Infinite script kill

Chapter 513 The Power of Faith

Chapter 513 Power of Faith (Super Large Chapter)


Hecate was furious, and a powerful mental idea hit Xu Tong, and a gust of wind rolled up on the flat ground, making the bell tower crumbling, and it felt like it would collapse at any moment.

"Is it too late for me to run now?"

Seeing Hecate's figure walking slowly, Xu Tong raised his head to look at his luck. Fortunately, although luck is not strong, it is still barely.

Thalia walked to Xu Tong's side: "Without the blessing of the White Witch's prayer, she won't last long, and it's up to you next."

"Look at me??"

Xu Tong curled his lips, and was about to complain that Thalia thought highly of him, when he saw Thalia shake the bell rope behind him as he spoke.


The old bell rang in Banpo, and the sound was unusually loud and long.


The catchers who had just escaped from the sewer slowly raised their heads and looked at the bell tower in the distance.

Andre opened his eyes, his eyes gradually became clear, he struggled to push away Antu who was supporting him, and prayed with his hands flat on his chest. . .

Not only Andre, but even the gods who were originally in deep fear have unconsciously started to pray sincerely.


At this time, another bell rang, it was the bell of Amantes Cathedral.

Two churches, one on the left and one on the right, echoed the bells covering the entire Amantes.

"Hey, where did the temple come from??"

Da Mu and others who were hiding on the top of the building poked their heads out, and hearing the bells, Da Mu couldn't help complaining: "Could it be that this is a funeral..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao San wiped the dagger in his hand and interrupted Damu's nonsense in a cold voice; "Do you want the boss to smash you to death with his five hundred catty holy hammer?"

Oki was taken aback, not realizing what he said wrong.

Mrs. Amman explained: "Every church will hang a bell. This bell has extraordinary meaning. Every mass or worship time, the church bell will ring to tell everyone in the world that the savior is on you. Beside you, you must remember to pray at this moment."

"Hehe, this kind of thing is just to fool the common people."

Damu scoffed at this kind of thing. As for gods, there are more than [-] grass-headed gods in their hometown, but Damu doesn't think these gods are useful, let alone believe in them.


Zhao San shook his head, glanced at the time, got up and left.

"I have to go back to work, so let's go first."

"Let's go now?? Don't you see what will happen next??"

"Don't watch it, the head is still on the live broadcast, if I go back late, my salary will be deducted."

Zhao San waved his hand, strange ripples appeared around the figure, and then disappeared without a trace.


Da Mu curled his lips, and when he was about to say something, he turned around and was immediately stunned.

The windows downstairs were slowly opened, and those who were hiding at home started to put their hands together and stood in front of the window to pray.

"Thank you, Lord God, it is your death and your resurrection that allow us to be reborn..."

The voice of prayer became stronger and stronger, like an invisible force that dispelled the haze and fear in people's hearts, forming a huge power of faith that enveloped Amantes, forming an ocean of faith that mortals could not see.

For a while, the moonlight also began to dim, and the divine brilliance on Hecate was disappearing rapidly, which meant that her godhead was being dispelled forcibly. Nature is greatly reduced.

The power of faith!

Xu Tong looked at the huge golden ocean in mid-air with the help of the Eye of Fate, and was shocked in his heart.

Whether it is quality or quantity, the golden ocean above the head far exceeds the merits of incense.

The residents of Amantes, whether they are poor or rich, are praying from the bottom of their hearts.

No wonder the church can become the sect with the largest number of believers in the world, and even influence the change of a king in a country. With this terrible faith cohesion, how can those pagan gods be the opponent of the church.

Xu Tong soon discovered that although these powers of faith are terrifying, no one can control them, and they can even be said to be ownerless.

This discovery made Xu Tong tense, as if he realized something immediately.

"Did you find out, this is the chance I gave you."

Thalia looked at Xu Tong with a half-smile.

As a host, she is very clear about how to obtain these things in the script world. These things are invisible and intangible, but they really exist.

"I see."

