Infinite script kill

Chapter 480 Airport Encounters

Chapter 480 Airport Encounters
"Passengers heading to Shenyang Taoxian, please take your belongings and prepare to board the plane."

"Sir, do you often fly by plane? Now that the year is over, we have launched a new event. You only need to deposit 3000 to do it, and you can enjoy various VIP services."

The salesmen in the hall tried to find their prey in the airport one by one.

Neat stewardess uniforms and white silk scarves around their necks. If you look closely, you will find that they are all young and tall beauties without exception.

The standard friendly smile, even when talking to you, will squat down beside your seat kindly, giving you a feeling of care.

But as long as you confirm that you don't apply for a card, they will immediately change their polite attitude and fly to the next target man at the fastest speed.

The speed of industriousness is like a little bee flying in the flowers
But as an excellent hunter, Jiang Li has already targeted the passengers in the VIP lounge.

Compared with the ordinary passengers sitting in the lobby waiting for the flight, the people in the VIP lounge are the rich and wealthy fathers.

Although this statement is not absolute, at least they are people who are willing to spend money on enjoyment.

Taking the opportunity of asking if she needed a drink, Jiang Li had already inspected several targets in the room.

But to her disappointment, except for a greasy uncle who wanted to make money, the other passengers were not easy targets to persuade.

"Damn it, can't I get this month's bonus?"

There is a 10% to 15% commission rebate for each card, and a 20% sales bonus if the target is met.

Just when Jiang Li was worried that she hadn't successfully billed today, a young man in the corner of the lounge suddenly attracted him.

"You are the one."

Jiang Li tidied up her attire and greeted her with the most charming smile.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir? We have free snacks and drinks."

Xu Tong was staring at the materials in his hand for a while in a daze.

After waiting all night, Yang Zixuan's call did not come.

When I tried to call the past, no one answered the phone.

I also tried divination with the plum blossom easy number, but the result was more or less ominous.

Although he already had a premonition, Yang Zixuan's death still made him feel very uncomfortable.

So much so that they didn't pay attention to the little bees that suddenly greeted them, or they didn't pay attention at all.

At this moment, Xu Tong's spirit was very focused on looking at the dark bead in the item book beside him.

【Xuanhua Shenmu】

The thing that surpasses the sky and good fortune is hidden under the Yin-Yang Mountain by the King Jiue Minggui. It is a treasure to reconcile Yin-Yang, and the person who carries it can have the Xuanhua God Eye.

Active Skill 1: Xuanhuamu Excalibur
Consumes 30 script points, and after activation, it will cause extremely high damage to the target.

The stronger the spirit, the higher the damage.

Active Skill 2: Xuanhua Lingxin Lamp
Consume 20 script points, activate it to call out a bright lamp, the place covered by the light can reduce the damage of evil attributes.

The stronger the spirit, the stronger the reduction effect.

Active Skill 3: Xuanhua Tongshen
Consumes 50 script points, activates the primordial spirit out of body, and during the period of primordial spirit out of body, all the skills of the light department will be upgraded by two levels.

Once the Yuanshen is injured, it is extremely difficult to recover, and it is accompanied by irreversible sequelae, so it should be used with caution.

This Xuanhua orb was exactly what Grandma Li gave her.

What surprised me even more was that this item was also part of the item card [Source] to be devoured.

The appearance of this thing confirmed Grandma Li's status as the high priest. After all, it was the high priest who split the Yinyang Mountain to have the chance to get this thing.

Even though she didn't admit it personally, Xu Tong was still keenly aware of the injury on Grandma Li's body.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help sighing silently in his heart.

Ever since she moved into Gao's house, Grandma Li has been helping her secretly.

The pursuers sent by Fenglailou, as well as the four masters, are probably all solved by Grandma Li secretly.

And the murder on the street was also written by Grandma Li.

The methods of these old guys are all chained together. I am afraid Gao Zhuo, a big fool, does not know until now that this annoying grandma in his eyes is definitely a master who is not inferior to his master. .

But how long can Grandma Li live after killing Yinyang Mountain?I don't know, her fate is already blurred, I just hope that Gao Zhuo can treat this old lady as kindly as possible in the future, so that she can take care of her for the rest of her life.

Facing the silent attitude of the passengers in front of her, Jiang Li's patience was gradually passing away, just as she was considering whether to change her target.

Someone from the side called her.

"Hello, can I have a glass of mineral water."

Jiang Li followed the sound and found a young man sitting beside him.

The young man was young, he didn't even look 20 years old, and with light blue eyes and a tall nose bridge, he seemed to be of mixed race.

Half pink and half black hair, matched with Japanese-style fashion, looks a little cynical, giving the first impression of being casual, capricious, and a little dangerous.

There is no doubt that such boys are more likely to be favored by most girls.

Even a seasoned veteran like Jiang Li couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

The young man looked up and down Jiang Li unscrupulously: "If it is convenient, please introduce me to your company's membership card. I often fly by plane. If the service is good enough, I would like to get a few more."

When Jiang Li heard this, she didn't care about Xu Tong, she took the initiative to stop the young man's arm: "Then you must think about it, our company's golden VIP."

