Infinite script kill

Chapter 440 The evil guest arrives at the door

Chapter 440 The Evil Guest Comes to the Door (Two Chapters in One)

Gao Zhuo's face was dull, and golden scriptures the size of rice grains flashed in the pupils of his eyes, and even his physical body turned into a rock-solid diamond body under the light of Buddha's light.

With a sound of the Buddha's name, he struck with a palm in the blink of an eye.

Xu Tong didn't dodge and used the Five Birds Capture Hand, and threw out his long arm to face Gao Zhuo's palm. When the two palms touched, there was a crash like a thunderbolt.

But without waiting for Gao Zhuo to exert strength, Xu Tong suddenly squatted down in front of him, followed by Xu Tong's left foot and stepped forward on one knee, but his right foot turned sideways, followed by Gao Zhuo's back, and slipped out from Gao Zhuo's lower ribs .

It was a coincidence that this trick was played by the stupid bear in the spirit ape play. If Gao Zhuo was awake at this moment, he might have pulled away immediately, but at this moment, Gao Zhuo was worse than the stupid bear, so he chose to turn around and grab Xu Tong quickly. .

This turn requires at least two movements, which is a great convenience for Xu Tong. Immediately, he stretched his arms together, stepped on the crane shape, and grabbed the shoulders like a tiger. , unexpectedly threw Gao Zhuo directly, and bumped his head into a bush beside him.

In terms of strength alone, Gao Zhuo's body strength is enough to punch through a three-finger-thick solid wooden gate, but he is still far behind in terms of fighting skills.

Although the proficiency of the Five Birds Grabber is not at the full level, it can be regarded as entering the room. With the close combat technique, as long as you don't encounter extreme martial idiots like Wang Zheng, there is absolutely no problem for ordinary players.

Oh, mentioning Wang Zheng, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little depressed. This guy actually rejected his invitation, saying that he planned to practice alone for a period of time.

Alas, I even prepared the item card, but he didn't come, what a pity.

However, he was not in a hurry to wait for the Yinyang cave to end. After he was promoted to a certified player, he would formally form a team himself, and Wang Zheng would not be able to escape by then.

A gleam flashed in Xu Tong's eyes, and he couldn't help but think of his lovely little friend in his mind.

Gao Zhuo wobbled up from the ground, and by coincidence Xu Tong threw him into the mouth of the spring, where he was drowned, but when the cold spring water was poured on him, he woke up again, and asked, clutching his head: "Why am I lying on my stomach??"

"Hey, you ask it that."

Xu Tong pointed to the bronze statue of the mouth-covering monk, stepped forward and squatted in front of the bronze statue, stretched out his hand and pulled the bronze statue up.

It doesn't matter if you don't pull it, the bronze statue actually cracked when you pulled it, and golden sand flowed out of the shattered bronze statue.

The gold dust stained Xu Tong's hand, causing Xu Tong's complexion to change, as if the palm of his hand had been thrown into the flames, it was scorched with pitted scars in a blink of an eye.

Xu Tong carefully took out one and threw it into the item book.

【Nirvana Buddha Sand】

According to the rumors, after the death of a great virtuous monk and Nirvana, the golden body is immortal after cremation, and the skull is turned into gold, and the Buddhist teachings are hidden inside.

Seeing this introductory entry, Xu Tong understood in his heart, and took Jinsha away and handed it over to Gao Zhuo.

He has a dark physique, so of course it is impossible to show this thing on his back, but Gao Zhuo himself has Buddha power, so this thing is just right for him.

It's not a bad trip this time, I picked up a mistake for nothing.

But after this uproar, the two of them had no intention of continuing to climb the mountain.

After a short rest, return to the original road down the mountain.

There are Miao and Tujia villages at the foot of Mount Fanjing. In the past, this was a restricted area for Han people, but now there is no distinction between Miao and Han. Everyone has the same name, Huaxia people.

The village also opened a hotel and a farmhouse as a matter of course.

Seeing Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo going down the mountain, the villagers warmly asked if they wanted to come in for dinner.

It's okay not to mention this, but Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo's stomach can't take it anymore.

I chose a good farmhouse and went in.

This independent small courtyard has three or four tables in the courtyard, and a small building on stilts behind it, which seems to have been newly repaired.

When the old man guarding the yard saw a guest coming, he got up and entertained the two to find a place to sit down.

"It's all farm food, take a look. I'll make whatever I like."

The old man looks to be about seventy, his white hair looks a little bald, but his black and white eyes are extraordinarily bright, as soon as he opens his mouth, he has a feeling of being full of energy and not fading.

Xu Tong handed the menu to Gao Zhuo. After all, he is a native of Xiangxi and knows how to order better than himself.

I looked up and down on the old man.

The old man's luck is very good, and there is a faint sign of loose tiles on the top of his head.

This is good luck, the so-called grass on the wall, pine on the tile.

Both belong to people who need a certain amount of luck to get things done, but the difference is that when the grass sees the wind on the wall, the wind makes the rudder, and the pine on the tile sticks to it.

