Chapter 396
There is a saying in the animal world that in front of elephants, even a group of lions is just a matter of quantity.

But in fact, when the number reaches a certain level, let alone lions, even ants can devour an elephant.

What's more, the elephant itself has been gutted, and its life is not long.

One corpse after another slowly climbed up, for the great master, Gao Zhuo almost gave up everything this time, contributing all his family wealth.

Xu Tong was also unambiguous. Not only did he summon Fatty again, but he also splashed out large pieces of paper figurines.

These paper figurines are not big, each one is the size of a palm.

But the number is surprisingly large.

After the upgrade of the paper craftsman's book, there is almost no limit to the number of paper figurines he can manipulate.

As long as you can control it, it's fine.

And it just so happens that I have [The Tribulation of Star Eyes] and the reward I got after the end of the last script world [Master of Colored Plays]

The passive 1 that comes with the catastrophe of the star eye: the toucher, can increase the control ability of the holder by 20%.

And Caixi Master's increase is even higher, the passive skill Skillful Hand can increase the control ability of the holder by 30%
Coupled with the dark physique, under the night sky, all skills have been greatly increased.

It is not difficult for me to control these paper figurines.

Li Jinxi saw a large number of zombies and paper figurines rushing towards him, he was frightened and angry, and decided to make a quick decision, so he took the initiative to rush in, his fingers were like swords, and he rushed straight to Xu Tong and Xu Tong.

Along the way, those zombies couldn't even parry for a round, and they were cut in half by the sword light in an instant.


Gao Zhuo narrowed his eyelids, and said a word with his lips: "Explosion!"

The cut corpse seemed to be injected with high-pressure gas instantly, and the muscles on it swelled irregularly, and then exploded with a "bang!"

Blood and broken bones hit Li Jinxi's body like bullets, which caught him off guard for a moment, and several wounds were cut on his body.

At the same time, a large number of paper figurines swarmed in. The lethality of these paper figurines definitely couldn't cause any harm to Li Jinxi, but there were enough of them to form a stream of paper to cover Li Jinxi's face all the time.

You can imagine what it's like to have hundreds of flies swirling around your head.

Even when these paper figurines were stuck to his face, Li Jinxi felt that he was going crazy, and he slapped it from the air, and between the virtual and the real, there appeared a spider web of cracks in the space in front of him.

The paper figurine in front of him instantly turned into ashes.

Taking advantage of this short moment, Li Jinxi took a look, and instantly felt like his nose was crooked, and he saw that Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo had already run far away.

What's even more hateful is that Xu Tong is still throwing out paper figurines, as if endlessly.

In fact, this thing is really worthless. At most, the cost of deducting two script points each time is deducted.

But in exchange for Li Jinxi's slap just now, it was a bloody profit.

After all, the slap on him and Gao Zhuo may not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, from the very beginning, Xu Tong had no intention of confronting this grand master face to face. His goal was very clear, which was to drag Li Jinxi into this quagmire step by step. I am exhausted.

And what they want to play is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Li Jinxi wanted to rush over, but one of his legs was almost disabled, and the injuries on his body became more and more serious. After thinking for a while, Li Jinxi finally realized that he had almost no room to fight back against Xu Tong's shameless tactics.

Is there really no way?

Of course not, if it were Xue Gui, Shu Yuqing, or even Li Xilai, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo's little tricks, it would be death.

But Li Jinxi couldn't do it. Although he was a grand master, even with a high level of cultivation, his grand master was very watery.

He can become a great master, on the one hand, because of his good mentality, and on the other hand, because of the accumulation of resources in the palace.

But if you want to talk about actual combat, I'm sorry, whoever is full will fight with such a powerful eunuch like him.

There are only a handful of cases where Li Jinxi really fought with others, and they are all the kind of killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

It is precisely because he has no real combat experience that Li Jinxi becomes more passive at this moment.

Finally, Li Jinxi's heart surged with anger, as if he could no longer stand this kind of harassment, or maybe he didn't want to continue to sit still.

Cross your hands in front of your chest, and wave your palms with a wave of mighty energy, pushing them forward forcefully.

Twelve palms of Tiangang.

The origin cannot be checked, there are twelve palms in total, those who have achieved great success in cultivation can unleash thousands of troops.

Jiahuang has been in the arsenal for three years.

Li Jinxi was not proficient in this set of palms, he just felt that it was too domineering and didn't suit him very well, but at this moment, his heart surged up, and he didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

It was as if a truck traveling at high speed directly crashed into the crowd of corpses. In an instant, the corpses in front of them were torn into pieces in the air waves, and even the pieces of paper were shaken into powder.

The power to sweep away thousands of troops is simply unstoppable.

In an instant, there was a mess in front of them, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo also froze for a second, looking at the wreckage and broken arms in front of them, they couldn't help but secretly stunned, if this hit themselves, they would probably be crippled even if they didn't die.


