Infinite script kill

Chapter 519: Praying for Dao and Tired of Victory

Chapter 519: Praying for Dao and Tired of Victory

The door of the room was gently pushed open a gap.

"come in."

Hearing the call from the room, A-Mei hesitated for a moment, but walked in with a coffee.

As soon as she entered the room, she noticed the picture reflected in the crystal ball, but she only glanced at it before quickly looking away.

"Just brewed coffee."

She put the coffee on the table and was about to turn around and leave.

"Are you going to leave now, don't you want to watch it for a while?"

The white-haired young man behind him called her, pointed to the crystal ball in front of him, and joked: "Let's have a look again, maybe we won't see it next time."

A-mei frowned, her hands clutched the hem of the skirt tightly as if she was struggling, and after a moment of stiffness, she still strode out. . .

He didn't stop until he reached the door: "I'll make a bet with you."


Mr. Tai raised his eyelids slightly, picked up the coffee and took a sip on the corner of his lips: "Will you bet that he won't die?"

"No, I bet he will win!"

A-mei turned around and looked into Mr. Tai's eyes, his eyes were full of determination: "He will win, not only this script, but you as well."

As she spoke, Amei glanced at the crystal ball.

In the picture in the crystal ball, Xu Tong was standing on the back of the black rooster, holding the bell in his left hand and waving sword energy in his right hand.

The fire of hell is useless, so use the sword energy transformed from incense to chop down one after another.

With the blessing of the incense merit, every blow of sword energy caused a huge wound to be torn on Matthew's body.

It has to be said that this stuff is a panacea, it has no effect against living people, but it is extremely useful against evil spirits and gods.

The only downside is that there are too few.

If it was before the Yinyang Cave, Xu Tong could kill this guy just by smashing it with incense.

But the Yinyang Cave and his party basically consumed all the incense merits and virtues, and the rest, Da Ya and the others spit out their remaining incense merits, plus the little food stored under Xu Tong's hands, to make up for it. from.

Matthew's huge body was completely reduced to a target, he roared unwillingly, and shot out countless bone spurs, but helplessly, the black rooster ran too fast.

The speed is not only fast, but also weird and changeable. Even though Matthew clearly kept his eyes on the black rooster, his reaction speed couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

As Xu Tong's attack speed began to accelerate, the number on the cartoon pocket watch above Matthew's head also began to increase rapidly.

This invisible injury made Matthew mad with anger.

"You have no chance, the Lord of Darkness is destined to come to the world, and the seven sacrifices return to their place, and you are destined to fall into the abyss and hell."

Matthew muttered to himself.

It seems to be telling a prophecy that is about to become a reality.

At this time, he stomped his feet violently, accompanied by a huge roar, and a huge shock wave was set off from under his feet.

"not good!!"

Looking at the shock wave visible to the naked eye, Zhao San's expression changed slightly, and he put his hands on his chest.

"Heart, liver, spleen, lung and stomach, the five internal organs return to their place!"

Zhao San recited the incantation, and with the incantation, the giant black claws tore away from his back for a moment.

The two of them shared a chicken, and were instantly sent flying by the shock wave.

Look at the picture in the crystal ball.

Mr. Tai rested his chin with one hand, picked up two fingers and rubbed the dust on it: "Just him? Why? I can kill him right now."

"It's because you don't dare!!"

Mr. Tai's face froze, and his eyes gradually narrowed into a slit.

Anyone who is familiar with Mr. Tai knows that this is already a precursor to his anger.

But A-mei continued: "The rules are the rules, even if you don't want to get around it, based on the principle of equivalent exchange, no matter how much danger you give him, Space will compensate him accordingly. After all, you are not You are fighting against him, you are fighting against space."

Speaking of this, A-mei showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "I have lived for so many years, but I have never seen anyone win the space. Do you know why?"

"Why??" Mr. Tai's expression gradually slowed down.

But Amei played tricks: "I bet you lose, if you lose, I will tell you, if you win, I will serve you for another 300 years."

"What if I lose?"

"Let her die, and I will continue to serve you for 300 years."

The girl A-mei refers to does not refer to herself, but refers to Thalia who entered the world of this script.

"It's a good deal! I bet."

Mr. Tai finally raised a smile on his face, and cast admiring glances at Amei. Although he didn't like his subordinates who disobeyed him like this, he had to say that she was a qualified negotiator.

Even if Mr. Tai knew in his heart that if he made such a bet and wanted to maintain the fairness of the bet, he could no longer directly intervene to influence the direction of the script world.

