Infinite script kill

Chapter 563 Vientiane Zhangchun

Chapter 563 Vientiane Rejuvenation
Wu Guang faced his face, he felt his throat tighten, and the muscles on his throat were stretched out with a blood-red mark. If you look carefully, there are delicate snake scales on these marks.

The snake scales began to tighten as if they were alive, and wound down around the bearded man's neck little by little.

The dragon coils around the sea, and the snake coils around the mountain.

It's hard to wrap around a god.

Xu Tong looked at the imprint on the bearded man's neck, and saw the luck on the bearded man's head, and he was coiled up by a big snake that reached the sky.

The whole body of the big snake is like gold, and the ten thousand-foot body is entwined layer by layer. Every movement of the body seems to carry the power to open mountains and seas. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to last long.

The bearded man's luck was not bad, but he couldn't say how good it was. It was just that in his luck, there was a piece of green fairy grass, and the whole body of the fairy grass gushed out a thick green light to compete with the big snake's body.

"Is it a town thing? It doesn't look like it?"

Xu Tong looked at the fairy grass and thought to himself, something like a township, sometimes a brick, a tile or a stone can be a township, and there is nothing strange about a single grass.

After all, not everyone can go to the judge and tear out a page from someone's life and death book to use as a treasure.

The bearded man's throat gradually tightened, but he did not give up resistance because of this. Instead, he opened his hands and directly hugged Zhang Biwen heavily in his arms.

Even though Zhang Biwen scratched him frantically, he never fought back.

It wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, but because after he forcibly kicked Zhang Biwen out of the team, Zhang Biwen had about 3 minutes of protection time.

"This place is weird, find a way to get out first!"

The bearded man clenched his teeth and shouted to his companion behind him, but there was no response.

"Fuck, talk!!"

After the bearded man finished cursing, the snake scales on his neck tightened again, making him a little out of breath. When he looked back, he saw the two of them standing there blankly as if possessed by an evil spirit.

A faint light gradually lit up in the darkness, illuminating the shadows of the two of them.

It was only at this time that the bearded man saw that the shadows of the two were reflected on the wall, and they were pulled by dense black palms.

"Hey hey hey!!"

At this time, Zhang Biwen let out a strange laugh, stretched out his slender nails, grabbed the bearded face, and stretched out his hand to tear it, tearing off a piece of flesh and blood.

The bearded man snorted coldly, but he didn't let go of his hands, he still held Zhang Biwen tightly and didn't let go.

No matter what five old immortals tore at him, his body was bloody.

What is surprising is that no matter how badly Beard was injured, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the 3-minute protection period was coming soon, the bearded man snorted coldly:
"A bunch of beasts in the mountains, dare to call themselves old immortals, I will go back later and tear down your family temple!"

As he said that, he saw the bearded man, took a deep breath, and a thick black mist like wolf smoke began to grow under his skin.

"Extreme evil order!"

The pupils of the bearded man turned cold, and the black smoke on his body suddenly ignited like a flame.

Extreme Shade Order: After consuming 300 script points to activate, release the power of extreme evil at the cost of your own flesh and blood.

"not good!"

Even the ancestors of the Fox family couldn't help but change their expressions. Although their fairy family is a spiritual creature that enjoys the incense of the world, it is not a real fairy after all.

As spiritual beings, what they are most afraid of is this evil spirit.

The evil spirit rushed to the body, the ancestor of the Fox family let out a muffled hum, and the hair on his face suddenly turned into ashes. At the same time, the bodies of the other four ancestors were also forced to be squeezed out of Zhang Biwen's body.


Without the control of the Five Immortals, Zhang Biwen let out a dull scream. Although his consciousness was clear, he was completely useless. From head to toe, he couldn't find even a single intact bone, like a puddle of mud Limp in the arms of the bearded man.


Seeing this, the bearded man's eyes were cold, and he stretched out a finger to poke Zhang Biwen's forehead.

With a sound of "Poof!", the finger directly poked Zhang Biwen's head, causing Zhang Biwen to die suddenly on the spot.

Stretching out his hand, he grabbed Zhang Biwen's item book in his hand, and after taking out an item card from it, he turned around and rushed behind, ready to save someone.

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Fox family bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood into the basin. '

The blood coagulated in the water basin and turned into a blood doll. Once the doll fell into the water basin, the ancestors of the other four families immediately got into the doll.