After a slap, Li Jinxi's face turned black, but his mouth and nose were bleeding uncontrollably. Those triangular eyes stared at Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo. The resentful eyes made people feel as if they were being targeted by the first poisonous snake.


Unexpectedly, when Xu Tong saw this, he left the big fat palace behind, dragged Gao Zhuo and ran away, and he didn't plan to fight Li Jinxi any more.

"I want to run, is there time?"

Without the entanglement of those paper figurines and corpses, even with a broken foot, Li Jinxi is not afraid that the two of them will escape from under his nose.

I saw Li Jinxi standing on his head with his arms instead of his feet, and his speed was still astonishingly fast.

Xu Tong glanced back, at a distance of [-] meters, this guy caught up behind the two of them almost instantly.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help complaining: "You don't go to the Paralympic Games, what a loss to the Paralympic Games."

"You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!"

Hearing this, Eunuch Li's face became more ferocious, and he raised his hand to grab Xu Tong's back.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo pushed Xu Tong away, his body quickly turned into a corpse, and he kicked Li Jinxi's head. Instead of hurting Li Jinxi, Li Jinxi spat out a bloody arrow and pierced his chest.

Gao Zhuo swayed, and the blood arrow tore a three-finger-long gash in his chest.

However, what Li Jinxi didn't expect was that after the blood arrow pierced through Gao Zhuo's chest, instead of retreating, Gao Zhuo punched Li Jinxi's back instead.


Li Jinxi's eyes widened, and the sharp pain from his spine made his arms go limp, and his lower body also went limp, and he lost his center of gravity and fell heavily to the ground.

On the side, Xu Tong's face darkened slightly. There was also a wound on his chest, and bright red blood was flowing out from the wound.

It turned out that the reason why Gao Zhuo was able to resist the blood arrow was not only because he quickly turned into a corpse to enhance his own resistance, but also because Xu Tong shared a large part of the damage for him.


Active Skill 1: Righteousness

Consumes 30 script points. After activation, when there are more than 30 teammates within 2 meters around you, the damage you receive will be shared equally.

There was a burst of dust, Li Jinxi turned over, managed to get up from the ground, pointed at Gao Zhuo with a flick of a finger, and a sword qi struck him.

Rao Gao Zhuo reacted quickly and the sword light almost split him in half.

"Eunuch Li!"

At this moment, Xu Tong's voice made Li Jinxi turn around, only to see Xu Tong folded his hands in front of his chest, bowing heavily to him.


Li Jinxi didn't think about it when he saw this, he didn't know that this guy suddenly begged him, did he want to ask for mercy? ?
However, in the next second, Li Jinxi sensed that something was wrong, a crack opened behind him, and with the roar of the horse, a cavalry rushed out from behind him, and the horse stomped heavily on his back.


One horseshoe after another made Li Jinxi feel that his internal organs were about to be displaced, and his face was black and purple.

Xu Tong succeeded in one blow, grabbed Gao Zhuo and ran away.

While running wildly, he didn't forget to take a look at Li Jinxi's fate. As expected of an evergreen ancient pine, it was about to break in two, yet Li Jinxi held his breath.

This made Xu Tong once again refresh his views on the vitality of the great master.

Let alone one breath, even with half breath left, Xu Tong didn't dare to risk his life to make a joke, and dragged Gao Zhuo all the way to the direction of Qin Tianjian, anyway, the old eunuch wouldn't live long.

At worst, he ran into the second floor of the Qin Tianjian, closed the gate, and waited until the main mission was over before coming out, not afraid that the old eunuch would survive.

However, before the two of them entered the compound of Qin Tianjian, they bumped into a group of people head-on.

This group of people wore the unique costumes of the White Lotus Sect and held swords in their hands.

The leader was a middle-aged man, dressed in a white robe and wearing a Taoist crown on his head. What Xu Tong didn't expect was that Le Rou was also there.

When the group saw Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, they were also stunned.

But soon someone came back to his senses.

"It's Ma Hongwen, hack this bastard to death!!"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo curled his lips: "Head, did you activate that mocking doll, why are people coming to chop you up everywhere?"

"Fart, I haven't activated it yet." Xu Tong cursed.

Seeing this group of people rushing up, Xu Tong moved his ears and pulled Gao Zhuo to rush up, shouting as he rushed, "Eunuch Li, the rebels are all here!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Jinxi chased after him.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the guy with disheveled hair rushing up behind the two of them, after all, Li Jinxi's appearance at the moment was really intrusive.

However, he was always wearing an official uniform, so he immediately rushed towards Li Jinxi.

However, at this moment, the Taoist standing behind raised his eyelids; "No, get out of the way." After the words fell, the figure of the Taoist had already rushed in front of Li Jinxi, and he swung a long sword in his hand. A full moon-like sword light slid out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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