Infinite script kill

Chapter 568 I want to eat braised noodles

Chapter 568 I want to eat braised noodles

The fat man yelled, turned and ran.

"Bill, please!"

Xu Tong casually put down a hundred-yuan bill, and chased after the fat man.

"Hey~~ The noodles are already in the pot, why don't you pack them up!!"

The proprietress chased them out from the kitchen without forgetting to yell, but after a look, the two of them had disappeared.


Through the narrow wall gap, two black shadows flashed past.

It was so fast that it was impossible to see what was flying past.

Fortunately, the demolition of this area has already started, and the residents have already moved out. There is not even a camera on the street. Otherwise, if this scene is captured by surveillance cameras, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Li Bo's speed was very fast, and he quickly shuttled through the abandoned buildings with a smoothness and agility that did not match his figure.

It was only when Li Bo looked back that Xu Tong was sticking behind him, staring at him with a cold face: "Why are you running, I won't hit you!"

"Then you have to be able to fight!"

Seeing Xu Tong's speed was faster than his own, Li Bo was taken aback, turned around suddenly, and punched Xu Tong head-on.

The seemingly slow fist produced a peculiar change at the moment when Li Bo punched it. The fist unexpectedly grew bigger, covered with a layer of metal texture, like a heavy hammer.

After all, he is also a player who has experienced the script world many times. Although his strength is not strong, he is not an ordinary person.

It's a pity that Xu Tong in front of him is like his nemesis. Seeing the incoming fist, Xu Tong didn't hide, he raised his hand and slapped it with the palm of the mountain.

The gentle palm slapped the steel-like iron fist in front of him. The difference in form could not change the disparity in strength.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

Li Bo's fist went numb at first, followed by a piercing tingling pain, which made him grin his teeth in pain.

Huge force surged down his arm, making his feet unsteady, and he slammed into the wall behind him.


Before Li Bo could stand up straight, a sword beam came down and cut Li Bo's cheek.

Feeling the unstoppable sword energy for a moment, Li Bo froze and turned his head slowly.


I saw a neat cut on the cement wall behind him.

Seeing this, Li Bo was dumbfounded. Although he was reckless, he was by no means stupid. If this blow hit his head, his life would be dead now.

He cursed bad luck in his heart, but he still had to put on a flattering look on his face, forcing out a face that was uglier than crying: "Hey, I didn't see clearly, it turned out to be Brother Xu, why are you here?"

He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't escape, so Li Bo could only beg Xu Tong to let him go with a sad face.

"Isn't it a coincidence, I want to eat, and you also want to eat, why are you running, are you still afraid that I will harm you?"

Xu Tong asked innocently.

"Uh... misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Li Bo thought to himself: "You have harmed me less??"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, and someone offered 8000 script points as a bounty for your head. It seems that you have been doing well recently."

"8000 script points?? Is that woman crazy?"

Li Bo froze for a second, then couldn't help complaining loudly.

Immediately, Li Bo became vigilant, his small eyes looked Xu Tong up and down: "Brother Xu, I'm afraid you won't come to take my head."

Xu Tong shook his head: "That's not the case." Immediately, his voice changed, and he stared at Li Bo with gloomy eyes: "I'm here to rob!"

Li Bo's heart skipped a beat, remembering the last time he robbed a prop card.

But after seeing Xu Tong's smiling expression, he was relieved immediately, and hurriedly said: "Brother, don't tease me, just say what you want, the prop card is still the script, just leave me a sigh of relief."

Seeing that Li Bo is so knowledgeable, Xu Tong didn't make things difficult for him, and asked him why he was issued a reward order by a certified player.

Although 8000 script points is not a lot, Li Bo is not even a certified player. To be honest, he is really not worth the price.

"This..." Li Bo rolled his eyes, "I accidentally offended them when they were doing tasks in the script world."

Li Bo didn't say what he said, and he didn't offend him. How could he spend money to offer you a reward.

What Xu Tong was curious about was how Li Bo offended them.

But looking at this guy's appearance, if he asks directly, in all likelihood, he won't explain.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong didn't force him, after all, it's boring to force others to make things difficult.

Immediately, he stared at Li Bo and grinned, showing his neat white teeth. He put an arm on Li Bo's shoulder: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, I just happened to be hungry, and I didn't eat the meal just now. Let's Looking for a place to eat?"

