Chapter 529

I don't know if what the eldest princess said is true or not, but if I really let her take a bite, it is true that I will lose half my life.

"You take the articulation apart and say it, I'd like to think about it!"

Xu Tong smiled without a smile on his face, and dyed the red, ignoring the dazed look of the eldest princess, and walked straight to the archives room, intending to see how the report on the death of Eretya was finally closed.

He always felt that people thought of Eretia's death too simply. .

If Lei's message implies that Eretia, as the bishop of the church, is the spokesperson of God, then who is Judah?
With these doubts, Xu Tong pushed open the door.

To his surprise, there was a stranger sitting in front of Antu's desk, leaning on the chair, hanging the big leather boot by the table, and two black, stinky feet were stepping on it. On the table, you can even see the hole where the front of his sock was pushed out.

With doubts, he glanced at the administrator on the side, only to see that the administrator kept his head down and looked like I didn't see anything.


Sensing someone coming in, the man turned his head and glanced at Xu Tong from the side through the file in his hand. His dark brown eyes reflected Xu Tong's reflection, but he was completely enveloped by the dark atmosphere.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the rumors!"

The man put his feet away from the table, then sat up straight, and put down the file on his hands to reveal his features.

The long dark brown hair hangs down his cheeks, it can be seen that he has not rested for a long time, the stubble is messy, and there is a lot of dry skin on his face.

It's just that Xu Tong's eyes are more on the hat in his hand.

A black cowhide hat with a line of silver piping imprints on it, and three silver bullets pinned to one side of the hat.

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly. He remembered that the book Evelyn gave him had introduced the witcher.

The difference from the God Catchers is that although the demon hunters also belong to the church, they are not under the control of the church, nor do they need the church to give them subsidies.

All their income depends entirely on their freedom.

They can do business by themselves, or they can hunt and kill demons in exchange for generous rewards from the church, as long as they don't violate the law, they can do whatever they want.

If the Inquisition is the white glove of the church, it is dedicated to hunting down heretics for the church and doing shady things.

Then the witcher is a pure weapon, aimed only at demons.

The man stretched out his hand to Xu Tong: "Bishop Kevin, please sit down."

Xu Tong glanced at the chair in front of the table, but did not sit down, but closed the door and leaned against the doorpost: "Sorry, I may have caught a cold recently, so I'd better stand here."


The man was stunned for a moment, but he didn't insist anymore, but introduced himself.

"You can call me Tommy. Evelyn may have mentioned to you that the church will entrust me to take you away from Amantes. In addition, this is a small gift from the Pope as a gift for you last time. Mantes' contribution."

Tommy took out a boxy box from under the table and threw it to Xu Tong casually.

However, Xu Tong did not pick it up, but watched the box fall to the ground.

After the box drew an arc in mid-air, it fell heavily on the ground, broke into two halves, and rolled out a round white badge.

This made the manager stunned for a moment.

Even Tommy was stunned for a moment, looked at the broken box on the ground, and looked at Xu Tong in doubt: "Why didn't you pick it up?"

"Why are you throwing it?"

Xu Tong asked back: "I don't think the Pope would want you to throw this honor to me like rubbish so casually."

Now Tommy's expression became a little unnatural.

Xu Tong curled his lips: "Sorry, I'm not feeling well, let's talk about something next time."

After speaking, he opened the door and left.

He didn't give this church envoy a little bit of face.

It wasn't until he went out that he scolded viciously: "Show me off? You deserve it too!"

Xu Tong didn't hide this sentence at all. The voice was so loud that he could hear it clearly through the door. I believe Tommy could hear it clearly as well.

As the saying goes, people who are made of mud still have three points of fire. What kind of temper is Xu Tong?

What I hate the most is this trick of getting off the horse.

Don't forget, God Catcher originally had seven captains, but how did they become six?

Xu Tong hummed and jumped into the carriage with steps that his relatives did not recognize.

When Tommy realized his recklessness and rudeness, he chased him out with bare feet, and Xu Tong had already gone home in the carriage.

For a while, only Tommy was left with an ugly expression, unable to get off the stage.

He didn't mean it like that, but he just felt that a teenager, with his special physique, would lead him to the Vatican, and there might be some troubles along the way, so he instinctively hoped that he would occupy a dominant position as soon as they met. superior.

Unexpectedly, things went wrong.

In desperation, Tommy could only leave the Inquisition in despair, and went to find Archbishop Evelyn.

On the way, the eldest princess at the hall burst into laughter.

I think Xu Tong's angry appearance is much cuter, especially with his current skin.

