Chapter 432

In the 27th year of Jiajing, the governor of Pianyuan reorganized the road planning of Xiangxi counties and towns, with a total of [-] counties.

Officials under the Qin Tianjian, deputy supervisor Zhengnan Zhengguo, Baozhang Zhengqi Xiangjun, Qihuzheng Zhao Dongqing, Si Li Wang Yu, Si Chen Sun Jinji and other officials, a total of 12 people, 370 five people served in the military, and 78 local strangers were called along the way , Entering Hunan for drawing, a total of three years and July 28 days.

Among them, 27 evil caves and tombs were eradicated.

Three illegal tombs were destroyed.

There are 21 caves and 39 evil caves.

To kill evil spirits, led by King Jiue Minggui, there are 48 mountain spirits and ghosts.

Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Map, although the name has pictures, it is a book, and the opening Chapter 1 is surprising.

Compared with the Qin Tianjian in the script world this time, just the opening title page makes people doubt whether the Qin Tianjian that Xu Tong entered is fake!

Just the number of officials inside is enough to show how large the Qin Tianjian was during the Jiajing period.

Not to mention, summoning aliens along the way, the terrifying number of 72 people, in Xu Tong's eyes, this TN can already form a strengthened platoon of aliens.

With such a luxurious lineup, marching into Xiangxi in a mighty way, it is natural to turn Xiangxi upside down.

In fact it is.

It records in detail the locations of all the spiritual caves and caves in western Hunan.

On the last page of the book, there is also a sheepskin map for easy reading and comparison.

Since Gao Zhuo came home last night, he lay on the bed and began to read this book. When he opened the book, he first looked for records about the Yin-Yang Cave.

The records above are also very detailed.

Yinyang Cave is located under the eastern mountains of Wuling Mountains, in Heifengtan, and is covered by spring water all year round. Only in June in summer, the entrance of the cave will occasionally appear.

There are three treasures in it, the flesh and blood Lingzhi stone, the ten thousand year blood flat peach, and the Yaoshan dragon ball.

There is a keel to open the way, extremely dangerous, deep access to yin and yang, guarded by evil spirits, passing through the keel, there are small yin cao, there are three thousand evil spirits, immortals can't get back after entering.

After passing the Yin Cao, you can see the Dragon Ball...

Whether the above content is true or not is unknown, but seeing that the place is actually deep in the Wuling Mountains, this inevitably makes Gao Zhuo feel a little bit guilty.

Xiangxi is the hometown of seedlings. Deep in the Wuling Mountains is a no-man's land, who knows what's inside.

Since the reform and opening up to the present, science and technology have developed, but even if a well-equipped geological expert enters, once encountering danger, no one can tell what will happen.

Even if his current strength is guaranteed, the strength of his grandfather and Mr. Xue back then was by no means inferior to theirs now.

Looking at the above description, the situation in this yin and yang cave is more complicated than they thought.

Regarding this, Xu Tong said on the side that he can talk to his master Xue Gui first tonight and listen to his opinion.

Although he said so on the lips, he didn't take the Yin-Yang Cave seriously in his heart.

You can say that he is inflated or confident.

After all, there is still a grandpa standing behind my house to take care of you all the time, whoever you are will not be inflated.

Xu Tong suddenly had the ability to understand why the younger brother Ma who came from the Northeast was so inflated and dared to trouble Shu Yuqing.

Thinking about his family in the Northeast, his situation is probably similar to his own, with several generations behind him as his backer.

If you didn't agree to fight with you, and you cried and called your parents, they would call all your [-] generations of ancestors over, so your confidence would naturally be much stronger.

When Gao Zhuo heard the same reasoning, he put aside the matter of the Yin-Yang Cave first, and then started to read the contents of other places.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Gao Zhuo is completely fascinated by the content of the book, and it's noon in a blink of an eye, he is not willing to let it go, and he still looks more and more enthusiastic.