Judging from the good luck above the old man's head, the day when things will happen is very close.

So he asked with a smile, "Old man, is there any happy event recently?"


The old man frowned slightly when he heard this, and looked at Xu Tong in surprise.

"How do you know, young man?"

"Seeing the spring breeze blowing on your face, your brows are full of joy, and your spirit is so good, it must be that something good is going to happen recently, so take a guess."

Xu Tong said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, the old man regained his energy, sat down and said, "You are right, my granddaughter is getting married soon."

When Xu Tong heard this, his face suddenly realized, and he quickly congratulated the old man.

"Old man, is your family going to have a wedding?" Gao Zhuo raised his head, and immediately glanced at Xu Tong: "Since it's a wedding, it might not be appropriate for us to stay in the hotel."

"That's not necessary. My granddaughter is getting married in the city. I have bad legs, so I won't go."

The old man waved his hand and explained.

"Then we'll live here, a standard room, and the old man, we want these few side dishes, another dish of sour stuffed fish, and a bucket of rice."

Gao Zhuo quickly ordered a few special side dishes.

After the old man wrote it down, he got up and walked to the kitchen. After the old man left, Xu Tong frowned.

Obviously the happy event that the old man talked about was true, but it might not be the event that really made him so happy.

But since the old man didn't say anything, they didn't intend to ask.

After all, what other people's affairs have nothing to do with me, I just wait until I have enough food and drink, and after a night's rest, I will set off for Yinyang Cave early tomorrow morning.


After a while, there were bursts of cooking sounds from the kitchen.

The kitchen of the old man's house used to be open-air, but now it has four sides of glass, through which the old man can clearly see the process of cooking.

Don't look at the old man's age, but his cooking skills are clean and neat.

For a live fish, one slap with the back of the knife, two knives to take out the gills, insert the chopsticks into the fish's mouth, and with one twist, the fish's internal organs can be easily and completely taken out.

Seemingly simple kung fu, but if it is not for years of experience in cooking, ordinary people would not be able to do it as smoothly as the old man.

Scaling and deboning a gleaming kitchen knife is as precise as a delicate scalpel in the hands of the old man.

Seeing the old man cooking, Xu Tong actually felt a sense of enjoyment.

If you want to ask him what art is, maybe the scene in front of him is art, and the simplicity may be essentially a return to nature.

Soon the food was served on the table.

Stir-fried pork, overlord pork knuckle, beef with skin, ribs with glutinous rice, group photo (tofu) and finally the old man's special skill, sour stuffed fish.

A table of food is full of color, fragrance and taste, which makes people move their index fingers.

Xu Tong first took a bite of fried pork, and put the sliced ​​meat in his mouth. The fat and thin slices exuded a tempting aroma of spicy peppers, and then the aroma of the meat was stimulated after stir-frying. The aroma of the gravy is also stimulated together, it is simply a god dish for dinner.

Gao Zhuo tasted the sour brewed fish first. As a Xiangxi native, he knew very well how sour taste has ruled this land for thousands of years.

The mellow and sour aroma produced by the slow fermentation of whole grains and grains by natural technology gathers into sour juice, which is sour but not too smelly.

After adding chopped pepper and tomato, the layering of taste is more distinct.

The fish is simmered in a wok until the sour broth has melted into every inch of the fish's tender texture, and the dish is considered a success.

After one bite, there is a strong spicy feeling at first, followed by a unique sourness, which is simply irresistible.


After Gao Zhuo took a bite, it was so sour that the hairs all over his body stood up. This is definitely the most delicious sour fish he has ever eaten.

A table of meals is enough for eight people to eat at least, but it is not enough for Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, two foodies of the same level.

But with the effort of a pot of tea, the food on the table was completely eaten, even the rice in the rice bucket was eaten up.

This still surprised the old man. It seemed that he hadn't seen such an edible young man for a long time.

Seeing that the two of them finished eating, the old man was still worried that they were full, so he hurriedly made a pot of tea.

Xu Tong drank his tea and took out the hookah pipe.

When the old man saw the thing in Xu Tong's hand, he couldn't help but startled: "This is a good thing."

Xu Tong smiled, and Gao Zhuo also took out his own.

Although not as big as Xu Tong, but not small.

The old man looked behind the two of them suspiciously, not knowing where he got it out, got up silently, walked into the house and took out his hookah pipe.

Good guy, that hookah pipe is bigger than Xu Tong's, more than one meter long, and it looks like the patina on it has been around for a long time.

This is not surprising, after all, in western Hunan, what the Miao people like to smoke most is hookah pipes.

Xu Tong also took out his shredded tobacco to share with the old man. This is the first-class product carefully prepared by Gao Tianfang, which really made the old man's face beam with joy.

"This is a good thing. I had it before, but I don't have it now." The old man took a sip and savored it slowly, and then sighed that he wanted to spare Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo their meal money.

Gao Zhuo hurriedly said no, but the old man insisted. In his words, this kind of shredded tobacco can be said to be worth a piece of gold. It can’t be bought with money, and a meal is worthless.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't ask Gao Zhuo to refuse again, and then directly handed half a pack of shredded tobacco to the old man.

