Infinite script kill

Chapter 577 Taigong Arrives! !

Chapter 577 Taigong Arrives! !

"I believe you a ghost!!"

Seeing that it was already this time, Mei Du was so angry that Xu Tong was still in the mood to joke with him, his nose was crooked.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

After Mei Du finished speaking, he wanted to carry Xu Tong on his back, and planned to leave here first.

"Can't go!"

The goddess beside her shook her head.

The blood-red cloud in the sky was directly torn apart by the runaway Lilith, and these broken blood stains spread out, surrounding the entire crematorium.

Deep in the blood cloud, the figure of a Taoist gradually became clear.

The Taoist didn't know which dynasty he was from. The Taoist robes on his body were already tattered, and many places of his dry flesh had rotted away.

Even that face was skin to bone.

Two red eyeballs protruded from the eye sockets, looking at Lilith who was furious, she couldn't help letting out a hoarse laugh.

"Girl doll, you smell so good."

He opened his mouth as he said that, spit out his tongue full of maggots, and licked the corners of his lips.


Lilith's palm protruded, and a colorless and shadowless flame burned in her hand. The fire of disaster burned everything.

Suddenly, everyone couldn't see anything, but found that a large area of ​​houses had turned into a cloud of dust in an instant.

"Calamity Flame, this girl looks really annoyed, but it's a pity that it wasn't her real body who came here, otherwise we would all be turned into dust by now."

At this time, Amota's voice came out of Xu Tong's mind, and at the same time, Da Ya and the others also regained contact with Xu Tong.

"You were just now..."

Xu Tong asked why he suddenly cut off all contact with them just now.

Amota explained: "It's Kamui!"

"Even if Lilith doesn't come in real body, but her will will come, and the spirits without gods will be suppressed. The three behind you are too weak, and they will be suppressed and dormant immediately."

"You're not much better." Xu Tong added for him with a curl of his lips.


Amota snorted coldly, ignored Xu Tong's words, and asked instead: "How long will you have?"

Xu Tong tried to feel his physical state, but what made him depressed was that he was still unable to move. It seemed that the progress of his physical body was much slower than they expected.

After learning about Xu Tong's current state, Amota couldn't help but feel a little worried: "You better hurry up, this is not Lilith's territory, she doesn't have the blessing of believers, she won't last long, that old Taoist priest is weird, I'm afraid we If you continue to stay here, you might end up capsizing the gutter!"

In Amota's words, he was very afraid of the Yin Demon in front of him.

If it was Lilith, at most she would have harvested Xu Tong's soul and taken Xu Tong's heart.

And he can still drink a sip of soup by following behind.

If it were the monster in front of him, Amota would be uncertain.

In the sea of ​​flames, the red light on the Taoist priest's body became more and more dazzling. Instead of being burned into ashes, he made strange laughter.

Lilith frowned, as if she sensed that something was wrong. As the daughter of Satan, she had traveled to both the hell in the west and the underworld in the east.

Even if it is Yin Yang Dao, she has played it before.

But the thing in front of her made her a little confused. She didn't know where it came from. It was obviously not very powerful, but she couldn't kill it.

It's no wonder Lilith didn't know the origin of this thing.

The so-called yin demon is something produced by the desire and karma of all living beings, and it is called the extraterrestrial demon.

It means that it is a demonic obstacle produced by heaven.

The strength of the Heavenly Demon is not fixed, but is judged according to the strength of the opponent. The stronger the person, the more troublesome it is to face the Heavenly Demon. On the contrary, for the weaker the person, the Heavenly Demon is easier to deal with.

But it is not so easy to eliminate.

According to the theory of Buddhism, as long as all living beings are immortal, demons in heaven will not die either.

So no matter how powerful Lilith's magic flame is, the Taoist is in the sea of ​​flames, and he is still in peace, laughing and chatting freely.

"Hey, sister Ba is right, the old Taoist priest is really powerful."

Tiannv took out a meat bun from her pocket and put it to her mouth, looking like she didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Only then did Xu Tong notice Tiannv.

"Why are you here too??"

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong was relieved, his mistress was also there, and it was normal for the heavenly girl to follow his mistress here.

Immediately, his eyes rolled around, and he asked the goddess: "Goddess, where is my teacher?? Why don't you find a way to call her, just say that my good disciple is waiting for him here."

The heavenly girl shook her head when she heard the words, with an expression that I had seen through you a long time ago, do you really think I am a three-year-old child and let you lie?

"You'd better save yourself, that's Yin Demon, heaven and earth, even if those ancient gods come, they can only smash them, they can't really destroy them at all, Sister Ba's current strength can't help this thing, It's useless even here."

"Extraterritorial demon, why is this thing here??"

When Tiannv said this, all the big girls in the hall were frightened, and hurriedly explained to Xu Tong how terrifying the extraterrestrial demon is.

Immortal and immortal, coexisting with the sky.