Seeing this, Xu Tong already understood Thalia's thoughts, narrowed his eyelids, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Now that everyone has set up the stage for him, of course he has to make a big fuss, otherwise he will be really sorry for such a big battle.

I saw his palm caressing the angel's tears, the formless power was activated, and the dark physique quickly transformed into a holy physique.

Then he jumped up to the top of the bell tower with a brisk step, looked at Hecate walking ahead, Xu Tong closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them suddenly, and saw a ray of lightning flashing from his eyes.

Immediately after pointing to the toes, four tails appeared behind him, and then waved again, and Fatty was also summoned, but the Fatty who was summoned opened his mouth wide and swallowed Xu Tong into his stomach in one gulp.

"Take care of my body!"

After ensuring that his physical body was safe enough, Xu Tong's heart moved, and he made a gesture with his fingers, only to see a cluster of fluorescent light flashing on his forehead.

Xuanhua Tongshen: Consumes 50 script points. After activation, the primordial spirit will leave the body. During the period when the primordial spirit is out of the body, all the skills of the light department will be upgraded by two levels. Once the primordial spirit is injured, it is extremely difficult to recover, and it will be accompanied by irreversible sequelae. Use with caution .

This skill is an active skill from the item card [Xuanhua Shenmu]. (Volume 50, Chapter [-])
[Xuanhua Shenmu] is a part of Yuan, it is said that it is best to be swallowed by Yuan directly, but this item card is not only very powerful, but also supplements the means after his bright physique.

So Xu Tong never devoured this item card, and at this moment, this item card will also become his key strength.

Accompanied by the fluorescence, the fat belly began to squirm, and then slowly opened its mouth, launching the skill air cannon.

With a sound of "Pfft!!", a silver streamer shot straight into the sky in the dark night, like a comet flying against the sky.

"what is that??"

Everyone raised their heads, looked at the streamer in the sky, and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Xu Tong looked at the sea of ​​faith that was getting closer and closer in front of him, and slowly stretched out his palm. It is the sea of ​​faith, but not anyone can touch it.

Even though it is still an ownerless thing, it still belongs to the church and belongs to the God Lord. Others, even if it is a god, will never dare to touch it.

However, Xu Tong can.

I saw his palm stretched out, and the sea of ​​faith in front of him began to boil as if it had been sensed.

A golden feather appeared on Xu Tong's chest. It was the feather of Archangel Michael, and it was Michael's imprint on Xu Tong's soul.

As an archangel, her imprint is equivalent to representing heaven.

In an instant, the entire sea of ​​faith began to pour into Xu Tong's soul, causing his soul to boil as well, and felt a deep itching on his back.

Then he heard a tearing sound, and two pairs of golden wings appeared behind his primordial spirit. Every time the two pairs of wings flapped, it seemed to be able to pry the sea of ​​faith in the sky for his use.


Although everyone couldn't see the bonus of the sea of ​​faith, they could really see Xu Tong's soul, and naturally they could also see the pair of golden wings.

People are trembling, and some pious believers have knelt down on the ground. Angels have not appeared in the world for a long, long time. In people's minds, it is already a mythical legend, but it can still reappear in the world. This is a miracle.

"It's the Bishop!!"

Yate and the others looked at the figure in the sky dumbfounded, and then screamed excitedly for a moment.

Seeing this, Antu couldn't help but look weird, and thought, "How can it be like this?? Play??"

But after thinking about it, he gave up this idea. The power of faith is not a joke. Although he is a certified player of the Holy Light Department, he is really not qualified to use the power of faith.

After all, it belongs to the God Lord. As his believer, how could he steal the power of the God Lord for his own use.

Thinking of this, Antu felt depressed for a while, cooperating with him to practice for so many years, why not be as good as a hypocrite? ?
What kind of bullshit rule is this? ?

In fact, it wasn't just Antu who was depressed, as the archbishop in red, Andre could also see the sea of ​​faith. When he saw that Xu Tong had actually stolen the faith of the God Lord, his face flickered for a while.

