Chapter 356
"Zhou Quan! Where are people!"

"Zhou Quan!"

"Zhou Quan, you little bastard, I told you to fill up the water tank, you forgot, remember to eat or not!"


The door of the firewood room was kicked open, the butler walked in with a dark face, and threw off the quilt, only to find that there was no one on the bed.

"Hey, little brat."

Seeing that Zhou Quan was not in the room, the steward was taken aback for a moment, this kid didn't sleep in the middle of the night, where did he go? ?

In doubt, the steward suddenly remembered something, turned around and walked out of the woodshed, and walked towards the backyard along the inconspicuous corner path.

Go to a courtyard at the end of the martial arts hall.

The yard was pitch black, and from the dilapidated state of the doors and windows, it could be seen that the yard had been abandoned for a long time.

The steward glanced at the opened courtyard door, and his heart skipped a beat.

Those triangular eyes suddenly became sharp, and he saw a pile of firewood from the corner of his eye, and stepped forward to pick up a stick.

The stick was made of solid wood, and the heavy weight was held in the hand, which intensified the hostility in the steward's heart in vain.

"Okay, Zhou Quan, if you don't go there is a way to heaven, but there is no way to enter hell, you are looking for death, but no wonder I am so cruel."

The steward took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

Pushing open the door quietly, I saw that the room was empty, without a single piece of furniture in it.

The steward reached out and pulled on the ground.

A secret door actually rose up on the ground, and the fire below was brightly lit, and the sound of boxing exercises could be faintly heard.

Seeing this, the steward sneered. This is a privately built dungeon of the martial arts hall, and the person imprisoned in it is the traitor of the martial arts hall. Zhou Quan is the person responsible for delivering meals to the traitor during this period.

So seeing that Zhou Quan was not in the room, the steward thought about it in his mind, and decided that this kid might be in this place in all likelihood.

Practicing boxing in private, and colluding with traitors, even if he beat someone to death, he can't be blamed.

Thinking of the steward walking down on tiptoe, he stood in the corner and looked inside with his head tilted.

Under the dim light, one old and one young.

The old man sat cross-legged on the straw mat, his shoulders were locked with lute bones, his hair was disheveled, and his face was covered with mud, except for his eyes that were piercing.

"Oolong fight!"

Hearing that the young man took a big step to the left with his left foot, he bent his left knee and squatted halfway, and straightened his right leg to form a left lunge. He turned his body to the left and swung his right arm straight to the left. rattle.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, the old man slapped his thigh: "Ziwu hammer, Dahong hammer, turn around three palms..."

Hearing the words, the young man's moves changed, his hands were like hammers, he jumped up on his waist, turned around and punched three times in the air.

The steward, who was secretly watching from the corner, stared straight at this moment.

My heart suddenly set off a stormy sea.

He has been in charge of the boxing gym for so many years. It is impossible to say that he has no real kung fu, but it is not necessarily true if you want to say how good his kung fu is.

But eyesight is always the same.

After Zhou Quan fought this way, his face was not red and he was not out of breath, and he took a serious look at the boxers who had practiced for several years in the martial arts gym, and he was exactly the same.

"This kid can really practice martial arts?"

The steward lowered his head and pondered, it's impossible, this kid's bones are very poor, and he eats so poorly every day, and he doesn't have a few drops of oil or water for a month, how can he have the strength to practice martial arts? ?

The so-called Wen Poor Wu Fu.

From ancient times to the present, this is the unchanging truth.

If you can't eat meat, without the help of secret medicine, you can't pass this test if you build muscles and strengthen bones.

There are quite a few people who practiced themselves into disabled people without practicing kung fu to the end.

In fact, let alone in ancient times, it is the same even in modern times.

Guns are not allowed in the country, and rich people can go abroad to play. A shuttle of bullets costs 2000 yuan, and they can even take you to hunt. This is something that the poor can afford.


The old man watched Zhou Quan complete a set of punches, patted his thigh and said, "The last move is just short of the last move. If you release me, I will pass it on to you."

When Zhou Quan heard the words and was about to say something, his ears moved, and he noticed the sound of breaking wind behind him, and hurriedly turned sideways to hide.

After seeing the steward's face clearly from the corner of the eye, his heart skipped a beat, he grabbed back with both hands, and used Hong Fist to embrace the moon in his arms.

But the steward did not hide, instead went forward when he saw this, and slammed his elbow into Zhou Quan's face. Zhou Quan unconsciously leaned back, but at the same time kicked and kicked the steward's face.

"Hey, you're just a beginner after all, and it's going to be really good if you practice for a few more years."

The steward wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, then suddenly raised his left foot, and a swallow kicked on Zhou Quan's lower abdomen, and then a sharp whip kick made a piercing whistling sound in the air!
Seeing this, Zhou Quan hurriedly raised his hands to parry, and the thin side was immediately kicked back again and again.

"Don't you want to learn the center of gravity, I'll teach you!"

Seeing that Zhou Quan lost his center of gravity, the steward's eyes showed a cold light. He stepped forward with his left foot, raised his hand and clasped Zhou Quan's wrist, turned his waist inward, and drew his other fist back.

"Look clearly, the shoulders and legs are a line, the waist is like a bow, the fist can't be exhausted, and the strength can go through the mountain!"