A-mei seems to be pleading for her sister, placing herself in a position of loss, offering herself a high-quality offer that she cannot refuse, and using the bet to tie her hands and feet.

Smart negotiation, exactly.

What?Wouldn't it be a bad thing for her to do this?
I can't bear to let the child not be caught by the wolf, and you are in the lower position. No matter whether you win or lose, your position is there. In 300 years, in exchange for the qualification of a game, this is the basic operation.

But even if he doesn't intervene anymore, he still doesn't believe that just this brat can come out of this script world alive?
So he boldly admitted that under this land contract, whether he wins or loses, he will gain something.

Even if it is the worst outcome, there is still a 300-year guarantee.

"Hey, I know I'm being tricked, but why did I suddenly fall in love with this feeling!"

Mr. Tai drank the coffee in hand and sighed in his heart.

It's just... Will I really lose?

With doubts, Mr. Tai looked at the crystal ball.

"Boom rumble..."

Countless shattered stones, under the blessing of the shock wave, burst out with a terrifying power comparable to cannonballs.

In an instant, the surrounding earth was shaken to the ground.

And when the dust dissipated.

To Matthew's surprise, there was a huge black turtle shell on the ground.

The shell is covered with strange textures, layer after layer forming towering turtle towers.

The tortoise is a natural treasure.

A strange divine radiance can be vaguely seen surrounding the tortoise shell.

As for Xu Tong and Zhao San, they were standing in the Turtle Tower, except for a little disheveled face, they were basically uninjured
Seeing this, Matthew was even more annoyed, and his eyes focused on the turtle tower.

Suddenly, countless black palms appeared on the ground, first pulling the turtle tower to the ground.

However, before these black hands touched the Turtle Tower, they were shattered by an auspicious light.

Zhao San made a mudra with both hands, and sat cross-legged with one leg, his body unexpectedly glowed with auspicious light.

Xu Tong took a closer look, and there was a Bodhisattva image behind this guy.

Luck also rose to the extreme for a while.

This is Zhao San's way of saving his life. Although he is a bit rascal, it has to be said that with that weird time bomb, ordinary people can only run away as soon as possible when encountering him.

Xu Tong couldn't help but wonder secretly, what would he do if he met an opponent like Zhao San? ?

Hit hard? ?
I saw countless bone spears falling down like a torrential rain, but they didn't even leave a trace when they hit the turtle's back. I'm afraid it would be futile to attack by force.

And Matthew's furious fist smashed down, which only caused the turtle shell to tremble slightly. Instead, it was the counter-shock force from the turtle shell, which made Matthew's fist crack open, and the numerical value on the top of his head also collapsed. Jumping fast.

It seems that I can only run.

Xu Tong was thinking about how likely he was to run away in this situation, but then he thought about that damn black rooster again.

It seems that at one's own speed, it is a luxury to escape.

Even in the process of escaping, Zhao San will be chased along the road and shot coldly.

"It's really tricky!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help holding up his chin, as if he really had to go to the master's house and hang up the exemption card.

"Drip drip!"

At this time, accompanied by the ear-piercing explosion, the value of the cartoon cat floating above Matthew's head finally reached 1000. The physique of the cartoon cat swelled in a circle, and then it burst into a strange black hole on Matthew's body. Light.


Painful roars came out of Matthew's mouth, and his tall body gradually shrank.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes lit up, he jumped out of the tower, followed by the mountain buckle and aimed at Matthew and threw it down.

While you are sick it kills you.

The abyss split open, and Baishankou perfectly fit together in this inner world. The surrounding ruins and buildings were seen sinking into the abyss together, as if they had become a part of the abyss.


The quaint door opened slowly, and a dark, dead air gushed out from it.

The pupils on Matthew's head tightened, and a strong sense of crisis hit him, filling his heart with fear, screaming and sticking out countless bone spurs to the surroundings.

At this time, I saw a lone boat floating out of the gate. An old man was sitting on the lone boat, wearing a straw hat and holding a bamboo pole in his hand. He looked up and looked at Matthew who was still struggling. Lu smiled: "After fishing for a long time, such a thing came."

After finishing speaking, he lifted the fishing rod in his hand and lightly swept the floor inside the door.

Suddenly, Matthew felt that his body was lifted by a force uncontrollably, and he was thrown towards the door immediately.

"Do not!"

Seeing that the gate was getting closer, Matthew waved his palms and smashed his huge fist at the old fishing man.

Unexpectedly, with a backhand shake of the fishing rod, the old man actually withstood Matthew's fist, followed by another twitch.


