Infinite script kill

Chapter 516 Second Invitation Letter

Chapter 516 The Second Invitation Letter
Langt is dead.

He was bitten to death alive by dozens of poisonous snakes.

The ground, walls, and bloody scratches everywhere.

When they carried him out of the utility room, some of the domestic servants couldn't help throwing up.

It's not just the stench, but also because Langte's death was too tragic.

The whole face has been deformed, with black skin and flesh, just like those black slaves.

What made people laugh and cry was that, perhaps because of his rigors, when this guy was carried out, the tent was very high, and the maids couldn't help but secretly feel sorry for them. They didn't expect this young butler to have quite a lot of money.

The police detective came to check it out and concluded that it was an accidental death. . .

But they found a package in a corner, and when they opened it, they found that it was full of Mrs. Morgan's jewelry.

This discovery surprised everyone. After appraisal, these jewels were all of great value.

Therefore, the detectives took advantage of the situation to deduce the entire process of Langte's crime.

This guy must have stolen Mrs. Morgan's jewelry and was going to hide it in this place. As a result, there was a biogas explosion in the Amantes sewer (official explanation). The poisonous snakes in the sewer were frightened and ran out. Kill Langte who was in the room.

"This stupid thief, he paid the price of his life for his theft, which is also the punishment he deserves." With a pipe in his mouth, the police detective made the final closing statement for Langt's death.

Hearing the detective's inference, everyone looked at each other.

Mrs. Morgan covered her forehead, lowered her head and gently rubbed her temples. People couldn't see her expression clearly, but it was not difficult to see from her tired expression that Mrs. Morgan was quite hit by this incident.

After all, when Mrs. Morgan came from Langte, she praised the new housekeeper greatly, and even invited Mr. Shar to teach him, but she didn't expect that this guy turned out to be a thief.

It's just that everyone didn't know that Mrs. Morgan was not sad for Lang Te's death at the moment, but felt a wave of fear in her heart.

Imagine that if I really went to the West Coast for vacation with this criminal, it would be fine if this guy stole all my money and ran away, but what would I do if this guy tried to get rich and kill himself?
After regretting for a while, Mrs. Morgan couldn't help but feel sick again, she stood up and said to Master Morgan, "I'm not feeling well, I'm going back to my room to rest first." Then she left in a hurry.

"Mr. Morgan, Bishop Kevin, it's a pity that this happened, but I think this is also the punishment for his evil deeds and his attempt to steal church members. Although he escaped the punishment of the law in the world, there will be endless torture in hell wait for him."

Mr. Detective has a pious demeanor, not like a policeman, but more like a fanatic.

This is not surprising, the current Amantes, even the robbers in the slums, will be extremely pious. I believe that tomorrow morning, there will be a long line outside the confession hall of Amantes Church.

Mr. Morgan took out a stack of pounds and handed it to the detective, which made the detective feel at a loss for a while. Fortunately, Mr. Morgan explained: "Please don't get me wrong, because he is not the official housekeeper of our house, so I hope he can Hang up your welfare slip."

The so-called welfare bill is assigned by the police station to a funeral parlor for burial, and the targets are often some dead people who are not cared about in the society. The expenses are naturally paid by the public, which is called social welfare. , even if the money is not much, it is still enough to give an ordinary person a last bit of decency.

Of course, there is still a certain limit to the number of such welfare orders. Except for a few lucky ones, most of them were dragged into mass burial pits and buried directly.

Even if you meet a lazier one, you don't even bother to dig a hole, throw it away, cover it with a cloth, sprinkle some soil and you're done. The corpses will often end up in the stomachs of those wild dogs.

"Your kindness makes me ashamed."

The police detective was immediately awed when he heard the words, thinking, no wonder he can get rich, there are angels to bless him.

After bidding farewell to the police detective, Master Morgan couldn't help but sighed.

Xu Tong followed behind from the beginning to the end, and never said a word about this matter.

Is it a coincidence? ?

It's a coincidence that Lang Te went to hide the stolen goods, but it happened that Hecate summoned countless poisonous snakes and rushed into Amantes. Others' homes were fine, so why did Lang Te catch up with them?
If these were coincidences, who locked the utility room door?
The first time I wanted to use the soul-stirring technique to extract Langte's soul, but in the end, I was so lonely that this guy's soul disappeared.