I couldn't help but think of Xu Tong's words: "I have not only seen an angel, but also been kissed by an angel sister!" For a moment, my heart was full of mixed feelings, and my eyes were red with jealousy.

I don't know if it was because of the serious injury or the complicated mood, after Andre cursed in his heart, he fell into a coma again.


Heikadi on the ground was also frightened by Xu Tong's appearance, his ugly face roared towards the sky, and he opened his mouth to spit out black clouds and rushed towards Xu Tong.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his arms, the holy light surrounded his primordial spirit, his breath rushed out, and the whole sky was covered by the holy light.

Holy Word, consumes 10 script points, after activation, can release holy word to cause holy damage to the target.

This is an active skill attached to [Church Advisor].

It was originally just an ordinary Holy Light skill, not to mention Antu, even Qin in the team could do it.

It's just that after Xu Tong activated this holy light technique, it completely changed its appearance.

In the out-of-body state, all sacred skills +1
With the blessing of the power of faith, the power of the holy word technique has once again increased to an unimaginable level.


People only saw a ray of holy light fall, and instantly felt a burst of lightness all over their bodies, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.


Mrs. Amman let out a strange cry, turned around and ran away.

Even though Xu Tong didn't target him, the holy light shone on her body, making her whole body feel sour, like countless ants eating her own flesh.

This is still the case for Mrs. Amman, not to mention other heretics lurking in Amantes.

There was a scream from Morgan's house.

In the perfume shop in the market, a green fluorescent light flew out, covering the entire shop.

There are also many places, one after another, under the irradiation of the holy light, making shrill and strange screams.

Even if they were like this, not to mention Heikati, who was Xu Tong's main target, didn't even have time to scream, and was split open in the chest by the holy light in an instant, almost being split in half.

Hecate's body swayed, gradually healed forcibly, and the thick dark aura became more and more surging. Even if she lost the blessing of the godhead, as a god, she would never succumb to a human being.

With the experience of beating Jiu'e Nether King last time, Xu Tong didn't feel sorry for these powers of faith. Instead of activating his skills, he flapped his wings and smashed Hecate with ten thousand powers of faith.

For a moment, the golden fist of faith fell from the clouds, like a mountain, crashing on Hecate's body.

Hecate raised his arms high, trying to tear the power of faith apart, but Naihe landed the second punch immediately, and in an instant, Hecate's shoulder was cracked by the fist.

The only remaining radiance on his body also faded in an instant.

"What a waste!!"

Antu watched Xu Tong punch after punch, using the power of faith profligately to hit Hecate, his eyes were red, his blood was throbbing, and he was extremely excited.

With so much power of faith, only a few skills are needed to kill Hecate, but Xu Tong wants to use the most primitive way to smash it.

This can't help but remind Antu of the old oriental proverb, it doesn't hurt to sell your father's land.

Fortunately, Andre had already fainted, otherwise, seeing Xu Tong squandering the power of the god's faith like this, he would have been mad on the spot.


Outside the Amantes Cathedral, Evelyn and Berent looked at Xu Tong silently, with miserable expressions on their faces.

Especially Berent, almost crying.

These beliefs are not accumulated overnight.

It is the accumulation of prayers from the people after decades of preaching.

In other words, these are the credits of Berent's missionary work in Amantes for decades.

If it weren't for Xu Tong's special status, if it wasn't for Xu Tong himself representing the archangel, Berent would probably have the heart to scold at this moment.

Looking at Berent's face that was about to cry, Evelyn couldn't help but comfort her, "This is something that God needs, and God takes it for himself."

Berent smiled wryly and nodded to acknowledge Evelyn's words, but he couldn't help adding in his heart: "But what he wasted was my achievements!"

Fortunately, Evelyn added a sentence next: "The miracle has appeared, and the church will definitely recognize your contribution. Berent, Archbishop Cody is not in good health anymore. I will be your referrer. Get ready, too."

Hearing the originally bitter face of Berent, it brightened in an instant. The twelve archbishops belong to the tenure system. It is an indisputable fact in the church that Archbishop Cody's health has been getting worse and worse over the years.

