Chapter 559
goo goo goo...

In the small courtyard of the bamboo forest, hot steam rises.

I saw a small courtyard with two small springs, separated by a screen.

Soaking in the hot hot spring, Xu Tong didn't feel hot, but the feeling of warmth all over his body was very comfortable.

After glancing at the hint in the item book, this hot spring actually increased his constitution by 2%.

For this alone, it is worthy of the price of 300 script points in this pool.

"Little friend, although my blind eyes are not good, I can read countless people. Today, I missed you. There are people beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. I admire, admire!"

"You're welcome, I'm not that amazing, I'm just lucky."

"Hey, in our line of business, luck is strength." Blind Kang said disapprovingly, and then he couldn't help sighing: "Young people are awesome, really young people are awesome, it's a pity, this page of life and death book!"

"Oh, you can see this too?"

Xu Tong didn't expect that the other party could see the treasure hidden in his luck, which made him even more surprised by Kang Xiazi's double pupil ability.

Blind Kang came out of the hot spring, and saw that he had taken off his mask and wiped the water from his face with his hands, revealing his original appearance, a thin face, in his early seventies, with a goatee, two The temples are grizzled, and the hair is already gray and blue.

There are pairs of pupils hidden in the two pairs of pure white eyeballs, looking at the fate above Xu Tong's head through the screen.

Fluorescence flickered faintly in the secondary pupil, but it was impossible to see the whole picture of the treasure hidden in Xu Tong's luck.

"I just discovered it by accident. No one touched you, and I can't see it. Hey, it's also because of that guy's bad luck. He met you, a wicked person, and actually treated such a wicked thing as a treasure. Who would dare to treat you in the future? If you play with your luck, you can't escape death, this method is amazing!"

After talking, blind man Kang suddenly thought of something, and said: "Dare to ask my friend, the fire is burning in the mountains and forests, and it is raining heavily, Jiangchuan Baibai asked which one!"

As soon as these words came out, the screen was pulled away by Xu Tong, revealing Xu Tong's true face.

Clasp your hands into fists with your thumbs pointing up.

"It turned out to be the senior of General Commander Jin Dian."

When Blind Kang saw Xu Tong's gesture, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at Xu Tong suspiciously: "Seven gates? You..."

"Xue Gui is my master!"


As soon as Xu Tonghua's voice fell, I saw the blind man jumping forward, jumping away with his bare buttocks, staring at Xu Tong with wide eyes: "Let's talk, put your hands down first, I'm afraid of you please me!"

Xu Tong was startled, and immediately understood what Kang Xiazi meant, and put down his hands and said, "This is an exhibition, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing this, blind man Kang remembered that this is an exhibition, and all acts of violence are prohibited. His tense face immediately relaxed, he pointed his toes, covered his hands, and went back to soak in the hot spring.

"Why, do you have a grudge against my family?"

Xu Tong was lying on the edge of the soup pool, and asked with a close face.

Blind Kang rolled his white eyes when he heard the words: "It's as if your family has no enmity with your family."

Xu Tong was powerless to refute this.

There are thousands of Jiuliu Qimen, and the master Xue Gui kills half of them.

However, most of those who lived after the founding of the People's Republic of China had enmity with their family.

"However, there is indeed no enmity between my Jinmen and your Qimen. Your master released my father back then. By the way, my father's surname is Chu, and his name is Chu Zhao."

"Hey! What a coincidence, I know your father very well."

When Xu Tong heard the name, he couldn't help grinning. At the time when Master Chu Zhao led people to surround and kill him, he also spent a lot of effort to break out of the siege. If the master hadn't rushed over at the last moment, he would have given his life At that freight station.

Unexpectedly, today, he met the descendants of Master Chu Zhao. Instead of complaining, Xu Tong exclaimed that it was a coincidence.

"If that's the case, we two are of the same generation, and I will call you Brother Kang from now on?"

Blind Kang smiled wryly when he heard the words, but he could also think about it, after all, authenticating players' fists is the key, and seniority is not important.

You have big fists, so it's okay to call you grandpa.

"Then why isn't your surname Chu?"

"Isn't it later that my father was approved, and my family changed me to my mother's surname in order to let me go to school!"

When Blind Kang mentioned the past, Blind Kang sighed for a while.

Fortunately, his father passed on the skill of housekeeping to him in the end, otherwise the skill of spotting gold would be considered dead.

It is this unique skill, coupled with my own different pupils, that somehow, after becoming a player, he did not die early in the script world due to old age and frailty. Authenticated players.

"Let's not mention these unhappy things. Anyway, it's fate that we two brothers can meet each other. Let's go upstairs for a drink later?"

Blind Kang suggested.

"It's fine to drink. I'm new here and I plan to continue shopping. I still have some trivial things to do."

Xu Tong waved his hand and rejected Kang Xiazi.

After thinking about it, Kang Xia knew that Xu Tong must have a lot of things to do, so he didn't force it.

"You should have just become a certified player. Let me tell you a place. Go out, turn left and go to the first store. There is a training ground, a silver badge for an hour. It is a good place. The fastest way to improve combat power, you You can try it."

