Infinite script kill

Chapter 598 Need for King 8 Soup

Chapter 598 The Ultimate King Eight Soup (First Change)
"It's really not greedy. I think Jiang Zhen's twelve gold bars are borrowing flowers to present to Buddha, but it's not a loss to make him cheap and have a good reputation."

In the private room of the teahouse, the three Shenwuwei who had been silently observing on the river bank were drinking tea calmly.

The leading middle-aged man looked at the information sent up and couldn't help laughing and teasing.

The companions on both sides glanced at the information on the table and couldn't help laughing.

I saw in the information, densely packed small characters, what Jiang Zhen did today, how many times he went to the latrine, and what complaints he said, it was clearly written.

The details of its content are probably clearer than Jiang Zhen himself.

"Small cleverness! It's useless. If the sage didn't suspect that someone would use his weapon to criticize the Wu family, the Jiang family would probably kill everyone in this matter."

Ji Hongguang, the deputy head of Shenwuwei on one side, snorted coldly, Jiang Zhen thought how concealed he was.

Little did they know, before they arrived, they already had a clear picture of the situation in Yuyang City.

How could they not know what happened to Heshensi.

If it was a few years ago, they would have acted on behalf of the saint and beheaded Jiang Zhen's dog's head.

But in the past two years, the saint's suspicion has become stronger and stronger, and he has to act cautiously at the slightest sign of trouble.

I really don't understand what kind of storms can be caused by a mere Jiang Zhen.

"Presumptuous! The heart of a saint, is it something you and I can guess?"

Faced with his brother's complaints, Luo Hu, the head of the Shenwu Guard, just gave him a glare.

Deputy guard Ji Hongguang also seemed to realize that he had lost his composure, so he hurriedly bowed his hand.

"So, shall we continue to stare at this kid?"

Deputy Wei Wufan asked.

Luo Hu shook his head, and his voice slowed down a lot: "Withdraw those who are staring at Li Zheng, and go to see the group of the Hun Tian Jian, Ji Du just sent a message, and the Hun Tian Jian Zheng Gu Pei Yuan has already Out of the capital of God, we are required to monitor closely."

"The old thing Gu Peiyuan is here too!!"

Ji Hongguang and Wu Fan were shocked when they heard this name.

In this world, there are not many people who can make Shenwuwei famous, but Gu Peiyuan is definitely one of them.

As the supervisor of the Huntian Supervisor, his official position is no more than the third rank.

But the strength is unfathomable. Even Sun Yao, the commander of Shenwuwei, once said that if one day, the sage wants to kill Gu Peiyuan, and if he wants to leave, he will not be able to keep him.

The grand commander, Ri Yao, is a top master who has never lost a single defeat in twenty years of enlightenment.

People who can't even keep him, there is nowhere in the world they can't go.

This old guy has always lived reclusively, he hardly ever took a step out of the gate of the Huntian Prison, but now he has left Shendu and headed straight for Yuyang. Could it be that Yuyang is going to make some big troubles next.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help feeling a little confused.


"Wow!! It's so comfortable."

On the small bench in front of the Town God's Temple, Xu Tong held a bowl of bastard soup, and took a sip of it. It tasted surprisingly delicious, and it also had a unique taste of medicinal food.

After drinking it in one sip, the whole person is warmed from the inside to the outside, and the internal organs feel warm.

After he drank it all in one gulp, he actually gained the effect of increasing his overall constitution by 5%.

This is already the third bowl.

But Xu Tong didn't feel tired at all, on the contrary, he still felt a little unsatisfactory.

As for the others, they were not as comfortable as Xu Tong.

Because they were Xu Tong's entourage, Guo Yi and the others were also given a small cup of top-notch bastard soup.

At first, Guo Yi and others looked at the small cup of bastard soup, and felt that the person who cooked the soup was too stingy.

But when he drank it in one sip, his face turned red in an instant, as if he was drunk, and all his faces became Guan Gong.

There were even two weaklings who started to have nosebleeds immediately after drinking. Instead of feeling comfortable, they felt a dull pain in their big waists.

This is a typical representative of deficiency without supplement.

