Chapter 398

Gu Changfeng was taken aback. He didn't expect that there would be a master hidden here.

Surprised, he waved his palms, and he saw a stormy sea rising in front of him. The waves piled on top of each other, layer upon layer, presenting an overwhelming momentum
However, Fu Anning's offensive in front of him remained unchanged, with five fingers spread out, a talisman manifested in the palm, and a thunderbolt burst out from the palm.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

In just a short moment, there was a surge of energy between the two, and they had already exchanged several moves.

Although Gu Changfeng is strong, he is the second player after all. After passively parrying several moves, Fu Anning caught the gap and punched him right on the shoulder.


The sound of tearing muscles and bones made Gu Changfeng's heart ruthless. Regardless of the injury, he held the hilt of the sword with the other hand, and the sword edge whizzed, making a terrible buzzing sound.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of Fu Anning, and the bright rays of the sun filled his eyes.

Seeing this, Fu Anning was startled, his flesh and blood squirmed and his veins bulged, he opened his mouth to spit out a black light, and slammed into the sword's edge.

The moment the two collided, the surrounding air seemed to be twisted together.

Xu Tong stood at the door and stared at it with wide eyes. Through the strange door of fate, he could see that the numbers above their heads collided with each other.

If the strength of the great masters is not far apart, the winner will depend entirely on their own fate.

Those with strong fate will have the help of God, and those with weak fate will lose their lives.

A bright moon floated above the head of the White Lotus Sect Leader, and in the middle of the moon was a white lotus. The lotus flower shone with luminous light, eternal and ethereal.

But at this moment, the white lotus was entangled by a big blood-red snake. The big snake opened its mouth and spit out billowing black smoke, as if it wanted to cover the sky and cover the sun, and spit out the snake letter as if it wanted to swallow the white lotus.

Obviously, the leader of Bailian does not have the advantage, and he is one point weaker than Fu Anning in terms of fate.

This level of confrontation is extremely rare in this era.

For a person like Xu Tong who has a vision of fate, he can get different insights every time.

But he can't control that much now, what he was waiting for was such an instant, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he threw a [Lingrou Live Blood Pill] into his mouth, with a bloodthirsty frenzy on his face, and took out a Take the black hole pistol.

However, the muzzle of the gun was not aimed at the two people in the fierce battle, but aimed at the dragon ball on the dome and pulled the trigger.


The bullet pierced through the dragon ball, and instantly exploded into a scorching flame.

Pale golden flames poured down like a pot of hot magma.

Fu Anning and Gu Changfeng's expressions changed drastically at the same time, they didn't expect such a moth to appear.

Immediately let go at the same time, Gu Changfeng grabbed the picture of Shenglong, while Fu Anning turned around and ran for his life.

He is too aware of the horror of this flame, and he is afraid that it will be contaminated in the slightest.

However, when he rushed to the door of the building, he was dumbfounded. He saw a huge paper figurine in front of him, blocking the door forcibly. The paper figurine had a ferocious face and a dark red fire from its mouth and nose...

"Little bastard!!!"

Fu'anning's roar was soon drowned out by the strong light flashing in front of him, followed by a devastating explosion, and the entire Qin Tianjian trembled instantly.

The sudden explosion was beyond everyone's expectation.

Those White Lotus Cultists hadn't recovered before they were blown away by the huge flames.

Countless shattered sawdust flew in mid-air, and some unlucky people were directly pierced by sawdust.

Xu Tong was also uncomfortable. The moment he released the fat man, he had already rushed down to the attic. Facing the Bailian Cultist standing in front of him, Xu Tong punched him and activated his magic power at the same time. The dazzling blue Flames poured out from the fist, instantly igniting it.

But in such a short moment, he was engulfed by huge flames behind him.

In an instant, the only thing Xu Tong could do was to activate the power of the demon king. The power of the demon king activated by consuming 40% of the script points undoubtedly had an absolutely powerful superposition of attributes.

Covering the whole body with the armor of the magic flame incarnation, it is completely immune to most of the fire damage.

But even so, the explosion shock wave generated in such a narrow space still shattered the armor on his body immediately, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken string.


Everything fell into the deadly darkness, and I don't know how long it has been. Xu Tong only felt that his cochlea had been ringing, and he couldn't hear anything else.

Even my head was stunned for a while, and I couldn't think of anything.

Fortunately, with the strong resilience of the dark physique, coupled with the strong resilience of a [Ling Rou Huoxue Pill], Xu Tong gradually began to regain consciousness and focus his attention.

When he opened his eyelids, in his blurred vision, a black shadow stood in front of him. He wanted to see more clearly, but he blinked hard but it was still blurry.

However, the sound of the oncoming breaking wind made him immediately vigilant, and when he rolled suddenly, he felt something hit the ground, and the flying debris hit his back, stinging and stinging.

"Damn, this little bastard is not dead yet, kill him!"

This time Xu Tong heard clearly that it was the voice of the bearded elder, but his vision still hadn't recovered, and he could only vaguely see groups of shadows surrounding him and killing him.

His eyes couldn't see clearly, so Xu Tong could only keep avoiding it.

Fortunately, the ears have gradually recovered their hearing, and they can hear Da Ya's voice: "Teacher, let me see with my eyes!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong raised his heels, and suddenly his big girl threw himself on Xu Tong's back. Suddenly, Xu Tong's pupils gradually shrank, and quickly turned into a pair of blue animal pupils of a fox.

Now he could finally see clearly.