"Gold?? It's too vulgar, just give me diamonds."

The young man met Jiang Li's eyes, and there was a flash of splendor in those light blue eyes.

Jiang Li's heartbeat suddenly accelerated involuntarily, and even her face became extremely red.

Not only because the young man in front of him is the big fat sheep that he has been longing for for a long time, but also a hot feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Immediately pulled the young man out.

"Headmaster, that guy seems... seems to be a charm."

Da Ya was lying on the beauty couch, showing her slender thighs, and the beauty couch itself was transformed by making a fortune.

After devouring the strange ghost pills refined by the fairy furnace, Fa Cai has returned to the original sixth-level state.

But it was a pity that we couldn't continue to break through.

"It's a player!"

Xu Tong put down the information in his hand. The feeling just now was very familiar. Only when the item card was activated would there be a slight sense of fluctuation.

I couldn't feel it before, but now that I have become a great master, I can feel it very clearly.

So when the young man activated the item card, he had already confirmed the other party's identity.

It was not uncommon to meet a player in this place, but it was a bit of a coincidence that the other party sat next to him when he came.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong still became alert.

About half an hour later, Jiang Li came back holding the young man's arm. After handing the young man a bottle of mineral water, she did not forget to pat the young man on the shoulder: "Ten photos, no regrets."

After speaking, he turned around and ran out to make an order. When Jiang Li was about to leave, Xu Tong took a glance and noticed that there were two shallow marks on Jiang Li's neck. Although they were very shallow, they could still be seen at a glance. That's a fresh wound.

"Hey hey, being rich is really a kind of happiness."

The young man took a sip of the mineral water and looked sideways at Xu Tong: "Brother, are you going to the Northeast too? I heard that the bathhouse over there is nice. Would you like to go and have fun together?"

"Of course, as long as you pay the bill."

Xu Tong put down the materials in his hand, and looked at the young man with a smile: "But before that, I have to do some things first. I think it will be very interesting if we want to go together."


The young man was stunned, as if he didn't expect Xu Tong to agree to his invitation so easily. He frowned and said in a low voice, "You are not afraid that I will kill you!"

"If you think the same way, there is a guy in my team who is a good match for you, and he is so clingy, you will be satisfied."

"Hehe, it can't be a man, right?"

"You are insulting my character and professional ethics as a captain."

The more the two talked, the more outrageous they became. The young man laughed, and suddenly felt that this guy was more interesting than he thought, so he stretched out his hand: "Great Immortal, an immortal with one eye!"

"Crazy life, the madness of the overlord Zhou Chu!" Xu Tong grinned.

While the two were talking, Jiang Li had already sent over the signed receipts and brought ten brand new VIP customer cards.

After seeing this for a while, the two men were already talking and laughing, thinking that the two of them were friends. If so, it seemed that he could only leave work early.

Daxian swiped the card casually, but as for the so-called VIP customer cards, he threw them into the trash without even looking at them.

This so-called VIP customer card is actually a trick to cheat money, but it doesn't matter, they cheat money, buy sex by themselves, and get what they need.

The two of them took the same flight, but only found out at the boarding gate that Daxian was in the economy class.

Daxian was not embarrassed at all: "I can't help it, the first class is too expensive, it's less than twice the price, and the money is always spent on the edge of the gun."

Xu Tong grinned: "After getting off the plane, I'll wait for you outside." Then he boarded the plane first.

The first-class seat of this kind of large passenger aircraft for international flights is always much more comfortable than that of civil aviation.

I remember that when I came to Xiangxi, I took a civil aviation plane. The so-called first-class cabin was at best a little better than the first-class high-speed rail.

After expressing to the stewardess that he wanted to rest and not to disturb him, Xu Tong casually let the three of them out.

Da Ya turned into a fox the size of a cat, curled up in Xu Tong's arms, while Ji Xiang, like a hamster, deftly took apart the snacks and stuffed them into his mouth.

As for getting rich, this guy turned into an auspicious appearance, standing at the window, watching the scenery outside the window curiously.

After all, as a creature that came out of the Yin and Yang Dao, it was unimaginable for other ghosts to be able to fly to the sky and see the blue sky and white clouds.

"Headmaster, I'm homesick."

Da Ya started acting coquettishly in Xu Tong's arms. If you want to say who is the happiest when Yang Zixuan is dead, she is without a doubt.

If Yang Zixuan did not die, Xu Tong would definitely not go to the Northeast in a short time.

Not only because of the cold weather over there, but also because of Da Ya's relationship, as an outsider, he actually forced Da Ya to be his fairy, and what's more, he dared to use himself as an excuse, Stand on your own.

This is definitely a provocation to the Northeast Immortals.

When did Brother Ma dare to open his mouth and compete with their fairy family for food.

Da Ya also knew this in her heart, but after all, she was at the door of the house, so she couldn't help holding a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Xu Tong caressed Da Ya's smooth tail with his hand, the fluffy feel was much more comfortable than stroking a cat: "Then go and have a look."

"Headmaster, just in case..."

"I don't agree with it, do I?"

Xu Tong put his hand on Da Ya's head: "Then beat them until they are subdued!"

(End of this chapter)

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