But they were not alone. Those wealthy businessmen who raised funds to make soup had a drink one by one, and they were in the same state as them. For a while, they wondered if they had drunk poison.

It's not just rich businessmen who can't stand it. I thought twelve big iron pots were not enough for so many people to drink.

As a result, after taking a sip, many people felt hot all over their bodies, as if their bodies were about to burn.

So they didn't dare to drink any more. When the people behind heard that it was so powerful, they didn't dare to drink it directly. Instead, they mixed it with water to dilute it, and several people drank a bowl before drinking it.

Although the effect is greatly reduced, most people feel very comfortable after drinking it.

As for some strong and strong people, it will be different after drinking it.

For example Guo Yi.

His strength is not bad, but his hard practice of horizontal kung fu has already caused a certain degree of hidden injury to his body.

This time, under Xu Tong's light, after drinking a cup of top-quality bastard soup in his hand, he felt hot all over his body after a while, and his skin was as hot as a red-hot iron felt.

Not only was the pain gone, but there was a hot flow in the abdomen, like a cloud of hot air traveling along the meridians of his body.

He vaguely felt something, and the muscles in his body shook unconsciously.

Xu Tong sat on the side, and after noticing Guo Yi's abnormality, he couldn't help raising his mouth slightly: "Good luck!"


Guo Yi was stunned and couldn't help but wake up, not knowing what Shi Zi meant.

Xu Tong found something from the item book and handed it to him.

Guo Yi took a look and found that it turned out to be a jade in the rough.

Holding this object in the palm of his hand, he actually felt a warmth flowing from the rough jade into his body.

"This jade... the prince can't make it!"

Although Guo Yi is a martial artist, he also knows that there are some spiritual treasures in the heaven and earth, which can nourish the body invisibly.

This kind of treasure is priceless and worthless.

Thinking that Shizi's strength is so amazing, it must have something to do with this treasure.

"Don't think too much, I lent it to you. When you break through the Grand Master, you will return it to me. If you lose it, hehe!"

Xu Tong pouted and handed him the jade.

This piece of jade is the one given to him by the Great Swordsman Wang Wu in the script of the late Qing Dynasty [Yuanyang Taishan Essence]

The reason why Wang Wu was able to become the last pure martial arts master in the late Qing Dynasty is inseparable from this thing.

Anyway, Guo Yi is lucky.

In fact, Guo Yi's own strength is not bad, and his aptitude is not bad, but he is not even a star behind the grand master.

The reason why there is no possibility of promotion for a long time is not because of his poor foundation, but because his kung fu of practicing the imperial guard has delayed him.

This kind of pure external power is extremely harmful to the body.

It is often necessary to assist many medicinal materials to boil the body to achieve success. To put it bluntly, it costs money, and it is not ordinary money.

In this cup of top-quality bastard soup, in addition to the blood and flesh essence of this bastard essence, there are also a lot of precious medicinal materials raised by those wealthy businessmen.

As a result, Guo Yi drank it in one sip, which just repaired the hidden wounds in his body, and made him have further possibilities.

I lent him [Yuanyang Taishan Essence], hoping to use the powerful nourishing ability of this thing to make Guo Yi's strength to a higher level.

Although he didn't get along with Guo Yi for a long time, he could see every move of Guo Yi.

The truth in the details can never be faked.

So Xu Tong is also willing to help him.

"Thank you son! Guo Yi is willing to guard you for the rest of his life."

Guo Yi held onto [Yuanyang Taishan Essence] with unconcealable excitement. As a warrior, being able to become a great master is what all warriors yearn for. No matter how calm and calm he is, he cannot help being excited.

Faced with Guo Yi's true feelings, Xu Tong could only roll his eyes: "Ahem, I'm not manly!"

Guo Yi: ...

"grown ups!!"

Xu Tong was enjoying his meal when a woman ran over suddenly, frightening the followers around him.

Seeing the woman running in front of Xu Tong, she suddenly fell to her knees on the ground.

Everyone took a look and recognized that it was Wednesday's mother.

"Eh?? Didn't I tell you to come here to find me tomorrow?? You came so soon?"

Xu Tong recognized Wednesday's mother at a glance.