I saw a mess in front of my eyes, and the whole Qin Tianjian behind me seemed to have been blown down, half of which had disappeared, while the rest of the building was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this, Xu Tong immediately glanced around and saw that Gao Zhuo was being entangled by four masters of the White Lotus Sect, and the situation was not optimistic.

Turning his eyes again, he saw Lerou lying on the ground.

This girl was the weakest, she was stunned in the first moment of the explosion.

Maybe it's because of the armor-like scale protection on her body. Although she looked very embarrassed, after careful observation, she found that Le Rou was not injured.

"The boy killed you!"

The bearded man raised his knife and killed him. As the elder of the White Lotus Sect, even if the bearded man is not a great master, he is still surprisingly strong.

When the blade is raised, it gives people a sense of oppression like Mount Tai.

Xu Tong snorted coldly, flew away, crossed his hands, and bowed heavily to the bearded man in front of him.

The bearded man was stunned, apparently he didn't understand why he should pay New Year's greetings all of a sudden when his death was imminent.

However, following this bow, the bearded man's head buzzed, as if someone hit him on the head with a hammer.

In an instant, the eyes went dark, and the whole person stumbled and fell backwards.

"Damn, this kid sneak attack!"

The bearded man fell backwards, but his body did not fall to the ground as he expected. Instead, he kept falling. He didn't realize until he regained consciousness and opened his eyes.

The space in front of him was upside down, and he actually fell into an abyss. On the cliffs on both sides of the abyss were countless palaces and palaces, criss-crossing and faintly seeing some vague ghosts flickering inside.

"Between fiction and reality!!"

The bearded man was startled, but he rejected the idea in an instant. If it was really a falsehood, he would already be a corpse at this moment.

If it weren't for the reality... Thinking of this, the bearded man made a formula with his hands, and silently recited the White Lotus Heart Sutra, and white light suddenly bloomed all over his body. Wherever the white light irradiated, the space in front of him actually faded and disappeared.

It is neither fiction nor reality, and everything in front of me is illusion, as long as the mind is strong, it can be completely broken.

What the bearded man thought was right, but the power of Baishankou was so unbelievable.

Following Xu Tong's second bow, he fell down.

"Da da da da..."

In the depths of the abyss, a cavalry galloped out holding a big banner, swooping towards the bearded man like a torrent.

When the bearded man saw this, he was startled, but soon he firmly believed that everything was fake...


The spear whistled and pierced the bearded man's chest directly. When the hot blood splashed on the bearded man's face, the bearded man opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at Xu Tong who was standing at the other end of the crack.

It seemed at this time that he remembered that Gu Changfeng had said before that he was no match for this kid. He didn't believe it at the time, but he didn't realize until now that it was really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead.

Baishankou is a unique technique created by master Xue Gui. Xu Tong can't really master it now. Everything in front of him is illusory, but the evil spirits he has absorbed in it are real.

There is reality in the imaginary, and there is emptiness in the reality. Although it is not as good as the great master who created things out of thin air, it is also difficult for a person who does not know the basics like the bearded man.

The cavalryman turned around and picked two iron hooks towards the bearded man's shoulders. The bearded man couldn't help struggling. The iron hooks pierced through the flesh and dragged the bearded man straight into the depths of the abyss until he disappeared.

Xu Tong took the mountain worship button away, and saw that the bearded man's body had fallen on the ground, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he looked like he was dying.

After getting rid of the bearded man, Xu Tong was about to help Gao Zhuo get rid of those guys around him, when he suddenly noticed something, activated the Mingyan Qimen and looked into the sea of ​​flames, his little face suddenly became bitter.

"This is not dead??"

As he spoke, he picked up Lerou who was on the ground, took out the AK from the item book, pointed it at Gao Zhuo and swept it around.

Accompanied by the firing of the gun and the bullets fired, the people who had been besieging Gao Zhuo panicked and tried to dodge in a hurry.

Gao Zhuo wanted to take this opportunity to kill a few people to vent his anger, but Xu Tong grabbed him and said, "Don't delay, let's go, the unlucky prisoner inside is about to come out."

As he spoke, he dragged Gao Zhuo to the vermilion gate and kicked the gate open.

As soon as the door opened, a piercing wind blew in. The cold wind was blowing on the face, as sharp as a knife, and there was a thick smell of blood and rancidity in the air. Immediately, Xu Tong pulled Gao Zhuo and rushed in.

The two rushed into the gate with their front feet, and there was a strange sound in the sea of ​​fire behind them.

I saw a figure jumping out from the sea of ​​flames, stumbled and fell to the ground, completely embarrassed, it was Gu Changfeng himself.

When everyone saw Gu Changfeng, they couldn't help being frightened by Gu Changfeng's appearance. The leader who was originally a fairy, now only has half of his face left.

The Taoist robe on his body was also burnt badly, and everyone rushed to him, fed him pills, and performed exercises to heal his wounds, which made Gu Changfeng feel relieved.

The bloody face was slowly lifted up, and he pointed into the sea of ​​flames behind him.

Everyone looked back and was shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw a bloody figure in the sea of ​​flames emitting a puff of smoke. There was no flesh on his body, like a half-cooked rabbit that had been skinned and roasted. Struggling to crawl out from the sea of ​​fire.

"kill him!"

Gu Changfeng's voice was terribly hoarse, as if he was screaming with all his strength. Hearing this, all the elders immediately raised their swords and rushed forward to strike at the bloody man.

"Ah! It's...!"

Seeing the sword falling head-on, the blood man's eyes widened and he couldn't help roaring, but his head was split off in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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