Immediately, a fishy light appeared in the Immortal Worship Formation.

The bloody hand has been flying down through the air, taking pictures with a big beard.

In the palm of the bloody hand, there were five pairs of eyeballs. After the five pairs of eyeballs twisted and gathered in a row, a white doll was born in the center of the bloody hand.

The doll held a scroll of scriptures in his hand, on which were written the words [Sutra of Nirvana] in gold inscriptions.

"Those who listen to my teachings will never be impermanent, even if they are immortals, they will not be able to escape the cause and effect of reincarnation..."

The doll recites scriptures in a strange voice.

Suddenly, the soles of the bearded man's feet froze, and he couldn't move. He lowered his head and found his own shadow, being pulled by densely packed palms.

Seeing this, the bearded man's heart sank, and a bad premonition struck.

The doll's chanting became faster and faster.

Black scriptures fell like snowflakes.

The scripture ignored the evil spirit and directly stained the flesh of the bearded man. The bearded man's pupils tightened and he found that his muscles were shrinking rapidly.

After the skin and flesh were aging and lost their vitality, the snake scales on the bearded man's throat quickly tightened, making it difficult for him to breathe for a while, and his whole face was flushed red.

"court death!"

Seeing this, the bearded man didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and took out an item card from the item book, which was a black dagger.

The short sword is only five inches, so it is more appropriate to say it is a dagger.

The pitch-black sword body couldn't tell what color it was, but it could be vaguely seen that the word "fish intestines" was engraved on it.

This is a one-time prop worth [-] script points. Although the bearded man feels distressed, he can't care about that much anymore.

His skin and flesh are aging very quickly, which is simply fatal to him.

With a swipe of the bearded man's finger, the short sword flew up and turned into a long rainbow to stab out.

The Fish Intestine Sword was originally an offensive blade, and there was an unstoppable aura surrounding the edge of the sword. The moment the bearded man waved his hand, the edge of the sword pierced the baby's chest in a flickering moment.


The old immortals of the Wu family naturally also sensed that something was wrong, but at this point, whoever retreats will die, and the five pairs of eyes flashed coldly for a moment, and they manipulated the doll to throw down the scriptures in their hands.


When the two collided for a while, the volume of scriptures shattered under the Yuchang sword, and a dazzling cold light burst out from the edge of the sword. Even Xu Tong, who was watching the battle outside, felt terrified.

He thought that if this thing was against him, even if he had the Chunyang Sword to protect him, he might not be able to retreat completely.

However, at the same time as the scriptures were shattered, they did not know that they were also triggered. The opportunity of this technique, the shattered scriptures ignited a white fire, and at the same time, the flames imprinted on the bearded man exploded together.

In an instant, the old fire burned his body, the bearded man suddenly aged a dozen years.

His hair also suddenly became white.

At the same time, the luck above the head was instantly crushed by the big snake.

"Bang!" The blood doll in mid-air was pierced by the sword, and the water basin in front of Xu Tong was also pierced: it exploded with a "pop", and the special water basin was actually torn apart.


Immediately there was a scream, and the ancestor of the Fox family who was attached to the girl swayed and flew out of the girl directly.

The fairies of the other four families also screamed for a while.

For a while it turned out to be a lose-lose situation.

The Immortal Worship Formation was broken, and the big girl who was sitting at the entrance of Xu Tong's hall rushed out immediately, stretched out her hand to grab the void, and firmly caught the ancestor of the Zhenfeihu family: "Old ancestor!!"

"Hey, after all, our fairy family's luck has come to an end."

The ancestor of the Fox family who opened his eyelids didn't care about his injury, but sighed deeply.

Under the Immortal Worship Formation, I don’t know how many heroes died. Except in the early Yuan Dynasty, Changchun Master broke through ten thousand shots with a sword and broke the Immortal Worship Formation. There was no defeat.

Now they have lost to them, not only because of the lack of strength of the Five Immortals Hall, but also because in the dark, the luck of the Five Immortals Hall is coming to an end.

How can this make the ancestor of the Fox family not feel sad.

The Immortal Worship Formation was broken, and the original tunnel disappeared.

Take a closer look, there are no tunnels, it is just a dilapidated and old unfinished road, what is more intrusive is that the ground is full of corpses, foxes, hedgehogs, and several big snakes are broken into several pieces, only Several weasels struggled to get up and ran into the woods.