He was really hungry. He wanted to eat a bowl of sweet potato noodles just now, but the noodles were not served in time, so he was interrupted by Li Bo's appearance. Now the stock in his stomach has long since disappeared. .

Li Bo was stunned, he was relieved when he heard this, and slapped his thigh: "There is a big plate chicken in front, it tastes really good, how about..."


Xu Tong fumbled in his pocket, took out a small card and said, "I want braised noodles..."

"Braised noodles??" Li Bo scratched his head, not knowing why he suddenly had a bad feeling...


The railway station is often the place where dragons and snakes mix the most.

The dirty and messy residential buildings next to it are densely piled up to form a residential area.

Although the environment is not very good, but this place gives Xu Tong a thick atmosphere of fireworks.


On the dining table in front of the small courtyard in front of the stewed noodle restaurant, eight big bowls have been piled up.


Xu Tong put down the bowl and chopsticks contentedly, patted his round belly and stood up.

"Brother Xu, are you full?"

Li Bo leaned on the wall, looked at the nine large bowls on the table, and was tired of talking.

"It's not bad! After all, it is the fruit of labor."

Xu Tong nodded. Although the taste was not as good as the stewed noodles in the old city, seeing Li Bo's panting appearance, Xu Tong still felt that it was acceptable.

"Ha ha!"

Li Bo greeted Xu Tong cursing in his heart, but he still managed to squeeze a smile on his face.

Facing Xu Tong, Li Bo seemed to be terrified by nature.

This kind of fear has nothing to do with strength, just like a younger brother who was crushed by his elder brother when he was young, will still feel afraid of his elder brother even after he grows up.

What's more, before Xu Tong lightly received his punch, even a sword qi almost killed him, which made Li Bo's fear of Xu Tong even deeper.

"Brother, you can just say what you want this time, whether it's script points or item cards, you can take whatever you want, just let me go."

While talking, the aunt at the train station came out of the alley and saw Xu Tong grinning from ear to ear: "The young man really counts his words, come again next time!"

"Come on you ****" Li Bo stared and wanted to kill this woman.

But Xu Tong was standing next to him, and Li Bo didn't dare to make a mistake. Instead, he was glad that he was in the script world, and the prop card he got had greatly improved his physique, otherwise...

"This stewed noodles is almost tasteless, why don't we go eat something else?"

At this time, Xu Tong asked Li Bo as he patted his belly with unfinished thoughts.

Li Bo's heart skipped a beat. Seeing that Xu Tong didn't seem to want to let him go, Li Bo knew that this test cannot be avoided, so he gritted his teeth: "I say!"

Xu Tong tilted his head and squinted at him: "Don't listen!"

Li Bo was stunned, and hurried forward to hold Xu Tong's hand:

"Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I'll tell you the truth, I don't know which bastard is doing things under my name."

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows, but Li Bo didn't notice his strange eyes, and continued to complain:
"I was shot while lying down. Do you think this guy is wicked? After he learned my name, he actually wanted to drag me to some advanced mission sequence. I can't do it if I don't go."

"Hmm... a little bit!"

Xu Tong lowered his head silently, not knowing what he was thinking about.

On the other hand, Li Bo didn't notice Xu Tong's gaze, and continued: "They are certified players who forcibly came to the non-certified script world. It is said that they are looking for some kind of ring. In the end, it seems that the ring was taken away by a person named Yang Zixuan. .

I originally wanted to follow behind for a meal, but I didn't expect that although they didn't get the ring, they got a very important news. Although the ring alone can open the mission, but to get the final reward, you need a ring relic. "

When Li Bo said this, Xu Tong had already put his hand in front of Li Bo.

"I didn't take it!"

Li Bo hurriedly explained that he did not take the relic.

He just looked up at Xu Tong after speaking, and found that Xu Tong was staring at him expressionlessly, as if he had seen through him long ago.

Li Bo is a person who may have to look at the target when he is horizontal.

But when it comes to being greedy, this guy doesn't care what your background is, if you can be greedy, he will never let you go.

It was precisely because Xu Tong had seen through Li Bo's temperament long ago that he reached out to him.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Li Bo could only lower his head and take out a relic from the item book.

Strictly speaking, though, this thing is only half the story.

As soon as the relic fell into his hand, Xu Tong felt uncomfortable, so he put it in the item book.

