Chapter 367
He's coming over here.

How far is it?

do not know.

Using the word "he" may be vague.

But I don't know who he is, Zhao Xusen?No, that's just a disguised human skin.

The real Zhao Xusen might have met Hades the day before he set off, or even earlier.

The reason why I can feel his existence is because of the powerful perception brought to me after the promotion of Fate Eye Qimen.

Looking at it, it was a poisonous snake. It swayed from the shining big knife, then quickly left the battlefield and ran towards this side.

Xu Tong looked at the sky, and could even see the big snake, with two pairs of dark green eyes looking towards him.

The resentful gaze made people feel a sense of suffocation.

Obviously he was being targeted.

"Brother Ma, the palace must be in chaos now, we might as well hide here."

Li Xi casually killed the surviving rebels and suggested to Xu Tong.

It's just that Li Xi didn't notice that at this moment, Xu Tong was squinting and staring at Li Xi's back, hesitating about another matter in his eyes.

Do you want to kill this guy now as a backup?

escape? ?

The moment this idea arose, it was flatly rejected by Xu Tong.

Because it's not a good idea.

Since the people of the New School decided to rebel and overthrow the Empress Dowager Shengci, the gates of the palace must have been blocked. Even if the Xiang family suddenly betrayed, these palace gates would never be opened hastily.

Perhaps relying on Ma Hongwen's identity, the guards who blocked the palace gate could let them escape.

But this is undoubtedly a gamble.

What if the person who closed the palace gate is not one of us, or has ulterior motives? ?

These defenders may not be their opponents, but as long as they delay themselves a little, or they don't intend to open the door at all.

When the poisonous snake catches up, with the means of the great master, he will definitely not be able to survive.

What's more, the trick by the river last time is definitely not good. Last time the opponent was unprepared to get the trick. This time, if he is prepared, how can the opponent give him a chance again.

So my chances of winning this time are too small.

So much so that Xu Tong began to ponder in his heart now, and killed Li Xi first as a backstop.

But after thinking about it again and again, Xu Tong's eyes suddenly noticed the vermilion door.

"Brother Ma! Brother Ma! What are you doing, don't mess around...don't mess around."

Seeing Xu Tong suddenly pick up the big knife on the ground, Li Xi stepped towards the gate, and hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him.

Xu Tong walked to the door and stopped.

"Xiao Xizi!"


"Last time in Lianshan County, do you remember when we were hunted down by mysterious people?"

"Eh, you were hunted down. When we woke up, we saw that you were almost dead."

Xu Tong nodded: "This guy will be here soon."


Li Xi was startled, it was fine if Xu Tong didn't say it, but when he said that, Li Xi immediately felt a strong sense of crisis.

With Li Xi's special fate, he was able to live to this day, no, he even survived the reform and opening up, and became a bastard, not only because of his luck, but also because he had a natural intuition for danger.

This kind of sense of danger is extremely sensitive, comparable to that of wild animals, and it is precisely because of this that Li Xi escapes death time and time again.

"Brother Ma!!"

Li Xi's hair stood on end, and he grabbed Xu Tong's arm, "I know a hidden place, so we can hide in it."

Xu Tong shook his head and refused: "It's okay for you to hide in, and there must be something wrong with me. The other party came after me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Xi to say anything else, he gently pushed his hand away.

"We hit it off right away. I used to think that you were very similar to a friend of mine, but then I even thought you were my friend. I believe that there is such a thing as fate in this world, and I also believe that there will always be karma in the world. , if we do it again, I think we can be good brothers and good confidants."


Li Xi's face was a little hot. From the day he was born, the world seemed to be targeting him. His parents wanted to drown him, and the children in the same village would always bully him.

Like other children, he had a strong fantasy about martial arts, so he met a peerless expert in his dream. This expert took a look at him, picked up a chopstick, and poked a hole in his heart.

Even my most respected master, in the end, just wanted to use me.

Li Xi hadn't heard such sincere words for a long, long time.

"Let's go, before the other party comes, go right away, or you won't be able to go if it's too late."

Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder and gently pushed him away.

"Brother Ma..."

"Let's go, find the safest place to hide. If I don't survive, then maybe one day in the future, you may meet another me. At that time, let's continue our brotherhood."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he cut off the iron chain on the gate in front of him with a knife, put his hands flat on the gate, and pushed in with all his strength.