A bamboo stick mark appeared on Matthew's face, instantly causing the eyeballs on Matthew's head to burst, and he passed out on the spot.

"Boy, don't use this kind of red-haired monster to deal with it next time. It won't be sold at a good price."

Xu Tong stared: "Why is it you?"

If I had known it was a veteran shot, I would have used the mountain buckle to throw this guy in.

The old Taoist yawned: "Your master just left and said he was going to Luofu Mountain to report on his duties. He was afraid that you would not be able to suppress that little girl, so he took him away and let me stay here to guard."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he glanced at Zhao San
For a moment, Zhao San's heart went cold, and he felt like he was being seen through the tortoise tower.

Hastily smiled at the old Taoist, then pointed to Xu Tong: "Friend!"

"Hehe, it's interesting, really interesting. I've heard that since Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, he had a close fight with Yan Sheng's lineage, and finally died together in Tang Dynasty. I didn't expect someone to know it. It's rare."

Hearing the old Taoist's words, Zhao San's expression gradually became serious. He had also heard his master talk about this matter.

Praying for the Tao, being tired of winning is the deadly enemy.

Prayer uses human viscera to manifest supernatural powers, but the technique of disgusting victory uses strange spells to suppress things and harm people and lives.

During Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, a major case that caused a sensation in the government and the public occurred, involving the fighting technique of disgusting victory. Someone in the palace invited Zhu You's family members to use the supernatural powers of the five internal organs and the fighting technique of disgusting victory to capture the person who set up the hating victory.

The case involved so much that Emperor Gaozong issued an order to punish the world's weary victorious lineage.

Since then, the Yansheng lineage has become the sworn enemy of the Qidao lineage. The two families are fighting openly and secretly, and it is often life and death.

In the end, until the demise of the Tang Dynasty, the two families were completely killed and injured, and disappeared into the long river of history along with this most glorious empire.

Even if it is spread occasionally, it is just a superficial technique.

It's been a long time, and many people have never even heard of the name. This system of mine is combined with its own technique, plus the blessing of item cards, which has long since changed a lot from the original technique of prayer.

But he didn't want to be seen through by the old man at a glance, and he could even tell the past, which made Zhao San feel vigilant.

"Who are you, and how do you know these secrets?"

"I'll tell you if you come in."

Zhao San glanced at Xu Tong, then immediately shook his head and said, "Excuse me, let's go, senior."

After speaking, he turned and ran without turning his head.


Seeing this, the old Taoist couldn't help shaking his head regretfully: "It's a pity."

Xu Tong didn't know what the old man was up to, but he could be sure that the old man would not show any kindness.

"Go away!"

The old man waved his hand, dropped the bamboo pole again, and disappeared into the gate.

After Xu Tong dispersed to pay homage to the mountain buckle, the space in front of him also became blurred.

It seems that after Matthew was captured, the power to maintain the space around him also began to collapse.

Looking at the more and more smoke in front of him gradually getting thicker, the outline of reality has emerged in the haze.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Amata's warning came, and Xu Tong instinctively hid back. His body was wrapped in thick clouds and smoke, only to see a pale palm protruding from the darkness in front of him. The palm was covered with strange eyeballs. , staring firmly at Xu Tong's chest.

There is only a slight distance, and there are two worlds here. Xu Tong felt his body sink and fell heavily on the wooden board.

Looking again, he was already back in the cellar, and the surrounding area was covered with thick smoke and dust. Matthew's body had been burned into a torch, and the surrounding area was also ignited.

"Cough cough cough... hurry up! Get out first!"

Zhao San took Xu Tong's arm, and the two ran out of the cellar one after the other.

I saw the flames burning bigger and bigger, and when the two walked out, the flames had already penetrated from the ground.

It can be seen that in the cracked ground, some tiny bones will be exposed from time to time.

"Bah, bad luck!"

Zhao San cursed secretly, then looked at Xu Tong, hesitated for a moment and said: "That old man just now..."

"Leave him alone, the defeated generals are not worth mentioning."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Zhao San showed an expression of trusting you, but seeing Xu Tong's attitude, he stopped asking.

"I'm going back first, let's talk again when we come to church in the evening."

Saying that, Zhao San waved his hand, turned around and left.

"Fire, fire!!"

At this time, the flames were getting bigger and bigger, and someone had already called the fire alarm. After a while, they heard the sound of clanging and clanging, which meant that the nearby fire brigade had arrived.

Although they are in different eras, these people with simple fire-fighting tools are still rushing towards the flames as always...

(End of this chapter)

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