Xu Tong was smoking a big cigarette depressedly.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, that sloppy beard is pretty strong, be careful, don't let him retaliate against you."

"With you here, what am I afraid of?"

Xu Tong shook the command arrow in his hand, and asked immediately: "If you become enlightened, you become a living person? Then why do you live under the hands of my master? My fiction and reality can't carry a living person?" "

"Why are you pretending to be confused? Being enlightened doesn't mean I have a physical body, it's just a ghost turning into a soul, and it's not that simple."

"Then why don't you consider accepting an apprentice? My brother has very good aptitude, well-behaved and obedient, and very filial."

"Your master mentioned this matter, I will talk about it when I meet someone..."

The two chatted on their own, while Gandalf looked back suspiciously from time to time. He always felt that it was chilly behind him, and he couldn't help but drive a lot faster.

By the time the carriage had stopped at Morgan's house.

Xu Tong jumped out of the carriage and motioned for Gandalf to go back and rest for two days, and take a good bath by the way.

It was also a hard time for him.

Then he opened the door and walked into the yard. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Master Morgan sitting in the yard drinking tea.

After seeing Xu Tong, she immediately called him to drink tea together, and at the same time told him that Evelyn called just now and asked him to come back when he came back.

Xu Tong nodded to show that he understood, and took the coffee that Shar handed him.

"Where's Josie and Madam?"

"They went to the hospital. Anna has been vomiting recently, so Josie accompanied her to the hospital for a checkup."

Speaking of this, Xu Tong could see the unconscious smile on the corner of Master Morgan's lips. Although the result has not yet come out, everyone can notice that Mrs. Morgan's figure has become more rounded recently.

After speaking a few words with Master Morgan, Xu Tong went back to his room to rest.

After closing the door, the eldest princess jumped down from the entrance of the hall. Since she had confirmed that there was nothing wrong, she had to go back and prepare.

"You put this thing away. Before you call me out, put this thing under the opponent's feet. As long as he steps on it, even if the true god descends, I can deal with him."

Xu Tong saw that what the eldest princess handed over turned out to be a dead branch.

This thing looks familiar, it seems to be the branch of the old crooked neck tree owned by the eldest princess.

Before I got it, I felt that there was an evil spirit inside and out of this thing, and even the luck above my head was inexplicably suppressed.

I remembered what my master said, that old crooked neck tree was the last fate of the old Zhu family, but it was also the fate of defeat.

Except for the eldest princess, no one dared to take it directly.

Xu Tong took out a piece of red cloth and carefully wrapped the branch before putting it in the item book.

Glancing at the entry, the item book actually only gave one name [Calamity of Decadence] and the rest of the entries are full of question marks.

After putting away the branches, Xu Tong raised his hand and held out the Mountain Worship Button, ready to send the eldest princess back.

Seeing the opening, the eldest princess glanced at Xu Tong's neck again, swallowed unwillingly, and then jumped into the abyss and disappeared without a trace.

"This old lady..."

Of course, Xu Tong also noticed the resentful little eyes of the eldest princess before she left, and couldn't help but shudder all over her body. If this bitch really stomped her feet and bit her, he might not be able to resist it.

But with the promise of the eldest princess and the branch, Xu Tong felt more at ease.

Next, the soldiers will come to cover the water and soil, and it depends on which of you who don't have eyes will send you to the door to seek death.

"Bang bang bang..."

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door, it was the housekeeper Shar.

"Master, Bishop Evelyn's phone number."

It seemed that Evelyn was indeed in a hurry, and after a while, she took the initiative to call again.

Xu Tong followed Shar downstairs, picked up the phone, and heard Evelyn's voice on the other end of the phone: "Son, you may have misunderstood Tommy, he didn't mean that, it's just that demon hunters are This casual and lazy temper.”

"Oh, that may be my misunderstanding, but I'm really not feeling well now, so please ask him to come to my house and deliver the things."

Xu Tong has a good impression of Evelyn.

Now that he has spoken, Xu Tong will not refute his face.

From now on, as long as Tommy gives things to himself in a proper manner, the rest can be discussed.

Evelyn readily agreed on the phone. After the two finished talking on the phone, Xu Tong put down the phone and was about to have a big meal. Then he waited for Tommy to come to the door, and then he would discuss the conditions with him.

"Jingle ding bell..."

However, the phone he had just hung up rang again. Xu Tong thought it was Evelyn who had forgotten something. After picking up the phone, he heard Josie's trembling panting voice: "Help!" ...Help...Kevin, come and save me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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