"Then what should we do?? I don't want to die here, I haven't married a wife yet!"

Meidu wanted to cry for a moment but had no tears.

He also couldn't see the beautiful and moving Lilith, but could only see large areas of buildings turned into gravel, and his heart became more and more frightened.

Perhaps it was because the power of the Yin Demon was affecting him invisibly, Mei Du's spirit became more and more tense, and even his eyes began to drift towards the goddess from time to time.

Not knowing what came to mind, Mei Du suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself, secretly cursing himself as a beast all his life, how could he have such an idea.

Little did he know that he was able to persevere until now, and he did not go crazy like the employees and security guards in the crematorium, which already shows that his concentration is very high, and he is a child, so he is immune to the influence of Yin Demon.

Otherwise, he would have already become a puppet of Yin Demon at this moment.

Xu Tong's situation is better than him, and he is hardly affected.

As for Gao Zhuo... This foolish person is also a fool now.

But if you want to say that the person who is really not affected in the slightest is the goddess who is eating buns.

Hearing Meidu's complaints, the celestial girl said, "The celestial demons outside the territory cannot be killed, but you can kill them and send them back to the outside world."

Mei Du rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "You treat me as the possession of my family's patriarch, I can't beat this thing."

"You can't, but he can. Wouldn't it be good to take out the lantern in your arms and give it to him?"

When Mei Du heard this, he quickly opened the waist bag in his arms, and took out a lantern from it.


Xu Tong looked at the lantern, but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see anything different about it.

But when he saw the twister in the lantern, Xu Tong probably saw something.

"Hanging Lights to Light the Way"

Xu Tong looked at Mei Du, Mei Du was also stunned, it was the first time he had taken this lantern from his own spirit tablet, and he had never seen the wick inside.

At this moment when Xu Tong took a look, Meidu realized that there was no traditional oil lamp wick inside, but a lotus flower made of paper.

"It's really hanging lights to illuminate the road!"

Seeing this, Mei Du suddenly realized.

"I'll try it out."

Xu Tong took a deep breath, and had already made up his mind, first try to see if the lantern works, and if it doesn't work, he will release his soul out of his body.

When the time comes to catch the Pure Yang Sword, even if there is no way to kill the Yin Demon, at least it will be no problem to escape from here with Meidu and Tiannv.

With this in mind, Xu Tong calmed down, recited the formulas taught to him by his master, and focused his energy on the lantern in front of him.


Looking at the lit lantern, Mei Du couldn't help but shine his eyes, and carefully held the lantern in his hand.

I saw that the light was getting stronger and stronger, and even completely illuminated the surroundings.

Hanging lights to illuminate the road
This is the technique of the seven gates. When the master used it, he was still a grand master, and the lights could illuminate a hundred meters around.

And Xu Tong's spirit is stronger, far better than that of the master back then.

All of a sudden, the lights became brighter and brighter, and the shadow of an old man appeared vaguely on the lampshade.


The Taoist priest in the sea of ​​flames was startled suddenly, squinting at the lantern in Mei Du's hand, his face changed drastically: "I want to die!"

While speaking, the Taoist waved the floating dust in his hand towards Meidu.

The ethereal silver threads immediately turned into a galaxy in the hands of the Taoist priest, overwhelmingly hitting Meidu.

Seeing this, Mei Du's mind went blank.

Just at this moment, Tiannv suddenly kicked Mei Du's ass: "What are you doing in a daze, come on!"

The unexpected kick made Meidu unsteady, and he staggered forward.

Seeing thousands of silver threads fall.

In the lantern in Mei Du's hand, there was a scolding sound: "Dare you!!"

As the voice fell, the lantern was brightly lit for a moment, and an old man with white hair holding a fishing rod walked out of the lantern, and the silver thread in front of him turned into ashes in an instant.

Where the old man was, the surroundings were even brighter.

"Headmaster, that's...that's..."

Seeing the figure of the old man hazy in the bright light, the big girl behind Xu Tong pulled Fa Cai and prostrated herself on the ground, shouting, "Greetings, Grandpa!!"


Xu Tong looked up at the figure of the old man, only felt that the figure of the old man was shrouded in a halo, even his eyesight could not clearly see the old man's face, but he heard the call of the old man and the fishing rod in the old man's hand , Xu Tong probably guessed the identity of the old man in his heart.

"Who is that??"

Lilith noticed something strange behind her, turned her head hastily, and was also taken aback by the bright light in front of her.

I saw the old man walking, and wherever he passed, the surrounding darkness was instantly illuminated. Whether it was the blood mist of the Yin Demon or the fire of doom from Lilith, they all disappeared in the light.

The heavenly girl happily swallowed the bun in her mouth, stood up, and cleared her throat: "Ahem!"

Then raised his head and lifted his breath, raised his chest and shouted:
"The grandpa is here!! The gods retreat..."

(End of this chapter)

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