Even Gao Zhuo's wife, Fengxia, came to ask him to eat, and urged him three times to invite him four times. In the end, Gao Tianfang pulled him off the bed with a stick.

Even so, Gao Zhuo didn't forget to hold his book and read it carefully while eating.

"If you had this energy when you were in school, you would have been admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University long ago, and let me honor my ancestors."

Gao Tianfang was furious when he saw him take a bite and take a look.

"Father, look at this place. At the beginning, I remembered that Grandpa and Mr. Xue seemed to be looking for this place called the Great Burial Pit. It seems that there is really one. It is here. Or I will take a shovel to dig a few times some other day. Look."

Gao Tianfang glanced sideways when he heard the words, and almost spit out the food in his mouth.

Good guy, isn't that the place where the family enshrines their ancestors?

"You little bastard, eat when you eat, read when you read, bring it to me!! See if I don't beat you to death."

"Don't, this is my lifeline!!"

"You bastard, stop!!"

The father and son put down their bowls and chopsticks and ran after each other, making the lunch very lively.

Xu Tong sat aside and looked at the father and son who were still chasing and fighting at such an old age, and he didn't know why he suddenly missed Master a little bit.

Gao Tianfang's physical strength must not be able to catch up with Gao Zhuo.

Angrily, he went back to the table and continued to eat. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, he poured Xu Tong a glass of wine and cursed: "You son of a bitch, I don't know that trying to make me a grandson is a serious business now. What the hell are you looking for with this book in your hand?"

Naturally, Gao Zhuo didn't tell Gao Tianfang that the reason he studied so hard was to find his grandfather's lost soul, otherwise I believe Gao Tianfang wouldn't be so angry.

But what is certain is that if Gao Tianfang knew about this, he would definitely stop him.

After all, the Yinyang Cave is not just for fun. Back then, Xue Gui and the old man of the Gao family came back in embarrassment. If Gao Zhuo were to go down again, if something happened, the incense of the Gao family would be over.

"Hey! It's just the three of us today, Fengxia and Aunt Li."

Xu Tong suddenly remembered something at this time, and asked Gao Tianfang aside, because he and Gao Tianfang were of the same generation, when in front of Gao Tianfang, he would change his address to Aunt Li, so that Gao Tianfang It sounds a little more pleasing to the ear.

"Fengxia is going to the market to buy some fabrics to make clothes. As for her, I don't know where she is. It's good if I don't come, so I won't be upset when I see it."

Although Gao Tianfang could maintain Grandma Li on the surface, he still didn't like to see her in his heart.

I didn't see her coming today, but I was actually thinking about it.

Xu Tong nodded without thinking too much. After all, this grandma Li is also a master of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. I have been unable to see through her fate before. Now that I have broken through the master, when I see you next time, I just want to see her. Let's see how sacred this Grandma Li is.

After eating and tidying up briefly, Xu Tong went back to his room to rest.

Just as he lay down, the phone rang. Xu Tong picked up the phone and saw that the person displayed on it was Director Wang.

This made Xu Tong slap his head, living too richly in the Datong Dynasty, he even forgot his real work.

After pressing the answer button, I heard Director Wang's inquiry, asking him why he didn't come to work today, and whether he should go and see him.

Xu Tong hurriedly said that he didn't have to wait a few days to finish his family affairs before going back to work, so that Director Wang put his heart back in his stomach.

In fact, after the self-proclaimed Eye Qimen has been promoted to LV4, changing the fate of ordinary people is no longer able to increase one's own proficiency.

The job of an insurance company became irrelevant to him.

It's just that Xu Tong doesn't intend to lose this job, always staying at Gao Zhuo's house will make him very boring.

Instead, I can use the name of the insurance company to get in touch with all kinds of people and observe their every move. For me, it is not only a supplement to my acting skills, but also a unique joy.

At night, Fengxia came back.

With all kinds of bought things, he said he was going to make a new dress for Gao Zhuo.

Gao Tianfang on the side smiled and praised his daughter-in-law for living a good life.

