Infinite script kill

Chapter 522 The Master's Call

Chapter 522 The Master's Call

In short, Damu and Mrs. Amman only found the third invitation letter, but did not find other clues, which also made them very annoyed.

While speaking, Da Mu had brought Xu Tong and Qiao Qian to a small box.

This box was originally assigned to someone else, but through the operation of an acquaintance, Omu vacated this box, and here you can enjoy the entire process of the entire bullring from a commanding height.

The bullfighter in a bright costume walked into the arena gracefully, took off his hat, and saluted the surrounding audience, which aroused applause.

After Xu Tong glanced at the luck on the bullfighter, he smiled and said to Qiao Qian, "Would you like to take a gamble?"


Josie's eyes widened. Obviously, she had never played such an exciting thing before.

In my impression, Master Morgan resolutely resisted any gambling behavior. In his words, only fools would do such things as gambling.

"Whether you want to bet or not, it's still too late to bet..."

Damu couldn't help instigating from the side, gambling is definitely the fastest way for any player to get rich, it's efficient and relatively safe.

Da Mu has always wanted to gamble, and the principal in his hand is not even eligible to enter the game.

As for going to those small casinos, it's even more boring. You can only win a few dollars if you win.

After Xu Tong took out a check and wrote down the amount, he handed it to Damu, and I pressed the cow.


Da Mu glanced at the arena, and there were no bulls showing up. Besides, as far as he knew, the bulls in the first bullring are usually not very strong in order to ensure that everyone will enjoy watching.

"Yes, just press the bull to win."

After facing Xu Tong's confirmation, Da Mu hesitated for a while, but turned around and quickly placed a bet.

Anyway, if someone has money, it has nothing to do with him if he loses.

"Are you so sure the bull will win??"

Josie asked quietly.

Xu Tong smiled mysteriously and said in a low voice, "No, I'm sure I will win."

I don't know why, shortly after I walked out of the hospital, my luck began to rise, and the number of Qi above my head had already shown a ladder-like cloud layer, which was a sign of rising steadily.

As for the reason, he didn't know, but it was always a good thing, the stronger the luck, the better his luck.

So he also wanted to give it a try and see if he could win.

After a while, Damu handed the bill to Xu Tong.

He muttered in his mouth: "Fifty thousand pounds is enough for me to spend for a long time."

At this time, the bullpen was opened, and a black cow was let out from inside. When Da Mu saw the black cow, he was instantly dumbfounded. Isn’t this the finale cow? ?
"Bastard, what the hell are those idiots doing down there??"

Da Mu cursed and greeted the whole family of those damn slaughter officers.

This black bull is a purebred bullfighting bull sent from Spain. It is the finale of this time, and it is not the first one.

"Look, there's no suspense anymore, I'll go down and have a look."

Damu felt that something was wrong and planned to go down to check the situation.

Seeing this, Qiao Qian looked at Xu Tong with surprise and admiration written all over her face.

Sure enough, as Oki said, there was no suspenseful battle at all.

The matador, who was still elegant and unrestrained just now, started to beat his heart when he saw this black bull.

When the black cow came out of the wooden bar, the sun shone on the black cow's shiny fur, and even the people sitting in the auditorium could clearly feel the oppression emanating from the cow.

The matador's legs were weak on the spot, and when the black bull rushed over, he dropped the red cloth and ran away, causing a burst of curses from the audience.

A big shirtless man jumped onto the railing, ripped his clothes and cursed: "F*ck, refund the money!!"

Money back is not possible.

But the lost money still has to be paid. When Da Mu came back, the 15 pounds that Xu Tong had suppressed just now had become [-] pounds.

"Those cows in the cowshed didn't know what they ate wrongly, and they were all sick, and there was only one cow left."

Da Mu handed the money to Xu Tong with a depressed face, and he was back to before liberation.

He was unlucky to say the least. Originally, the big boss of the bullring wanted to train newcomers, and the first bull appointed by default was a castrated bull.

As a result, it was almost time to play, and the cow suddenly became thinner.

Not to mention entering the arena, even standing up is difficult.

I had to temporarily change cattle into the factory, but I turned around and saw, good guy, the boss gave the cattle laxatives, and they all became jet fighters.

The only one that was intact was the big black bull.

It seems that because of the problem of forage, this big black cow imported from Spain survived because of eating differently from other cows.