Is this also a coincidence? ?
Obviously, all of this cannot be explained by coincidence, especially the deaths of Gruss and Stacey, all of which revolved around Master Morgan's house.

This can't help but remind him that his side mission 1 hasn't been completed yet.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong glanced sideways at the corner, and saw Deli lying in the corner, as if he was having some sweet dream, listening carefully to the stupid dog even purring.

"Kevin, I think I'm getting old."

Just when Xu Tong looked suspiciously at the stupid dog Deli, Master Morgan suddenly said.

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help raising his head, and after looking carefully at Master Morgan, he said solemnly: "Well, I think you can still live."

Master Morgan blushed: "Ahem, I didn't mean that."

Recently, the family's business has improved a lot, but there have been many deaths in the family, first Cruise, then Stacie, and now there is another Lante.

Even though Lang Te's death was just an accident, the end of being bitten to death by a group of poisonous snakes still made people feel a bit of embarrassment.

"I think it may be that I have been too busy with work recently and neglected my family. Maybe this is the warning given to me by God."

Master Morgan said thoughtfully.

The bad thing is that in Western feudal thought, there are no words that contradict each other.

Otherwise, at this time, Mr. Morgan would have doubts, whether this uncle-to-be is the reincarnation of Broom Star, and why his family keeps dying when he comes.

After Master Morgan finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the attic. It could be seen that he was really tired.

After Master Morgan left, Xu Tong sat by the window of the restaurant.

A servant brings up the coffee already brewed.

Under the dim light, Xu Tong took a sip, with a bit of sweetness in the bitterness, more of a delicate and deep taste.

Glancing at the sleeping dog on the ground, Xu Tong curled his lips. It was the first time he saw a dog sleeping soundly than a human.

Take out the hookah pipe that hasn't been smoked for a long time from the item book.

Fingers squeeze out a match.


With a wisp of smoke floating up, the flames reflected on Xu Tong's face.

After a while, a thick cloud of smoke spit out from his mouth.

One person, one dog, one cup of coffee.

It wasn't until the sky was bright that Xu Tong got up and walked out of the gate.

Outside the door, Gandalf was sleeping soundly wrapped in a blanket.

Xu Tong patted him and woke up Gandalf.

"Let's go to the suburbs."

Gandalf rubbed the corners of his eyes full of gum, feeling sleepy, but he could hear Earl Kevin's voice, he immediately raised his spirits, looked down, and saw the words on the invitation letter that Xu Tong handed over. Address, couldn't help laughing: "Why is this place?"

"Huh? Have you been there??"

Xu Tong, who was about to sit down, paused and looked back at Gandalf.

"Yes, about...A week ago, someone asked me to take him to this place. It was a forest. I thought he was a hunter who was going to go hunting in the mountains."

Gandalf scratched his head, thought carefully, and then nodded with certainty: "Yes, this is the place."

Oh, it's really dozing off, and someone will give you a pillow.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't intend to go to the suburbs to see it. He sat on a chair and asked, "Then do you remember who came to take your car?"

"Well, it's Matthew. He's a butcher in the west market, but I know he has another identity, a black market doctor. It's said that he specializes in performing operations on some shady people, or abortion operations."

Gandalf said with a mysterious face.

Because of imperial law, women are not allowed to have abortions, and violators will be imprisoned.

Even in the church, there is a clear law that the soul of a woman who has an abortion will never go to heaven after death.

So that if a woman is found to have an abortion, she will not only be punished at the legal level, but also cursed at the religious level.

It's just that as people's extravagant personalities become more and more open, whether it's the upper-class ladies, the lower-class common people, or even those Amu women, abortion is already a common thing.

Even the police turned a blind eye to this, so the shady profession of abortion doctor appeared.

Gandalf as a coachman is a bit like a taxi driver in reality.

It seems that there is no place in this city that they don't know about. The 499 and 899 people's doors are very clear.

Now there is no need to go to the suburbs, Xu Tong motioned to Gandalf to take him to find this Matthew.

But before you go, you still have to prepare yourself.

After all, the people Eletia invites are probably not ordinary people, and they come to the door without any preparation. If they encounter difficult ideas, they may not be able to deal with them.