Along with the opening of the door, a gust of cold wind made Li Xi tremble all over. The thick clothes on his body seemed to be unable to keep warm at all.

"Let's go!!"

Xu Tong turned his head and stared at him with red eyes.

"Brother Ma!! Take care!!"

Li Xi hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, turned around and walked towards the door, one step or two, then slowly accelerated until he threw off his arms and started running forward with his head buried.

Xu Tong could even hear Li Xi sobbing as he ran.

It's just that Li Xi didn't notice that a paper figurine was pasted on his back at some point.

Strangely, the paper figurine held a paper lotus in both hands, and within the lotus, a faint flame flickered, as if it could be extinguished at any time.

In the last script world, the master brought himself and Gao Zhuo to Mount Mang to find a fool.

At that time, in order to find out the situation in the cave, the master taught Xu Tong a trick on the spot, and hung a lamp to illuminate the road. (Chapter 110 of the fifth volume.)
Later, after researching, I found that this thing works well, but it is a bit flashy for me.

The so-called hanging lamps illuminate the road, but what the lights burn is one's own energy and primordial spirit.

Master, who is like the protagonist of destiny, has reached an unimaginable level of energy, and the natural fire is everywhere.

Compared with the master, I am just a blurred candlelight, and the slightest disturbance can extinguish the flame of myself.

But there is one thing about this thing that is true, the energy and energy that burns on it is separated from him, and this is the source that the other party is tracking.

So looking at Li Xi who was running farther and farther, the only thing Xu Tong could do was put his palms together and silently pray for his blessings.

"Run fast, may Buddha bless you! Amen, Hallelujah."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at the door in front of him that had been pushed open by him.

As I guessed before, the gate itself is the key to the seal, if you don't go through the gate, you can only see loneliness.

But if you enter through this door, it will be different.

I can't tell what is different, but at least, when I climbed over the wall and entered, there were not so many coffins in the huge yard in front of me.

After entering the door, Xu Tong turned and closed the door.

If the seal was as he had guessed, then this door should be able to completely isolate his aura. At least it is not so easy for this grand master to track him down.

The black coffins were neatly arranged in a row.

Every coffin is sealed with densely packed talisman papers.

Is it a means between reality and fiction?

Or is it a more sophisticated method? ?
Separated by a door, there are two worlds of yin and yang.

Such a magical method seems to be somewhat similar to the ghost market, but the difference is that the ghost market is naturally formed. If I insist on explaining it, there is a huge mass grave below, and the monstrous grievances have nowhere to vent. The accumulation of grievances has formed another crack. world.

But this is the Forbidden Palace in the capital, how could a mass grave be created.

After all, it's not the emperor, they're all figurines.

Therefore, in Xu Tong's view, the inner world in front of him can be understood as something artificially created.

However, even a grand master can't maintain the balance between fiction and reality all the time, let alone maintain it for hundreds of years.

Not to mention the great master, I am afraid that even the master blessed by the destiny cannot do this.

How on earth is this possible? ?
Curious, Xu Tong walked to a coffin and stretched out his finger.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"anyone there??"

"The community sends warmth, and a dragon is buried."

No one responded, Xu Tong simply tried to open the lid of the coffin, and pushed hard twice, but the lid did not move at all, and even the coffin did not shake at all.

With my own strength, let alone pushing a coffin, even a cow may not be able to withstand it.

But the coffin here seems to be firmly fixed on the ground.

The coffin in front of him could not be opened, so he could only continue walking inside to see what was inside.


There was a thick layer of withered grass under the feet, and it rustled when one stepped on it. '

The originally vibrant camphor tree in the courtyard has withered, dried up and cracked here, as if it might collapse at any time.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me... don't kill me... woo woo woo..."

Passing through the lotus gate, there was a burst of nagging cries.

Following the sound, he walked to the side ear room, and Xu Tong tilted his head to have a look.

A young eunuch was curled up in a corner, like a frightened little hedgehog, wishing he could curl himself into a ball.

"You are Little Lizi!"

I remember that Li Xi mentioned to himself last night that it was the missing little eunuch named Xiao Lizi, and someone saw him walk into this gate and never came out again.


Hearing someone calling him, as soon as Xiao Lizi looked up, he saw the head with its neck tilted. He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and even the braid at the back of his head was raised.

