Chapter 360

The capital is the capital of the world, in the eyes of outsiders, there are more than three in the capital.

Pay more attention, more officials, more wealthy businessmen.

Pay attention to this thing... To put it bluntly, it was caused by too many rich people.

Just like the bowl of plain noodles in front of Mr. Chen.

The white noodles don't even have a layer of marinade, but the cost of making this dish is only two taels of silver.

crazy? ?
You go to a roadside noodle stall with two taels of silver and tell the boss to cook white noodles for two taels of silver, and the boss will suspect that you are rushing to commit suicide.

The truth is this, but this plain noodles are not available on the streets outside.

This noodle is made from good chicks, bled and air-dried, ground into powder, mixed with white flour and pressed out.

The noodle soup looks like boiled water.

However, this soup is actually a broth that requires more than ten kinds of ingredients and bones, and is slowly fed over a slow fire.

It looks as clear as water, but in fact it tastes delicious. Let alone cooking noodles with this soup, if you boil a Chinese cabbage, it is also extremely delicious.

What Mr. Chen likes to eat most is this bowl of plain noodles, and what he eats is the one that he slurps into his mouth in big mouthfuls. What kind of toppings are marinated, what kind of things are sprinkled on it are pure waste.

After eating well, I heard someone outside reported that Ma Hongwen, the future uncle-to-be, had arrived.

Hearing Ma Hongwen, Chen Yuanwai's heart skipped a beat. To be honest, he was not sure about this uncle. After all, the name Ma Hongwen was well-known in the capital.

Otherwise, at such an advanced age, why would they not even have a matchmaker at their doorstep.

Chen Yuanwai was willing to marry his own daughter. It seemed that he was a wealthy man, and he was often used as a target.

But why is it not in my heart to keep the safety of the whole family.

After all, I offended this kid in front of the Peach Blossom Temple. What the old god meant back then seemed to be praising him for being lucky and meeting a nobleman.

However, if you listen and ponder carefully, you will understand that this is not a compliment, but a beating and warning.

After thinking about it, Chen Yuanwai gritted his teeth and sent out his favorite jewel. If he had a choice, how could he push Miss Qing into the fire pit.

Facts also proved that his choice was correct, and it didn't take long for March to become the admiral of the Nine Gates.

Coupled with the power of the Xiang family, the two joined forces, one controlling the imperial army, and the other controlling the world's soldiers and horses. I am afraid that except for the current emperor and the empress dowager, no one can provoke these two families.

So when he heard Ma Hongwen came, Chen Yuanwai was confused and happy, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and went out to greet him.

Fortunately, the stinky face that worried Chen Yuanwai did not appear on Ma Hongwen's face today. Not only did he not appear, Ma Hongwen also bowed to him respectfully and politely, which made Yuanwai Chen feel flattered.

Xu Tong not only smiled very kindly, but also brought a large cart of gifts to Yuanwai Chen. People who didn't know thought it was a marriage proposal.

Chen Yuanwai rushed forward to meet him, and very kindly took Xu Tong's hand and walked into the house.

The maid served the fragrant tea, and Chen Yuan couldn't help but sighed and asked for warmth again.

After the polite words were over, Xu Tong was not polite, and directly explained his intentions.

When he heard that Xu Tong wanted to borrow money, Mr. Chen felt a little bit in his heart, but his face remained expressionless, and he asked with a smile, "I wonder how much my nephew wants to borrow?"

"Borrow as much as you can."

Xu Tong held the tea bowl and said with a smile.

The corners of Chen Yuanwai's mouth twitched a few times, and what he said was worse than talking directly to a lion.

You don't know how much you can borrow. If you borrow too little, this uncle can handle anything when he loses his temper.

After thinking about it, Chen Yuanwai is a well-known wealthy businessman in the capital, and he has already made a balance in his heart in a short time.

"Hehehehe, they are all from my own family. It's too polite to borrow."

Then he called the accountant and asked Xu Tong in front of him, "How much cash do you have at home?"

The accountant took out the account book casually. As the accountant, as long as the master calls himself, it must be a matter of asking for money, and the account book must be carried with him.

Open the ledger and have a look.

"My lord, our family has two fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-two thousand seventy-eight coins and twelve cash."

After speaking, put the ledger on the table.

The above accounts are written clearly and clearly, which shows that Mr. Chen Yuanwai's professionalism is beyond doubt.

"Is there any payment due this year?"

"Yes, our silk factory needs to transfer 300 taels of silver, the bank transfers 3000 taels of silver, and the monthly payment of the workers at the port needs to be settled, which is about 200 taels..."

Mr. Accountant marked out the places that needed appropriation one by one.

After a rough calculation, almost 4000 taels of silver will be allocated.

"Okay, the remaining 5 taels are allocated now, I need it urgently."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the horrified expression of the accountant, he turned his head to Xu Tong and said, "Nephew, there is only so much money in cash, you should take the emergency first, and in the spring of next year, I will take back the money from a few places, and you can still use it again." It’s no problem to collect tens of thousands of taels for you.”

I have to say that Chen Yuanwai's method is not very clever, but the advantage lies in being straightforward, you can see how much money my family has, and now I have lent you almost all the money in the family.

Who would not be grateful.

Even if Xu Tong could see that Chen Yuanwai did it deliberately for himself, but he should cooperate with other people's performances, so he couldn't turn a blind eye.