It's just that I didn't expect that when the relic was entered into the item book, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Instead, in Xu Tong's props book, another relic gave off a pale golden Buddha's light.

When Qianshou was in Beiman Mountain, he used the power of relics to reach the level of a half-step master.

But later, Xu Tong took out the three-eyed blunderbuss and shot out golden juice, so that the relic was also tainted with filth, and it became no different from a piece of bone.

But at this moment, the Buddha's light reappeared on the relic, and the rough bones glowed like precious jade again.

Looking at the entry again, there have been new changes.

【Buddha bone relic】

The carrier is not affected by inner demons, has a rough understanding of the Zen meaning of Buddhist scriptures, is infinitely wonderful, and hides the great wisdom of Buddhism and the Supreme Dharma.

Passive Skill 1: ? ?

Active Skill 2: ? ?

(This item cannot be directly identified, and skills can only be awakened when appropriate conditions are met.)
Looking at the changes in the entry, Xu Tong finally understood why this guy from Knowles dared to say that he had settled his grievances. Now that the ring and the relic are in his hands, it seems that this task has a special fate with him.

"Brother, look..."

Seeing that his good things were once again taken away by this hateful guy, Li Bo cried out in his heart

It was like this last time, that magical item card was snatched away by this hateful guy.

When he was about to persuade Xu Tong to take him away first.

Xu Tong put his arm on Li Bo's shoulder: "Thank you brother, you have worked hard today, you are still hungry, let's go upstairs and have a rest."


Li Bo shivered in fright, while Xu Tong said that it was really just a rest. After all, the rooms were ready and he had paid for the eight days. Although the environment was not good, it was much better than the dilapidated residential houses in the old city.

Li Bo was sure that Xu Tong was really just taking him upstairs to rest this time, so he followed him reluctantly.

The two entered the room.

When Xu Tong inquired that Li Bo had already passed through several script worlds, Li Bo did not hide it. After all, Xu Tong's strength was in front of him.

In fact, Li Bo still wanted to hug his thigh, but now he was offered a reward, and if he was a little careless, his life would be at stake.

Otherwise, why would he have moved to the old city to hide.

Li Bo has now experienced the script world five times, and the harvest is not bad. Li Bo wants to take the pure item card route. Relying on the skill of the item card, his strength can be regarded as remarkable.

But if you want to say that you are a certified player, it is a bit far away.

Now that he was offered a reward, although it was said that [-] script points would not be able to hire any real masters, but it was easy to hide a hidden arrow, and it was hard to guard against it.

Xu Tong was also unambiguous, and traded [-] script points to Li Bo.

This script point can be regarded as compensation for Li Bo, after all, he robbed the fat man twice, and it is not too much to exchange a thousand script points for this relic and information.

"Oh, thank you Brother Xu!"

Seeing the script points, Li Bo's face burst into laughter. A thousand script points is a windfall for him, and the vigilance against Xu Tong in his heart has been relaxed for a while.

"No, you can make this call later if you have something to do."

Xu Tong took out the business card that Yang Zixuan had given him from the item book.

"Good good!"

Li Bo nodded again and again, and gave the money, that would be his relatives, and he would do whatever he said.

"The environment here is good. I'm just full. Let's have a pedicure. You wait for me here. I'll go downstairs to buy something. We won't go home until we're drunk."

"Good good!!"

Li Bo nodded frantically with his head and chicken eating rice.

Xu Tong closed the door and walked downstairs, just in time to meet the lady at the train station, the lady looked at Xu Tong now, as if seeing the God of Wealth.

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, took the aunt's hand, and put a thick stack of money in the aunt's hand.

"My friend is upstairs, please make arrangements!"

"Zhongzhongzhong... don't worry, we'll arrange it now, do you still have noodles?"

The aunt stared at Xu Tong and asked.

"Need not!"

Xu Tong waved his hand, signaling to the aunt to make arrangements as soon as possible, and go out first by himself.

Wait until you walk out of the hotel gate.

There was an innocent smile on his face, he looked back at Li Bo's room, and muttered in a low voice: "Don't worry, in this land of China, there will always be someone silently guarding our safety!"

As he said that, he stood up and walked out, taking out his mobile phone while walking: "Hello! 110...I'll report it!"

(End of this chapter)

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