Seeing that it won't be long before the archbishop will enter heaven one step ahead of everyone else, it's hard to say whose turn it will be next.

But with Evelyn's recommendation, coupled with the appearance of this miracle, my hope has grown a lot at once.

Ordinary mortals cannot see gods.

That's why people couldn't see how Hecate screamed and wailed. They could only see the angels flapping their wings, and bright light spots constantly falling down from the sky.

People even went to the streets to touch these light spots, and found that the light spots fell on themselves, and disappeared immediately, but quickly warmed their bodies.

Even some hospital patients ran out to bathe in the light spots, which, although not exempting them from their diseases, made them suffer and disappear without a trace.

On the ground, Hecate no longer struggled, lying there as if obediently obedient, only cursing and cursing Xu Tong in his mouth.

Seeing this, Xu Tong no longer restrained himself.

"Master is here for business!!" As he said that, he crossed his hands, his thumbs were fragrant, and bowed heavily to Heikati in front of him.

Cursing this guy to die, his soul fell into hell, and Hecate, who was suffering from the fire of hell, suddenly felt that the land behind him was empty, and then he fell down like countless pairs of big hands.

Hecate was startled, and found that he suddenly fell into an abyss.

This surprised Hecate immediately, he was also the God of Darkness, how could he suddenly fall into hell.

In horror, she stretched her arms, trying to stop herself from falling.

But how could Xu Tong give her a chance? Seeing that she still wanted to resist, he waved his fist of faith and hit Hecate in the face.

"Go on, you, we don't take refund tickets!"

The huge fist deformed Hecate's face in an instant, and her body fell backwards. Only then did she see a huge door slowly opening under the abyss.

As the door opened, endless black water poured out from the door.

The black water was like ink, but there was an aura of death familiar to Hecate.

But she couldn't tell whether this was the river in the underworld.

In doubt, Hecate's body had already fallen into the black water. After touching it, Hecate was shocked to find that the black water seemed to be manipulated by someone, and quickly wrapped his body, trying to pull himself into the black water. deep water.

"No!! I am the God of Darkness, I am... woo... gurgling..."

On the black water, the eldest princess in white came out, glanced coldly at Hecate, and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "It's really a big deal, the big man has come out to work."

As he spoke, he saw two Dao fruits floating above the head of the eldest princess, and the black water was churning for a while, rolling up huge waves, and every time Hecate's head came out, he was directly smashed down by the waves.

"Do not!!!"

Hecate was struggling, her body was emitting black light, and she wanted to forcefully stand up from the black water, but as soon as her head came out, her eyes suddenly went dark, and the mountain ghost raised a dark mountain and smashed it down.


This time, Hecate didn't even have time to scream, and was completely thrown into the depths of the black water without any strength left to struggle.

But after a while, Wang Yang Heishui gradually calmed down.

The eldest princess stood on the water, waved her hand towards Xu Tong, waved her long sleeves, and the black water rolled back, bringing Heikatty into the gate, and then the gate was closed heavily.

Well, this time I didn't even see the master, so I sent a big princess to settle the matter.

Xu Tong couldn't help walking away to pay homage to Shankou with a melancholy expression on his face.

In my heart, I became more determined to walk out a path of my own.

Looking back at the Great Amantes at his feet, Xu Tong saw the people spontaneously walking to the street, bathed in the holy light. Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat. It's rare to come here, so much power of faith can't be taken away by himself, so it's better to be a Good people and good deeds, just wave your hand.

I saw that a large area of ​​the power of faith was directly ignited and emptied, turning into a ray of holy light and pouring down.

That is the holy light technique that comes with Angel Tears.

It is also a basic holy light skill, but at this moment, under the blessing of the huge power of faith, it has suddenly become a group healing skill comparable to divine magic.

All of a sudden, no matter whether he was a poor man or a rich man, Amantes was refreshed, and his body felt unprecedentedly comfortable, as if he had become ten years younger all of a sudden.