Immediately bowed again and again: "Thank you, Mr. Yuezhang."

A word from Mr. Yuezhang made Chen Yuanwai instantly feel that the money was well spent.

The next process is much simpler, eating and listening to music, during which Xu Tong's lady from the Chen family also came to accompany, Xu Tong took a serious look this time, thinking: "Ma Hongwen's life is really serious. OK."

Although there are no details in the script, judging from Ma Hongwen's situation, as long as the Ma family relies on the Xiang family as a backer, even if the Datong Dynasty falls, the Ma Hongwen family will still live happily.

It can be said that in troubled times, a proper winner in life.


At this moment, a servant came over and whispered a few words in Mr. Chen's ear. Although the voice was very low, it couldn't be hidden from Xu Tong's eyes and ears.

"Master, something happened outside. I don't know what happened. Suddenly there was a rat disaster. Fortunately, there was no loss on our side, but I heard that many granaries were stolen, even the chicken feather house. There was a commotion, and some people were bitten by mice a lot.”

Chen Yuanwai just nodded his head when he heard the words and sent him away.

Xu Tong continued to listen to the music with an old god at ease.

Only when it was getting late did he get up to say goodbye and leave.

"Master, you gave him so much money, this money..."

The accountant waited for Xu Tong to leave, and then he walked outside to Officer Chen with a bitter face and complained.

"What are you afraid of?"

Yuan Chen pouted nonchalantly: "His father asked me for nearly 80 taels of silver last time. I have no intention of asking for such a large amount of money. So 5 taels is nothing."

When the accountant heard this, he immediately lost his temper.

At home, the big master is the biggest, how dare he say anything wrong, it's just distressing, 5 taels of silver, this money is not a small amount.

Seeing the bitter face of the accountant, Chen Yuanwai smiled instead: "One tael of silver, you can go to Gongdelin to order a table of meals, but if you use this tael of silver to buy a knife, you can eat it every day Got a free meal."

When the accountant heard this, he was thoughtful for a moment.

"But this too expensive."

"Good products are not cheap, but there are no good products. A peerless knife is worth it no matter how expensive it is. When the world is in chaos, if you don't have a knife, you can only become meat on the chopping board."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The accountant nodded, and went out with the account book in his arms. He just walked outside the door and shook his head with a smile: "Could it be possible for this dynasty to be chaotic?? I think the master is really old."

On the other hand, when Xu Tong returned home, it was already late at night.

The doorkeeper should have fallen asleep at this point, Xu Tong could have climbed over the wall and entered, but he knocked on the door anyway.

After a while, the door opened.

It's just that the person who opened the door was not the guy from the Ma family, but the old man from the Zhai Shenwenyuan.

"came back."

"Well, I'm back."

"Come in first."

Xu Tong walked in and followed the old gentleman.

"You were not at home a few days ago, where did you go?"

"I went out on business with Mr. Gong Jing."

Xu Tong replied, and said that he walked to the front, pushed open the door of the school room, entered the room and was about to light the lamp, but Mr. Wen Yuan frowned behind him: "No, I always feel that the light is too dazzling recently, don't light it up." stop."

But Xu Tong didn't stop, he still took out the match and lit the lamp.

There is a sentence in the mouth: "Yesterday, the bright moon was still the same as before, who will light the new lamp at night?"


Mr. Wen Yuan was taken aback, and couldn't help muttering a few times: "Whose poem is this? Have you never heard of it?"

"I don't know either. I happened to see it written in a book."

As Xu Tong said, he put on the lampshade, and the dim light suddenly illuminated the room. Mr. Wen Yuan looked at the lamp and couldn't help but turn his head sideways.

Xu Tong took a deep breath, the most important part of his plan, after all, was on the old gentleman.

After thinking about the lines in his heart, his expression quickly entered the state.

Mr. Wen Yuan was still pondering where the poem just now came from, when he suddenly heard sobbing faintly behind him.

Looking back, I saw Xu Tong lowered his head and shoulders trembling slightly, and occasionally sobbed loudly.

"Son, man, what are you crying for?"

Mr. Wen Yuan sat down, turned his back to the light, and held Xu Tong's arm and said with concern.


Xu Tong raised his head, his eyes were red and swollen, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop:

"That day when Mr. called me, I just thought it was my hallucination after drinking, and it was because I missed Mr. too much.

It wasn't until I heard Mr. Gong Jing talk about Yinshen that I realized that although Mr. Jing's body is ancient, his spirit is immortal.

Now that he is a god of heaven and earth, although Hongwen is happy, he knows that Mr. Do not enter the way of God, one step back will be an abyss, how dare you hide it from Mr. "


Wen Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then his face darkened immediately.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hurriedly said, "If you don't believe me, sir, look there."

Wen Yuan followed the direction of Xu Tong's finger, turned his head, and saw a huge mirror, standing there at some time, under the light, only Xu Tong's figure was seen in the mirror, but he did not see himself.

Seeing this, Mr. Wen Yuan stared wide-eyed, walked to the mirror in disbelief, and saw that there was no shadow of himself in the empty mirror.

There was a rumble in my mind, I heard the sound of suona, I heard bursts of crying, and the image of myself lying quietly in the coffin flashed in my eyes.

Sitting down on the chair, he was stunned for a moment before realizing: "I am dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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