaster, Right now the Holy Son is trapped in the Lianshan Temple, and we can't get in, if we don't use the power of the Qin Tianjian, how can we welcome the Holy Son back."

Hearing the old man's words, Gu Zibai's face was filled with displeasure, but he was helpless. After speaking, he suddenly saw a few mice crawling in the corner, Gu Zibai's eyes turned cold, and with a flick of his fingers, a silver needle snapped into one of them. A mouse was nailed to the wall, gnashing its teeth and said: "That's all! Let's spare that old man for a while, and when we welcome the Holy Son back, this old man's body will definitely be broken into pieces."

At night, after everyone had eaten, they went to rest in their backyard rooms.

Thinking about it, Yang Gongjing also knew in her heart that none of this group of people was a fuel-efficient lamp, and they were not pleasing to each other, so they simply let them sleep separately.

Li Xi shares a room with Xu Tong, next to Yang Gongjing's bedroom. To be sure, Xu Tong asked Ji Xiang to control all the mice around him and become his eyeliner, to ensure that if there is any trouble, he will be the first Time knows.

Ever since Xu Tong saved Li Xi's life, Li Xi no longer had so much guard against Xu Tong in his heart, and sat in the room chatting with Xu Tong.

He didn't mention his family background, he just said that he was hunted down by his enemies and had no choice but to sneak into the Forbidden Palace to take refuge.

Xu Tong didn't ask any more questions, but shook his head regretfully, saying that if you had known me earlier, maybe you wouldn't have to enter the palace, I'll arrange a job for you, it's not as comfortable as being an eunuch.

The corners of Li Xi's mouth twitched a few times, he just took it as Xu Tong's casual remark, but he was thinking in his heart, how could there be so many people in the world who knew it earlier, and if they knew it, I would not have betrayed Maoshan on impulse.

Xu Tong pretended to be casual, but staring at the subtle changes on Li Xi's face, he secretly laughed.

As soon as the conversation changed, he asked Li Xi if he knew the five pigs.

"Eh!!" Mentioning this matter, Li Xi's eyes darkened, and he nodded without denying it: "They were among the people who chased me back then, but I dodged cleverly, otherwise I would have been beheaded by them long ago. "

After finishing speaking, he lowered his voice, pulled Xu Tong and said, "Brother Ma, brother wants revenge, can you help me?"

Xu Tong immediately patted his chest: "Of course, I will definitely help you with this matter."

With Xu Tong's guarantee, Li Xi felt much more at ease. He was injured and kept on his way, and fell asleep after saying a few words.

Xu Tong was lying on another bed. Just as he lay down, a gust of cold wind blew over. It was Ji Xiang who went back to the entrance of the hall, lying on the entrance of the hall and said to Xu Tong, "There are another group of people coming outside!"

"Boom blah blah..."

A knock on the door woke everyone up.

The yamen servant opened the door, and with a black face, he was about to scold the street: "Blind thing, let your father die in the middle of the night!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a rapid "slap!" and a slap slapped the yamen servant on the face, sending the yamen servant flying away.

The door was pushed open, and a group of guards wearing black cloaks and holding swords rushed in.

Yang Gongjing and Gu Zibai led the people out in a hurry.

A woman walked up to the two of them, untied a sign from her waist and threw it to Yang Gongjing: "Foreignty, the words of the Holy Son of the White Lotus are rumors to confuse the public, and we are specially sent here to arrest the Holy Son of the White Lotus." , I will assist you in handling the case."

Gu Zibai held the sign and looked at it for a long time but didn't understand what it was. Yang Gongjing kicked him with disgust and took the sign directly. After seeing the light, his expression changed immediately.

He hurriedly greeted and knelt down and shouted: "The minister waits for the decree to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Not to mention that Xu Tong is confused now, Gu Zibai and the others are also confused, why are there two waves of people here?
But when Xu Tong looked up, his expression suddenly became strange.

I saw the woman at the head, wasn't she the same member of the Red Lantern Sect who burned down the church last time and massacred foreigners?
Although the woman's wide cloak covered half of her face, Xu Tong recognized her at a glance with the help of his eyes.

Good guy, Red Lantern Sect, White Lotus Sect, Qin Tianjian, if you add Li Xi and other strange people, this good guy will be so lively that it will become a pot of porridge.

Gu Zibai grinned and leaned forward. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a man's voice behind him asking, "You are the magistrate of the county. Who made your households hang white lanterns? It's so strange and confusing!!"

Gu Zibai was taken aback, why did this sound so familiar, he raised his head and said, "Who are you?"

I saw a young man dressed as a scholar walking out from behind the woman, with a pair of glasses on his face: "I'm a new student, Zhao Xusen, and I'm here to expose the deceptions of you monsters."