There is no way but to pull the cow out.

This is the only scene.

In addition, just now Xu Tong won 15 pounds, which is enough to make the owner of the cattle farm feel distressed and cry, not to mention that there is such a big mess down below, and the big boss behind it is estimated that even if he does not go bankrupt, he will not be able to think about it.

Xu Tong handed a check to Damu, and it could be seen that this guy had a gloomy expression on his face, obviously he had paid off all the bounty Andre gave him last time.

"Thank you!"

Damu put the money into his pocket, with a look of depression on his face.

Because the bulls were already sick, there was no way to continue the fights one by one, so the bullring simply sent all the matadors down for a group fight performance.

This move undoubtedly calmed down the grievances of everyone present, after all, the big black bull still looked quite powerful.

Suddenly eight matadors stepped down from the stage, armed with spears and rapiers, and began to besiege the black bull in turn.

The bloody scene naturally made many people scream excitedly.

Especially after seeing Hei Niu exhausted under the siege, and finally fell to the ground, the audience cheered even more.

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Josie was obviously not used to such a bloody scene, so she stood up and walked out the door.

"Hey, this cow must taste very good."

Da Mu didn't take it seriously, but looked forward to the delicious beef.

"Oh, by the way, Li Jun, there is one thing I have to remind you."

At this time, Damu suddenly remembered something, and looked at Xu Tong with a serious expression: "Do you have any grudges with the Shadow Team?"

Shadow team? ?

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, his eyes showed a bit of confusion, but he didn't remember to deny it, but gave a plausible answer: "Is there any problem?"

"Well, the Shadow Team has a great background, although after this script, you will become a certified player, the Shadow Team is by no means your opponent.

But their backstage is very big, it is a twelve-star veteran, that is a team composed of twelve certified players.

So if possible, you can ask the head to help you make peace and let them withdraw the wanted warrant for you. "

Da Mu said a lot, but Xu Tong became more and more confused the more he listened.

But after he thought about it later, he realized that the person that Da Mu was talking about might not be himself, but that fat man Li Bo.

Speaking of this fat man, Xu Tong couldn't help but smile knowingly, he suddenly missed this guy, and didn't know how this guy was doing recently.

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't speak, Da Mu stopped talking.

He said so much not only because Xu Tong gave too much money.

It was because Xu Tong's performance exceeded expectations that even Zhao San, an annoying guy, gave him a high evaluation.

Damu remembered what Zhao San said last night when they had a dinner together...

"If you're not sure that one blow will kill you, don't fight this kid!"

It is extremely rare for such an evaluation to come out of the mouth of Zhao San, a master tactician.

I believe that if there are no accidents, after the script world ends this time, the captain should recruit him to officially join the team.

So it is still necessary to establish a good relationship in advance.

in the bathroom.

Josie approached the door, locked the toilet door, and pushed open the toilet partition doors one by one.

After making sure that there was no one in the toilet, she took out a business card holder from the satchel at her waist. The business card holder was slowly opened, and a black tarot card appeared between Josie's fingers, with a demon with a bull's head and a human body drawn on it. , is holding a knife and fork, eating at the dining table.

"You are the one!"

Josie raised her head and looked at the figure in the mirror in front of her. Along with the black magic circle rising under her feet, a bull-headed monster in the mirror quietly turned into a cloud of black mist and circled around Josie for a while. After turning around, he got into the ceiling.

The bullfight ended hastily, which made many people unhappy. Although many people had learned the inside news that the bulls in the cattle farm were sick, and it was unlikely that there would be another bullfight in a short time, they still shouted to let the bullfight go. The boss moved out another cow.

Xu Tong and Qiao Qian left early and went home.

At night, Josie, who was returning home in a carriage, was called into the room by Mrs. Morgan.

It seemed that she planned to sleep with Josie.

Xu Tong also expressed his joy at this, at least he didn't have to worry about Qiao Qian coming to tell him stories at night, and he didn't have to hear that stupid dog purring.

But just after returning to the room, Xu Tong paused.

I only heard a small call coming from my ear,

The voice was very familiar, it was the voice of Master Song Lao, who seemed to be calling himself to come in.

Only then did he remember that it should be the master who came back.

Thinking of this, he released Da Ya and Fa Cai, let them guard the door of the room, and then locked the doors and windows to make sure there was no problem.