Berent looked at the disappearing power of faith, rolled his eyes instantly, and passed out with a plop.

Xu Tong felt instantly at ease.

With fingers pinched, the primordial spirit turned into a streak of light and quickly returned to Fatty's belly.

After a while, the big fat figure gradually disappeared, revealing the figure of Xu Tong. At the same time, the big girl also returned to the entrance of the hall. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Sub-quest 2: Clearing the dungeon is complete."

"Warning, your relationship with the Witch Council has dropped to a freezing point, and the witches will regard you as a target of hatred."

"Warning! The moon god Artemis has cast a curse on you. Every time there is a full moon, you will be hurt by the curse once."

"You have suppressed the clone of the moon god Hecate, and the reputation of the church has once again been raised to reverence. Due to your outstanding performance, it can be regarded as having completed the main task 2: Demon Hunting Assessment, and you will receive a special reward. The reward will be delivered to you in the form of church commendation."

"Your kind deed has inspired a miracle effect, and you will get extra rewards at the end of this script."

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he didn't have to hunt demons now, and even if he killed a mid-level demon, the rewards he got would probably be far from being equal to suppressing them. More pagan gods came.

"Congratulations, but don't forget, our agreement."

Thalia jumped to the top of the clock tower, stood beside Xu Tong and reminded him.

The agreement she spoke of was naturally the spear deep in the dungeon of the Inquisition. Xu Tong raised his head, neither refusing nor agreeing, and only said: "It depends on the opportunity."

If he had the chance, he might be able to take a risk, but Xu Tong couldn't do it if he wanted to go directly to get it.

Talia also seemed to understand the difficulty of this matter, but since she came to this script in person, she already knew it in her heart, so she didn't force it, and just said: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Thalia glanced at the distance, the police detectives and arresters who were rushing towards this side, took two steps back:
"Finally, I would like to give you a kind warning. Be careful, the church is not as simple as you think, and your actions this time may cause a lot of trouble. I will help you when you need it."

With that said, Thalia turned around and ran at a faster speed for a few steps, then jumped up in mid-air, her body turned into a group of crows and scattered in all directions.

Except for a few black feathers, there was no trace left.

"This old lady, what exactly do you want to do?"

Xu Tong looked at the direction of Thalia's departure, and couldn't help lowering his head thoughtfully, thinking about what this old lady was going to do. Is it really the spear?

"Master Bishop!!"

Yate hurried over with his people, and when he saw Xu Tong, Yate was so excited that he jumped up, knelt down and kissed Xu Tong's face devoutly.

Now even Qin, who has never shown Xu Tong a good face, bowed to Xu Tong rarely.

They couldn't help being like this, after all, it was too shocking. Xu Tong, who was bathed in the holy light, was like the incarnation of an angel, a messenger sent by the God Lord to the mortal world.

A true miracle.

Xu Tong patted Yate on the shoulder, motioned him to get up, and asked about the situation of Antu and Andre.

In fact, Antu was fine. Seeing that something was wrong, he decisively activated the one-time item and quickly retreated.

But Andre was miserable, he was poked out several holes by Hecate's fingers, and the most troublesome thing was that his wound was infected with Hecate's curse power.

Thanks to Xu Tong's last holy light spell, he dispelled most of the curses, otherwise Andre's life and death would have been unpredictable.

Now that he has been sent to the church, I am afraid that Archbishop Evelyn needs to heal his wounds in person.

After finishing speaking, Yate couldn't help sighing, the casualties of the team of the gods were a bit heavy this time, which was completely unexpected for them.

Fortunately, they have completely pulled out the cancer of the entire Amantes this time. Whether it is the smuggling local gangs or the heretics lurking in the dark, they are all wiped out. I believe that it will not be long before Amantes will definitely will be better off.

This is an undeniable feat, enough for the entire God Catcher to be honored by the Church.

Seeing Yate's happy appearance, Xu Tong laughed and coughed lightly twice: "Ahem, prepare a car to take me back, I'm a little tired too."

(End of this chapter)

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