So he said in the team channel: "I have a clue here, is there anyone going with me."

The benefits of the team are reflected at this time.

In less than a minute, someone replied to Xu Tong, it was the taciturn Zhao San.

"I'll go with you. Wait for me at No. 12, Su Lun Lane. I'll be off work right away."

Su Lun Lane happened to be not far ahead, so I passed by along the way.

When we got to the place, we knocked on the door number, and it turned out to be a funeral parlor.

Xu Tong remembered Zhao San's job. He was the mortician of the funeral home, responsible for cleaning and repairing the remains.

It seems that not long ago, Josie's aunt, Staci's body was handed over to this funeral home for disposal. I heard that Master Morgan is quite satisfied with the craftsmanship of this funeral home. I don't know if it is Zhao San's work.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I saw Zhao San come out from inside.

Zhao San jumped into the carriage, took out a sandwich and started to chew it in his mouth, not caring about the strong smell of corpses on his body.

Gandalf was still chattering on the road, those so-called rich and noble ladies were inferior to street whores in his eyes.

"You know the Sisters Tea Party? These dames seduce their nephews, cousins ​​climb into their beds and take them in and introduce them to others, they call it corkscrews.

Those poor little guys have become the new tea in their mouths. "

Having said that, Gandalf looked back at Xu Tong: "Miss Josie is the best, I think you are a good match, if you can get married, I can make you a carriage full of flowers, and then carry You go to a secret place, believe me, it is the most beautiful place in Amantes."

Xu Tong was amused by Gandalf, and agreed with a smile.

Although Gandalf's mouth is very broken, there is no denying that with such a person, life will always be full of fun.

Da da da……

The crisp sound of horseshoes echoed on the street.

Gandalf glanced at the empty market. Except for the fish market in Amantes, people don't have the habit of rushing to the morning market, so it's not surprising that there are no people in the market.

"Master, there is an unremarkable pork stall inside, do you want me to accompany you?"

Gandalf pointed to the dim path in front of him, and at the end of the path, there was a very faint light flickering on and off.

"No, you go back first."

Xu Tong jumped out of the carriage with Zhao San as he spoke.

Gandalf nodded, and reminded Xu Tong before leaving: "Knock twice, and someone will open the door."

After Gandalf had gone far away, Zhao Sancai said coldly: "If you pick me up next time, don't let me encounter this chatterbox again!"

As he spoke, Zhao San raised his sleeves, revealing his smooth arms.

Then he took out a strange long brush and drew a crow on his arm three times and five times.

Then with a shake of the arm, a crow flew out of the arm and hovered above the heads of the two of them.

The crow's vision is completely connected with Zhao San, as if it is a part of Zhao San's body.

This is the first time Xu Tong has seen such a peculiar ability, and he couldn't help casting envious eyes: "With this skill, I'm afraid there will be no shortage of wives!"

After confirming that there were no hidden lines or traps around, Zhao San nodded to Xu Tong, indicating that he could go in.

The two walked along the narrow path to the end, and they saw a dark butcher shop.

If it weren't for the sign with a picture of pork hanging on the side, neither of them would have been able to discover such an inconspicuous small shop.

According to the normal process, at this moment it should be like Gandalf said, knock on the door twice, and then wait for the other party to open the door.But the two of them obviously didn't come to see a doctor, and they didn't plan to go through the normal process.

Xu Tong looked at the closed door, waved his hand, and saw a paper figurine flying out of his palm, and flew in lightly along the crack of the door.

Afterwards, his fingers trembled a few times, and there was a "Ka!!" behind the door, and the door was already opened by the paper figurine.

What caught my eye was a pork shop.

There was no pork on the table, only a rusty kitchen knife and a dark red cutting board.

Zhao San walked to the cutting board, looked at the dark red blood on it, couldn't help lowering his head, put his nose on the cutting board, and took a deep breath.


Smelling the strong smell of blood above, Zhao San frowned: "Human blood!"

 I’m sorry, it’s been a very tiring day. My relatives and brothers all came to visit me at home. Three aunts, six aunts, uncles, uncles, eight or nine relatives have to go around, it's a headache to think about it, so... I will ask for a day off tomorrow, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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