The woman stood behind the man and introduced: "This is a new student specially sent by the superiors to help you."

Just as Gu Zibai was about to come forward to say a few words of courtesy, Zhao Xusen's face darkened: "It's useless for you to believe such exaggerated nonsense and ignore people's livelihood. You were born as a son of a man and a minister of a man, I'm sorry Emperor En, I am sorry for the country, and I am sorry for the people..."

Gu Zibai was dumbfounded, and looked sideways at the old man in the corner, only to see the old man pursed his lips and shook his head, silently taking out an orange from his sleeve and holding it in his hand.

Hall Master, the overall situation is the most important thing!
When it comes to cursing skills, Zhao Xusen can scold not much worse than Yang Gongjing, Gu Zibai's face is blue in the end, and everyone is numb from the scolding, only then did Zhao Xusen let out a long sigh, looking Looks like he's vented all his anger.

It's still a familiar process, cooking fire, but the county government is so big, they don't have any extra room, Gu Zibai and others can only vacate the house they live in, and then squeeze into the firewood room with aggrieved face, making do with it one night.

This is destined to be a tragic night for Gu Zibai and others, but it is also destined to be a sleepless night.

Li Xi slipped out in the middle of the night. According to the monitoring of the mouse sent by Jixiang, this guy seemed to have gone out to inform someone.

In addition, the Red Lantern Sect group was not honest at all. Several people split up and went door to door to replace the white lanterns with red lanterns. I don't know if they have any obsession with color.

Even the five pigs stayed awake most of the night, took aim at the horses in the backyard, even stole two horses and roasted them.

In short, it was a wild night.

Seeing that he couldn't sleep anymore, Xu Tong simply lit a stick of yellow incense, squinted his eyes, and escaped into his hall.

When I came to my own treasure stove, under the enthusiastic and expectant eyes of the three big girls, I took out the mournful inner alchemy and threw it tentatively into the stove.

Seeing Neidan approaching the stove, he immediately turned into a puff of smoke and was sucked into the stove.

"There is a play!"

The eyes of the four of Xu Tong were flooded, and they began to look forward to it.

Soon the stove began to glow red, and an unidentifiable smell permeated the air. After taking a sip, I felt itchy all over.

They were so scared that they hurriedly hid outside the entrance of the hall and waited for about ten minutes.

There was a "boom!" in the stove.

The four of Xu Tong couldn't wait to rush in immediately, and carefully opened the hidden compartment under the stove to have a look, and a black-blue pill appeared in the hidden compartment.

The black and blue pill glowed with a metallic purple light, colorless and tasteless. As soon as he took the pill, Xu Tong immediately felt a strong sense of hunger for it.

It was as if this thing was not a elixir, but a string of freshly baked mutton skewers, exuding an irresistible fragrance.

This feeling... moved Xu Tong's mind, resisting the urge to swallow the elixir, and after taking it out and throwing it into the item book, he got the information about it.


Using the human heart as the furnace, using flesh and blood as the forging material, and using resentment as the medicine, the one who eats the black heart has no heart.

Eaters can increase their own dark attribute power, such as spell power, demon power, magic power, etc... If it is not dark attribute power, eating it will deduct their own power.

After reading the introduction of the pill, Xu Tong sighed inwardly. Judging from the introduction, the monster Sang E was probably created by someone with a heart on purpose.

Maybe some evil way used this to refine this evil medicine.

After all, in today's world where the people are struggling to survive, all kinds of monsters and evil ways want to come out and jump around a few times.

Xu Tong did not choose to share this elixir with Da Ya and the others, because it was obviously something that the dark constitution desperately needed, otherwise his body would not have such a strong sense of hunger to urge him to eat it.

I made a discussion with Da Ya and the others, and said that I would compensate them from other places.

Although the three big girls are very envious, they have no objection to this. After all, they stand on Xu Tong's body, and as the head teacher, the stronger the better.

That being the case, Xu Tong was not polite, and swallowed the elixir in one gulp. The elixir tasted surprisingly bitter, like eating a Coptis chinensis.

There was also a turmoil in the stomach. Although this elixir has the ability to increase strength, it obviously needs a process of digestion.

But Xu Tong can't wait that long and activate the heart of the abyss directly.

Accompanied by the activation of the heart of the abyss, a black mist surged from Xu Tong's body, swallowing the elixir in his stomach instantly.

At the same time, Xu Tong's eyes suddenly went black, and a bottomless abyss appeared in the pupils of his eyes. At the same time, a sneaky whisper sounded in his ears...

 I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood today, so I'll try to clear up my thoughts first.

(End of this chapter)

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