"It's too expensive, so I can't let it go." The expression on the old man's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly refused.

"You said a mouthful of gold, the price of your meal today is also the same in our mouths."

Xu Tong said with a smile.

No matter how good the shredded tobacco is, it is not more precious than gold, but to the elderly, money is not important, but shredded tobacco is important.

In the same way, shredded tobacco is not important to Xu Tong, but such a delicious meal is worth half a pack of shredded tobacco to him.

The old man laughed out loud when he heard the words, and felt a feeling of encountering an old acquaintance in his heart, so he stopped refusing, and patted his chest and said: "If you like it, I will prepare a special meal for you tonight, and I guarantee that you will never eat it again." I haven't eaten."

"Then we'll be lucky."

The three of them burst into laughter immediately, and for a while, three people, one old, two young, sat at the door, smoking so mistyly, it was time to smoke happily.

A group of people walked in from the door, with a microphone in front and a video camera in the back. It was a reporter at first glance.

As soon as he entered the door, he began to shoot on his own, as if to promote the village. The old man was used to this and let them shoot.

At this time, the reporter turned the camera and saw the three people sitting together smoking a hookah, their eyes lit up.

Walking up to the three of them, he pointed the microphone at the old man and asked, "Hello, are you a Miao person?"

The old man nodded.

"It's been rumored that we Miao people have many mysterious stories, such as Gu art, do you know this?"

The old man frowned when he heard the words, and nodded: "Yes, a little bit."

Hearing the old man's words, the reporter's eyes lit up: "Then can you let us take a look."

However, the old man shook his head resolutely, and said solemnly: "The village director won't let you use it. If you use it, you will be scolded."

Xu Tong sat aside and almost burst out laughing when he heard this answer.

But from the corner of the eye, he glanced at the top of the old man's head, his heart sank instantly, and he saw that the luck on the old man's head suddenly collapsed, and even traces of blood appeared, which was clearly a disaster of blood.

What made Xu Tong even more surprised was that, after counting his fingers, the evil guest came to him, but he didn't expect that the problem was still on him?

at the same time……

On the beach in Sanya, a thin young man was standing there with a satchel on his back, watching the sexy beauties passing by on the beach through the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Compared with the revealing swimsuits, the young people focused more on the women's buttocks.

While looking at these beauties recklessly, the young man put his other hand in the backpack around his waist and groped back and forth.

At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up, like a cheetah locked on its target, fixed on a young woman about 30 years old in front of her.

No, strictly speaking, he was staring at the young woman's buttocks, and his hands in the backpack began to move agitatedly.

Seeing the young woman walking slowly towards the milk tea shop beside her, the young man frowned slightly and followed her in silence.

It happened that there were very few people around the milk tea shop, and the young man could just follow the young woman in the back.

Looking at the young woman's raised buttocks, the young man couldn't help swallowing, and slowly took his hand out of the backpack silently...

"Little orange!!"

At this moment, a man suddenly yelled and ran over from not far away.

Hearing this, the young woman turned around immediately, waved her hands and ran towards the man.

This caused the young man's face to change slightly, and he could only look at the back of the young woman leaving unwillingly.

"Hey... Dude has a good eye."

The boss lying on the bar seems to have noticed the young man a long time ago. He came down and handed him a cigarette with a smile on his face. ... tsk tsk..."

The young man was stunned, squinting at the boss with a strange expression, and instead of taking the cigarette he handed him, he cursed with a disgusted look on his face: "Chang, bah!" Then he turned his head and left.

The boss froze for a few seconds, and greeted the young man's family cursingly.

Naturally, the young man could hear the boss's scolding, but he didn't pay attention to it. He just lost the goal he had finally found, which made him feel lonely and unhappy.

While silently taking out his palm from the satchel, a blood-stained screwdriver appeared in his hand.

Looking at the straight and hard screwdriver, his hands couldn't bear to play with it.

Unfortunately, just a little bit.

While playing with the screwdriver, the young man couldn't help but feel hungry even though it wasn't time for meal. When he looked up, he saw a small restaurant.

So he opened the door and walked in. When he looked up, he saw a live TV broadcasting the scenery of Xiangxi on the TV hanging in the dining room.

I didn't care at all, so I ordered a seafood fried rice.

But as soon as he sat down, when he raised his head, the young man was suddenly struck by lightning. In the picture, a face he would never forget in his life appeared in front of him with a cigarette in his mouth.

The eyes under Sha Shi's sunglasses gradually turned red, and the boss who was concentrating on frying rice in the kitchen suddenly heard a roar, followed by a bang, and hurried out to have a look.

All the tables were overturned, and the restaurant was in a mess. The boss was dumbfounded, and suddenly noticed a screwdriver stuck on the table.

Just as the boss was about to reach out to take the screwdriver off, the air in front of him suddenly twisted, and a dark crack appeared in front of the boss, and immediately after pulling the screwdriver off with a palm, he suddenly waved the screwdriver in front of the boss There was a cold light...

(End of this chapter)

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