After finishing speaking, he kicked Gao Zhuo to the side, signaling the brat not to focus on reading.

Gao Zhuo lowered his head from beginning to end, glancing at Feng Xia's face from time to time, and Gao Zhuo vomited just looking at it.

After all, I have been in Datong for too long, and the face that I have finally gotten used to is now strange again, and it is inevitable to get used to it again.

Fengxia was not angry about this, after all, Gao Zhuo's behavior after turning off the lights at night was still very brave.

"Fengxia, don't go out all the time these days. I heard today that things haven't been peaceful recently. It's said that a murder happened nearby."

Gao Tianfang seemed to think of something, and asked Fengxia.

"Oh... I heard about it when I was at the market today."

Fengxia thoughtfully recalled the rumors at the market in the morning: "I heard from the vegetable seller... It seems that seven people died, some old and some young."

Xu Tong lowered his head and asked, "How did you die?"

"I don't know, my aunt was talking wonderfully at the time, but as soon as I approached her, she vomited..."

Gao Tianfang and the three bowed their heads silently.

Fengxia was also a little embarrassed, picked up the vegetable basket and went to the kitchen to cook.

Don't look at Fengxia's strange appearance, but the dishes she cooks are absolutely delicious.

Simple home-cooked stir-fries are not inferior to those restaurants and restaurants in terms of taste and appearance, and the most important thing is that each dish gives people a very down-to-earth fireworks.

What do you want to say is smokey... It's hard to describe, but eating it in your mouth can make you feel home.

Six dishes and one porridge made the three big men gobble it up.

Xu Tong even felt that, apart from Lilith's fried beef, Fengxia's cooking was definitely the best food he had ever eaten, even better than the super chefs in the hotels in the exhibition.

"If you're not a player, it's not bad to open a restaurant."

"But who let me be."

Gao Zhuo shrugged helplessly, and the two walked towards the backyard. The backyard is the Gao family's corpse refining place. Besides Gao Tianfang, even Grandma Li can easily come in.

After Gao Zhuo locked the courtyard door, he led Xu Tong inside.

As soon as he entered the yard, Xu Tong felt a biting cold air under his feet, and when he looked carefully, he found that the ground was dark, with a faint silver shimmer.

Xu Tong looked at Gao Zhuo, and Gao Zhuo explained: "The last time we went to Beimang Mountain, there was a corpse refinement site. I studied it after I came back, combined with our family's corpse refinement method, and re-paved a corpse. A layer of quartz sand, with broken glass buried underneath."

The mixture of quartz sand and broken glass has the effect of gathering gas, and Gao's original corpse refining soil is covered on it, and it becomes such a corpse refining site.

Surrounded by dense bamboo forests, this yard is completely isolated from the surrounding environment.

In the back is a building on stilts, and there are various coffins standing downstairs. These coffins are all Gao Zhuo's treasures.

"Look at this, it's made of golden nanmu. It took me a lot of effort to get it. It's a real treasure. It's just such a coffin. If I wasn't a player, I would just sell it for old nose money."

Gao Zhuo introduced Xu Tong's treasures one by one like presenting treasures.

Then the two climbed up to the stilted building, and after all the doors and windows were closed, Xu Tong looked at Gao Zhuo helplessly, imitating a woman's voice and jokingly said: "I really didn't expect that the person who is willing to accompany me to hell is actually a family man." A stinky man with a room."

The corner of Gao Zhuo's mouth twitched, goose bumps all over his body.

Hastily waved his hand: "No, I'm not going to hell with you, I just let you take me along along the way."

In fact, he really missed Mr. Xue, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see what Xu Tong's reality looked like, so that he could have a reference direction in the future.

Of course, the most important point is that you have to ask Taoist Dragon Xun how to kill your body.

"Okay, let's go!"

Xu Tong slowly raised his hand and bowed forward with all his strength. The moment a crack opened in the void, the world in front of the two of them also distorted...

(End of this chapter)

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