Raising his hands slightly, a small crack opened in front of his eyes. Xu Tong took a brisk step, and his figure disappeared into the abyss behind the crack.

In the bullring on the other side, there is also a feast going on at this moment.

Candlelight flickered in front of the tent.

In the huge bullring, a bonfire was set up at this moment.

Despite the cold weather today, Franklin, the owner of the bullring, insisted on dining here.

It seems that only in this way can one feel the passion of bullfighting personally.

The butler at the side reported today's loss, which made Franklin's heart bleed.

28 pit bulls had collective diarrhea, and three of them were completely finished.

The rest of the condition is not very good. According to the veterinarian, it is almost impossible to survive tomorrow.

Including the loss of the casino, he lost nearly 30 pounds that day, which was almost half of his net worth.

As a result, when he saw the bill, Franklin's mentality exploded, and 15 pounds of it was actually won by someone.

"Find out who won the money, and I will throw him into the copper bull."

Seeing such a big bet, Franklin already concluded in his heart that this man was responsible for his cattle's sudden diarrhea.

If so, I will definitely let him experience the taste of a copper bull.

The so-called copper bull is Franklin's special oven for roasting cattle.

It is said that it was specially built to imitate the torture of a certain era.

The stove made of brass can be divided into two from the middle, and there will be no seam after locking. The size of the copper bull looks much larger than that of ordinary bullfighting bulls.

After smearing spices on the body of the cow, it is baked together with the cowhide. After the roasting is completed, the beef will maintain a complete standing posture.

When the stove was turned on, the steaming bull stood in front of him.

Franklin likes this feeling the most, making him feel as if he has become a matador.

The black bull that caused him to lose money today has been wiped clean.

Under Franklin's comment, it was put into the copper bull.

The chef on the side also specially brushed the black beef with a thick layer of fat and spices to ensure that the roast meat will be more flavorful.

It's just that no one noticed that the moment the chef closed the copper bull, a black shadow had quietly entered into the copper bull.

"Master, it has been found out, can you take a look at it?"

At this time, the butler walked to Franklin and asked Franklin to enter the accounting room.

Then he took out the bill for today's bet, flipped through it page by page, pointed to one of the records and said, "Look, the person who made the bet used a check from Morgan's family."

"Morgan House!"

Franklin frowned for a moment. Of course he knew about the Morgan family, and now in Amantes, no one knew about the Morgan family.

That old fellow Morgan was really lucky. During this period of time, he bought those factories crazily.

More importantly, the mysterious Earl Kevin of the Morgan family.

Among the many gossip, this Earl Kevin has a deep relationship with the church. Although they are all rumors, the Morgan family has indeed jumped into the Anman by virtue of the relationship with the Earl Kevin. In the upper circles of Tess.

This made Franklin a little unpredictable. Is it just a coincidence? ?
With the wealth of the Morgan family, how could he use such low-handed means to deal with himself?What's more, a mere 15 pounds is a drop in the bucket for the Morgan family...

"It could be someone else's check from the Morgans."

the butler speculated.

"Well... Let's check again. If it's really a member of the Morgan family, forget it, and don't provoke the Morgan family."

Franklin sighed. Just half a month ago, the Morgan family was just a watchmaker like himself. Even with some wealth, they still couldn't get rid of the shackles of their status.

But now, the Morgan family has become the wealthiest family in Amantes, controlling two-thirds of Amantes' factories, which is simply unimaginable.

Could it be that this guy really has a god protecting him?

Thinking of Franklin, he was already thinking about whether he should donate some money to the church to see if the Almighty God can bless him? ?

After speaking, Franklin walked out of the account room, ready to enjoy today's dinner.

However, when he led the housekeeper and the others to the tent in the bullring, he found that there was a mess in front of him, and there were no traces of the chefs.

"What about people??"

Franklin was taken aback, and just when he was wondering, the air was filled with the smell of barbecue.

But it wasn't the smell of beef he was familiar with.

When he looked suspiciously at the copper bull that was roasting in the bonfire, the butler seemed to have noticed something, and slowly turned his head, only to see a fuzzy black figure walking towards them in the darkness.


The shrill screams immediately echoed in the huge bullring.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that when the bullfield workers re-entered the bullring, they saw dense bones piled up on the table, and on the top of the table was Franklin's head.

(End of this chapter)

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