"You...don't kill me...don't kill me..."

"Why kill you? Are you Little Li? Do you know Li Xi?"

After hearing Xu Tong mention the familiar name Li Xi, Xiao Lizi was taken aback, his tense expression gradually relaxed, and he nodded.

It wasn't until Xu Tong came out from behind the door, revealing his apprentice's blue shirt, that Xiao Lizi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Xu Tong with both eyes: "Why are you wearing the blue shirt of the apprentice of Qin Tianjian?? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Oh, just recruited."

"Then why did you come in? You are crazy, you can't come to this place?"

"I'm here to warm you up."

"Warm? Who is Nuan??"

After Xiao Lizi finished speaking, he realized that the topic had gone off track, so he hurriedly called Xu Tong over: "Shhh, don't talk too loudly, look, all the girls are sleeping."

As soon as Xiao Lizi finished speaking, the surrounding coffins began to tremble slightly, and Xiao Lizi's face changed slightly when he saw this.

"Come on!"

As he spoke, he pulled Xu Tong to run to one side, until he came to a dilapidated palace.

The palace was dilapidated beyond words. It was empty inside, but there was a coffin in the center.

Xiao Lizi pushed him in: "Hurry up, hide, don't let them find out."

"Isn't there a coffin here too?"

Seeing where such a big coffin was placed in the room, Xu Tong couldn't help asking Xiao Lizi.

"Don't worry, that coffin hasn't been opened for a long time, you'll be fine if you hide here."

"how about you??"

"I, I'm fine. The most they can do is beat me up and let it go. You're different. You're alive. If they find you..."

Before Xiao Lizi finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced out: "Stop talking, remember, don't be born, they will go back to sleep in the coffin after a while, and then find a way to send you out."

After saying that, Xiao Lizi turned around and ran over.

After a while, the commotion outside became louder and louder.

Creak, creak, the sound of twisting coffin boards.

Immediately after the coffins were slowly opened one after another, the woman in a long skirt woke up from the coffin.

A sweet-looking girl let out a sigh, as if she had been asleep for a long time, stood up from the coffin, stretched out her arms, stretched her waist, took her head off her neck, and tidied it up casually. He brushed off his messy hair and put it back around his neck.

He raised his nose and sniffed the air, then smacked his mouth with a sleepy look: "Third sister, I really want to smell the smell of a living person!"

"A living person? I haven't seen a living person for more than ten years. Where did the living person come from? Are you hysterical?"

In another coffin, a woman slowly sat up straight and complained: "Last time I managed to trick one into it. I was thinking of putting it back in a few days so that he could bring in more living people. You guys are fine. I didn't pay attention." You eat people."

"Hey, I'm so hungry."

The woman grinned, revealing two dimples on the doll's face.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, the eldest sister is about to wake up, you can be careful, she has been sleeping for 30 years, and she doesn't know why she woke up today, hurry up, don't get up later and find you Be naughty, be careful that she picks your skin off."

"Then you have to have skin to peel."

The girl stuck out her tongue and jumped out of the coffin.

More and more coffins were gradually pushed away, but not all of them were women, and there were many men and maids inside.

"Greetings to the two masters."

Seeing that the two righteous masters had woken up, Xiao Lizi quickly crawled over and prostrated himself on the ground to pay his respects to the two daughters.

For this little eunuch with braided hair, the two women didn't have any affection at all, and the woman called Third Sister even kicked him angrily, stepping on Xiao Lizi's head.

"You bastard, I get angry when I see you. I don't have time to clean you up today. Later, when my eldest sister wakes up, I will peel off your skin and make a kite!"

Little Lizi was stomped on his head and didn't dare to say anything, but he was stunned for a moment when he heard it behind him, and he raised his head and said, "Princess is waking up?"

After speaking, my heart skipped a beat, and I looked back at the most inconspicuous palace: "It's broken! Isn't this sending people into the pit!"

 Originally, the two updates were written, but after the second update was written, it was not ugly, but it felt wrong, as if it was written crookedly, but it was too late to see the time, hesitated, and deleted it. Otherwise, it will become more and more crooked, and I will update it today. You guys should just pretend that I am asking for leave. I am helpless. I wrote a white ball all day.

(End of this chapter)

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