Then Kang Xiazi left another phone call to Xu Tong, saying that he would come to him at any time if he had any difficulties.

"Thank you bro!"

Xu Tong glanced at the phone number, and after remembering the phone number in his heart, he wiped his hand and burned the business card.

"It's comfortable, I'm going upstairs, if you're ready to leave, don't wait for me, I'm a member here!"

Blind Kang stretched his waist, stood up from the soup pool, put on a large bathrobe and went upstairs. In fact, he made room for Xu Tong to open the prop book.

As for the treasures in those item books, blind man Kang didn't want to see them, nor did he want to know.

The province was stimulated by Xu Tong.

Blind Kang left, Xu Tong sat alone by the edge of the soup pool, opened the bag at his side, and saw that it was full of props selected by him.

According to his original plan, he wanted to gamble all of the [-] scripts in one go.

As a result, there was an accident in the middle, and there was a delay, which led to a bet of about [-] script points in the end.

Xu Tong can also accept this result.

Just like the hexagrams in my previous divination, the wind is too strong, and you can't do everything absolutely, and there will be disasters if you do absolutely.

Right now, these dozen or so item books are enough to earn a fortune.

The next step is naturally the popular blind box opening link.

Xu Tong slowly took out an item book, put it in his hand and slowly opened it, and item cards appeared in Xu Tong's eyes one by one.

And at this moment.

Deep in the nether world, on Luofu Mountain.

Only the sound of killing was heard, and from time to time a group of Yin soldiers galloped on horseback.

On the ground, the Yin soldiers in battle armor waved their spears neatly, their terrifying murderous aura condensed into a puff of wolf smoke, and with a strange shout, all the surrounding mountains and forests trembled.

At this time, there is an inconspicuous small place on the top of the mountain, and a large cave above it.

I saw the entrance of the cave, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and several particularly large hot spring pools, gurgling white mist.

Several ghost generals on Luofu Mountain stood on both sides with their swords in their hands, staring intently at the two players who were playing chess behind them.

"Two cars into six, kill horses!"

Seeing the chess pieces fall, Xue Gui frowned for a moment.

In front of him, sat a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe and a beaded crown on his head, staring at the chess pieces on the chessboard with stern eyes.

Xue Gui stared at the chessboard worrying for a while, at this time he had to move or move his general, but if he made a move, his own horse could not be kept.

"Luo Feng Liutian sent an envoy to send you a message, asking you to help. You can do what you want. It's best if you can help. It doesn't matter if you can't, as long as you don't delay the business."

Du Ziren suddenly spoke at this moment.

Hearing this, Xue Gui didn't move his eyes from the chessboard, he pushed his pawns forward and said, "It's not like we can help with this matter if we want, at some point, if he can't get in, I can't help it."

"Hmph, if you want to get ahead, you have to fight, and you will win if you dare to fight!"

Du Ziren sneered, raised his hand and pushed the pawn with a soldier, and then Xue Gui slammed him on the head, and the two fought fiercely.

On the side of the chessboard, there is a warrant, which is Du Ziren's token and also the bet for this time.

But if they lose, then Xue Gui's next salary will be in vain.

Just when the two of them killed you and me.


A ghost general came up and sent a letter of order to Du Ziren. Du Ziren was so fierce that he didn't have time to be distracted, he just said: "Read!"

"By the order of Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin, the envoys from the western lands outside the territory have come to the table, and the Shangsi is about to arrive. They will send envoys to the remote mountain to make offerings, and order the ghost emperors of the five directions to go to the Yinqi Hall to discuss reception matters. This is yours!"


When Du Ziren heard that it was an order from Emperor Fengdu, he still put down the chess pieces in his hand, turned around and took the order.

Just as Du Ziren turned around, Master Xue Gui rolled his eyes, and casually moved his car a space to the left.

After Du Ziren finished reading the order, he put the order in his sleeve, muttering to himself, what the hell are those scumbags in the west doing.

"Never mind him, a bunch of jumping clowns, just come and cover them with water and earth, General!"

Xue Gui smiled and pushed his car forward, captured the opponent's taxi, and directly checkmate this game of chess.


Du Ziren was startled, and glanced at the chessboard: "How did your car get here?"

"Is that how you came here? Great Emperor, you still have official business, so I won't stay here any longer. I'll just take the things away. Let's continue next time!"

Xue Gui didn't wait for Du Ziren to say anything, stood up and ran out.

"Hmph! This old thief!"

Du Ziren curled his lips when he saw this, and the ghost general beside him said in a low voice: "Great Emperor, I just saw him cheating!"

"I know, this guy doesn't follow the rules."

Du Ziren threw away the chess piece in his hand, facing the doubts of his subordinates, his thick eyebrows raised on his face as tough as a knife, and his eyes gradually became sharper: "But there are some things that cannot be done if you follow the rules."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a servant trotting over with his head down:
"Great Emperor, just now Supervisor Xue took your warrant and took away the sheep you raised in Houshan."

Du Ziren: ……………

(End of this chapter)

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