The ground is in a mess, unsightly.


At this time, the two small men finally regained their ability to move, and immediately rushed up and pulled their beards to leave.

"Can you go!"

At this time, a black shadow rushed out from the woods, the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it at all.


The bearded man's expression changed, and he pushed the two of them away. He couldn't leave anymore. Although he broke the immortal worship formation, his condition was also in a mess.

Immediately, he pushed the two of them away and went towards the shadow.


The little man was also decisive when he saw this. The two of them were not in a good state. The reason why they were easily controlled was because they didn't know when they were blessed with many negative effects.

So he pulled up his companions, turned around and fled decisively.

"Extremely evil!!"

The palm of the bearded man gave off a black evil spirit, which was so strong that it was like a black spear, exuding a biting murderous aura.

But Rang's hand was also bloody and bloody under the corrosion of the evil spirit, and even his bones were exposed.

However, the black shadow did not stop at all, a coquettish red light rose from a long sword that was shining with silver light, and struck down head-on.

Immediately, the spear condensed by the evil spirit was wiped out under the red light.

Recalling that his teammate Yingxin once mentioned that the opponent is good at swordsmanship and can summon a strange and bright red evil fire. Even his meteorite dagger can be easily melted. The bearded man immediately became alert and did not take the sword hard. Turning sideways to avoid the red flame, he slapped Xu Tong's chest with his bloody palm.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xu Tong retracted the sword in his hand, he cupped his fists with both hands, aimed at the bearded man and bowed down.

Big Beard's strength is so strong that he can even break through the Immortal Worship Formation of Wuxian Hall. Even though it is at the end of his strength at this moment, Xu Tong dare not take it lightly.

As soon as he made a shot, he used his full strength without reservation.

Xu Tong crossed his hands and bowed suddenly at the bearded man.

For a moment, the evil spirit trembled behind the bearded man, his head sank suddenly, as if he had been hit by a hammer on the head, and his eyes were dizzy for a while.

After a successful blow, Xu Tong's sword rose again, igniting a vermilion sea of ​​fire vortex with his swing, the power was still dozens of times higher than the original skill.

"Extreme Flame Turbo!"

Between life and death, although the consciousness of the bearded man has been blurred, the instinct between life and death many times still makes the bearded man raise his fist and mobilize all his strength to deliver the final blow: "Blast!!"


There was a loud tremor on the ground.

The two who had just escaped also noticed the violent explosion, their eyes darkened, they gritted their teeth viciously, and disappeared into the snow without looking back.

Just wait for the huge bang to dissipate.

Xu Tong slowly put down the Chunyang sword in his hand, and saw that a huge pit with a diameter of five meters still exploded under their feet.

The body of the bearded man still maintains a punching posture, but the tyrannical flesh and blood are still under the passive effect of [ember], and under the nibble of jin, it turns into a coke with green smoke.

What shocked people was that the bearded man was still alive until this point.

If you look closely, you will find that under the scorched flesh, there are still tender muscles squirming slightly.

Such a terrifying life force is simply unbelievable. The bearded man was already unable to speak, and even his eyes were blinded. With difficulty, he lifted up his fingers like charred charcoal, and pointed at his neck.

"it is good!"

Xu Tong nodded, and swung the Chunyang sword to strike the bearded man's throat.


The moment the blood vessel was cut, the bearded man couldn't help but take a deep breath greedily. He had never felt that breathing was such a comfortable thing...

"Ding! If you kill a player in the non-script world, He Jia, the opponent's team members will record your traces and may launch a hatred system against you!"

"Ding! You kill certified players in the non-script world, and you get 10 killing points!"

Xu Tong finally heaved a sigh of relief when a reminder sounded from the item book. The life force of the bearded man was terrifying, which was really impressive.

Seeing the item book floating on the bearded corpse, Xu Tong opened the item book, glanced at the item cards on it, and felt relieved.

No wonder this guy is so difficult.

I saw a few prop cards among them, all of which revolve around prop cards that increase the growth of one's own life force.

Some of them are rare to see the best.

Especially this [Vientiane Rejuvenation]

The stronger the damage received, the higher the resilience of self-amplification.

