Infinite script kill

Chapter 386 Opportunity

Chapter 386 Opportunity
"God created the world and created man.

He warned that human beings must have the following excellent qualities if they want to be recognized by God.

Fraternity, humility, kindness, kindness, courage, justice, sacrifice.

Only those with such a noble character can feel God's calling, ascend to heaven, and become God's servants there.

On the contrary, for a series of degenerate behaviors such as degeneration, suicide, crime, alcoholism, abortion, etc., the soul will inevitably be sent to hell. "

Although there is no solemn and sacred atmosphere in the church, when Anritat stands on the street to give a speech, the people around him will involuntarily stop and stop their voices to listen to Anritat's voice.

Even though his Chinese can be called Pinxixi's bulk version, it doesn't affect the fascinating sense of sunshine in his voice.

It was obviously winter, and a gust of cold wind was blowing in the capital city, making people shiver even if they were wearing thick coats.

But when Anritat gave a speech, people listened to his voice, as if they really felt that most of the thick haze in the sky had dissipated, and the sun was shining on their bodies, feeling warm all over their bodies.

Even a beggar on the side of the road became more intoxicated when he heard it.

Perhaps this set of missionary rhetoric itself is endowed with a kind of magical power that makes people obsessed. After thousands of years of missionary process, it has been polished and streamlined, and it has been sublimated into an art.

The art of language.

Of course, not everyone likes such art.

Even engage in small damage.


A muffled cracking sound diverted the beggar's attention a little bit, and he frowned at the first moment, because such a familiar sound made him realize that his job might have been smashed.

But the kind voice of the priest in front of him made him still torn whether to turn his eyes away to look at the real job, or continue to immerse himself in the dream of heaven.


There was a second sound from the bowl, this time the sound was more muffled.

The beggar finally lowered his head and took a look. After all, the dream will finally wake up, and the rice bowl is his last property.


When the beggar looked down and saw the huge silver lump in the bowl, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

What the gospel, what God, go to hell with the piece of heaven that people yearn for in your mind.

These two pieces of white money are enough for him to go to the brothel on the street and enjoy the caress of a woman while smoking drugs. That is a paradise that can be seen and touched.

"Thank you, sir! I wish you good luck and wealth, prosperity, peace and prosperity, many children and grandchildren, and the six animals outside the house are prosperous, and Mount Tai is evergreen at home. The road to the God of Wealth is in front of the door, and the God of Peace is behind the door. Fu Lu Shou Xian Yuan plays chess , the queen mother's fairy peach tree..."

In other words, beggars also need professional counterparts.

Don't look at the beggar who doesn't know a single word, but when he sees the silver, the words on his mouth are so smooth, even if it's the New Year in an ordinary family, if you ask you to say a word of blessing to the elders, you may not be able to say it so completely and smoothly.

Regardless of whether the words are gross or not, whoever hears this will feel uncomfortable.

At least Xu Tong is very comfortable.

Xu Tong is comfortable, and the price of comfort is a piece of white money falling on the broken rice bowl of the beggar.

The beggar is going crazy.

He has never seen so much money in his life, which is enough for him to buy a house and land, and marry a big-ass wife.

Do not!I want to go to the smokehouse first, and take a sip of the regular drug cream. I will never use a latte pipe to smoke other people's cigarettes.

Thinking of this beggar, he wished he had two mouths and three mouths to praise the God of Wealth in front of him.

It's not enough to repeat what I just said three times. In the end, the survival in my stomach is really gone, so I just...

"You are my own grandpa, grandpa..."

The dramatic scene interrupted Anritat's speech, and also caused those who were about to follow Anritat's description to enter the kingdom of heaven with their thoughts back.

Seeing such a ridiculous scene, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Xu Tong shook his head, with only disappointment in his eyes.

When he threw down the first piece of silver, he saw a slight change in the beggar's fate with the help of the eye of fate.

When he dropped the second piece of silver, the beggar's fate seemed to have begun to develop for the better, but there seemed to be some hidden dangers.

When he dropped the third piece of silver, there was only a puff of smoke above the beggar's head, and a big hand protruded from the smoke. There were countless skeletons in the palm of the big hand, firmly grasping the beggar's head.

The palm full of skeletons seemed to be provocatively making a deep laugh towards Xu Tong, as if mocking him, trying to change the fate of a beggar.

Seeing this, Xu Tong became a little unhappy, and continued to throw a piece of silver into the beggar's bowl.

But the laughter of those skeletons grew harsher.

Xu Tong continued to lose, his eyes gradually became colder.

One ingot, two ingots, three ingots.