"Minnv thank you for your kindness, but you can't repay it in this life, even if you are a cow or a horse in the next life, you have to repay your kindness."

As Wednesday's mother said, she was about to kowtow.

It turned out that after Xu Tong took over her pleading paper, Wednesday's mother started to have a high fever when she returned home, so that she didn't wake up after such a big commotion last night.

In the middle of the night, Wednesday's mother had a dream, dreaming that her man had returned.

After waking up from the dream, Wednesday's mother's fever subsided. When she walked out the door, she found that the neighbors were not there. She went to the street and asked about what happened yesterday.

After learning that Song's relatives and friends committed suicide in fear of crime, and that all those damn beasts of Heshensi were executed, Wednesday's Niang wept with joy at the revenge.

When I ran here, I saw Xu Tong sitting outside the Chenghuang Temple.

Even though he had changed into an official uniform, he recognized him at a glance. This is the adult who received his pleading paper.

Hence this came out.

Wednesday's mother has a strong temper, otherwise she would not dare to risk disobedience, claiming that she would be killed in the Chenghuang Temple.

She can remember her great kindness to Xu Tong for a lifetime.

It's just that she also understands that she is a vulgar girl who has worked in the fields for many years and has rough and rough skin. This adult must despise her, and she only wishes to be a cow and a horse in the next life, and also to repay this kindness.

However, Xu Tong was most annoyed by this, and when he heard this, he showed displeasure: "What happens in this life, in this life, and in the next life, when will it be?"

Wednesday's mother was startled when she heard this.

Xu Tong didn't wait for her to recover: "I just came to Yuyang City, and I don't even have an old woman who washes and cooks by my side, so you just follow me, wash and cook for us, and you get three cents a month."

This is very domineering, and there is almost no room for manoeuvre.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a good job.

Three pennies a month, that's the price of a maid with delicate skin and tender flesh.

How could Wednesday's mother not know good from bad, but she showed embarrassment: "I am willing to be a cow or a horse, and I don't need to give me money..."

"It must be accepted. If you don't accept it, it's because I want to repay my kindness. What if someone else reads my book in the future? Isn't that harming me?"

Who is full enough to do such a careless thing?

But Xu Tong said it in a serious manner, and Wednesday's mother is an illiterate woman, she was really frightened for a while, and didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Guo Yi hurriedly reminded, "Thank you sir."

"Oh, Xie Shizi, Xie Shizi."

On Wednesday, Niang woke up like a dream, and hurriedly kowtowed to Xu Tong, but was stopped by Xu Tong: "Get up, I don't like this kind of thing here, I especially like the toughness you showed when you made a big fuss in the Town God's Temple, why is it now?" It's a soft bone."

"It's a girl, I'm ignorant..."

Bringing up what happened yesterday, Zhou Zhouniang couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, if it wasn't for the City God's manifestation, how could the river demon be executed!

Thinking of this, Wednesday Niang thought about going in later to kowtow to the City God to make amends.

"Ding! Submission 2: Sanniang's complaint is complete!"

At this time, the reminder of the side mission sounded, which meant that the mission of Wednesday's mother's complaint was over.

Then my tasks in Yuyang were to build river channels, make friends with Wu Fan, and the Moduo sect.

However, building the river course is not a one-day or two-day job, and the remaining two tasks are even more invisible.

Thinking of Xu Tong stretching his waist and eating and drinking enough, he didn't stay long, but before he left, Xu Tong laughed at the pot of top-grade bastard soup and the cooked bastard meat.

It's not that those merchants are generous, the main thing is that they really can't drink this stuff.

For a weak and unreplenished body, eating this is no different from eating arsenic.

So I gave it to Xu Tong as a favor.

Anyway, for them, this thing is a rarity, not a rare treasure.

As for the century-old ginseng and other precious medicinal materials they raised funds to buy, they were just a drop in the bucket, and everyone raised funds to add a sense of participation.

Hey, in the final analysis, he is still rich and powerful.

Xu Tong couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic again, that it was time for him to be a money-scattering boy.

It's a pity that I don't have that rich life...

(End of this chapter)

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