Passive Skill 1: Fuchun

In non-combat state, HP recovery increased by 120%
Recover HP by 40% in battle
Passive Skill 2: Rising Sun

Physical toughness increased by 20%
Increase physical defense by 40%
Active Skill 1: Source of the Earth.

Consumes 200 script points, after activation, it can continuously absorb life force from the ground under its feet, increasing its own recovery effect by 200%
And enhance physical defense by 40%
Immune to dark control skills below level 6.

Duration: 3 hours
Cooldown: three days

Looking at the attributes of this item card, Xu Tong called it abnormal in his heart.

Just relying on this item card, plus the blessing of Beard's other item cards, this guy is almost like an immortal meat shield.

If Wuxiantang hadn't continuously injured him, and even strangled his luck, if he fought against him alone, even if he could kill him, he would definitely have to pay a huge price.

Although the bearded man has other prop cards, there are many top-notch items among them.

But Xu Tong didn't hesitate, and directly chose this [Vientiane Rejuvenation] even though he didn't have the matching item card, but after getting this Vientiane Rejuvenation, the recovery effect of his dark physique will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Who would think that there are too few life-saving things at such a critical moment.

After the item card was withdrawn, the bearded man's item book disappeared without a trace. It is not known whether this item book will be recycled by the script space in the end, or it will be left in the showcase of the casino.

There are too many good things in it, Xu Tong can't help but secretly complain about the rules of why only one item card can be drawn.

As for the bearded man's body, he naturally couldn't let it go. Xu Tong put the body away and prepared to throw it to Gao Zhuo when he went back.

With the strong physical body of the big beard, Gao Zhuo should be able to refine a good zombie.

As for the remaining two, Xu Tong didn't plan to chase them anymore.

Daxian mentioned before that they belong to the Shadow Group. Although they are not a first-class team, they are also one of the best large-scale player teams. With team skills such as Shadow Escape, if they really want to escape, they will never be able to catch up.

Turn around and go behind the woods.

Xu Tong first checked the little girl who was taken over by the ancestor of the Fox family.

After finding that the girl was in good health, she was relieved.

In fact, the ancestor of the Fox family can forcibly leave the girl when the immortal worship formation is broken.

But I'm afraid that the child will die.

Although Baojiaxian has already declined and his luck is about to run out, he is not yet ready to use his younger brother Ma's life to block him from being slaughtered.

Walking in front of the ancestor of the fox family, the ancestor had already turned into a fox, with two tails broken, and his vitality was already seriously injured.

If it is changed to more than a hundred years ago, it can be restored through incense.

But in this day and age, this injury is considered to be completely broken.

"Thank you! This junior has written down the love of Wuxiantang!"

Xu Tong knew in his heart that the ancestor of the Fox family knew that the luck of the Five Immortals Hall was running low, so he forcibly put down the immortal worship formation, trying his best to make himself owe them another favor, so as to ensure that he would help them , Kill Zhang Zhenghao, and help them recover the things from Wuxiantang.

If you know it, you know it, but Xu Tong has to admit it.

If it wasn't for Wuxiantang, it would not be easy for him to get away from the four bearded men chasing him. Not only would he have to invite the master and princess to dispatch, but he would also have to pay a huge price for it.

Even if he succeeds in killing the opponent in the end.

It's hard to say whether he can recover before the next script world.

"Okay, okay, we don't have much time, I hope you can get the things back as soon as possible."

The ancestor of the Fox family is not polite anymore. After the battle of Wuxiantang today, luck is gone. If that thing cannot be recovered, even if they are wiped out, they will not die in peace.

After the ancestor of the Fox family finished speaking, he turned around and went into the woods.

Without luck to protect them, they are walking outside and will encounter danger at any time. Go back to the Five Immortals Hall as soon as possible to hide, and rely on the remaining incense, they can still survive for a while.

"Let's go!"

Xu Tong took the big girl into the entrance of the hall, turned around and got on the small car that was already full of holes.

The car started and slowly drove up the side road. Just as Xu Tong was about to go to the airport, he suddenly remembered something and looked back: "Huh?? Where are the two paper figurines??"

 Sorry, I have something to go out today, and I got home late, this one is a little shorter, only 5000 words, and I will make it up tomorrow.

  In addition, I recommend this new book [Welcome to the World of Psychics]. The author of this book has a good skill, and the opening chapter is also very exciting. There are very few people who write about Psychics now. Everyone can support it.


(End of this chapter)

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