Looking at the white silver falling into the bowl, the beggar's mind has already begun to lose his mind.

Even in dreams, you want money to fall from the sky, but one day when the dream comes true, the beggar suddenly finds himself at a loss.

He knelt in front of Xu Tong, kept kowtow, even called grandpa, daddy, and finally... woof woof.

The people around were also laughing, and their eyes gradually became weird, until Xu Tong stopped throwing money, and started throwing bank notes, the kind of 100 taels at a time.

The eyes and expressions of everyone were also changing their emotions rapidly following the amount of silver.

From playful to weird.

From weird to shocking.

Then to envy, even jealousy.

But what they don't know is that the beggar's inner emotions are also changing.

From joy to ecstasy to shock, until now, there is only fear left.

It seemed that every time a bank note fell, it seemed that a hand was holding his throat, which made him feel inexplicably terrified.

Why are you giving me so much money for no reason?

What do you want me to do? ?

Still want my life? ?

But my life is not worth so much money!

Facing the sudden fear, the beggar suddenly screamed and got up from the ground, stood up and ran without even taking a single piece of silver, shouting while running: "I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it anymore!" ..."

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the number above the beggar's head, he found that the number had changed back to its original appearance. The gray cloud of smoke and the skeleton hands seemed to be torn apart invisible.

Picking up the silver on the ground again, Xu Tong felt a little confused.

I can change the fate of so many people, why can't I even change the fate of a beggar? ? ?
This kind of confusion even made people doubt themselves for a while.

It's like Song Zuer ran to a fat man named Guoshui and said, "I am willing to marry you and give you a big villa."

In the end, he was ruthlessly rejected by Guo Shui: "Don't try to trick me into repaying the mortgage with you."

Well, that's not an apt metaphor.

But Xu Tong's current mood is no different from Song Zuer's. In the end, he was not able to change the fate of a beggar, which really shocked him and fell into a kind of self-doubt.

"My good friend, though I would love to welcome you, you have ruined one of my sermons."

Anritat stepped forward and said to Xu Tong with a dark face.

Xu Tong spread his hands helplessly: "As you can see, I am trying to practice generosity and dedication. I accidentally interrupted your sermon, which is something I never thought of."

Anritat pouted: "There is no doubt that you have never disappointed God in terms of generosity."

"However, there are many ways to be generous, such as donating money to churches, which can make God's glory brighter and illuminate the hearts of more lost lambs."

Giving money to others is kindness, only giving money to the church is considered giving.

"Thank you, Bishop. In fact, this is exactly what I thought, but the premise is that the church needs to be built as soon as possible."

When it came to this topic, Anritat looked very helpless. To rebuild the church, money alone is not enough, especially in this sensitive period.

Even if you want to recruit a group of craftsmen at a high price, it is very difficult.

Hearing Anritat's complaints, Xu Tong said that this matter is not difficult, and he can come forward to ask the bosses who run casinos, tobacco dens, and even brothels in Foreigner's Street to come forward to help.

If they don't want to, revoke their legal rights in the foreigner's area and drive them out of the foreigner's area.

"Well, that's a great proposition."

Anritat nodded, feeling that this Young Master Ma was not as stupid as he had heard in the capital.

"Okay, let's talk about business."

Seeing that Xu Tong had said almost everything, he changed his voice and looked at Anritat seriously.

Sensing the serious look on this generous benefactor's father, Anritat couldn't help but get nervous.

"This is Huaxia!"

Xu Tong said word by word.

Anritat was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"But that demon named Lilith has been pestering me recently, are you sure, when the church is built, will I really be able to get protection from the distant gods??

What I mean is, whether you speak of gods or demons, in our oriental mythology system, their power...seems a bit weak. "

After hearing Xu Tong's words, Anritat frowned.

If anyone else had said that, he wouldn't have hesitated to call on Chana and smash the man to a pulp with her metal steam fists.

But helplessly, the person in front of him is Ma Hongwen, his father who is the biggest benefactor.

So he could only explain patiently: "I know your worries, but please believe me, the relationship between the gods is not as simple as you imagine, as long as you reach the opportunity of the gods, the gods will be able to connect with you. "


Xu Tong grasped these two words very keenly.

"That's right, as I said just now, human beings cannot decide their own origin, but they can choose their own ending. Justice, kindness, sacrifice, and even your generosity will all be opportunities for the gods to call you."

Anritat explained patiently.

Xu Tong thought for a while, as if digesting the information in Anritat's words, but another picture still appeared in his mind.

The blood and the corpse, and the protagonist of the corpse is himself!

(End of this chapter)

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