The steward had the chance to win, even talking and doing, with the strength of his shoulders and waist, he turned sideways and punched Zhou Quan's chest directly with an inch fist.

This punch, every inch of strength, my skill is not at home, and I have slacked off a lot in these years, but it is still no problem to kill a child with one punch.


Is he really a child? ?


The fist hit Gao Zhuo's chest, and Gao Zhuo's body trembled slightly.

He raised his head and looked at the steward quietly with both eyes.


The steward was taken aback, looking at those black and white eyes, which were cold, indifferent, without even a little human emotion, and suddenly panicked in his heart, those eyes are not what a child should have.

Even the old owner had never had such a terrifying gaze.

He was afraid.

"You little bastard!"

As he spoke, he twisted forcefully, and the palm clasping Gao Zhuo's wrist suddenly twisted downwards, but that thin and thin palm turned out to be like a diamond at this moment.

"Thank you, my mission is complete."

A smile gradually appeared on Gao Zhuo's face, and his fingers slowly moved together.

The process was very slow, and the steward was still struggling at first, but soon realized that he couldn't even draw his hand, which was not the strength a person should have at all.

"You!! What the hell are you!!"

What frightened him even more was that his fingers had already begun to ache, and the familiar Zhou Quan in front of him was always looking at him expressionlessly.

"Let go! Let go!!!"

The strong sense of fear and the pain in his fingers made the steward even more frantic, but no matter whether he hit him with his fist or kicked him, Zhou Quan in front of him didn't even twitch his eyebrows.

Seeing this, the steward picked up the stick in his hand, rounded it and hit Gao Zhuo on the head.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

I don't know how many times it was hit, Gao Zhuo's forehead was covered with sawdust, but other than that, there was not even a single wound left.

His fingers were still slowly moving closer.


The cracking sound of bones made the steward's body tremble violently, and he let out painful wailing and cries for help.

It's a pity that at the beginning of the establishment of this cell, it was thought that it might disturb the neighbors.

Therefore, in order to ensure the sleep quality of the neighbors, thick stone slabs were installed on the surrounding walls. Not to mention his screams, even if he is dancing in the square here, he will never hear any movement outside.

"Ah!! Zhou Quan, I was wrong, let go!!"

The pain in the fingers made the steward kneel on the ground, begging loudly.

But the one in front of him was not Zhou Quan. The Zhou Quan who was bullied by them as a slave was already dead.

In the sound of the reminder that the task was completed, he was completely dead.

The person in front of him now is Gao Zhuo, a ruthless player.

Facing the pleadings from the steward who was almost collapsed, the corners of Gao Zhuo's mouth finally turned up slightly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

As he spoke, Gao Zhuo let go of his hand.

But at the same time, three slender silver needles were clamped in the palm of the hand, and they aimed at the manager's head and slapped him.

"Puff puff!"

Three silver needles penetrated into the top of the steward's head.

The steward's pupils tightened, and the expression of fear on his face gradually relaxed. Following Gao Zhuo's finger twitching slightly, he stood up numbly.

"Let's go, come with me to meet our old curator."

Gao Zhuo urged the steward to go out.

"Hey, Xiao Zhou..."

After the old man was stunned for a second, he hurriedly called him to let him go out together.

However, before he could finish his sentence, when the old man saw the bloody murderous look in Gao Zhuo's eyes, he swallowed half of what he said, his tongue seemed to be tied, and he let out tremblingly. Three words: "You go slowly."

The next morning.

Just before dawn, the iron gate of the big fence was opened, and shop assistants on the street came out, removed the door panels, cleaned up, and started a new day of life.

"Fourth, why do I always feel...something is wrong today."

The shopkeeper of the grocery store shook his neck and walked slowly downstairs with a purple clay pot in his hand.

Hearing this, the buddy scratched his head: "Yes, I always feel that there is something missing."

After finishing speaking, he slapped his head: "Hey, by the way, why didn't you hear the morning training in the Hong Family Boxing Gym today?"

Being reminded by the assistant, the shopkeeper immediately stomped his feet: "Oh, that's right, every day I heard them humming and humming during boxing practice in the morning, but today it suddenly disappeared. I'm still not used to it."

Usually before dawn, the boxing gym has already started morning exercises. Therefore, the first thing the bosses of several shops around the boxing gym wake up in the morning is to greet the eighteen generations of ancestors of the boxing gym.

Of course, I only dare to scold a few words in bed, after all, it is not a good deal to be a sandbag for others.

It's rare to get up early today, and suddenly I can't hear the usual sound of boxing exercises, which inevitably makes these shopkeepers feel a little bit embarrassed.

"You pack it up, I'll go take a look."

Seeing that the gate of the Hong Family Boxing Gym was still open, the shopkeeper strolled up to the door with his treasured purple sand pot in his hand, wanting to see what the boxing gym was doing today, why not train, and everyone died?

As a result, as soon as the person walked to the door, a strong smell of blood spread over the surface. The shopkeeper looked at the boxers lying neatly on the ground in the yard, with the purple clay pot in his hand.

It fell to the ground with a "bang".

The sound of the shattering purple clay pot made the only steward standing in the yard slowly turn around, covered in blood, with a big knife in his hand, grinning at the shopkeeper, "Come to practice boxing, come in quickly!" , I will teach you..."

(End of this chapter)

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